Scripture Shuffler System: The Gospels (The Scripture Shuffler System Book 1)
The Song of Solomon Excellent poetry about love and sex, some from the female point of view. I hear it's supposed to be an analogy for Christ and the Church. My pleasure in reading the bible has had an uptick with Ecclesiastes and this. Isaiah You know that passage about the virgin having a baby and calling his name Emmanuel? Of course you do. Did you know the next line starts AND, and goes on to say he'll eat butter and honey to know good from evil early because before he naturally knows good from evil the king of Syria will die?
Of course you don't. It's hard to see this kind of picking and choosing from sources as being anything other than mendacity. But people read this. Do they read it with their eyes half closed, to stop reading at Emmanuel and not see the AND? Even if modern Christians do this, what about the early Church? What about St Paul? Surely St Jerome had more integrity than to do that?
Some good ranting, but this is clearly in the genre of "prophecy written after the event" like the Ohs of Merlin. Jeremiah -- now this is how prophets ought to be. Personal, accurate, specific, and the bit where he got thrown into prison during the siege was unexpectedly exciting. Much less obviously fake than Isaiah, because of the details like the king burning the scroll and the crusts of bread.
This works as a fantasy story about an actual prophet. This is the only part of the Bible so far that works as fantasy. Ezekial -- so far, so whiplash. Woah, where did this come from?
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Visions, and not God telling you that if you don't quit with the idol worship the king of Babylon will trash your city but super specific fantasy images of weird flying animals. I have seen Raphael's painting of this, but even so it was a surprise. And it goes on, weird imagery, overly specific measurements, odd prophecies, and then suddenly bang, "shall these bones live" that I know both from Eliot and from the song, both of them undoubtedly coming from this one chapter of Ezekial, and on both sides of it acres of stuff that nobody has ever heard.
How did they -- I mean did they throw a dart at the pages and decide what was going to be used? Let's see how much is really there. Very short, and indeed, has the furnace and the lions den, and also some deeply weird prophetic stuff. Lots of whoredom, and not so disapproving as usual. Short, vivid, and a surprising amount of it familiar though I wouldn't have known where it was from. Savonarola's favourite prophet, so I've re-read this recently. In one ear and out the other. That great city, Ninevah. Also, it's a fish not a whale.
It's so odd that everyone knows this one. If I went out into the street and stopped a random person even if they were a Buddhist they'd know this, but not a word of Obadiah or Micah. And more, some specific. Again, the conference where they decided what to put in must have been fun. More Christian picking and choosing relevant bits. More propheting, less dire than some. Done done done done done! So glad I'm done! If I'd started at the beginning, going on to the New Testament now, and stories of actual people doing actual things would be a real relief.
As it is, zero desire to re-read those bits. I cannot recommend reading this book this way to any sane person. I cannot recommend reading it if you are a Christian and you'd like to stay one, because it would need so much doublethink that it couldn't be good for you. I do, however, recommend it heartily to any atheist or agnostic who likes Christian art and Latin masses and would sort of like to believe in Christianity, or anyone thinking about Pascal's wager, or anyone in doubt from that direction, because there is NOTHING going to dispel any doubts or "wouldn't it be nice if it were true" or "what if God had gone to all that trouble to save me and I was ungratefully ignoring it" better than reading this with an open mind because it is so very very obviously not an inerrant revelation, or even a coherent basis for a religion, and you'd have to be feeling super charitable to even think it was a glass darkly.
It's a mix of history and poetry and ranting and very occasional scraps of philosophy and theology and it doesn't fit together at all, and it reveals the selectivity of its readers. And I don't think I should say any more, because it would be unkind. View all 26 comments. I offer a a logical review for you: Okay let's be realistic here, people who give this book one star are simply biased and blind to the beauty contained in this book.
Whether you believe the theology behind this book or not you cannot deny the power and brilliance it contains. The whole idea of living is centered around the idea of love. A book with the phrase "Love you enemy" is a book unlike any before it. The poetry and proverbs are inspiring and show depth. Each book has a clearly different w I offer a a logical review for you: Each book has a clearly different writing style yet they all tie together in a cohesive whole.
The Bible is a literary masterpiece. It tells us to live selflessly and not store up wealth, give to the needy and do good to those that hate you. Does this sound evil? The Old Testament speaks of what the Hebrew people were to do in situations of evil done, yet are these not just indicators of evil deserving punishment? Later it tells man not to take vengeance into their own hands, for it is not man's place.
