Riversong (The Natural Progression Book 1)
Whatever it is that River will do, she seems comfortable with it, no guilt, no, im sorry Doctor behaviour, so thats baffling. Also, she made a Dalek wet itself with fright. Who on earth is she and what will she do. I heard someone else mention that the girl could be River Song as a child. If we go down that road, aren't there some problems? Already we have been told how River was swept away by the man who appears in her life and knows everything about her on their first meeting. Well, if these episodes count as the first meeting with River as a girl then he certainly didn't know anything about her.
Also, I know River is an enigma and everything, but would she, her older self, be able to keep such a straight face going through all the stuff in the episodes, knowing that's actually her as a child? Mind you, Cal, above, has mentioned the fob watch and now I remember that the Master couldn't remember anything about his previous life until it was convenient Damnit, I want River answers!
Instead I have watch pirates next week All right, I like pirates. Joined May 22, Messages I've speculated that River kills Rory. Even before last nights Gangers episode Rory has shown he is a very good man. Waiting by the Pandorica for years, etc. I think River makes a choice to kill Rory rather than the Doctor to effect some great end.
Another weird idea I have is that River is the Masters daughter by a human. One thing is clear. River is the Captain Jack of this series. HoopyFrood The secret ingredient is crime May 22, That's my friend's current view, that it's Rory she ends up killing. She also sent me this from Den of Geek: Daisy-Boo Purr-fectly crazy May 26, I never thought River was the Doctor's mother. She doesn't kiss him in a maternal way, at all.
*EXPECT SPOILERS* The Life of River Song. | SFF Chronicles forums
Also the Doctor is flirting right back at her now and there's a certain chemistry between them that wasn't there before. Graendal Member May 26, Joined Nov 3, Messages 9. The woman at the hatch in all the episodes so far.. The picture in the orphanage of Amy and a baby the regenerating child? Begs the question is Amy - Rivers Mum? Given the publicity for the forthcoming episode, "A good man goes to war", which states that River's identity will be finally revealed potentially in the final line of dialogue , it should be clarified that this post is made before that revelation.
So - who is River Song? Numerous candidates but all apparently have to fit a certain profile: And is capable of killing "a good man". He's always said he'd "know" another Time Lord - if he had simply regenerated into River's shape, presumably he'd have been able to detect the TL genetics: It would certainly need a big ole diary to keep track of things though!
We've already seen one character who was implicitly his mother, one of the trapped Time Lords in "The End of Time". His assumption and thus ours is that he told her his name - in this option they would already know it familially. Or yet another form of permanent face change. The trust would be there, however, and if she in the future reveals her identity he may reveal his name. Just doesn't ring true. Doctor's wife - it's the most obvious option, the one that we've been led towards and which pretty much answers all the problems.
But is it too obvious and therefore unlikely? We've had the set-up episode, so this could be the natural conclusion: Would explain her trust and fondness for him, though the timelines would be awfully complex and she'd have been more than evasive in some previous answers. Amy - seems unlikely. Amy's baby - assuming it ends up being real and hers and human. Distinct possibility, once it's grown up. Romana - a future regeneration or chameleon arched human version who may or may not remember her former association: Would they want to?
Susan Foreman or descendant - as for Romana A "Flesh" body - controlled by someone who? Assuming the death was real see below. Cpt Jack - with some sort of new body? Cheeky enough idea but he shouldn't be able to die as "easily" as she did in the Library. It would also really confuse the timelines of their interactions being in the wrong order. The Master - step away from this option. Do not go there. Lenny Press "X" to admire hat Jun 3, Regarding River's death in the Library, I think it's definite.
We see her plugging herself in, the Doctor screaming at her not to, and then him staring, rather sadly, at where she was sat. He even takes her diary and leaves it with the other books, which seems rather final. Eventually, he realises that there's one of those neural relay things in the screwdriver, and sprints to plug her into the computer, where she appears to live in the world with the other dead crew members and CAL. She's been "saved" but, as the first Library episode made sure we knew without question, "saved" is not "safe".
Having said all that, the episode ends with a voiceover from River and a look at the chair where she plugged herself in - an empty chair: Some days are special. Some days are so, so blessed. Some days, nobody dies at all. Now and then, every once in a very long while, every day in a million days, where the wind stands fair and the Doctor comes to call, everybody lives". However, she cannot be brought back into the real world. I wonder if we'll see the Doctor give River a screwdriver with a hidden neural relay thing. I think that this "good man" she kills is going to be Rory, but I'm not sure why.

