The Collected Works of the Elko County Writers (Elko County Writers Anthology Book 1)
Please try your request again later. Heather Kennison was born and raised in rural northeastern Nevada. After graduating from Whitworth University in Spokane, Washington, Kennison returned to her hometown, where she is a reporter for the local newspaper. She enjoys fiction writing the most, but is also familiar with nonfiction, creative nonfiction and poetry. Kennison writes whatever her heart tells her to. Her first novel, "Dragon's Destiny," was released July 7, She has also published two short nonfiction stories in "The Collected Works of the Elko County Writers," which tell of her adventures in the western United States.
Are you an author? Help us improve our Author Pages by updating your bibliography and submitting a new or current image and biography. Learn more at Author Central. This time, I'm going to take a few paragraphs to speak directly to current or future authors. One of the best words of advice I can give you: Don't go at it alone. There are other authors in this world, and you need each other.
Sometimes, only a writer can lift up another writer. Finding other authors isn't about the competition or the bragging, it's about learning together. There will always be writers whose words are greater or lesser than your own. But when you help each other, y. Well, here's another much-belated update for you. While I haven't been doing what I'd intended to do, I have been making progress that is inspiring me to move on to my next goal: I've gotten back to writing.
This time, it's a series of stories I hope to publish into an anthology, and a cookbook-in-the-making. It isn't Shifter, sadly, but I'm feeling that each passing day is giving me new ideas to make that one into a better book. Sometimes, you have to t. It's been a crazy couple of months since I've last given you an update. So here it is: I've moved to Idaho! A job position opened up, and after much thought, I applied and I accepted an offer.
I've been working here since Feb. I'm still creatively writing, though. I will try harder in the future, but for now I am still trying to get settled into my own place. As you probably know by know, I finally have Internet,. The pain of editing. I've forgotten how long the editing process is.
You see, I dove into with ambitions of finishing my second book and submitting it to a publisher or an agent. The thing was written, I just needed to re-write it. But I forgot how painful that process is, and in many ways it was worse because I poured so much of myself into this book. Writing is one of many forms of expression, but sometimes finding the right words to convey a thought, feeling, or idea takes a little.
Did someone say 'NaNoWriMo? The time is nearly upon us! For my fellow writers, you know what's coming in November: National Novel Writing Month. This annual challenge isn't for the feint of heart. It takes a lot of commitment and stubbornness to write 50, words of your novel in one month. But I have faith in you, and if you continue reading, I have some advice to help you prepare. While my first attempt in was a disaster, I think I've learned a lot since them.
I drafted my second and third. Hello, faithful blog readers! I realized I have been obsessing over a percentage. It's been a while since I've done the math, and I've skipped a day here and there -- a. It's been one year! Fifty-two weeks ago at this time, I was nervously answering questions from my future readers during a release day event for Dragon's Destiny. It's hard to believe how time flies. And yet, despite having a year's experience under my belt, I'm still new to self-publishing.
Just today, I discovered a clever marketing scheme that might help me with my next book if I decide to self-publish again. In the world of authors, I'm very much still considered an amateur. Everyone's got to start. It's been a while since I've updated you on my progress, so I'll let you know how things are moving along. I hit another wall in my writing. This was caused by a combination of doubts, chronic headaches and back pain, more doubts, excuses, and feelings of being overwhelmed.
In short, I tried to bite off more than I could chew and life made me slam on the brakes.
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I am working week-by-week to make sure I accomplish something in "Shifter. I've got good news and bad news. Let's start with the good news first. Having reached a stumbling block in my rewrite of "Shifter," a friend of mine offered to read it and give me some advice. I am very thankful she did, and I know it's going to be a better story in the end.
I'm actually excited to be making some of the changes and adding some new scenes. Here's the bad news: Rewriting and editing are hard. And it's even harder to motivate myself to start doin. I've been avoiding you. You see, I've never really been all that good at blog posts. After a while, it begins to feel kind of like a second job, and I weary of it. So I try avoiding it at all costs, but that only makes it worse. It keeps nagging at me until I do something, and when I finally do post something, I feel so accomplished that I reward myself with laziness. I came across my New Year's Resolutions for the other day, and was pleased at what I had completed.
