The Test of War: Inside Britain 1939-1945

British Political History, — The Decline of Power, — Britain and the Origins of the First World War. Half In, Half Out. Twilight of the Titans.
The test of war : inside Britain, / Robert Mackay. - Version details - Trove
Ian van der Waag. Mastering Modern British History. Britain and Europe since Britain and the Problem of International Disarmament. Britain in the Twentieth Century. Britain Second Edition. War and Society in Britain Anglo-American Relations in the Twentieth Century.
Constructing a Post-War Order. Ernest Bevin Routledge Revivals.
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Please verify that you are not a robot. The test of war: Published London ; Philadelphia, PA: Language English View all editions Prev Next edition 4 of 5.
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Check copyright status Cite this Title The test of war: Subjects World War, -- Great Britain. Great Britain -- Social life and customs -- Great Britain -- Social conditions -- 20th century. Notes First published in Includes bibliographical references p. View online Borrow Buy Freely available Show 0 more links Related resource Publisher description at http: Set up My libraries How do I set up "My libraries"? These 9 locations in All: Flinders University Central Library. Open to the public ;