Reflections (Bannion Family Book 1)
Jessa and Darry's dating threatens the delicate peace, and the way forward for nations may rather well grasp within the stability. Shea Godfrey is an artist and author operating and residing within the Midwest. Neva Shilling has a heavy load of accountability whereas her husband travels to neighboring groups and sells goods from his wagon. In his absence, she faithfully runs the Shilling Mercantile, operating to maintain their enterprise robust because the melancholy takes its toll, and taking care of their twins.
When a wagon pulls up after supper, Neva and her young ones rush out--and into the presence of the deputy riding a wagon wearing 3 youngsters. The deputy shocks her with the inside track that Warren and his spouse have died, insisting it was once their final request that the 3 teenagers cross dwell with "Aunt Neva.
Neva's center is shattered as she realizes that Warren's month-long travels have been excuses for visits together with his mystery family members. She desires not anything greater than to omit Warren, yet can she abandon those blameless youngsters to an orphanage? Stamping Ground, Kentucky, a town of about seven hundred where the group is centered, got its name from the legendary stamping down of the vegetation so that the buValo could feed along their way.
The origin of the memorable name was a bit disappointing, but at least it made sense to me now. Leaving the Landrys with map and lists in hand, I drove the few miles to Stamping Ground, where BuValo Gal Betty Kettenring was set to escort me to see some of the barn quilts.
Reflections (Bannion Family, Book 1) by Nora Roberts « Brynn and Joshua E-books
The Wrst stop, Betty said, would be at her farm, not too far from the tiny downtown. I found my destination easily enough. Poppy Wyatt casi no se lo cree. But the captain arose and tightening his girdle tucked up his skirts and, after taking refuge with Allah from Satan the Stoned, clomb to the mast-head, whence he looked out right and left and gazing at the passengers and crew fell to buffeting his face and plucking out his beard. Now sleeping under these trees were many apes, which when they saw us rose and fled from us and swarmed up among the branches; whereupon my companions began to pelt them with what they had in their bags, and the apes fell to plucking of the fruit of the trees and casting them at the folk.
I looked at the fruits they cast at us and found them to be Indian[FN 65] or cocoa-nuts; so I chose out a great tree, full of apes, and going up to it, began to pelt them with stones, and they in return pelted me with nuts, which I collected, as did the rest; so that even before I had made an end of my bagful of pebbles, I had gotten great plenty of nuts; and as soon as my companions had in like manner gotten as many nuts as they could carry, we returned to the city, where we arrived at the fag-end of day. They were assiduous in my service, and I abode with him in the guestchamber three days, taking my ease of good eating and good drinking and good scents till life returned to me and my terrors subsided and my heart was calmed and my mind was eased.
On the fourth day the Shaykh, my host, came in to me and said, "Thou cheerest us with thy company, O my son, and praised be Allah for thy safety! Belike thou mayst buy thee wherewithal to traffic. Every Day, Every Hour: Love, Rosie The delightfully captivating novel approximately what occurs while people who find themselves intended to be jointly simply cant appear to get it right Cecelia Ahern has Dunne it again! The Devil You Know.

She won't stay out late every night like he does. He resents the demands of her career. Ruth does go to a party with Donald one night, staying out entirely too late, but she only went to annoy Nikolai. The next day in class and rehearsal, she was not dancing her best. Nikolai sent her home to rest. Ruth's poor performance that day added ammunition for Leah, another ballerina in the company who was jealous of Ruth.
Leah made sure she made some comments about Ruth's performance that day. Leah makes little digs to Ruth every chance she gets, trying to under mind her confidence. Leah is also a very good ballerina. She has also had several lead roles in ballets, but she has never danced with Nikolai. Lately, he has only been dancing with Ruth. Leah wants to be the prima ballerina in the company, but she knows that won't happen if she doesn't dance with Nikolai. Both women were very good ballerinas, but they had very different styles of dancing.
