Memories of Copper and Blood
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Vulcans were also known for their high degree of honesty.
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They were extremely reluctant to tell a lie , and indeed it was said that "Vulcans could not lie. The Undiscovered Country For instance, a Vulcan elder denied the existence of technology and spies at the monastery at P'Jem in order to protect an ongoing surveillance operation. Also, T'Pol's second foremother directly lied to another Vulcan, telling the commander of a rescue party that her crewmate had died in a shuttle crash, so that he could remain on Earth to "study" humanity. In of the alternate reality , Spock managed to deceive Khan Noonien Singh into transporting armed torpedoes aboard the USS Vengeance as Khan believed they still carried members of his crew.
Khan wasn't aware that Spock had anticipated his betrayal and removed Khan's crew from the torpedoes with the intent to detonate them and cripple the Vengeance. When Khan stated that he'd know if they weren't his, Spock assured him that "Vulcans do not lie " and that " the torpedoes were his". This demonstrated that Vulcans, while they still technically told the truth, didn't always necessarily tell the entire truth if it was to their advantage. On at least one occasion, Spock lied without any apparent logical reason and, in fact, for a reason apparently consisting of nothing more than humor , when he claimed to not have seen Kirk's last orders to himself and Doctor McCoy.
Tuvok revealed a most instructive insight into Vulcans' attitude toward lying when responding to Seven of Nine questioning him as to whether Vulcans were capable of lying; he replied, " We are capable of telling lies. However, I have never found it prudent or necessary to do so. Naturally, the development of a Vulcan's lifelong devotion towards logic began at a very early age. Vulcan parents utilized learning tools, such as pleenoks , to train their infants in primary logic.
These dances were reminiscent of the dances of Orion slave girls , just not as well coordinated. As parents, Vulcans never shielded their children from the truth. Doing so only hindered their ability to cope with inevitable difficulties.
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A Vulcan parent's attachment to their children could not be described as an emotion. They were part of the parent's identity and the parent was incomplete without them. Vulcans sometimes had mates chosen for them by their parents at the age of seven. The mates were joined in a ceremony that linked them telepathically in a manner that was "less than a marriage, more than a betrothal.
If, for whatever reason, the female did not wish to go through with the marriage, then the ceremony of koon-ut-kal-if-fee "marriage or challenge" was invoked. The male fought for the right to keep his mate against a challenger of her choosing. The female became the property of the male who won the contest, unless he chose to release her.
The koon-ut-kal-if-fee was a fight to the death. As of , hearsay held that Vulcan men treated their women strangely. Contrary to stereotype, Vulcans did possess emotions. For instance, emotions like remorse, relief, joy, and embarrassment were all displayed by Spock when he thought Captain Kirk was dead. It was this passionate, explosive emotionality that Vulcans blamed for the vicious cycle of wars which nearly devastated their planet.
As such, they focused their mental energies on mastering them. The essence of their logical society was in arriving at the truth through logical process. Emotions were illogical, thus making them impure, and deterrent to truth.
Memories of Copper and Blood by Tim Akers PDF
Vulcans were born with the same emotions that afflicted their violent ancestors, but continual mental conditioning generally gave them the impassivity they sought. Though not all could arrive at the ultimate pure logical state, the exacting process of mental control gave Vulcans enough to conform to the ideals of Vulcan society. The ultimate level of logical thought was achieved through the attainment of kolinahr , which was said to purge them of all remaining emotions.
Vulcans believed knowledge to be the best defense against unknown dangers, and pursued it with the intellect and logic that made them some of the finest scholars in the Federation. Vulcans considered death to be the completion of a journey.
Therefore, they did not fear it happening; however, the loss of one's katra was to be avoided if possible, since the katra lived on beyond the physical death. The Search for Spock They also practiced euthanasia for the infirm and elderly, and saw nothing wrong with practicing ritual suicide when they reached a certain infirmity with age.
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Although Vulcans were highly integrated into the Federation, in the 23rd century, some Vulcans viewed service in Starfleet to be less prestigious than attending the Vulcan Science Academy , TOS: Vulcans were fermenting wines , notably Vulcan port , during the 21st century. Although not always, most Vulcans were vegetarians. They also did not touch food with their hands unless wearing special gloves.
