Let it Snow! Unit Study
If you include the YouTube videos and everything in the study, you could do this study for ten 30 minute sessions. This study is recommended for Grades and gives an up close view of pine trees as God created them. There are links to educational videos to watch, worksheets to complete, Bible Study lessons, articles to read and more.
In looking over that unit study, I thought the history of the English Word — Pine looked interesting as my heritage is German and Norwegian and it mentions both of those in that section. The puzzle in this unit study is all there and okay to do, no surprising missing words! This is the Fall magazine cover, this issue is the one that has the Pine Trees article in it. I don't really like to write out my answers that much so it would be nice if they had multiple choice answers on the worksheets, but I really liked that they involve YouTube and that was a nice way to learn.
I love doing puzzles, but the snow one was hard because I found out the last word wasn't in there. I did learn a lot about snow. My favorite part was the article from the Creation Illustrated magazine that teaches spiritual lessons we learn about snow. I also enjoyed the questions designed to help us find Bible verses about snow and the spiritual lessons we learn from snow.
I am not worried about the word find. It is so easy for the company to fix, it probably won't be an issue when you get it. The rest of the unit study is so nice and organized and easy to implement and what a great price too! I suggest you give one a try, or at least get the magazine to read, there is so much to learn from it for all ages in your family. Your email address will not be published. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. Notify me of new posts by email.
This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Learn how your comment data is processed. They're well-made and shipped really fast. Students in grades will enjoy this online activity, Search for Ice and Snow. Using images of Earth, they will look for places where they believe that they see snow and ice. They will print the images and record the locations.
This is an exercise in Web searching skills, map reading, and geography. Have your students follow the directions and come back together after they have had a chance to compile their data to gather their collective results. Mark the snow-covered areas on a classroom map. Science - study three stages of water. Need an interesting, stimulating, practical snow experiment for your classroom?
Perform the experiment with easily obtained materials and send your results to the creators of the site.
Density of Water, Ice and Snow Experiment has detailed instructions to get you up and running with this study of the three stages of water. Weather and Climate Here you'll find a collection of information about climate and weather including record high temperatures, recorded weather extremes, and tornado facts. Winter Insects Contact the director of this project for more information on his high school's research into the existence of cold weather insects in Fargo, North Dakota.
More than 1, FREE lessons. PD content to get you through the day. Download without a subscription. Receive timely lesson ideas and PD tips. Receive timely lesson ideas and PD tips Thank you for subscribing to the Educationworld. Leave this field blank. Classroom Problem Solver Dr. Receives Visionary Award fr Learning Activities for Snowy Days A blizzard of "snow" lessons and activities for all ages!
Be sure to see our tips for using Every-Day Edits in your classroom. See our idea file. Run out of Every-Day Edit activities for the month of November? Check out our Xtra activities for any time of year. Different Types and Sources of Energy Subject: To understand that there are different types and sources of energy Next Gen Science Standard: Make observations to provide evidence that energy can be transferred from place to place by sound, light, heat, and electric currents. What do you think energy is? Allow the students to answer.
Today, we are going to be talking about energy. Energy is power that comes from a source and is used to provide light, heat or to work machines. There are different kinds of energy and energy comes from different sources. One type of energy is kinetic ki-ne-tic energy and one type of energy is potential energy. Kinetic energy is energy that is in motion.
A ball bouncing is using kinetic energy. Potential energy is stored energy. A ball that is sitting at the top of a hill has potential energy. When you are sitting at your desk with your hands on your desk, your hands have potential energy. When you raise your hand or move your hand to write, your hand has kinetic energy.
Now, we are going to talk about the sources of energy. That means where energy comes from. Energy comes from many different places. Coal, natural gas and oil are all burned and then turned into energy. Printables to make the globe and snowman are in our Snowman Learning Packet. I added a picture of the student and we rolled marbles in white paint and onto the globe to give the snowglobe a winter snowy look!
Follow these links to more snowman crafts.