True, there were some pretty important ones that I botched, but all in all I thought I did pretty well. Here's what I accomplished: Edit and publish Dragon's Destiny. Been there, done that, felt awesome and then depressed and then awesome again. Visit my best friend I did that in April, and it was a blast. Read five books of the Bible. OK, I didn't achieve this, but I did put in a solid eff.
First, to update you on my status.
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Second, I did not finish edits to "Shifter," but I am undeterred. I will get to them eventually, and I've had some time to work over some big plot changes in my mind. A good kind of crazy. There's something about being an author that makes novel-writing kind of addicting. I've started plenty of books before see previous posts on my personal history. It was only when I finished my first one that I realized I could do it again.
National Novel Writing Month is almost upon us. Last year, I wrote and completed my second novel, "Shifter," which entered the editing process around August this year after I had finished and released "Dragon's Destiny. Writing is like marriage, and books are like babies: The conclusion of a three-part story. The end of the pregnancy is often the hardest part, because you have to reach your goal. With a few groans and grunts of displeasure as you make yourself finish it, you at last give birth to your completed manuscript.
Continued from Part One. In , my junior year, I discovered the Inklings Theme House. Once a week, the house would invite Whitworth students over for a night of reading, writing, and conversation around those two things. It was there, during Whitworth Novel Writing Month in January , that I began and failed at writing another novel, based on a short story, which years later became Shifter.
Editorial Reviews
This was me a couple months before starting Dragon's Destiny. The next school year, hav. Many people have asked me what got me started in writing, and why I decide to do it as both my hobby and my career. So I have written an essay on the subject, which I have decided to publish in three parts, because I know essays are long and sometimes difficult to read on blogs.
Here is the first installment about how my passion for writing began. Please comment and let me know if this is worthwhile reading. Thank you, Heather Kennison, Author Writing is like marriage, a. I think I have a kind of disorder for authors: I can't stick to one genre. Not that it's necessarily a bad thing. Writing for different audiences can mean that I'll have something for everyone. Still, I can see why it may be frustrating for my fans who are eagerly awaiting a sequel to Dragon's Destiny. I can only tell you that, thanks to Brandy M. Miller, I do have an idea for a sequel.
However, it may be a little while until I get to it. In the meantime, I am working. Okay, parts of it are. Rewriting can be a lot of fun. How to Write a Book. I can teach you. The question is will those ideas sell? Are there people out there who are interested in this idea? Sometimes the hardest part of writing a story is finding an idea. Watch the Video I could go on and on about this game all day, but you can watch the video to get an idea of how it works: For 20 days, I prayed. The same prayers day after day, the same way each time.
I didn't get them. I was feeling downhearted and depressed. Why hadn't God answered me? Last night, during my darkest moment, I was praying the rosary. It was the sorrowful mysteries. We were going over the Agony in the Garden, where Christ said to God, "Not my will, but yours be done.
I realized that I was depressed because God hadn. You have dreams and aspirations, but you never seem to be able to make them happen. I was right where you are last year at this time. There are a great many people celebrating this as an obvious victory for pro-life Christianity and little people everywhere.
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I remain unconvinced of that fact, but I've set aside my personal feelings on that matter and have decided to do what is best for everyone involved. Here is my advice on what we should be doing next. Pray DailyI don't care if you like Donald Trump or if you hate him. He has been put in a very powerful position, and he's going to need every. In the last post on entering their world, I told you I would help give you guidelines for how to create the comparison that shows them what is possible for their lives if they adopt your solution.
This is a demonstration of the solution at work. Where are you in your life. Holding on to Faith in the Face of Mesothelioma. James is a 10 year Mesothelioma survivor. Mesothelioma is extremely aggressive and has a long latency period. It usually goes undetected until it is in an advanced stage, one of the reasons that most patients only make it a year or two past the diagnosis. This is Heather's story. Married to the love of my life for six years, we finally decided it was time to start a family.
I was 35 when we decided to start a f. The Problem with Religion. Religion is regarded by the common people as true, by the wise as false, and by the rulers as useful. People blame it for divisions, wars, and every evil in humanity. And, to be honest, if you look at history, it's not hard to see why. People fight and die for religion, and they will kill for it, too. The Problem Isn't Religion. It's What's Missing From Religion. But that actually isn't a problem wit. For you to be able to speak to your audience in a way that makes sense to them, you need to enter their world.
