
Guinea Pig Apocalypse

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Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Aug 14, Shelby Toren rated it really liked it. I received this book through LibraryThing's Member Giveaway.

Guinea Pig Apocalypse begins when an experiment performed by Galileo's mad scientist parents goes very wrong. While everyone is trying to control the ever-increasing guinea pig population, Galileo discovers that it is the squirrels who messed up the experiment in an attempt to take over the world! Galileo must fight the squirrels to save Earth from destruction. I thought this was a really cute book for ages It teaches the importance of taking responsibility for your actions and making good choices.

I actually enjoyed reading it! It was a very quick read and is definitely worth looking into. Sep 02, Sheila rated it really liked it. Funny story of creatures who want to take over the world by using guinea pigs. I laughed out loud as the plan commences with mad scientists who play into the hands of those plotting to take over the world. I loved the names of the characters. Fortunately Galileo Ramirez was around to save us all. At least, I hope he did because there were still a lot of guinea pigs around.

Lots of fun to read with your children. Aug 10, Jan rated it it was amazing. When an experiment his mad scientist parents are performing goes horribly awry a boy must save the day. I received this book for free in exchange for an honest review. This children's book is totally charming.

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The perfect book to share at bedtime, story time at school or for a child to curl up with on a rainy day. Aug 09, Melissa rated it liked it Shelves: Overnight, the inner tubes are allowed to fill with the methane gas for use during the day. Cooking and light with biogaz. The generator has been converted to use methane gas. Over the almost 4 decades, they grow all their own foods — various varieties of fruit both in bush and tree form, vegetables including the food for the guinea pigs varieties of corn — they feed them the stalks and with this they need no additional source of water , and of course guinea pigs for meat along with some chickens.

The water they need for their garden is groundwater found at a relatively shallow depth, of 15 meters if I remember correctly. They have a simple yet sophisticated irrigation systems in place. Lucuma tree and fruit: Most popular flavour of ice-cream in Peru. Because of the dry nature of its flesh, lucuma is usually consumed in fruit juices, milkshakes and ice cream.

It can be bought in powder format. It tastes like a cross between sweet potato and maple as there is a creamyness to it. We did ask about whether they composted their own humanure and they did not, not getting an explanation for this.

Guinea Pig Apocalypse by De Kenyon

I could imagine that the addition of humanure might cause changes to the digestive materials and processes to where there could be imbalances?. The guano and plant waste would be consistent. I did gather that Ulises and Carmen are scientists and thus they would have monitored and measured the processes to determine the optimal conditions. Adding human waste might complicate this when you consider that when one goes offsite and consumes food from elsewhere, ingredients might change the dynamics of the standardized and time tested processes.

Ulises removed the poll to show us how hot the compost was. One of the advantages of being the god of my own blog is I can push my way in when I want to. I am deeply embarrassed of this photo. Its not the belly wich has manly disappeared due to a few months of hardcore exploring and six floors of climbing on a daily basis. Some time, next year when I am back to Canada, I will introduce you to a couple of Ex Street Kid friends of mine with a greenhouse heated in this manner. This is going on under the plants. Ive also done some grunt work on an organic goat farm in BC where the goat barn was kept heated by simply not cleaning it out untill spring and just adding more layers of hay over top of the droppings.

Alas we did not get to meet Carmen as she was away attending meetings.

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They are unsure what will happen to their project. I got the impression that Ulises is disappointed that not more of his countrymen have chosen to pursue a similar path in alleviating their own poverty.

Powering Your Doomstead On Apocalyptic Guinea Pigs. No Shit. Maybe Some Shit

He stressed that he felt they had devised a way to empower people to address their own circumstances of poverty, but that individuals and governments, although impressed with the project, did not embrace it. The city of Lima has increased in population so dramatically over the past 20 years as a result of peasants in the rural areas escaping the violence. They leave behind their lives and have to try to eck out a new existence with nothing. This causes me to reflect on how do projects that can solve significant real world problems get off the ground. Government support can help but is not always necessary of course as long as they do not obstruct the project.

Skip to content I am Proud to announce my first ever guest post. Water filtration plants Lucuma tree and fruit: Avacados, bananas and yams We did ask about whether they composted their own humanure and they did not, not getting an explanation for this. Back to MrsC5 Alas we did not get to meet Carmen as she was away attending meetings.

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