La Logica matematica dopo Gödel (Italian Edition)
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Presses Universitaires de Provence, , pp. The Right Order of Concepts: Mathematics as a Scientia Universalis in A. I, Springer International Publishing, , pp. Le concept de l'espace chez Veronese. College Publications, London, pp. Sul concetto di eguaglianza.
Note di carattere divulgativo
Peano e la sua scuola in C. Peano e la sua scuola fra matematica, logica e interlingua. La matematica da scienza delle grandezze a teoria delle forme.

The Ausdehnungshlehre of H. PhD Thesis in Philosophy of Science.
Riccardo Bruni | Università degli Studi di Firenze (University of Florence) -
Giuseppe Veronese e i fondamenti della geometria. Unicopli, , pp. Filosofia e fondamenti nell'opera di Solomon Feferman In the light of Logic. Andrea Cantini, Full Professor of Logic. Compendium of Logic Dialogare: Sillari, A rational way of playing: Bruni, Analytic calculi for circular concepts by finite revision, Studia Logica, vol.
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Time for a balance? Bruni, On some recently debated issues in the theory of formal truth, Annali del Dipartimento di Filosofia, vol. Bruni, From incompleteness to incompletability: Galvagni, I fondamenti della matematica dopo i teoremi di incompletezza: Feferman The foundations of mathematics after the incompleteness theorems: Bruni, Some remarks on the finite theory of revision, in D.
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- Interviste: Intelligenza Matematica.
Fujimoto editors, Unifying the Philosophy of Truth, Springer, Bruni, Proof theoretic aspects of quasi-inductive definitions, in M. Cook's Paradoxes, Polity, , Metascience, vol. Formica, Da Hilbert a von Neumann.
Leon Horsten, The Tarskian Turn. An Electronic Journal, published online the 24th of October, Bruni, Addressing circular definitions via systems of proof, Sillari, A note on lexicographic choice in finite games by revision, Bruni, Revision graphs, Bruni, Proof theory of step conditionals, Set—existence and choice principle.
La scienza del Novecento e I limiti della conoscenza Incompleteness, undecidability, indeterminacy: