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Only Scorsese could craft a film of such moral gravity for multiplexes and fascinate for nearly three hours. Building implacable dread and tension from scene to scene, the story is as simple as its underlying ideas are endlessly complex. Silence, more successfully than not, artfully addresses the core issue of its maker's lifelong religious struggle. Total Film - Jamie Graham Dec 10, Scorsese blends his twin religions of Catholicism and cinema to considerable effect. TheWrap - Robert Abele Dec 10, Annamolisa Dec 24, It's bold beautiful and brutal. Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver are incredible.
Issey Ogata might be the best villain of the year. It starts a bit slow but the second half of the film is stunning.
Silence Therapeutics
TLHG Jan 6, It's beautiful to the eyes, calm to the ears, and fruitful for the mind. I like how the characters and the ideas of the feature are painted with a lot of nuances, it makes you appreciate all perspectives of the conflict surrounding religion and culture that is the main Amazing movie! I like how the characters and the ideas of the feature are painted with a lot of nuances, it makes you appreciate all perspectives of the conflict surrounding religion and culture that is the main conducting line of the movie.
It is heavy weight and requires some level of predisposition to go through it. So, it is not for everyone, nor for every moment, but it is a mind blowing film, for sure! PeterAlexander Jan 23, Spectacularly brutal, Martin Scorsese's Silence is physically and mentally hard to watch at times. Compelling performances from Andrew Garfield and Adam Driver add to a beautifully shot film which does not shy away from crossing the boundaries of modern cinema. This is not an easy film to watch.
It torments viewers visually and mentally the notions of faith and doubt, the fear or love of ideas and icons, the reactions against physical and psychological violence when they are against themselves individually or when they are inflicted on others, the This is not an easy film to watch. It torments viewers visually and mentally the notions of faith and doubt, the fear or love of ideas and icons, the reactions against physical and psychological violence when they are against themselves individually or when they are inflicted on others, the effects of support and betrayal and the chasm or bridge between being religious and being spiritual.
Scorsese is a true master of his craft. Silence Silence is no typical Martin Scorsese film, its a character driven movie with a survival natured script where the idea meets the execution, character meets the actor Andrew and Adam both are exceptionally good in it and the emotion meets the audience. AxeT Jan 10, I was disappointed when I first saw the trailer for this at the movies because I thought Scorsese's next picture was going to be the eagerly awaited "The Irishman" with Pacino and DeNiro.
Marty is a great legendary director of course and I like any film critic, cinephile, or moviemaker am a I was disappointed when I first saw the trailer for this at the movies because I thought Scorsese's next picture was going to be the eagerly awaited "The Irishman" with Pacino and DeNiro. Marty is a great legendary director of course and I like any film critic, cinephile, or moviemaker am a fan. Though I was never such a big fan of his earlier efforts which though I always respected felt were widely over-praised in some cases.
Yet I found "The Departed", "Shutter Island", and "The Wolf of Wall Street" not only to be excellent all 10 ratings but each ranked as my best movie of the respective year. That is quite a roll not to mention how late in an artist's esteemed career! Rarely do they get better with age.
This film doesn't continue that run in my opinion. It's well crafted of course, it's quality, it's thought provoking, and it's a good historical story set in an exotic locale with fine actors. It's also long, slow and boring.
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Had it been as good all the way through as the intensity that kicks in at about the two hour mark then once again it would have enabled claim as yet another masterpiece from Marty. Interestingly and disturbingly the film depicts a sort of analogous brutality and unyielding intolerance for religious freedom that the Japanese were guilty of in the 17th Century and the current ISIS with its similarly horrific barbaric torture and slaying of human beings is now.
That evil primitive derangement is hard to watch but as it plays here is a fine example of the power of movies and art in general to bring clarity to an audience regarding history and how it pertains to current events.

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