Culture Shock (Culture Shock Series Book 1)
I will be awaiting the next book in the serious on pins and needles. Jun 17, Tara Allman rated it it was amazing. Culture Shock by Janette Pekala This book was really a good read. It left enough questions to keep you turning the pages for more answers. There are twists and turns and surprises along the way.
Macy is from New York and used to being able to blend into the back ground. Her dad gets a promotion and the family moves to Florida where her mother has always wanted to live. She has caught the eye of three admirers and finds herself living in a world Culture Shock by Janette Pekala This book was really a good read. She has caught the eye of three admirers and finds herself living in a world that she never thought existed except in fairy tales.
For the first time in her life she has a nemesis and Macy and her friends struggle to get to the bottom of how she could have become the target of revenge so dark that someone wants her dead. This book offers mystery, paranormal activity, supernatural beings and a bit of a love story. Apr 27, Barbara Ann rated it really liked it Shelves: May 14, Darian Carter-Pace rated it really liked it. This review and more at my blog, Into the Worm's Hole Rating: Yes Will I read the Next: Never in all my history of reading has that ending happened. Culture Shock was, for the most part, a pretty good book.
There were a few things that annoyed me quite a bit, but also a few redeeming qualities that kept me reading. The writing style was my biggest problem with this book. The writing is the whole book. But I feel like if there were a few adjustments it would be way better and easier to read. One thing that really isn't the authors fault, but was still super annoying anyway, was the editing. There are a few words i could use to describe it, but because this book put me in my good old country mood, im gonna use some we use often where im from.
It was just plain old awful. Other than that there's something that is completely the authors fault. The change in style. At first it was kind of like a diary and that took a little getting used to. But halfway through the book, just when i did get used to it, it changed. It became like a personal narrative and it kind of sounded like Macy was telling someone else a story. Like reading a kid to sleep.
Popular Culture Shock Series Books
Why change the style just as i get used to it. That annoyed the hell out of me. Then, my final problem with the writing, there was how some statements that should have ended with periods ended with question marks? So i ended up reading everything with an upward infliction?
Which was kind of annoying? Because we don't usually talk like that? Up until the last plot twist, Culture shock was nothing if not predictable. I mean, come on. Chad with his sun allergy and no appetite. Max with his huge body and large appetite. No spoilers but hey. The only one I was truly surprised about was Emma because there were no obvious hints.

I would just like to ask the author to please not insult my intelligence. The plot was equally slow as it was predictable. It pick up only at the end. She had this whole "old me," "new me" thing going on which was basically just a mild case of multiple personality disorder. Her thoughts between her old self and her new self were so radically different. One minute she thinks that both boys must be pining for her attention. The next she's thinking how she's nothing without her deceased BFF. She acted really innocent but had some seriously dirty thoughts.
The other characters, namely Chad and Max, seemed to be taken straight out of some other stories. In short they were unoriginal. And the perfect family? She went from having three boys to two to one to two and finally one. Im surprised Macy didn't get mono from all the kissing she was doing. I was a little annoyed throughout the whole thing because while it wasn't official with anyone, it still seemed like cheating. May 31, Majanka rated it it was amazing Shelves: They did stop my reading flow e Originally published here: They did stop my reading flow every now and then, but I could live with that because the story, the plot and the characters hooked me.
Macy, our main character, has been an introvert ever since her best friend died about a year ago. Her family decides to move away from the big city, partially to give Macy a new, fresh start. She begins hanging out with a strange crowd of people, who seem to be hiding more secrets than Macy cares for. Macy made for an intriguing main character, especially because she started out introverted, and gradually opened up toward others as the story progressed.
She also seemed like your typical teenager. I find that often, in young adult books, the way teenagers act is either like adults stuck in a teenage body so, too mature or like little kids stuck in a teenage body too immature. The setting was vibrant and lively, filled with elements that seemed fitting for the south, and Bougainvillea was a town with a fascinating history and look, even though I had trouble getting used to the name at first.
Just like the Caster society, the supernatural society in Bougainvillea just works. I liked the secondary characters as well, particularly Chad. He was the right mix of mysterious and caring, and I loved most, if not all, of his scenes. Overall, Culture Shock provides a detailed, imaginative world where normal and supernatural live together in a quaint, small town, a main character thrust in the middle of all this, and a dark magical force threatening to overwhelm her.
Jun 20, Stephanie rated it liked it Shelves: First, let me start off by saying this was a GoodReads Giveaway. Well, what can I say, it's another human-girl-discovers-the-supernatural-and-falls-in-love-with-a-vampire novel. Even though I still root for the werewolf team, at least Chad Welcome to the Podunk special of supernatural teen romance think of a certain "best-seller First, let me start off by saying this was a GoodReads Giveaway.
Welcome to the Podunk special of supernatural teen romance think of a certain "best-seller" and the corresponding first of the five movies. Though over-done, it still turns out to be a nice predictable plot line and at points I wondered if Macy, as likable as she is, is a bit slow to catch on to situations. This best part, for me, was the twist at the end, though I realized what Max was doing for Chad, it was still a good move getting away from the mundane.
