Nero. Regierungsantritt und erste Maßnahmen (German Edition)
Analisi stratigrafica e proposte di ricostruzione. Forme e tempi dell'urbanizzazione nella Cisalpina II secolo a. Atti delle Giornate di studio Torino, maggio New Archaeological and Papyrological Researches on the Fayyum. Studies in space, decoration and function. Technology and Culture in Greek and Roman Antiquity. Food and History 5.
La terra dei Rutuli tra mito e archeologia: The World of Pompeii. Van Neer , A: Patterson Zazzo , P. Review of MacMahon, A. Olive cultivation in ancient Greece: Modelling agricultural production in the Middle Tiber Valley, Italy. The Roman City and its periphery: Philippika Marburger altertumskundliche Abhandlungen Crises and the Roman Empire: Money in the late Roman Republic.
I luoghi del lavoro domestico nella casa pompeiana. Gerasa and the Decapolis: Roman Villas in Central Italy. A Social and Economic History. The architecture of Alexandria and Egypt, c. Pelican History of Art. Trade in Classical Antiquity. Osborne eds , Classical Archaeology.
Roman Pottery in the Archaeological Record. Social and Cultural Anthropology. A Companion to the Roman Republic. Stoll eds , Pragmata. Geschichte der Antiken Technik. New Interventions in Art History. Traffic and Congestion in the Roman Empire.
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De Kleijn eds , Crises and the Roman Empire: Status for sale working paper. I complessi forensi nei centri minori della Cisalpina romana. Studi e scavi From Its Origins to the Colosseum. House, Settlement and Society in the Aegean and beyond. Veleia, tra passato e futuro.
The Insula of the Menander at Pompeii. Poverty in the Roman World. Hodges eds , Between Text and Territory. Survey and excavations in the terra of San Vincenzo al Volturno. Ziche eds , Ancient Economies Modern Methodologies. Archaeology, comparative history, models and institutions. Ancient Economies Modern Methodologies. Between Text and Territory. Bulighin eds , Contributi di Archeologia Vesuviana I. Santangeli Valenziani eds , Formae Urbis Romae. Scritti vari di topografia antica Molise - Abruzzo - Campania.
L'insula 10 della Regio VI. In Pursuit of Ancient Pasts: Review of Dickmann, J. Valerii Martialis, Epigrammaton liber tertius. Genre in Apuleius' Metamorphoses and related texts. Social Theory at Work. Biblioteca di Archeologia 1. Les objets en cuir de Didymoi: Edwards eds , Social Theory at Work.
Torelli eds , Sicilia ellenistica, consuetudo italica. Alle origini dell'architettura ellenistica d'Occidente. Rome and Pisa, — Contributi di Archeologia Vesuviana I. Osborne eds , Poverty in the Roman World.
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Sicilia ellenistica, consuetudo italica. Biblioteca di Sicilia Antiqua 1. L'archeologia a Roma tra Ottocento e Novecento. Archeologia e topografia della regione II Celio. Un aggiornamento sessant' anni dopo Colini. The modern evolution of an ancient concept. Aspetti dell'architettura pubblica e privata nel II secolo a. Pompei Oplontis Ercolano Stabiae. Guide Archeologiche Laterza Metrology and Meaning in Pompeii. Les membres des associations romaines.
Le rang social des collegiati en Italie et en Gaules, sous le haut-empire. Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum Van der Leest, W. Review of Zimmermann, C. Professions and social identity: Cura Aquarum in Ephesus. Guidobaldi eds , Nuove ricerche archeologiche a Pompei ed Ercolano. Ancient Greek houses and households: Symposium On Mediterranean Archaeology.
Nevett eds , Ancient Greek houses and households: How many lives depended on plants? Specialisation and agricultural production at Pompeii. The Clothed Body in the Ancient World. Elite Architecture in Fourth-Century B. A brief synthesis of results from the season. Stellatou eds , SOMA An Analysis of the Material Culture'. The Cambridge Companion to the Age of Augustus. The Sociology of Work.
Nuove ricerche archeologiche a Pompei ed Ercolano. Handicraft Knowledge Applied to Archaeological Textiles. The Familia Urbana during the Early Empire. A Study of Columbaria Inscriptions. Zanker eds , Lebenswelten. Morris eds , The Ancient Economy: An archaeological survey of the port of imperial Rome ? Concrete vaulted construction in Imperial Rome: The Insula of the Menander II.
Innovazione tecnica e progresso economico nel mondo romano. Atti degli Incontri capresi di storia dell'economia antica. Roman Working Lives and Urban Living. Patterns in the Economy of Roman Asia Minor. Saggi Architettonici e circumvesuviani in memoriam Jos de Waele. Die letzten Stunden von Herculaneum. Domestic Architecture and social discourse in Roman towns.

