A Place for Dad: One Maryland Caregivers Journal
Senior Home Care Guide
The information provided here is a public service of the BrightFocus Foundation and should not in any way substitute for personalized advice of a qualified healthcare professional; it is not intended to constitute medical advice. Please consult your physician for personalized medical advice. BrightFocus Foundation does not endorse any medical product, therapy, or resources mentioned or listed in this article.
All medications and supplements should only be taken under medical supervision. Also, although we make every effort to keep the medical information on our website updated, we cannot guarantee that the posted information reflects the most up-to-date research. These articles do not imply an endorsement of BrightFocus by the author or their institution, nor do they imply an endorsement of the institution or author by BrightFocus. We examine how they may impact the course of the disease.
Learn about the treatment options for vascular cognitive impairment VCI a term that includes the spectrum from mild cognitive changes to severe dementia. BrightFocus-funded Alzheimer's research has resulted in two Nobel Prizes, providing life-changing advancements for people living with this disease. BrightFocus makes innovative science possible around the world— 1, research projects involving more than 4, scientists in 22 countries.
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The first few weeks after a diagnosis can be overwhelming, and leave you with many questions and concerns. If you are managing a new diagnosis, we have a Getting Started Guide that will help you understand and manage your disease. Are you a generous person? Facebook Twitter Pinterest Email. Home Refusing to Take Medications: The first step in managing this process is to provide a calm environment.
Refusing to Take Medications: Tips for the Alzheimer’s Caregiver
When it is medication time, be sure there is a calm environment in the house—i. Be sure that you too are feeling calm. Resisting medications can be a response to feeling rushed, afraid, or confused about what they are supposed to do. Feeling a loss of control can also trigger resistance and anger. Try breaking the process down into steps, and reassuringly and calmly, explain what you are doing. Any part of the process they can participate in should be encouraged.
Senior Home Care Services | Elderly Home Care & In Home Caregiving
Perhaps you will need to pour the water into the glass, but they can pick the pill up from the table and put it in their own mouth. If they need assistance getting the glass to their mouth, gently provide that assistance. If you think your loved one would be more accepting of medications at a different time of day, consult with these two professionals, and with their agreement to a time change, give the medications during that time. These two professionals should always be consulted for any changes in dosages, times, etc.
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Consider other things that may be triggering the resistant behavior. Are there a lot of pills, and perhaps it is an overwhelming sight?
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If so, take the pills out of their bottles only when needed, and leave the bottles out of sight. Some caregivers obtain success with presenting only one pill at a time.
Coping with Guilt over an Eldercare Decision Making the decision to move a parent to senior living can be emotional and contentious. Read about real-life stories from adult children who made the decision and advice on how to cope with it. Move-In Timing How much does long term care cost in your city? Use the senior care calculator to compare costs.
Caregiver Well-Being Chart Download these daily journal pages to help you cope with the stress of caregiving.
Caregiver Toolkit The essential senior caregiver tool kit with the best checklists and guides for people who are caring for senior loved ones. State of Alaska Medicaid assistance application and resources. Further options may be available through the Elderly, Blind and Disabled Waiver. Further options may be available through the Home Care Program for the Elderly.
Further options may be available through the Amended Elderly and Disabled Waiver.

Further options may be available through the Aged and Disabled Waiver. Further options may be available through the Official Maryland Health site. Further options may be available through the Choice Waiver Program.