This book has given purpose and meaning to billions, transforming lives and inspiring the hopeless. It is the 1 best seller of all time. It is geographically and scientifically sound, giving birth to science itself. An incredible and riveting read that spans thousands of years.
Still culturally relevant today. Tell me what is not to like? View all 40 comments. Apr 28, George rated it did not like it. What to say about this one? Firstly, it is much longer than it needs to be to get the point across. I mean, do we really need a few thousand pages to basically communicate the ten commandments and how God is scary, and a few thousand more to communicate that Jesus is good? I think the problem here is that there wasn't enough editing over the years.
Editing was only performed by popes and kings to rewrite history the way they wanted it to go. Today a publisher would scoff at any author wanting to What to say about this one? Today a publisher would scoff at any author wanting to publish a book that long. Its just not economically feasible. And who would read the entire thing?
So many characters and towns. I think the addition of family trees and maps would greatly enhance the readability. Thirdly, historical fiction is not my favorite genre. And for historical fiction, it misses the mark in a key category - feasibility. In closing, I just don't think that it lives up to the hype. View all 34 comments. Too much sex and violence for me. View all 6 comments. Aug 24, Rita rated it did not like it Shelves: The word of God?
Inventive and full of interesting stories? But alas, I believe in Science, not fiction. Also let's not forget about all the condoning of rape, murder and pillaging that this book is full of - especially in the Old Testament. It's disgusting to think that people call this "The Good Book" and hold it sacred. Let's start with a good ol' classic tale of infanticide: Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead.
A classic about marriage, sexually active women, rape and the treatment of rape victims: The girl's father will say to the elders, "I gave my daughter in marriage to this man, but he dislikes her. Now he has slandered her and said, 'I did not find your daughter to be a virgin. They shall fine him a hundred shekels of silver and give them to the girl's father, because this man has given an Israelite virgin a bad name.
She shall continue to be his wife; he must not divorce her as long as he lives. If, however, the charge is true and no proof of the girl's virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there the men of her town shall stone her to death.
You must purge the evil from among you. If a man is found sleeping with another man's wife, both the man who slept with her and the woman must die. P] You must purge the evil from Israel. If a man happens to meet in a town a virgin pledged to be married and he sleeps with her, you shall take both of them to the gate of that town and stone them to death--the girl because she was in a town and did not scream for help [apparently gagging was unheard of back then? But if out in the country a man happens to meet a girl pledged to be married and rapes her, only the man who has done this shall die.
If a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay the girl's father fifty shekels of silver. He must marry the girl, for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives. But again - would a father back then give his child, the rape victim to the rapist? I'm not so sure. And if he did, what would her life expectancy be, I wonder? The place of women Timothy 2: I do not permit a woman to teach or to assume authority over a man; she must be quiet.
They are not allowed to speak, but must be in submission, as the Law says. If they want to inquire about something, they should ask their own husbands at home; for it is disgraceful for a woman to speak in the church. And let's finish of for now with more rape and murder: Their infants will be dashed to pieces before their eyes; their houses will be looted and their wives ravished. See, I will stir up against them the Medes, who do not care for silver and have no delight in gold. Their bows will strike down the young men; they will have no mercy on infants nor will they look with compassion on children.
I came across this little funny movie on Youtube today - have to share it!
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View all 21 comments. Aug 10, Melanie rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I think it was my 2nd time reading it all the way through. This 2nd time through was a much more in-depth study. I loved my study and I learned so much. My favorites parts were reading about Paul and then the Book of Revelation. Revelation has always fascinated me and so it was very interesting to really dig in and satiate my curiosity.
One of my favorite verses is in Revelations As to my thoughts about the apostle Paul, what an amazing man! He had so many trials that he had to live through and overcome. But he did not lose his faith in God once and he continually praised God and was always looking for missionary moments. What an example to me, especially going through the trials that we are currently experiencing. My love for my Savior Jesus Christ increased as well.
It is hard for me to express in words the feelings I feel towards Him. I have learned how important "the one" is to Him.