Moormann eds , Omni pede stare. Italie et Provinces occidentales de l'Emire. Actes du 3e Colloque International d'Erpeldange Lux. Review of Steuernagel, D.
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Archaeology and the Image. Cibi e Sapori a Pompei e dintorni. Caudini, Irpini, Pentri, Carricini, Frentani. Van der Meer, L. La travagliata ricostruzione di Pompei dopo il terremoto del 62 d. Storia e vita quotidiana. Daily Life in the Roman City: Rome, Pompeii and Ostia. An Analysis of the Material Culture. Somma Vesuviana NA , scavi nella cd. Review of Caillet, J. Il vetro fra arte e scienza nel mondo romano. De Sena and H. Dessales eds , Metodi e approcci archeologici: Goldman eds , Oxford Dictionary of National Biography.
What is cultural history? Proposte di metodo e prime applicazioni. Le occupazioni nell'epigrafia del piceno. Settlement and Cultural Change. Di Pasquale eds , Vitrum. Metodi e approcci archeologici: Rasmus Brandt , X. Ghini eds , Lazio e Sabina. Casa delle Nozze d'argento. Food and History 2. Beirut in Late Antiquity. Technological advance and artistic decline? Industry in North-west Roman Southwark: The Making of a Provincial Society. Journal of Roman Archaeology Supplementary Series Breaking Down the Boundaries. The social life of painting in ancient Rome and on the bay of Naples.
Techniques, lieux et formes de production. Studi di storia e di topografia. The neighborhoods of Augustan Rome. Production and consumption of animals in Roman Italy: JRA Supplementary Series Ancient baths and bathing: Oxford Dictionary of National Biography. Passegiate archeologiche in provincia di Foggia. Theories, Models and Concepts in Ancient History. Artigianato e produzione nella Cisalpina.
Archaeoloy and Ancient History. Roman Iron Production in Britain. Technological and socio-economic landsacpe development along the Jurassic Ridge. Trajan and Apollodoros and their predecessors. Van Neer , B. Actes du Colloque de Poitiers septembre Cresci Marrone and M. Tirelli eds , Produzioni, merci e commerci in Altino preromana e romana.
Turbin eds , Material Strategies. Dress and Gender in Historical Perspective. Art in the lives of ordinary Romans. Urban Development in North-west Roman Southwark.
Produzioni, merci e commerci in Altino preromana e romana. Hierapolis in Phrygien Pamukkale. Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome, Supplements 2. Nerva and the Roman succession crisis of AD The Roman House and Social Identity. The Cambridge History of Western Textiles. Woolf eds , Rome the Cosmopolis. Associazione italiana metallurgia, — Credito e moneta nel mondo romano. Atti degli incontri capresi di storia dell'economia antica Capri, ottobre De Carolis , G.
A Bird's-eye view of World History. Review of De Kind, R. Statues in Roman society: Oxford studies in ancient culture and representation. A Study in architectural process. Thermes Romains d'Afrique du Nord. Casa della Caccia antica. The City in Roman and Byzantine Egypt. Von Reden eds , The Ancient Economy. Mestieri e Botteghe anni fa. Goyon eds , Les Artisans dans la Ville antique.
Les Artisans dans la Ville antique. Van der Stockt eds , Sage and emperor: Plutarch, Greek intellectuals, and Roman power in the time of Trajan A. Gallina Zevi eds , Ostia e Portus nelle loro relazioni con Roma. Ostia e Portus nelle loro relazioni con Roma. Household and City Organization at Olynthus. Money, Labour and Land. Approaches to the economies of ancient Greece.
London and New York. The Castells Reader on cities and social theory. Atti della trentaquattresima Settimana di Studi, aprile Quaderni del seminario di archeologia 2. Philosophy and power in the Graeco-Roman world essays in honour of Miriam Griffin.
Wilson eds , Aspects of industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North. Einige Bemerkungen zu P. Settlement in Roman Southwark: Structure and scale in the Roman economy. Roman patrons of Greek cities. Bathing in Public in the Roman World. Pompeii VI 14, Ontwerp, Geschiedenis en Gebruik. Foxhall eds , Money, Labour and Land. London and New York, — Review of Sebesta, J. Workshop, Marketplace and Household. The nature of technical specialization in classical Athens and its influence on economy and society.
Roman Aqueducts and Water Supply. Jacks , P Levin and P. Review of Pirson, F. Water in de Romeinse stad. De Blois and J. Essays in Ancient History in Honour of H. Kleijwegt eds , After the Past: The Imagery of Textile Making. Barbier , G Bertucchi and B. Anspruchsvolles Wohnen im pompejanischen Stadthaus'. Zu Wasser und zu Land.
Verkehrswege in der antiken Welt. Stuttgarter Colloquium zur historischen Geographie des Altertums 7. Aspects of industry in Roman Yorkshire and the North. Verbreitung und Funktionen attischer Keramik im Etrurien des 6. Le Mappe Marmoree di Roma tra la repubblica e settimio severo. A History of Malaria in Ancient Italy.
Iron for the Eagles: Van der Stockt Symbolae Facultatis Litterarum Lovaniensis A. Review of Grahame, M.
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A syntactical approach to the analysis and interpretation of built space'. The economy of friends: Entstehung und infrastrukturelle Bedeutung. Sonnabend eds , Zu Wasser und zu Land. Roman Catterick and its Hinterland: Handwerkervereine im griechischen Osten des Imperium Romanum. Salmon eds , Economies beyond agriculture in the classical world. Actes du 2e colloque d'Erpeldange october Beltran de Heredia Bercero, J. Ancient History from Inscriptions. The production of shows in the cities of the Roman Empire: A study of the Latin epigraphic evidence.
Von Augustus bis Diokletian. Tessuti, colori e vestiti del mondo antico. Momenti di archeologia sperimentale. Port et Porte de la Rome Antique. A History of Anthropology. Studi della Soprintendenza archeologica di Pompei 1. Giordani eds , Tessuti, colori e vestiti del mondo antico. Being Greek under Rome. Review of Kaiser, A. Lo Cascio and A. Water Pipe Systems in the Houses of Pompeii. Water use and hydraulics in the Roman city. Studi sulla seconda Tavola di Vipasca. Surveying instruments of Greece and Rome.
Archeologia e Storia di un Paesaggio Urbano. Pracchia eds , Luoghi e paesaggi archeologici del suburbio orientale di Roma. Luoghi e paesaggi archeologici del suburbio orientale di Roma. The Archaic Greek Ship at Gela. Pompei tra Sorrento e Sarno: Produzione e commercio dei tessuti nell'Occidente romano. Where to Go from Here. Rathbone eds , The High Empire: Jordi y Tresseras The story of the Roman Amphitheatre.
Marshall eds , Death and disease in the ancient city. The Column of Trajan. Roman Clothing and Fashion. La tomba del calzolaio: Iron, Blacksmiths and Tools. A syntactical approach to the analysis and interpretation of built space. Death and disease in the ancient city. Organisation of the Roman Clothing and Textile Industry. Review of Bakker, J.
Atti degli Incontri capresi di storia dell'economia antica Capri ottobre The impact of the organization of the empire on production. Gustin eds , Iron, Blacksmiths and Tools. Economies beyond agriculture in the classical world. Il castello, il museo, l'area archeologica. Il sacello degli augustali di Miseno. Ancient Egyptian materials and technology.
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Ancient Egyptian Materials and Technology. Actes du colloque de Rome, mai Das Castellum Aquae in Pompeji: Herkunft, Zuleitung, Verteilung des Wassers. A reasoned archaeological itenerary. Casa delle forme di Creta VII 4, Uomo e ambiente nel territorio vesuviano. Guida all'antiquarium di Boscoreale. Barrington atlas of the Greek and Roman world. Public needs and private pleasures: Shaw eds , Ancient Egyptian materials and technology. Handbook of Ancient Water Technology. Interpreting the Material Culture of Pompeian Households. Banking and Business in the Roman World.
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Pugliese Caratelli and I. Cerillo Martin de Caceres, E. Le ville romane della X regio: Eisenfunde aus der Stadt auf dem Magdalensberg. Casa di Paquius Proculus. Daily life of the ancient Greeks. Staatliche Museen zu Berlin. Stromberg eds , Aspects of Women in Antiquity. Aspects of Women in Antiquity. Trade, Traders and the Ancient City. Revilla Calvo , J. Marsal Astort and F. Pompei Pitture e Mosaici, IX.
Ruiz de Arbulo, J. The Vestis militaris codex. Bloom refining and iron artifact production in the Roman world. Reader in Archaeological Theory. Weaver eds , The Roman Family in Italy. Beyond the Consumer City. Sequence and Space in Pompeii. Ritratti romani da Pompei. De' Spagnolis Conticello, M. Le lucerne di bronzo nel museo civico archeologico di Bologna. The Baths of Caracalla. A study in the design, construction, and economics of large-scale building projects in imperial Rome. Casa della Fontana piccola.
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Sein Adoptivvater, Claudius, war der Vorganger Neros, sein Stiefbruder Britannicus, der leibliche Sohn des Claudius, sollte nicht der Nachfolger seines eigenen Vaters werden - ein Erfolg fur Agrippina, die so hoffte, ihre eigene Macht zu starken. Neros Regierungsantritt und seine ersten Manahmen sind ein sehr interessantes Thema, da sich vieles fur eine spatere Entwicklung schon jetzt herauskristallisiert. Welche Voraussetzungen sind fur Neros Regierungsantritt entscheidend, wer nahm Einfluss und was wurde unternommen, damit Nero die Macht erlangt?
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