You need to put yourself in their shoes and remind yourself of what it was like to be there. And this, again, goes back to your story. Think about where you were when you first encountered the situation that eventually led you to the solution.
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What was the biggest challenge you faced at that point in your life? What were your worries, your concerns, and your frustrations with the. In yesterday's post on selling God, I explained that your mess would help you identify the audience that your message would appeal to and showed you the process I use to do that. Today, I'm going to help you find your message in the middle of all that mess. Why You Want to ShareYour message is the reason why you want to share your product, your service, or your faith with the other person. However, not every person in the world will find your story appealing.
You need to choose the stories you include based on the audience to whom. Look for the Lessons. Admittedly, a lot of your past may be sad. It may be filled with abuse, betrayal, self-sabotage, and horrific loss.

Transforming Your Mess into a Message. A few weeks ago, I wrote that God is a tough sell. In another article, I reminded you that tough doesn't mean impossible, and that the key to selling God is to be willing to share your personal faith story with them so that they can see God working in your life and open up to the possibility of letting Him work in theirs. And I also reminded you that the story needs to be open, honest, and completely vulnerable in order to be effective.
That means you h. How to Build Relationships. Most of success in life is determined by how good you are at building and maintaining relationships with other people. If you can master relationship skills, you can build any kind of success you want because the people who have what you need to get where you want to be will be eager to hand it over and help you go where you want to go because they know that once you get there, you'll be reaching back to do that same thing for them. Every business problem is a relationship problem i. You Harvest What You Plant.
Plant a grape seed, reap grapes for a harvest. Plant an apple seed, reap apples for a harvest. That's not just a law of nature. It's a law of business and of life, too. What you plant is what you will get in return. In business, planting is investing. Wherever you are willing to invest, that is where you will get your return.
Plant money, you will get money.
About Brandy Miller - BookBuzzr
Plant time, you will get time. Plant love, you will get love. Your harvest will be as abundant as the planting you did. I mentioned, in my last blog post, that God is a tough sell. The good news is that the tool you need to break through is already inside of you. You just have to learn how to tap into it.
You Make the Invisible Product Visible. I told you that one of the biggest hurdles you have to cross in trying to sell a relationship with God to. God Is a Tough Sell. When you asked them to show you the product, they said it was invisible. When you looked online, you saw multiple negative reviews. When you went back to the friend who was attempting to make the sale and asked them to explai. True Confessions of a Reluctant Servant. This blog post is almost six months overdue. Two weeks later, I made the most money I ever made from my business from a single client.
The month after that, I doubled the revenue without paying a dime for advertising. It seemed I was finally going to be a success in business. I was more interested in what Whole Foods contained in it than what it held outside of it. There was nothing ordinary about that man. He had on a white shirt and khaki shorts and sneakers. There was a heavy duffle bag sl. Hope and the Power of Prayer. In an earlier Daily Dose of Hope, I mentioned that serving others with a pure intention of helping them, without looking to gain, is how you plant the seeds of your future success.
Prayer is a very powerful way to serving them without them even knowing it. The Prayer List ExperimentIt was the fruit of a rough month, when absolutely nothing in my business was moving forward. I was searching for answers to a problem. I am going through dark times today. Moments when the sun does not seem to shine as brightly and its rays don't reach me. It was a time to remind me of why community is such an invaluable part of the quest for hope.
It isn't that there nothing good happened. There were good things. It is just that what I face before me fills me with such self-doubt and so many excuses to beat myself up over what I've done or what I've failed to do, that no amount of time spent reminding myself that. Hope and the Mass. Attending Mass is a radical act of self-care. A Reminder There Are No Perfect PeopleYes, there are hypocrites, liars, thieves, adulterers, fornicators, murderers, molesters, and sinners of all shapes and sizes sitting.
Hope and the Anointing of the Sick. When the end of life threatens, it's easy to lose hold of hope. There is often a tremendous amount of pain and suffering. Regret for the things left undone in life can cloud the mind. Grief at letting go of things once prized and valued can be sharp and intense.