How to Make Money Blogging in Less Than 30 Days
Will is an up and coming blogger in the lucrative travel blog niche. Will also publicly shares his income with his readers. This includes services freelance writing , sponsored posts, and affiliate income through web hosting offers. Lots of bloggers wait for months to build up traffic before making money from their websites.
This has helped him learn the ropes much faster than most bloggers. For that reason, starting with affiliate marketing for monetisation and THEN moving on to selling your own products when your audience is big and engaged enough looks like the best way to scale revenue for online media properties. If you count on making money from advertising, your site really needs a LOT of traffic.
Those who are making bank from ads are in the millions of visits per month. When we studied correlation between metrics and revenue, the closest one to real people Twitter followers had a much higher correlation with revenue than more abstract and SEO metrics such as Alexa rank or linking root domains.
This conclusion may be a bit far stretched, but I am sure that if these bloggers shared their email list size, the correlation would have been very high. Expenses range from assistants helping them with technical tasks and content to tools that improve their productivity. Here is an interesting one: The excellent Problogger ran a survey a few years ago asking his readers how much they earned and here is a graph representing the answers of people: Now these figures are way lower than most of the income reports we can read about in this post, so one of two things should explain this:.
Companies like Buffer , WPCurve and Empire flippers also report their income and all of them have earned a significant amount of exposure doing so. This means you should invest in things like branding, relationships and overall superior content. Almost all of these bloggers rely on multiple platforms to drive traffic or sales.
John Lee Dumas is focusing on itunes, Lindsay Ostrom drives most of her traffic from Pinterest, Daniel makes sales from Amazon and the list goes on. The point is, most people see SEO as the holy grail of traffic and sales when they get started but looking at these guys, while they do get traffic from Google, it almost always is their secondary source of traffic, not their main focus. Pick 2 or 3 platforms where your audience hangs out and focus on them while having SEO in the back of your mind, you will do better for yourself.
The fact that the median income for girls is higher than men is great news in the battle for sex equality. If you are a girl and you are looking to get into an industry where you have the same chances as guys, get into blogging! Is there something you would have covered or analysed differently?
Let us know in the comment section! I have read many how to make money from your blogs and such articles and online posts. Never felt they were complete or were honest. Your this entire series of posts on blogging A to Z is like a bible for aspiring and seasoned bloggers. Keep up the good work and god bless you! This is good…really good. This took a lot of time and effort. Thanks a lot for including me here! I swear I did change my avatar in 11 years: Thanks for dropping by. Although some are more profitable than others. Well it seems like most people who are killing it are rarely relying on just SEO to make money which explains the low correlation.
You are welcome sir. Congrats on the success: You put a lot of time and research in to this. Where does your site fall among the rest? Thanks for dropping by, glad you like the research. Hey Gael, great Post. And special thanx for the girl-power encouragement. I am just starting a blog beside my Webdesign-Business.
Authorityhacker is one of my favorite model. I saw some people elsewhere had mentioned other blogs that certainly make more money, but I understand what you were doing here. Thanks so much for the Empire Flippers mention, btw! Thanks for dropping by, good idea with businesses! Yeah I know a bunch of people making 6 figures monthly from their blogs but if I wanted to do some proper analysis I had to have the breakdown of expenses, income sources etc which is not the kind of info most people are happy to share.
Thanks for dropping by! I had a questions regarding your authority site in the health niche. When you were starting off, how did you get the pictures for the juice recipe? Did you just find a picture off the net and post it? Hey George, I suggest you read this post for that: Nice to read about myself in more depth than people usually go into as well.
I totally agree about services. Good luck with the clients and thanks for dropping by! I learned a lot! Thanks for including my wife Abby in this report. Okay, they say to write Epic shit. This is epic, man. I love, love, love what you have done here. Thanks for dropping by, happy to see the litters of sweat that post generated were not in vain! Your blog is excellent at providing both. And that right there is a great blueprint for any blogger who wants to know how to build their blog!
I do want to mention that Jon Dykstra actually does have a product. Several of them in fact. Hi Gael, What an amazing post. Yep, we found that part to be true as well. Traffic is not much of a problem anymore bug strong monetisation is still something we are working on.
