The Body Finder (Pocket Jeunesse) (French Edition)
I'm getting carried away Okay you should make a psychic killer I think it's a cool idea. I like RafLiot a lot more though, but I guess we can't have everything, right? But does she have that electrifying-touch thing that RafLiot have? Because I would very much like to join it. SO, is dead silence the last book in the body finder's series or not? No one's really answered this question yet? I don't mean a spin-off series, just is it the last book in this series? Or is there a fifth book? Anonymous - I'm sorry if it was unclear, but there are no other books not even the spinoff I've considered in the works at the moment.
THE ROAD TO PUBLICATION: Is DEAD SILENCE Really the Last Book in The Body Finder Series?
Ember - No fan club, but thank you--I love your enthusiasm!! I love your books and am now reading the fourth book. They are so amazing and I hope you may still consider writing another book to the series. Just read Dead Silence. Hey hey hey You need to write another book I could see where the next book was going towards as in chelsea's got a ability and dr. I have really enjoyed reading the body finder series, but like many other series it seems to have finished on a cliffhanger. Are there more to come, because the threat from Violet from Mr lee suggests so? Please please please make another book!!
I'm dieing over here. Aw, so glad you liked it, Anon, and glad you read through them so quickly but you should definitely be doing your schoolwork at school, lol! I LOVE this series, and it is probably my favorite. I would gladly accept a Chelsea spinoff, but I feel like a fifth book would be better because Violet still has a long way to go in her journey, and her power is fascinating or even better, do both! It's crazy how well you can write and create killer cliffhangers.
I also love all of the serial killers that you use. They each have a different agenda that makes them interesting! Kimberly, I want to thank you for these books. I found them at the library by accident and read all 4 within 3 days. I was a little disappointed when I say in your original blog that there wouldn't be another to the original series but I like the idea of a spin off.
Good luck with your future projects and I am moving on to your other stories right now! I really love the Body Finder series, It's like my Fav. I am considered sad that it ended. But I hope you'll considered of doing a 5th book. It's just they have so much in common like their ability. I hope you'll considered twisting it and having Rafe and Violet together.
I think it's much better. If a 5th book comes in. I'm also looking forward into your new book "The Taking". I know this is a late post, but I just finished the Body Finder series after falling in love with The Pledge series!
I want to thank you for writing both series loved them! I especially hope that some of that work does, someday, include a Chelsea spin-off! I love her and I love the clues you planted with her and Rafe, and her possible new abilities now that she has died and come back to this world. I am especially interested in what happens with the Center and it's higher ups!
That mystery didn't have enough closure for me, and I would love to find out the secrets that even Dr. I guess I will just have to busy myself with other novels and daydreaming about the day I find out what causes Rafe's spark! Thanks again for a wonderful, mysterious, emotional roller coaster of a series. You may not kill Rafe or Jay. These books are great and I've read them many times. One of my favorite series.
I was hooked on this series from the minute I read book one and I was so excited to find out more. I could stay hooked on each character individually if they just continued to solve mysteries. I would actually love to see the Rafe and Chelsea relationship take off or maybe Chels discover something of her own, a power or something.
Just keep this series up spin off or not! Just finished reading all the body finder novels. When I first opened The Body finder, I didn't expect to love it so much nor did I expect I'd finish it in 12 hours, never putting it down. Thank you for these characters, stories and endless amount of surprises.
I'd love to see you write a 5th one, but I have to say I was so satisfied with the final book that I don't think it's even necessary I'm lying, it would be totally amazing. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I really love the body finder series. I haven't been so attached to books like I've been to these ever in my life. I hope you make more books.
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- THE ROAD TO PUBLICATION: Is Dead Silence REALLY the last book in the Body Finder series??
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Unless there already is and I haven't found it? I really love the Body Finder series! I just have one question for Kimberly Derting, umm, is dead silence really the last book in the body finder series??? I would really like to know I love all of the Books you have ever written! I have them all, including the new one, the replaced. But i gatta admit, i really wanted Violet to stay with Rafe. I belive she should have stayed with him because Rafe has been through alot and should have to atleast get One girl he can stay with. And that Jay should stay with Gemma. That would be my own conclusion about the story.
And that Violet stands up to Dr lee and his bosses. Btw, You left me in suspense! Like the others here, I am a huge fan of the books. I discovered these after reading The Pledge and looking for other things you had written. For my part, I would love to see a book that steps forward a few years.
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I agree with you that the open format of the ending evokes thoughtfulness, and some interest in figuring out what each person thinks. This is the basis for all the fan fiction websites out there: It would be interesting to find out what happened next. Maybe step forward into college Lee and his bosses.
Either way, I really appreciate the thoughtfulness you brought into these books. In my mind, there was never a question of whether Jay and Violet should be together, only how they would grow up. Since they had never really been with anyone else, it wouldn't be realistic to think that they wouldn't wonder However, with their core being so solid, they make a terrific read. As an old married lady ; I appreciate finding books that show people who work through their problems and stay together. It would have been disappointing for me if Violet had really gone to Rafe as much as he is an appealing young man.
I agree with Jennifer Ponicki's post above in fact I think she read my mind. Just because Violet and Jay's relationship is rock solid doesn't mean we don't want to read about them anymore. In fact their relationship has a lot of maturing to do. Take them to college, have them live together. Have them work together to solve the mysteries. Take this YA series and continue it into an adult fiction series. As a librarian I read every book I purchase for the collection. This series has well developed characters but a poor ending.
There are way too many large plot issues introduced and then dropped. What is with Dr. There are years missing from grandma's journals. She could contact Krystal and continue to help Violet. Sara has a complete past missing. Chelsea just found out about Violet's gift. This series has too many.

And as stated before they are big parts of the plot-too big to leave hanging. I have read Derting's other series. This one has the most potential for additional stories. When I tell patrons that Dead Silence is the last book in the series they are always disappointed.
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Hi Kimberly, While I agree that Violet's personal story has ended, you have left way too much out to finish the series. Here are some suggestions which you basically left hanging He seems to be afraid, but is he? Like I said, you have got plenty of work to do before this series is over. I love The body finder series and I'm so so glad that it was my first book. Because i use to hate reading books and I've never finished an entire book ever in my 14 years of exsistanc and Thank you so much kim. The Body Finder has always been my favorite book in high school and now my third year in college, I reread it and now im addicted.
I finally got to read the nexf few books. Now I am on Dead Silence. Spoilers don't bother me because I peaked at the last few pages of the book lol. I love that Jay and Violet never break up but sometimes I wish that violet and Rafe kiss as at least once to see what its like. I want them to be together at the same time. Im kinda bugged that he ends up with Chelsea. If you make another book can it be like Jay proposing to her and getting married, on the side of solving a murder case and danger and such?
That would be so romantic since they were childhood friends I know its and theres still no 5th book but if there will be, ill be the first one to buy it. I don't know why, but I do have to say, I was rooting for Rafe and Violet And honestly, if a spinoff of Chelsea is made into a book, I don't think I would read it. I'm too caught up in Violet! So, here's the deal. I've heard a ton of people saying they'd like to see a Rafe spinoff of the series, but personally I would sort of love to write a Chelsea spinoff, even if it's just a short e-book version someday.
There's nothing definite yet, just some notes I've jotted down. I feel that I tied up the significant relationships, which is what really needed tying up at least in my opinion. If you read the book, then you know, or should know by now, that Jay and Violet's relationship is rock solid, and that Rafe is no longer standing in their way. So I'm not sure if I gave you a good, or even a remotely satisfying answer to this question but I hope you can better understand WHY I left things a little open-ended on Chelsea's part.