Breaking Me Down
General Comment classic pvp song. General Comment Like shamandown, I'd agree that this song is about being yourself. He has to be what the nightmare made him, meaning that his struggles have defined him. He's being what he sees. He's also trying very hard to change, but no one seems to see that "too much is made of what's in me, not enough of how I strive". They all want sudden, dramatic results, which are rather unrealistic. It's breaking him down, along with everything else, because the expectations are too damned high.
He wants them all to "just let it go. General Comment I agree with the he is trying to change but in a different way. I think he is trying to change because he is seeing how fucked up he use to be and how he acted. I think but im not positive is the part where he is saying bringing me down break me down sweet suger is he is actually talking to someone he is in a relationship with? I am so excited and nervous to see where Mo will take them in the next book. I also love how the whole series revolves around faith I'd be forever grateful for it.
Oct 24, Zetti rated it it was amazing. This book for me is about them both making mistakes and discovering themselves again. They get to know each other and most importantly of all, they connect to each other because they want to. Abe grows as a character, he learns to put Myra first in more than ways than I could have imagined. He finally lets her make her mistakes, make her own choices and find her way to her own happiness. Myra, oh my gosh her character development is nothing short of amazing in my eyes. As a religious person, the cult thing at first in the first book made me wary but in the end the fact that this book shows that religion is not a bad thing, it just has to be portrayed as freedom of choice.
Myra has every right to make her own choices and not have those choices dictated by others. I am intrigued to see how Mo ends this trilogy but what I know for sure, is that the growth and strength in Abe and Myra, will stay true and stay strong. I am excited to read more! Oct 28, Stephanie rated it it was amazing. Break Me Down is book two in the Breaking Trilogy and you must read them in order. I couldn't dive into this book fast enough. I devoured it just as fast. Abe and Myra have sucked me in and I love both their characters. Seeing Myra grow made me so happy.
Break Me Down
I have been rooting for her since book one and I can't wait to see her full transformation. Also, if you thought Abe made you swoon in Break My Fall, just wait. You will swoon, HARD. I don't want to give away too much but just know Mo brought it once again. I suspect I know where this story is going but with Mo you honestly never know. She is great at throwing curve-balls when you're expecting a fastball.
Break Me Down is the perfect mixture of slow burn and angst that will keep you sucked in and begging for more. It's a breath of fresh air after reading so many of the books with pretty much the same troupe. If you've never read a M. Mabie book you're seriously missing out. Her writing will captivate you. She's a must read author. Run, don't walk, to buy this series. Oct 25, Ashley Jasper rated it really liked it.
Mabie picked up Break Me Down right where the first book in this trilogy ended because I was a mess. Much like Abraham worrying over Myra. I think my favorite thing was seeing how much Myra grew. While there were a handful of moments where her behavior was childish, it was to be expected with the environment she grew up in. That being said, there was a lot thrown at her and some hard choices had to be made.
She handled her situation, which was nothing less than messy, with grace Thank goodness M. She handled her situation, which was nothing less than messy, with grace and class. This book was an achingly sweet slow burn. I loved how Abraham recognized the mistakes he made where Myra was concerned. How, even when his patience was beyond tested, he allowed things to go at her pace.
It was what she needed and what he needed too. He needed her to want him. Just as I was getting comfortable, and thinking things were going to be just fine, the other shoe dropped. I mean I knew it was coming. Mabie and only the second book of a trilogy but that little bomb is sure to cause a whole new set of problems for Myra and Abe. I need the finale! Nov 03, Sammie Lynn rated it really liked it. After book 1, I thought about Myra and Abe a lot I could not wait to get my hands on book 2. I wanted to know what had happened and what turn M Mabie was taking us on. With that being said, I am not totally sure where I stand on book 2- I am stuck between a 3 star read and a 4 star read and let me tell you why.
I was a little disappointed to see the minimal turn the book took when I was expecting something EPIC with the previous books ending. To me this book took a complete fro After book 1, I thought about Myra and Abe a lot To me this book took a complete from the first book. This book had more of a feel good, flowers feel like the authors City Limits books which don't get me wrong I enjoy- I just felt like book 1 left me hoping for something a little different.
Outside of all that, I REALLY enjoyed seeing Myra grow although, I can't tell if she is growing into her own or what other people are telling her to do, but its eye opening to watch a character transform before your eye. And Abe, Abe steals the show every time- I'm head over heals for him and will continue in this adventure to see how things turn out for him. Here's to being excited for a little more in the finale of this trilogy. Oct 25, Brittany Alexander rated it it was amazing Shelves: Damn, Abe and Myra have to be one of my favorite romance novel couples.