Quick off topic question. How did you do that? Glad you liked the post! Seriously Gael, super honoured to be considered in this company considering how newbie I am. Flabbergasted is I all I gotta say: Every post should have an Easter egg like that ; On a more serious note, have you fact checked the numbers reported?
Finally a private question, would you mind sharing how your blog performs compare to the ones listed. I had to approach this post twice: Be careful, that you placed Spencer on the last place: And what about Authorityhacker income reports? I replied on our income in the other comments check it out: Respect to you guys! I do have to make some corrections though.
I do not do any freelance writing. My husband has done a little bit of freelance programming which is where that section of money came from that month. I work primarily on growing my passive income — a lot of my income comes from Amazon. Great, Work try keep motivating the young bloggers with these kind of Blog posts. Definitely an amazing job Gael: Mentioned it already during our quick chat via Twitter, but this is just WOW. Started my blog just a few months ago after making good money in the pharma niches, and this is very inspiring, as well as full of good stuff to pick and study.
One last time, great stuff, thanks for that and looking forward to more. Thank you for making this super valuable post available. I really enjoyed this since I have started to work on my blog more effectively recently. I also have an income report section on my site and so far I have published two income reports. So much invaluable information for newbies, like me. I appreciate the detailed and well thought out mention! Thanks for the mention and incredible article.
If you look at each of the people you mentioned in this post, most of them did that in some way. I actually find this post more depressing than encouraging. Almost every single one of these bloggers talk about making money online. Hey Kristie, actually our case study site healthambition. Actually there are tons of people who are doing well without talking about making money, here are some examples. Emmy Wu — emmywu.
Weight Loss — sarahjenks. Of all the posts I have read till date about monetizing blogs, this one totally stands out. This post is EPIC!
One is an online lifestyle magazine which will primarily focus on health, well-being and personal development, and the other is a travel blog focusing on offbeat experiential travel. I would be happy if you throw some light on getting started with direct advertising. Very inspiring read, and loved the way you have drawn out what we can learn from each blogger. Got lots of stuff to mull over. Thanks for putting the metrics data.
Its great to know that lower Alexa rank is not detrimental to earnings. Have to work on my Twitter followers: Thanks so much for sharing this information! There are so many great posts on this blog, I will be reading them all for the rest of the week! I will appreciate if you can share some actionable tips or at least resources for new bloggers and freelancers so they can use that knowledge to monetize their blogs.
Glad you like the post! Thanks for this great post. I could only hope to join this elite group one day. The only site websites I know that actually pay you to write for them are seosf. Hi Gael, this is fantastic post and I love it! I thoroughly enjoyed this article! Thank you SO much! Started making money online about a year ago. I own over a dozen sites for affiliate use. You either write straight to the point content. Or you write content to actually gain readers.
The type of content you should create really depends on the kind of people you want to bring on: Obviously long content worked with you in that case ;. I was thinking about doing a report like that, but I found that you have said it all and in a very good manner.
People do not realize the true power of blogging. Especially because it can be monetized in so many different ways. I remember having read this for the first time and having immediately bookmarked it for future reference.
How to Make Money Blogging (We Make Over $, Per Month).
Well back now for a refresher and honestly wanted to thank you for the post! Could honestly have been an entire blog post with the amount of goodies found in these sections of the article alone! I find this site is very beneficial and helpful. How much is it true and how can i proceed further? I am extremely gratitude for response. Well the blog itself is separate from the Business so it depends on what you plan on selling on your blog. You could imagine doing tuition over Skype, or sell courses that teach parents how to teach their kids ect.
Oh my, this is so detailed, I love it! Lots of inspiration to keep going and hustling: Nice report and post How i wish i can reach that income in some of my blogs someday Keep posting Gael: This is one of the best websites out there for quality and detailed content. Keep up the great work and all the best to you!
Thank you for creating this. This has saved me hours of online research to see how these top performing guys are making money online. Also introduceded me someone I have not come across before. This is a fantastic post. I think anyone who wants to start blogging should come here. I will definitely do a post linking back to this one. Thanks for this ultimate guide. It will help many newbies who are thinking to make their career in Blogging. Keep posting such informative articles Gael. Will try out the methods you listed here.