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He went about doing good continually. He healed many who were ill, both physically and mentally Luke 4: He wasn't too busy with his everyday schedule to take time out for "the one. I know He loves me and knows me personally. View all 8 comments. Apr 08, Paul Bryant rated it really liked it Shelves: I realised that in my house books follow a traditional Christian path through their lives. They arrive here from a mysterious place far away I call it Amazon and spend a long time downstairs on shelves, the earthly plane of existence. Eventually they come to the Day of Judgement when I read them.
After that the judgement is pronounced Goodreads! The sheep ascend to heaven the loft where t I realised that in my house books follow a traditional Christian path through their lives. The sheep ascend to heaven the loft where they keep company with other beloved volumes and angels sing continually pigeons on the roof, very annoying, coo-coo-coo all the time.
The goats are thrown into the burning fiery furnace for all eternity Oxfam. On rereading this, I see that in this analogy I am God. That's really not how I see myself. View all 20 comments. All seeking God's purpose and will and wanting to live Godly. The Holy Bible is the written world inspired by God and written by many who walked and talked with God over the past years. The creation of man, man's fall, God's plan of salvation, the prophets, judges, kings. Christ and his disciples and his ordained Apostles and their works.
The Bible is the human handbook of instruction for our daily life. It holds out hope it teaches truth, it shows us the comforter and how to walk uprightly in truth and rightousness. It is a book of Mystery, Murder, L The Holy Bible is the written world inspired by God and written by many who walked and talked with God over the past years.
Sex and lust, The bible has it all. The bible has layers and you can read something again and again and every find something new not understood before and it is the love of God for all humanity and his plan for all the come to salvation.
Of his ultimate gift and grace and salvation for any and all who desire to claim it. It is not an easy book. It is a book if you want to be a better person you need daily in your life. Read with a prayer and open mind and let the Spirit of God open your eyes to his wonderful plan of Salvation. View all 24 comments. Dec 23, Ian "Marvin" Graye rated it liked it Shelves: While our familiarity with the Truth is more economical than theological, may we be so bold as to make the following recommendations after extensive consultation and debate.
If the Bible is to be the word of God, there must be only one clear message. We must avoid double entries, repetition, redundancy, inconsistency and conflict at all cost and expense. For the same reason, one Gospel should suffice, not four, even though we commend your efforts to reduce the number from Of the two God options, we think twenty-four is excessive, despite the merchandising opportunities.
Seven disciples should be adequate. One is definitely too few. Twelve is too many, and ten is too metric. We agree with your suggestion that there only be one, not two, days of rest after Creation. Likewise, the number of holy days should be restricted to Good Friday and Christmas Day. Ten is a nice round number, if a little continental. We suggest that you dispense with the idea of a Holy Ghost. Two should be enough for a Trinity, anyway. On the other hand, while we couldn't think of an original sin that hasn't yet been committed, we liked the idea of Man being born both immoral and mortal.
These passages will no doubt require careful typesetting. Have you considered the possibility that he might die on a wooden cross? We suggest sharks, snakes, spiders, rats, cats, bats, vampires, werewolves, unicorns and dinosaurs. Death should not be reversible, nor should Debt. The Dead must not become the Living or the Living Dead, just as a Creditor should not become a Debtor, and Debtors should not be allowed to escape their earthly Bonds and Covenants. Only when Debtors shuffle off this mortal coil, must Creditors give them pause.
So the Bible should counsel us to repay credit where credit is due. In the same manner, Sinners, like Debtors, should not be redeemable, except by payment of their dues. Default should not become Common Currency. But while perhaps dwelling in Borrowed Time that is still not yet quite Lent, we should like to crave a singular indulgence. Surely, there would be no interest in a world without lending. Still, if you do not find our reasoning creditworthy, we will waive our rights and fees, and defer to your better judgment on these issues. Now let us depart our Business in tact, and return to the Bible in hand.
Concerning the Myriad of Hail Marys While it is not strictly a financial issue, we found it a bit confusing to have more than one Mary in the text. We suggest that you revert to the original proposal that the mother of Christ be called Miriam. Either that or Mariel. They're both nice names for good girls. Or good names for nice girls. Of the two alternatives, we prefer that she be a virgin rather than a reformed strumpet.
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We wondered whether the latter quality could be ascribed to Mary Maudlin, although we didn't quite understood the reference to Jesus knowing her in the biblical sense. Perhaps you could omit this precocious specimen of metafiction, and maybe change the spelling and pronunciation of her last name to something a little less drab. Where there is no Trinity, there should be no Maudlin. Signed I Banchieri di Dio Dedication: This review is dedicated to: View all 82 comments.