Guests in a Vulcan household were expected to rise before sunrise to prepare the morning meal. Vulcans played a game known as kal-toh. What little is known about Vulcan religious beliefs indicates that, beginning prior to the "Time of the Awakening", they were polytheistic. There were, however, no demons in Vulcan literature. Touching each other with both the middle- and the forefinger was a custom practiced by married couples and was part of the Vulcan marriage ceremony.
Vulcans had a traditional funeral dirge. Vulcans occasionally gave gifts. However, Vulcan custom did not include receiving a gift back from a recipient. Children at Vulcan nursery schools danced.

When they were older, they learned in skill domes. The Vulcan Learning Center employed these.
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Star Trek , DIS: A Vulcan program suitable for young children which taught basic problem solving skills was available at Deep Space 9 's school in Vulcans did possess family names , although they were pronounceable by Humans only after many years of practice. The term 'Vulcan' has come to mean both the planet and the native of same. Star Trek ", which described the series' regular crewmembers. The description of Spock mentions that his father was a native of "Vulcanis," and his people were known as the "Vulcanians".
The Star Trek Compendium , p. The Bajorans suffered similar "growing pains" when they were briefly known as the "Bajora" during their early appearances. The name "Vulcan" itself, in reference to the people, was first heard in " The Naked Time ". Vulcanian expedition and Vulcanian Scientific Legion of Honor. The Motion Picture , he included a description of the Vulcans. After pointing out the Vulcans were "from tv series", the brief continued as follows:. Spock, others among crew, and the Masters on Vulcan planet scene.
Unemotional, scientific people, their culture based on cold logic, reason and control.
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One of the Federation's most advanced races [ Physically distinguished by upswept eyebrows and pointed ears. Their green blood is copper-based. Fletcher also imagined that, because their homeworld was rich in jade, the Vulcans made extensive use of that substance, such as with ruby jewellry and a red-colored giant statue is visible on the planet's surface, in the film.
The Making of Star Trek: The Motion Picture , p. In a story idea that the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine writers had that eventually became the two-parter " Homefront " and " Paradise Lost ", the Vulcans were to withdraw from the Federation. The cause of this schism was to be their concern that the Federation was becoming too concerned with the Changeling infiltration at the cost of civil liberties.
Starfleet was to assume incorrectly that the Founders had infiltrated Vulcan society. Deep Space Nine Companion.
Memories of Copper and Blood by Tim Akers
In the unproduced animated series Star Trek: Final Frontier , set in the far future, the Vulcans left the Federation at some point in the 25th century to discuss reunification with the Romulans. In an ultimately unused line of dialogue from the script of Star Trek , Spock explained, " 'Cthia' is the stricture that binds our emotions A few changes were made to the Vulcan ears when compared to those from the previous film , Star Trek , on which Snyder had also worked.
David LeRoy Anderson , the Makeup Department Head for Into Darkness , explained, " Our modifications were strictly mechanical, based on Dave's desire to make the application a little easier. The proposed work is innovative because it combines classical conditioning of the rabbit NMR - a well- understood behavioral and neural model of learning and memory - with the simple dietary manipulation of feeding cholesterol to examine the effects of cholesterol and beta amyloid - two of the """"""""smoking guns"""""""" of Alzheimer's disease.
Cholesterol is a major risk factor for cardiovascular disease and there is now evidence that cholesterol is a major risk factor for Alzheimer's disease. Consequently, high cholesterol appears to be the major factor in two of the most widespread diseases in the US. The cholesterol-fed rabbit has been the primary model for cardiovascular disease for 90 years and has recently been shown to accumulate beta amyloid in the brain.
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Thus, feeding a rabbit cholesterol would make a good non-transgenic model of Alzheimer's disease. Moreover, reducing cholesterol levels may be as viable a means of reducing beta amyloid accumulation as it is in treating heart disease. Name West Virginia University. J Alzheimers Dis