It is surprising that so many of these top blogs are not that old. I wonder where Backlinko, Copywriter, Copyhacker and similar giants stand: Thanks for the helpful information. Well this is really inspirational post for a new blogger like me. This post kicks within to do something.
Hope I will earn something by the end of this year. This is a crazy overview into what the folks are doing these days. As you have much more control over monetisation. However, the learning curve is steep. Much obliged to you for making this. This has spared me hours of online examination to perceive how these top performing folks are profiting on the web. Likewise presented my, somebody, I have not run over some time recently. Great post with awful analysis. I saw some individuals elsewhere had mentioned different blogs that actually create extra money, however, I perceive what you were doing here.
Thanks most for the Empire Flippers mention, btw! I wanted to know what software do you use to make these graphs? Can You please let me know? I am still reading it and trying to understand the models used by some of the bloggers features most of them are new to me. Anyway, what I have learnt from this post is that you have to work harder in order to outdo your competitors. Hello Gael, this is a massive dose of encouragement for little beginners like me. Just getting started and I can say I needed this. This is pretty encouraging. Excellent post, i am very happy and inspired because you are giving us a clue that afilliate program is the best source of income.
Wow, great post I have just discovered after your webinar.. It takes too much time to read but it does worth. I was encouraged by the twitter findings especially, too often it can feel pointless. I also appreciated in your post bringing up the fact the usual income reports postings do not figure in their costs. Hi Gael, I just came into blogging after reading this post.
I feel so good. Thanks for the article man. Thanks for this great list of bloggers. I am a big fan of Pat and Harsh. They always inspire me a lot. This post is really so motivating and inspirational too. Thanks gain for this great list. What an amazing post Gael! It must have taken you days to collate all this data from all the top bloggers.
So from what I can see subscription based Affiliate Marketing products like Hosting, etc seems to be on the top of the list. As far as selling own products are concerned, I guess the bloggers have spent a lot of time in building their audience first and then launching their information product. Advertising revenues seem to be the simplest way, provided there are high-value content and organic traffic on the blogs.
All in all… a super epic post! First of all thanks for making a collection of this great information and putting all your efforts in it. Gael, great analysis putting this altogether. But have you noticed that hardly any of these are from Asia, despite the fact the traffic is much higher. You know the reason as do I, it has to do with the CPMs earned on these blogs. I am a student on AHP. The one blogger I think you left off the list ;- — You!
I know myself and some of your students would be interested to know where you fit on the list. Hello Gael and thanks for the great article like allways! There is something I ask me each day and wanted to ask you: Thanks a lot for taking your time and putting in so much effort to write this up. This really made things much easier to think for me. Keep up the great work! Hi Gael — Fascinating post, and amazing piece of analysis. Enormous help for both beginner and experienced bloggers combined. Many bloggers over here earn substantial sums from collaborative posts with companies.
Appreciate you mention a few bloggers include sponsored content within their advertising revenue, but is is a less significant income driver for US bloggers? Thanks for sharing this list. Guys, tell me please, and how do you deal with spam comments? Do you read comments every time and those that are similar to spam delete or apply some plug-ins? However, if you have Akismet set up, you should be good.
Very clear case study s. A big motive for newcomers like me. Anyway, great list of sites! We can all only learn from those guys and good luck to them. Those really all some impressive numbers! Hello, first of all I would like to thank you for the great contents of the blog!! So I have some doubts. Do you guys advise me to focus on just one niche or can I have other authority blogs in other niches? Remembering that I work alone!! Is it possible with white hat to outdo these people? Thank you so much for the time and effort it took you to gather and share this incredible information with us.
A truly outstanding job, I am definitely going to follow you. Thank you so much. Thanks for the post, this really inspires me. Thanks for sharing, Gael. I have read many articles about how to make money online from your blog and this is another wonderful article. This monster article was so inspiring. Good to see that if you really put your heart into building your blog, the results will come. The hard work and time put into it, is certainly worth it. Lastly, more power to the girls! Your email address will not be published.
Click the button below to join the training and let us show you how realistic building job replacing income using the authority site model really is. How To Make Money Blogging: How to make money blogging? What you will learn. What the most profitable business models in blogging are. What metrics correlate the most with high blogging revenue.