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However, in saying that, I do have to give Mrs. Jeanette Pekala quite some credit. One, for having a sociology degree and deciding to write a novel. Two, for having the ability to write almost pages. Three, and most notably, doing so and still being able to convey your story, though your publisher obviously didn't give two looks at your work, which leads me to my biggest complaint. This could have been a better novel, if someone would've given the time to proofread it.
I've spotted quite a few spelling and grammatical errors, though I'm not any where near an English professor. One page was left entirely blank and the binding isn't exceptional as a couple pages during my reading decided to come out. A little editing would make this book great - about pages or so could've been discarded to make the reader's experience a smoother ride along with the above fixes. Overall, not a bad novel, would love if there was more of a twist to it as to not be so predictable - Mrs.
Apr 23, Sarah rated it really liked it Shelves: I received this book free as a Goodreads First Read. I entered this contest knowing that this was not a genre I normally would read.
However, I was looking for a new book and wanted to discover something new. Over all, I enjoyed the story created by Jeanette Pekala. It was, at times, slightly predictable but in the end she did surprise me with a twist. The characters that she created were as believable as supernatural characters can be.
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My only real issue with the book was not it's story or char I received this book free as a Goodreads First Read. My only real issue with the book was not it's story or characters but the editing. There are many instances throughout the book where it appears Ms. Pekala started writing something and then most likely came back later and changed what she had written.
In the process parts of what was written previously was not completely deleted. So I had to read it more than once to make sense of what she intended.
Culture Shock (Culture Shock #1) by Jeanette Pekala
There were also quite a few grammatical errors that were noted throughout such as "mostly likely". That being said, the book was still a fun and quick read. As far as recommending this book: I would absolutely recommend this book to anyone looking for a fun and quick read. Pekala shows great potential and I look forward to the release of Shock Wave.
Nov 19, Sharon rated it liked it. The move in itself is enough of a culture shock, but the move is the least of Macy's concerns. Macy becomes friends with people who have secrets of their own Macy comes from a well to do family, but she has numerous insecurities. The characters have tons of sass and attitude which I totally love.
Macy has her own story to tell, however several times I felt like I was reading Twilight or True Blood. The prologue and chapter 1 did not connect at all, it felt like two different stories, there was not a direct connection between the prologue and the actual story until chapter The spacing and format of the book, made it feel choppy. I am interested to see what happens in the life and world of Macy, but before I would ever purchase this book or the second book in the series some of the major formatting errors would have to be corrected. I am not completely sold if I like this book or not.
Would I recommend it to others who read fiction? Yes, I already have. I wanted to be able to discuss the book with other avid readers and get their take on the book. Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. How do series work? Helpers -Eva- 89 , Collectorator 57 , EveleenM 22 , jadler 17 , picturebookperson 15 , skittles 7 , xaagmabag 7 , SimoneA 3 , vaneska 2 , vivir 2 , Conkie 2 , lemontwist 1 , marmot 1 , Bouquin 1 , TommyB 1. Series by cover 1—8 of 96 next show all.
Argentina by Fiona Adams. Australia by Ilsa Sharp. Austria by Susan Roraff. Guides by Julie Krejci. Bahrain by Harvey Tripp. Barcelona by Mark Cramer. Beijing by Kay Jones. Belgium by Mark Elliot. Berlin by Agnes Sachsenroeder. Bolivia by Mark Cramer. Borneo by Heidi Munan. Brazil by Volker Poelzl. Britain by Terry Tan.
Bulgaria by Agnes Sachsenroeder. Burma by Saw Myat Yin. California by Mark Cramer. Cambodia by Peter North. Canada by Guek-Cheng Pang. Chicago by Orin Hargraves. Chile by Susan Roraff. China by Kevin Sinclair. Costa Rica by Claire Wallerstein. Cuba by Mark Cramer. Czech Republic by Tim Nollen. Denmark by Morten Strange. Ecuador by Nicholas Crowder.
Books in the Culture Shock! series
Egypt by Susan L. Finland by Deborah Swallow. France by Sally Adamson Taylor. Germany by Richard Lord. Greece by Clive Rawlins. Havana by Mark Cramer. Havana at Your Door by Mark Cramer. Hawaii by Brent Massey. Hong Kong by Betty Wei. Here's how restrictions apply. About the Author After finishing her degree in Sociology from the University of Florida, Jeanette Pekala had no idea what she wanted to do with her life. Culture Shock Series Paperback: Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers.
Write a customer review. Read reviews that mention culture shock jeanette pekala good book read the next macy romance editing please vampires page exchange florida happens honest involved obvious supes totally truly twist. Showing of 18 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Culture Shock by Jeanette Pekala was sooooooo gooooood It grabbed me from page 1 all the way through page Absolutely loved the characters and the town.
Werewolves, Vampires, Shapeshifters, Witches, some good and some bad This book just tickled my fancy Kindle Edition Verified Purchase.
This is a great YA novel and will be a great series. Great descriptions of places and people. Written well and full of wit and sarcasm. The plot is full of twists and turns and is very fast paced. It's a long book, and I still finished it rather quickly. I really felt like I was a part of this supernatural world, and it wasn't all cheesy like some other books involving vampires It was refreshing to read a book about vampires and werewolves where the new stereotypes were removed.
Only thing I disliked in the book were the editing errors. Throughout, there were many grammatical errors and such, but A: I still thoroughly enjoyed this book so I still give it 5 stars!!!