What can you say about one of the most boring books of all time, yet still tops the charts for best-selling fiction. Firstly the writing style is atrocious. It's like twenty guys were only given part of the story and told to make it up and make it all fit. The inconsistencies are everywhere. They really needed a better editor. And with so many different cooks the styles are everywhere. From dry accountant listing everything person and every thing in exacting detail, to a fantasy nut who introduc What can you say about one of the most boring books of all time, yet still tops the charts for best-selling fiction.
From dry accountant listing everything person and every thing in exacting detail, to a fantasy nut who introduces magical staffs and mythical beings who communicate through burning botany. What happened to the plot? For the first section there is this evil overlord controlling every aspect of his minions life. What they can eat, what they can wear, who they must kill and subjugate next.
I kept waiting for a big rebellion and maybe a lightsaber battle but they kept praising this guy. Can't they see they are just his puppets? And it goes on and on and on and on and on and But thankfully it isn't all just lists, and doom and gloom and wait yes it is. There's some comedy pieces like this guy Noah who forgot all the dinosaurs and left them to die instead of taking them on his super arc. Must have been a cold-hearted guy and let them drown like the chick in Titanic did to Leo.
So did Noah paint the dinosaurs like one of his "French girls"? But then in the second half or sequel I'm not quite sure. Maybe there was some writers strike between them he just changes and it's as if he isn't even there anymore. Now his son is here to make the world a better place. I think the writers owe George Lucas some money for stealing his idea. This guy possesses all these superpowers but never comes up with a cool costume or superhero name.

He just walks around, talking and occasionally doing little magic tricks. He could have headlined in Vegas! But no, he just tours the Middle East and forgets about the rest of the world. So in retaliation for not doing a gig in the Coliseum the Romans decide he has to die. And, lo and behold, he does! On a massive cross which must have hurt.
Faithlife Bible Screen Verse of the Day
He still has a magic trick up his sleeve or robe or toga or whatever. He was only faking it. They take his "body" and put it in a cave and he does his Houdini trick and poof, he's gone. I'm thinking he was like the invisible man and ran off and married some little Arabian hottie. So some minor magical fantasy pieces surrounded by the dullest of historical fantasy. At over pages, mostly with pretty small print, this tome makes for one hell of a paperweight and not much else.
No wonder it's always left behind in hotels because people get 5 pages in and fall asleep. Do yourself a favour and go read some much better written historical fantasy. Or maybe Harry Potter. Hell maybe even Twilight. No scratch that, Twilight is still worse. View all 9 comments. If it wasn't for the fact that some people actually took it seriously, this book would be a fantastic read.
It's action packed, full of death and destruction, as well as advocating murder, vengeance, wars, sacrifice and rape, and even the stoning of adulterers and homosexuals - it's definetly a thrilling if somewhat disturbing read! However, if you wish to read the original stories, then you may want to refer to Mithraic holy scripts, which predate the Bible by several thousand years, yet amazi If it wasn't for the fact that some people actually took it seriously, this book would be a fantastic read. However, if you wish to read the original stories, then you may want to refer to Mithraic holy scripts, which predate the Bible by several thousand years, yet amazingly contain many of the same stories.
Mithras, for example, was the son of God, born on the 25th December of a virgin in a grotto, where he was attended to by shepherds with gifts. He was, according to Mithraic holy texts, sent to Earth to live as a man, and die to redeem the sins of mankind. He requested people drink of his blood and eat of his flesh which Mithraic followers did symbolically in Communion and had a meal with his 12 followers the night before his death.
However, do not be concerned, for he was resurrected shortly after, and followers were also baptised so that they too could be resurrected after death. I smell plagiarism here View all 15 comments. Dec 26, Carrie rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: I find it strange that some say, 'I don't believe the Bible' that's like saying 'I don't believe History' So many lovers of William Shakespeare do not seem to be aware of the fact that the Bard took part in translating the King Jame's Version of the 1 Million Bibles are sold every week So many lovers of William Shakespeare do not seem to be aware of the fact that the Bard took part in translating the King Jame's Version of the Bible into English.