Check out the Snowman Candybar Wrapper Printable too: The printables for the three files can be found here!! I'm a Little Teapot. I'm a little snowman, round and fat. Here are my mittens, Here is my hat. When the sun comes out I melt away. See you next year On a snowy day. Once there was a snowman Stood outside the door.
Thought he'd like to come inside And run around the floor. Thought he'd like to warm himself By the firelight red, Thought he'd like to climb Upon the big white bed. You Are My Snowman Tune: You Are My Sunshine. You are my snowman, My only snowman. You make me happy, On days of gray. And when the sun's out, You'll hear us all shout. Please don't take our snowman away! I'm a Friendly Snowman Tune: Snowman Dressed in white Standing in the cold wind, Freezing all night.
I would bring him inside And make him feel better, But Mommy says he likes This chilly weather. You put your snowman up, you put your snowman down, You put your snowman up and you shake him all around. You do the snowman pokey and you turn your self around, Two stomps on the ground.
Product Review of Creation Illustrated Snow Unit Study
You put your snowman in front You put your snowman in back, You put your snowman in front and you give your knee a whack. You touch your snowman to your head, You touch your snowman to your toe, You touch your snowman to your head and you shake it to and fro, You do the snowman pokey and your turn your self around, Two stomps on the ground.
Here is what is found in this set!!! Student adds the snowman pieces as they roll. Students take turns rolling the dice. First person to color all the parts, wins. First person to draw a snowman, wins. You will need to provide pom-poms or markers for this game. Page 14 is an independent review of the activity which can be used as enrichment. Students add a snowball with a picture of the given beginning sound. Swing trash can template, little book, and dice game.
Write letters, numbers, and or sight words on ping pong balls and have your students say the sounds and toss into the snowman. Place on cookie sheet and have students put the pieces together to make a snowman of their choice.
77 best SNOW Unit Study {HSS} images on Pinterest | Winter activities, Bible lessons and Bricolage
All you need to provide is counters. I suggest mini marshmallows. You can use a bingo dauber or a round stamp of your choice. They enjoy adding details to the blank snowman.
Dice is provided and record sheet is provided. One is in craft format. Another is a simple coloring glyph. There is a class Data sheet to match the first Glyph. Students can look at the displayed graphs to complete the sheet on page Snow Books With Ideas to Match.
A Snowman Named Just Bob. All You Need for a Snowman. Decorate a Snowman With 35 Stickers. Fattest, Tallest, Biggest Snowman Ever. A Fun-Shaped Play Book. You can order the book at Amazon by clicking here! For lots of FREE ideas and printables to match this book - click here! Snow Caldecott Honor Book. White Snow, Bright Snow.
The Teacher's Corner
The Gift of a Snowflake. Dry Erase Snowman Sheets. Slip in a sheet protector or in a clear sleeve. Provide a dry erase marker. Student traces letters, numbers, and draw the parts on the snowman. This printable game is found in our Snowman Learning Packet! Provide marshamallows amd you are set. Cut ten snowman shapes from construction paper, decorate, and program with numbers and number words one through ten. Supply children with buttons they can place on the snowman according to what number is on the snowman.
Use all of them or just one through five depending on the child's skill level. Laminate or cove with clear contact paper to make them last. Staple together six sheets of white paper folded in half to make a simple book. They can decorate the cover too! Great for small motor skill development! Will snow melt in the fridge? How about the freezer?
How about in the classroom? What temperature does it have to be to keep the snow from melting? Place different containers of snow in the different areas and have the children observe them over time. You may want to teach them about reading thermometers. Record your observations and discuss them. Cut out your color eyes for your snowman. Carrot nose if you like reading best, celery nose for math.
Thematic Units - Ice & Snow Fun
Scarf to the left if you are left handed, to the right if you are right handed. Melting Snowfriends similar to Hangman Select a spelling word, as in hangman. Indicate the number of letters by sketching blanks on the board.