They are just perfect together and really balance each other out. I'm happier that this book has less religion than the first one did, although there is still some. A bit less drama than the first, as well, but no less suspenseful. And by suspenseful, I mean rapidly-reading-until-they-get-back-together-again. Only then will I be happy.
And this does end on another cliffhanger, but nothing like the one at the end of last book Damn, Abe and Myra have to be one of my favorite romance novel couples. And this does end on another cliffhanger, but nothing like the one at the end of last book. I couldn't read fast enough.
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I couldn't put the book down, wanting to read it as quickly as I could, but also savor it at the same time. You know the feeling I'm talking about. Where you're really anxious to find out what happens, but you know that if you read quickly, you'll have to say goodbye to the characters sooner than you want to. I love that Myra really comes into herself in this book.
- Break Me Down (The Breaking Trilogy, #2) by M. Mabie.
- Seeing Trees: Discover the Extraordinary Secrets of Everyday Trees (Seeing Series).
- Breaking Me Down Lyrics.
She is getting along like any normal girl her age would. I'm proud of her and know that she can accomplish some great things. Now there's only one book left in this trilogy, and it can't come soon enough. I want some more Myra and Abe! Oct 26, Heather rated it really liked it. Break Me Down is book two in the Breaking trilogy. After finishing Break my Fall I anxiously awaited for this book to see where the heck Myra went. Well, we find out exactly where she went and why in Break Me Down. I enjoyed watching Myra discover how the world really was outside of the town she was raised.
She slowly came into her own in this book. She spent most of her life being taught the way the cult lived was the right way. She had no idea how to function in the real world. She really didn Break Me Down is book two in the Breaking trilogy. Abe was amazing in this book. He was pretty amazing in the first book too. I felt awful for him in the beginning.
Breaking Me Down - Wikipedia
But him being the awesome man he is understood why Myra was staying away. I enjoyed watching Abe and Myra navigate life and their feelings for each other. Oct 23, Zilpha Owens rated it really liked it. His realizations and determination make him even more beautiful.
But her growth M. But her growth and coming into her own is wonderful. The angst of the unknown had me flipping the pages quickly. The slow build of getting to know one another was perfect. Again there are outside elements that may or may not influence the outcome and roles. The ending left me on edge wondering what will come next and looking forward to Break the Faith coming in December.
Oct 24, Tiffany Johnson rated it really liked it. I really enjoyed this! Both characters grew on me, especially Myra! She has a HUGE transformation in this book while still staying true to her character and I really enjoyed watching it unfold. Her character is so interesting due to her naivety from her upbringing. Abe also undergoes a transformation and really starts to be honest with himself and with Myra.
Watching them "date" and get I really enjoyed this! Watching them "date" and get to know each other in a more traditional sense of a relationship was a good way to regain trust and build a solid foundation I just hope that foundation can withstand going back to Lancaster I have a feeling this is where things will really get hard for them. Looking forward to the final book. Oct 25, Yolanda rated it it was amazing. I was anxiously awaiting it and I am beyond happy with the outcome of this book.
I was thrilled that Abraham and Myra's story picked up immediately where it left off. Their character development was on point and their story was sweet and touching that had a very beautiful and romantic element to it. It's a fast paced storyline that kept me consistently engaged. I loved the idea of them starting over and reading how their relationship evolved was everything. The way Abraham courted and romanced Myra was absolutely swoon-worthy and made my heart skip a few beats. Their chemistry was undeniable and amazing.
I seriously cannot wait to read the conclusion to their story. Oct 23, Amy Malek concepcion rated it really liked it Shelves: I was anxiously awaiting this one after the way book 1 ended and it was just what I wanted it to be.
She drags out the angst a bit like Mo loves to do but still gives us a great story. And Myra is the story in this one. I loved seeing her discover new things in book 1 but her growth here so much more. The timid girl was gone. This one does end slightly abruptly but is not nearly as bad. Create an account with SongMeanings to post comments, submit lyrics, and more.
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Soil — Breaking Me Down. Schofield and Adam Victor Zadel Breaking Me Down song meanings. Add your thoughts 8 Comments. General Comment my take: No Replies Log in to reply. There was an error. General Comment hmm where are the lyrics to "road to ruin"??? General Comment man I cant believe my mate brother used to be in this band. General Comment I think this song's about going back to simplicity.