Song für Song (German Edition)
For me, studying from grammar textbooks can be quite dull at times. On the contrary, I find music to be a helpful language learning tool, simply because I enjoy it so much. Listen to a song long enough especially a catchy and upbeat song , and you will inevitably find yourself singing along to it. You have to get out there and hear how people speak in their native tongue. You can do this in person, through watching films , or listening to music. To know a language, you have to live it. Luckily, music is an easily accessible gateway into a foreign culture.
You can learn a lot about a people through the tunes that they listen to.
Throughout the ages, human beings have chosen to celebrate and commiserate with the aid of music. Why is it that we get commercial jingles stuck in our head? The music itself will act as a trigger point, stimulating words that you may otherwise have trouble recalling.
Active repetition of learning via song lyrics will help strengthen your memory skills overtime. And of course, this language hack will give you a wicked advantage over others, the next time you partake in a karaoke session.

Here are some German songs you can use to strengthen your knowledge of this particular language. You have my permission now to go forth and listen to them obsessively. Rammstein have been rocking around on the world stage since the mid-nineties. The majority of their songs are performed in German, although they do often integrate many other languages English, French and Spanish, to name a few into their lyrics. The lyrics are short, simple and straight to the point and the song is sung entirely in German.
Best of all this particular tune is family friendly — which is notable in itself. If the video doesn't load for you, try it here instead. Her songs are pop-y, fun and catchy — pretty much guaranteed to get stuck in your head. For example, in South Africa [ Yodeling began as a way of communicating over long distances in mountainous regions.
To yodel you alternate the voice between low and high pitches. The low pitches come from the chest and the high pitches come from the head region. While in France, we show the thumb, so do the Germans. A, a, a, der Winter, der ist da. A, a, a, Winter is Here Vowel Song. A, B, C, die Katze lief im Schnee. Abendsegen Evening Prayer Traditional Song. Every Year Christmas Carol. Alle Leut' geh'n jetzt nach Haus'. All My Ducklings Circle Game. An meiner Ziege hab ich Freude. Auf der Mauer, auf der Lauer. Auf unsrer Wiese gehet was…. Der Fuchs geht um.
Songs are a Great Way to Learn
The Gold-bird Nursery Rhyme. Der Hahn ist tot. The Rooster Is Dead Round. Der Mond ist aufgegangen Evening Song Lullaby. Der Sandmann ist da. The Sandman is Here Lullaby. Die Affen rasen durch den Wald. Dies Ist der Daumen. This Is the Thumb Finger Play. Sleeping Beauty Children's Song. Drei Chinesen mit dem Kontrabass. Eia, popeia, was raschelt im Stroh? Ein Elefant ging ohne Hetz.
Ein Schneider fing 'ne Maus. Eins, zwei, drei, im Wasser schwimmt ein Hai. Eins, zwei, Polizei, drei, vier, Offizier. Ein Vogel wollte Hochzeit machen. Ene mene miste Eeny meeny miney mo Counting-out Rhyme. Es ist ein Ros entsprungen. Es regnet, wenn es regnen will. The Songs are Sounding Round.
Fingerspiel von der Familie. Finger Play of the Family Finger Play. Fuchs, du hast die Gans gestohlen.
Guten Abend, gute Nacht. Good Evening, Good Night Lullaby. Guten Morgen ruft die Sonne. Guter Mond, du gehst so stille. Washing Hands Children's Song. Little Johnny Children's Song.
Lied - Wikipedia
Hansel and Gretel Children's Song. Little Rabbit in Your Burrow Lullaby. Little Rose on the Moor Traditional Song. Hejo, spann den Wagen an. Hier Hast du 'nen Taler. Hop, Hop, Rider Lap Rhyme. Ich bin ein kleiner Esel. I am a Little Donkey Children's Song. Ich bin ein Musikante.
I Am a Musician Folk Song. I am Me Children's Song. Ich bin klein I am Small Nursery Rhyme. Ich geh mit meiner Laterne. I Walk with My Lantern St. In meinem kleinen Apfel.
13 German songs you need to listen to before you die
Ist das ein Hund? Is That a Dog? Nibble, Nibble, Gnaw Nursery Rhyme. Come, Dear May Children's Song. Kommt ein Mann die Trepp heran. Kommt ein Vogel geflogen. Cuckoo, Cuckoo Children's Song. Lantern, Lantern Children's Song. Quiet, Little Peter, Quiet Lullaby. Leise rieselt der Schnee. Grind, Grind, Porridge Finger Play. Mein Hut, der hat drei Ecken. Ochs am Berg Ox on the Mountain Game. Onkel Fritz hat einen Bauernhof. O Fir Tree Christmas Carol. Rolle, rolle, rolle Roll, Roll, Roll Rhyme. Schlafe, mein Prinzchen, schlaf' ein. Your essential guide for doing Christmas just like a German.
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