Who earns more between males and females The 9 lessons these 21 bloggers teach us on building more profitable blogs. Our Sample Of Bloggers. We took the 21 income reports for March and tried to split the income into 3 categories: Here is what the breakdown looked like when we added it all up across all income reports: Where does the profit come from? Here are the results: What metrics correlate the most with higher revenue?
THE Fast Way to Make Money (The 30-Day Plan for Making $1000)
Alexa rank against earnings. Linking root domains against earnings. Who earns the most? So should we get out and protest? Women blogger have a higher median income than men. Here is what this looks like: Zooming into each blogger's business. John Lee Dumas Website: John earns a smaller but still significant portion of his income from affiliate commissions. Top Expenses for John Lee Dumas John is a huge proponent of smart outsourcing on his podcasts and blog.
What we can learn from John 1. Try podcasting John Lee Dumas pretty much started the recent podcasting phenomenon among entrepreneurs. By all means, that is one really impressive journey! Pat primarily promotes web hosting and email products. Pat sells eBooks on his niche websites, plus a web player for podcasters.
My First Blog
Top Expenses for Pat Flynn Besides revenue, Pat also shares a detailed breakdown of his monthly business expenses. What we can learn from Pat 1. Consistency is crucial Pat has been blogging regularly for 6. Target one demographic Instead of creating generic financial advice pieces, Michelle carefully targets a narrow audience — millennials who want to reduce debt, earn a side income, and travel the world. What we can learn from Lindsay 1. Age matters Lindsay has been blogging on PinchOfYum for over 6 years. Internet marketing Total Monthly Revenue: Justin reports no affiliate earnings.
Food and recipes Total Monthly Revenue: Advertising is the biggest revenue stream for Jennifer. Multiple lower quality blogs…. The problem is that those sites can rise and fall quickly and I prefer trying to build something that lasts. Whew, almost made another post out of this answer. Hope I cleared things up rather than muddying the waters more. This is a really good, aggressive method to make money quickly. Also, it seems to me that a small bit of tweaking would turn this into a more long term strategy.
Also, if you mixed in some affiliate programs that generated recurring or multi-level income, you could build up some good passive income as well. For sure, there are big elemants of this in my long term strategies. There is a lot of crossover. Very useful information Steve, your contents are real gem so much to take away from here as usual. I am definitely still chugging away at the MBP. It is going to be a blast. Would love to make a grand in 30 days.
When looking at how competitive a search term is why do you care about how many pages the search engine returns for the search? IMO a mailing list is almost not optional if you want to achieve real success. You have to have something that will entice people.
YOu need to make it quality and not some crap that will turn people off. But if you blog regularly you DO have what it takes. YOu can even rework a series of old blog posts into an ebook. The only thing that is essential…. Then it is simply following step three and making an autoresponder sequence. This is pretty easy to begin with. Overtime you can tweak and make improvements. But something basic is fine at first. I think this whole plan will work just as good for long term business. The two main factors to make it a long term game would be to choose an evergreen product to promote and to focus on getting quality traffic, right?
Thanks for yet another great post, Steve! But I would say there are three differences. The way I talked about your autoresponder sequence here is a brute force method. SO that may be the biggest thing… NOT having a brute force appraoch in emails. Offering more free content and going lighter on slaes pitches when you do them.
I have never had success with Clickbank, because I never eally understood how to find the better products to promote. I am off now to go back and see if I can find some juicy products to wet my appetite! There is a lot of work involved in your method — not that that puts me off, but I think I would need to pre write some content otherwise the 30 days would loose some of the impact, but there are a lot of good general promotion tips as well.
There is a lot of crap in CB. No doubt it takes time to find those good ones. And probably a few purchases and refunds to check out if they are any good and refunding the ones that are not. No doubt there is a lot of work. Really success online is going to require a lot of work. Anyone who says different has some made easy product to sell you.