Possibly something to do with Amy's child needing to die for something bad to not happen, but Rory refusing to let this happen because he sees it as his child. I would like to think that she's an Old Who character - I believe the Rani was never killed off, and she would make a good candidate as past relationships between her and the Doctor were hinted at; or Romana, who, if she was in human form as the Master had been, would have escaped the locking of the Time War.
Though unless she knew who she was which we are led to believe can't happen until the Time Lord opens their pocket watch , I don't see why she would be with the Doctor. My money is on something unlikely , as I expect Moffat to throw a curveball - River Song is a Time Agent from the 51st Century, sent to gather intel on the Doctor, for some reason or other, who eventually falls for him. I'm just reading through Wikipedia, and apparently River appears and gives Amy her diary at her wedding to help her remember the Doctor.
I'm watching the end of The Big Bang now, and indeed she does, but the diary is blank.
The diary is, of course, "something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue", which does help her remember. Whilst the point of the diary is obvious, you have to wonder how River knew. And as a point of interest, because it's been mentioned in other threads, the Doctor does call Rory "Rory Pond", because "that's how it works".
We also never saw the Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express in space. I an a novice with any instrument and are trying to learn the piano. Except this was in England and at that time I could only recall the melody from memory. No tracks existed or no real way of researching. No internet in Long story short, I bought myself an electric piano for Christmas, the first song I wanted to learn was this one, but sadly, no sheets or learning material available for this song that I have found.
- *EXPECT SPOILERS* The Life of River Song.?
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Thursday, September 06, Deconstructing "River Song". As a child, I remember sitting in a darkened movie theater in Hollywood, California watching the opening titles of "Tom Sawyer" and thinking to myself "that's the most amazing piece of music I've ever heard. Sherman alongside composer John Williams. The opening and closing tune, "River Song" was sung by country great Charley Pride and that's the tune that stuck with me for years. It's filled with that simple Sherman Brothers magic and Williams' arrangement in the extended clip above is him at his color-weaving best. I've been of a mood lately to deconstruct pieces of music to see what makes them have the emotional punch that they possess, so it's no wonder that I'm now looking at the works of the Sherman Brothers.
Those guys really knew how to tug on your heartstrings.
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I got so into this deconstruction that I actually reconstructed it and made a little demo to see if some of the very basic chord changes would retain that familiar Sherman brothers "lift. Let's start with the key s of the tune. It didn't take much to suss out that our piece begins in C proper with the ensemble choir before modulating to Ab when Charley begins singing. Then, it modulates again to the key of A. Since I'm working on this tune to include in my performances, I decided to round it off starting where Pride does - in the key of Ab which is actually my optimal key for singing. Real quick - here are the words: River runs warm in the summer sun river runs cold when the summer's done but a boy's just a dreamer by the riverside cause the water's too fast and the water's too wide then the world turns around and the boy grows tall he hears the song of the river call the river song sings "travel on, travel on" you blink away a tear and the boy is gone CHORUS oh a river's gonna flow cross the land, cross the land oh a river's gonna flow to the sea and a boy is gonna grow to a man, to a man only once in his life is he free only one golden time in his life is he free Beautiful stuff, isn't it?
Robert sure know how to turn a phrase. Richard was the tune guy. Here's the chord rundown: I was determined, however, to dig in and really get to the root of the two big changes that have the most punch. The first verse is pretty easy: But then comes the key change to A - and the chord that connects the two keys is: E7 I once met Richard M.
Sherman and told him, half-jokingly, that he and his brother had "taught me that seventh chords" were "the center of the universe.
Natural History, Volume I: Books 1-2
Just a quick look at the rundown for the key of A: A - F m A - Bm - E7 And now, I began to prep myself for the first major deconstruction - that wonderful Sherman Brothers lift at the end of the line "the river song sings 'travel on, travel ONNNNN'" My first thought was another magical seventh chord with a different bass root, maybe a third or something like that. But my fumblings with it proved that that was not the case.
Because when I played the melody, it clashed with my chords. Something was amiss and I just wasn't hearing it. Knocking about with some more chord and root combos, I finally stumbled upon it: The key ingredient of that yumminess is the minor sixth chord, which already includes the raised fourth note that is doubled by the bass root.