Like a bit of proof? On Shakespeare's 46th birthday he translated Psalm As for the recommendations in the Bible I think to put others first View all 22 comments. Mar 08, Chris rated it it was ok. I felt this book had a very scattered perspective. Almost as if there were several different authors. The editing could have been better in order to eliminate the dry spots. Begat, begat, begat, etc What the heck was that all about. Also there were several highly unlikely characters. People living Years?? I'm dead, wait I'm not?? It's MY baby, no it's MY baby.
It is a little disconcerting you m I felt this book had a very scattered perspective. It is a little disconcerting you must admit. And was it 7 seals The Holy Bible—the Book of all Books. A guidebook for life: Explains in simplicity what a man must do to be saved. View all 5 comments. I guess it's pretty cheeky to give the Bible a bad review, but why not? It's boring, self-contradictory, petty, and mean. I did learn a lot, however. If guests come by and want to rape my angel, I will let them rape my daughter.
So say we all! Apr 17, Shane Lusher rated it did not like it. Poor prose, plot disjointed, internal logic flawed, no verisimilitude whatever. From a literary perspective, whether you're analyzing based on the idea that it's fiction or nonfiction. Most of it doesn't make sense. Worth reading because it's the basis of modern western civilization along with the Torah, but I haven't read that , but also because you will find so much of it that has not been quoted that is just so So many things that one discovers that just do not add up, and I don't Poor prose, plot disjointed, internal logic flawed, no verisimilitude whatever.
So many things that one discovers that just do not add up, and I don't mean the part about adam and eve being the first people, then having two sons, one of whom cain goes off to marry the woman in the land of Nod who is the child of View all 10 comments. Jun 10, Amy rated it it was amazing Recommends it for: The "LDS Edition" is great because of the footnotes and reference pages at the back that make it easier to study-- but as long as it's the King James Version it is good by me!
I'm not a big fan of all these new-fangled Bibles where they use hip and simple words. There were enough things changed and left out by previous translators!! View all 7 comments. Feb 15, Juan Hovez rated it it was ok. I really don't get what the big deal is. It is easy to get there from here. Holding your mouse over a Strong's link in the KJV with Strong's Links will show you the Strong's definition in a popup display -- no need to click it unless you want to open it in the Book panel.
Do you want to search for the Strong's number in the Bible? Just right-click the Strong's link and select the appropriate search option from the menu. Holding your mouse over a verse will show the verse -- no need to click it unless you want to move the Bible panel to the verse. Or, if you're reading a book or commentary and you want to read all of the referenced verses at one time, you can do that too. Just right-click the display and select "Load all referenced verses" and a Verse List panel will show them. Do you want to copy the verse you see to the clipboard?
There is no need to mark it with your mouse, just right-click the verse and select "Copy this verse. Just right-click it and select "Print this window. And with SwordSearcher, there is no need to traverse convoluted "trees" of library material to open the resource you want to see. Every book, dictionary, commentary, and Bible has a tab right on the screen. Are there tabs you never use and don't care to see?
No problem, you can hide any of them, and still access the material on the menus if you need to, or bring all the tabs back with a mouse click. Do your eyes get sore after a long session on the computer? SwordSearcher will gladly increase the font size of all of the displays automatically for you with a simple keypress, and reduce them with another.
No need to go to a configuration dialog for that, unless you want to. SwordSearcher is designed for believing Bible study , for people who hunger for information and want to use their computer to expand their knowledge of God's holy word. SwordSearcher is not loaded with fancy, frilly extras that look good on advertising copy but do nothing for your study time.
Please give SwordSearcher a try. It is an honor to write software that you can use to improve your Bible study. Or, download a free trial edition now with a limited set of library resources to see how SwordSearcher will improve your Bible study. SwordSearcher has four primary "study panels" that are usually viewed simultaneously. This is the primary location where Scripture is viewed. When you do a Bible search, every verse from your search is loaded here, so that you can read the full text of each verse, and if necessary, click it to read the context of it in the Bible Display.
Other search results are also displayed here; for example, you can search all of the commentaries for a word or phrase and see previews from the matching entries here. This panel contains "books," which are typically Bible dictionaries or encyclopedias accessed topically. This panel shows commentary text, such as an entry from the Jamieson-Fausset-Brown commentary, or cross-references from the Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. You want to study the Bible. SwordSearcher makes getting to Scripture fast and simple.