Nikolai cast them to roles that were most suited to the dancing style of each. Donald becomes upset again. He is a fashion designer and he is having an opening of a new collection one night when Ruth has a performance in The Red Rose. He is mad that she won't skip the performance to go to his opening with him. He makes sure to point out that he went to the opening of the ballet. He wants her with him that night and doesn't understand why she doesn't just get her understudy to dance that night. Ruth refuses to do that. Donald then dumps her, saying he is taking someone else to the opening.
He goes on to say some horrible things to Ruth. She must then go back to the theater and dance in the ballet.
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Leah also uses this opportunity to upset Ruth - read the book to find out just what she does. Ruth was not herself that night, and Nikolai knew something was wrong. He took her home and wanted to know what was wrong. She did tell him about Donald, and let a little slip of what Leah said, but she didn't give him a name. Nikolai wants to know who upset her before the performance because he doesn't want to have dancers in his company deliberately upsetting each other before a performance. Ruth refuses to give him a name. Over the course of the book, Ruth and Nikolai grow closer and become involved.
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- Reflections (Bannion Family, Book 1) by Nora Roberts?
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Leah continues to try to stir up trouble, hinting at one point that Nikolai thought Ruth was no longer good enough for her roles. Ruth and Nikolai continue to clash some. Ruth must learn to trust Nikolai and not pay any attention to Leah.
Reflections and Dreams
Nikolai must learn how to express his feelings better. Though part of his trouble with that is that he is from Russia and English is not his first language, or even his second. When he came to America, he only knew a few words of English, but he could speak a few other languages, French is one, fluently. This is a good book.
It isn't one of Nora Roberts best books, but it is good and worth reading. Ruth and Nikolai were well developed. Some of that came from the fact that they were both in Reflections, so some is learned about the characters in that book. The minor characters aren't as well developed, but they aren't in much of the book. The book is very descriptive and well written. There is no mystery or suspense in this book. The book mainly focuses on the relationship between Ruth and Nikolai. Dec 17, Kistal Gordon rated it liked it. So I remember reading this book when I was kid.
I was probably 11 or And I stole it from my mother's room and she caught it in my room and got upset and ripped the book in half. And I remember her telling me the book was too mature for me. It was probably my first romance novel I ever read. Sep 22, Maria rated it liked it Shelves: Both books, Reflections and Dance of Dreams, are about the ballet, which I found riveting.
On the other hand, the story lines were weak - not much action. Reflections got off to a great start and then dwindled from there. The segue into Dance of Dreams was smooth but did not pick up the pace. Roberts characters are good, the dynamics between the hero and heroine are tight and charged, and the research was great, but somehow both books, originally published in , lacked a certain Both books, Reflections and Dance of Dreams, are about the ballet, which I found riveting. Roberts characters are good, the dynamics between the hero and heroine are tight and charged, and the research was great, but somehow both books, originally published in , lacked a certain something one grows accustomed to getting from Ms.
It was a cute and quaint romance novel revolving around the love for dance. As a dancer myself I really enjoyed this magical backdrop. I read it while sick in bed and it's the perfect feel good dreamy read. It would be a great summer book for the beach or a curl up under a blanket Christmas break read. I have a fascination with big old mansions in books, and loved reading about Cliff House as the house Lindsey grew up exploring.
An old mansion and romantic ballet backdrop, what more could I ask for! I thought that was such a cute idea to use the same characters.
Paperback Editions
I loved how we got to see what Lindsey and Seth had been up to in the years that had passed between the first and second story. I really liked this story, but of the two, the first one 'Reflections' was my favourite. I loved Nora Roberts use of characters, a great line up in this book. I also thought it was a nice subtle touch that little Nijinsky, her cat, he featured in the second story too. Overall, a great collection, loved them both! Jan 27, Jill rated it did not like it Shelves: Usually I like Nora Roberts, but this one was a stinker. Or in the case of the "hero," mean, rude, and a know-it-all.
But then, she must keep a professional distance until she goes to his ever fa Usually I like Nora Roberts, but this one was a stinker. But then, she must keep a professional distance until she goes to his ever fascinating cliff house, etc. This is probably one of the best Nora Robert's books that I have ever read.