Generally I prefer a little less aggressive manner specifically with emails. And it would sell a few copies. And that long term and sustainable is the way to go. For example — perhaps you could do a follow up post showing the benefits of building a long term and sustainable business or maybe one exists already? To me this is a tortoise and hare kind of a deal — and the hare always gets his butt kicked. The tortoise always wins. I know you know my thoughts jibe with this. About the best I could come up with for making money fast. It is far better to make something that lasts.
But good things take time to build. It takes time to do it right, build the base and grow it slowly. You have some great ideas here for future articles and ideas. I may do some of these or versions of these. But I take your point and I totally agree. I know we agree Steve — I left the comment in the hope that some people will read it and realize there are no quick fixes, no shiny buttons, no magic elves, etc etc. Hey Steve, I must say that this is a great article full of information. I might have to re-read again to grasp all the info.
Hopefully it gives some ideas. Far better to to build for a long run, but a lot of these tips can help for that too! And it is always good to get those first few sales rolling. Hopefully people see that no matter what you do…making money online takes real dedication and effort. There are lots of way doing AM but I reckon that list building approach is the best since you will be able to market to your list every time. You will be lucky if you can make a few sales. It makes me shudder when I see people NOT building a list. It is something I feel pretty strongly about in terms of long-term money making potential.
I will agree the difficulty would be very high and some of the money might trickle in day 31, 32 etc. Certainly not easy…and certainly not guaranteed, but on the edge of possible. As for making that in a year. Well if you put THAT level of work into it and only make a year, something is wrong. Of course if you only work a few hours a week… is fine. It is all relative. Thank you for showing the detailed instructions on how to accomplish this extraordinary way of making quick cash.
I think the only way to really achieve success is through planning for a long term. The good thing is that a lot of steps are the same and it can easily be turned into a longer term profit scenario. It is possible with knowledge. ALthough I think somone with zero resources could. There are lots of little moving parts that would take a lot of time for someone truly brand new to figure out. However, they could get a start on the path and learn a lot of important things and make something…which is quite encouraging starting out. I knew pretty much about keyword research, but he information about Clickbank proved to be helpful.
Definitely one to bookmark. You sure did put a lot of effort into this one. However, I have been able to rank pretty quickly in relatively uncompetitive niches with an exact match domain. Glad you liked it. The keyword twist is one of the essential items in ranking it fast. Obviously they are untargeted and immediately bounce, but it shows that by targeting these terms and selling the product using these stars or trending topics, though I would say possibly slightly shady…is something that could work.
Not only are you showing someone how to earn quick cash, they are also learning affiliate research, keyword research, content creation, list building, email marketing etc.. The cash is almost just icing on the cake. Yes, I am a believer in fundamentals. The thing I DO like about this system is that it also incorporates a lot of those long term methods. A few changes mainly writing evergreen articles, creating your own site and focusing on long term building of an email list and this method may make LESS at first…but be a far better long term strategy.
I like this post. The other great thing about this system is that there are few expenses beyond busting your hump with effort. Once again, thanks for the details in this post. Since niche marketing is her thing, I was delighted to read her response. Steve, is someone takes you up on this plan and reports the results to you, I would love to read a post about it. Steve, thanks so much for this comprehensive plan. Best wishes for a terrific week. Until next time, aloha.

I agree, there is probably MORE than 1, dollars worth of effort involved figuring minimum wage Far better to put it to a long term approach, which is not that far off. Thanks for this great post. So I really hope this will help. Thanks and I will tell you if it worked. Peter, hopefully this helps you some. I will give you that.
Even with busting your butt. Perhaps based on those same 30 days of work it could then take a bit of time for the money to show up. People -spend- a lot of money and come out of it having spent more than they made. This sounds like a good system. That must be my downfall.
Thanks for the recommendations. I especially liked the CB bit — I never spent too much time there and now I am starting to see more traffic to sites where monetizing that way is a viable option — so great timing! I believe the hardest part for many people is actually writing content. This is also why it is always easier to make money if you already have some money to invest. It is actually interesting that you bring this up. Since I am trying to set up a new site sort of a long the lines I talked about in this article. I do not have the time and I am outsourcing heaps of it.
Shall see how it goes. This is excellent step-by-step explanation. Real process handed over on a silver plate. But I have to agree with some of the comments. Newbie would need a bit more time than that. No doubt you are right. I wrote this with a very optimistic bent. For someone brand new these results would be close to impossible. If just because a learning curve that goes with it. But I do believe it will get you about as close as possible. This is a real deal. You gave clear instructions and warnings about the downsides. Most actually recommends high gravity with a pretty much lesser competition for clickbank products and both factors make sense to all of us especially if we are looking forward to earn money within a period of time.
It probably is a little bit dodgy. ANything promising X results in X times really is a little bit dodgy. Hopefully the information is good though and this is the best method you can attempt to still be able to get some decent fast results. The problem with these scams is that when you then get someone genuine offering a genuine service or product, no one wants to listen anymore becauuse their voice is lost in among all the BS flying around,.
YOu do make some good points Alan. After all there is a reason why people have the gutcheck reaction the CB can be spammy. I understand your point! I mean a mix of short and long term strategies. I have just one word for you.. Amazing boilerplate article to give you a head start in affiliate marketing. In fact, this can work for any kind of content marketing and sales.
How to Bypass an Opt In Page. During this time he's learned Steve Scott's Kindle Publishing Blog. And they need it now. Example of Google Website Optimizer. But over all this is a great article! Jesus, Well traffic is of course an issue, but the idea is that finding those trending topics and writing articles for your product using those ideas can jumpstart you into an area with lower competition and still high traffic.
Hi Steve, This is a very informative post. And I want to ask you one question. How to make videos which get lots of hits on Youtube? Is link funnel works in Youtube? Steve — if you need YouTube help, all you gotta do is email me, you know that right? This effort can work, but it takes a ton of effort. How about solo ads to attract traffic to your squeeze page? I appreciate your kind words. Thanks Dennis, I appreciate your vote of confidence.
How to Make Money Blogging: A Beginner’s Guide to Working at Home
Thanks for the comment and hope to see you around here again! Hi Steve, Epic post, really! I have a few questions for you: Sorry for all the questions, but you really seem to know your stuff! Steve, I do hope you will pop your head around here again. But if you have Amazon links or Email capture where you plan to send affiliate links at some time or strait up affiliate product offers those would all be affiliate marketing and also Niche marketing That actually gave me a great idea.
Blogging itself will make -some- money, but until you hit the stratosphere not a ton. But to be honest is not the way I have gone, and it is not what I normally recommend. But it is viable. Steve, this is an excellent plan. Well thought-out and well explained. Thanks Ana, I appreciate your comment! Glad you like it! Joe, IMO a mailing list is almost not optional if you want to achieve real success. It is a lot of work…sure.
Driving the traffic to the offers is a challenge… for sure. But it is the best way to really turn transitory visitors in leads, customers and loyal fans. Thanks very much for the clarification. And probably a few purchases and refunds to check out if they are any good and refunding the ones that are not No doubt there is a lot of work. Late here…need coffee…or sleep?
About the best I could come up with for making money fast …but my beliefs lie squarely in your camp. Thanks for another great comment I expect nothing less -Steve. And I would love to outsource myself a magic internet elf! I have been trying to hit that home in replies too.. This post can also be a starter for those who want to make their first few bucks online. Thanks again for this wonderful post. Kharim, Hopefully it gives some ideas. Thanks for dropping by! I make this within 1 years. Anyway good article steve. Anyhow, thanks for dropping by and commenting!
Glad you liked it Miftah! Thanks for dropping by and commenting. You make a good point. Thanks Matt, glad you liked it. I love the keyword twist and focusing on upcoming celebrities — clever strategy. Thanks Brian, Glad you liked it! Janet, I agree, there is probably MORE than 1, dollars worth of effort involved figuring minimum wage Far better to put it to a long term approach, which is not that far off. Mike, I will give you that. Thanks for the comment, man! This post is brilliant on so many levels! This is a great plan without any hype, and it is doable.
Marcin, It is actually interesting that you bring this up. Hi Steve, You did ask. Nice article apart from that though, take care, Alan. I do think there are good clickbank products out there. Anyhow, thanks for your comment and giving it to me straight. Yes, the fast way to make money.
About Steve Scott Steve Scott has earned a full-time income from a single affiliate marketing niche since I sometimes use affiliate links on SteveScottSite.