Both stories have wonderful and lovable charachters. This book is all about love, the ballet, and the choices two women have to make that changes the way they look at life, love, and again ballet. After reading this I actually am drawn to go watch a ballet. Not only are the love stories great, but the way you're drawn into the dancing aspect is great too. Kudos to Nora Roberts. Not one of my fave by Nora. There seemed to be no real connection to any of the characters and the story was just meh Adoro um bailarino russo temperamental e mal podia esperar a historia acabar para partir logo para a dele.
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Ruth tenta conciliar o seu trabalho com um namoro meio sem sal, mas um certo bailarino vive se metendo no meio e arruinando os seu planos e sua vidinha arrumada. Nora Roberts First published: Former ballerina now running dance studio. Enjoyable for what it is - a s Harlequin with a sweet, uncomplicated romance. Confident heroine, caring but reticent hero.
Developing relationship with Love At First Sight. Some sweet, closed door sex. It was a likeable romance with light angst and approa Author: It was a likeable romance with light angst and approachable characters. Feb 04, Bonnie Staughton rated it liked it. I wish I could have given this book a 3. This book is actually 2 stories--Reflections and Dance of Dreams. I really enjoyed Reflections. The story of a ballerina who always loved to dance but was motivated by her mother who was also a dancer. When her mother is injured in a car accident, Lindsey comes home to care for her.
She opens a dance studio in town and meets Seth through her new student Ruth.
Someone who reviewed this previously said that they would have liked more background on Seth. I I wish I could have given this book a 3. He has his dark moody side and traveled over the world as an architect. He had a background story that wasn't revealed. Dance of Dreams continued the story with Ruth being encouraged by Lindsey to go to New York and study with Lindsey's mentor and dance partner Nickolai Davidov. Both of these people are strong and high spirited and I wasn't comfortable with all of the arguing and then making up.
I enjoyed the ballet references but the dealing with such strongly opinionated people was a bit much. Feeling nostalgic last night and picked this off the shelf. I read it when it first came out in when I was the age of the heroine Lindsay. Very different reading it again when my children are older than Lindsay. The story centers around Lindsay, a ballerina, who has left the glam and glitter for a small town in Connecticut to open her own studio while caring for her mother.
In drives Seth and his niece, Ruth, who also wants to be a ballerina. Mixed in there is Nicholai Davidov, a Russian bal Feeling nostalgic last night and picked this off the shelf. Mixed in there is Nicholai Davidov, a Russian ballet dancer and former partner of Lindsay. He wants her to return to the glam and glitter for one more performance as the star in a ballet he has written.
But, can the relationship that has grown between Lindsay and Seth survive it? Now to pick up the follow-on book to this one, Dance of Dreams, which is Ruth's story. Jun 30, Fedora rated it really liked it. Three and half stars. Includes Reflections and Dance of Dreams. Reflections is about Lindsay Dunne and Seth Bannion. Lindsay was a prima ballerina on the verge of explosive success when a family tragedy changes the course of her life.
Seth is the guardian of one of her most promising students. Fun reads set in the ballet world. Jun 30, Shirley rated it liked it. I just started reading Nora Roberts books and this one which has both books together, is one of her older books but a delight to read. Especially if you enjoy and love the world of ballet. It gives you a look behind the curtain. The strain and hard work of ballet dancers wrapped up in a love story. I really enjoy her writing. He was basically in the story just to be the love interest even though it was clear he had a very interesting story.
Instead of going deeper into who he was he just became "the guy". I think if he had a POV in the book I would have gotten a better sense of who he was and it would have been easier to love him. I always like to read a Nora Roberts book. I haven't read one of her romance books in awhile so it was quite entertaining.
I always enjoy her characters and it was interesting to get a glimpse into the world of ballet. Nov 13, Linda rated it really liked it Shelves: The ballet, and it's dancers, are the main plot background in these two books. I loved them when read in the 's and still enjoyed them today. No one does passion better than Nora Roberts, she has a grip on the banter between the sexes and I really like that. Apr 06, Liba rated it really liked it. My only objection is: Jun 05, Stephanie rated it liked it. Two books in one so it took a little longer to read.