Europarat, Europäischer Rat, Ministerrat (German Edition)
An article concerning cooperation on migration is currently being discussed in the political cooperation chapters. There have been no discussions on market access for goods so far and no figures on the percentage of liberalisation are therefore available at this stage. The clear intention is for the Agreement to include a chapter on sanitary and phytosanitary measures and a chapter on trade and sustainable development.
In this respect, an economic impact assessment was prepared by independent consultants in This net gain in EU GDP already takes into consideration the expected impact stemming from agriculture. For the agricultural sector, a specific impact assessment shows that European agricultural income would be reduced by 0. The Commission is fully aware of the sensitiveness of certain agricultural sectors and will take these elements into account when negotiating the market access offer.
More than dry vegetation fires have recently been recorded throughout Romania as a result of farmland, gardens and courtyards being cleared of dry vegetation and household waste. Does the Commission consider this practice to be compatible with the good agricultural and environmental conduct required under European legislation?
Therefore, in this legal framework, the possibility of dry vegetation fire should be limited. Nevertheless, as regards the enforcement of GAEC and control in the field, the Romanian authorities have full responsibility for assuring the effective verification of the rules under cross compliance.
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Weaknesses in the implementation and control of such rules are subject to audits by Commission services and can lead to financial corrections imposed on Member States. Romania subsequently renounced The Romanian authorities only are in a position to provide information on their negotiating strategy prior to accession.
Recently, an armed attack in front of a Jewish school in Toulouse France , committed by an unknown assailant claimed the lives of four victimis, including three children. The European Commission has repeatedly condemned all manifestations of anti-Semitism and is committed to fighting against them with all means available to it under the Treaties. Tem conhecimento deste potencial aumento dos impostos? Qual a percentagem de crescimento deste setor? Em caso afirmativo, que respostas obteve?
If adopted, this measure would seriously penalise producers and exporters of European wines and will be a step backwards in the efforts made to date to liberalise trade between Brazil and the European Union. Does it not believe that European wines are already taxed very heavily by Brazil? If so, what response has it received? What steps has it taken or will it take in order to prevent the adoption of such measures or minimise their impact?
The Commission services concerned are well aware of the situation and actions have already been taken, both at technical and political level. The Commission is following all the legal steps of the procedure launched by Brazil by preparing a submission to contest the grounds of this investigation.
“The Competences we need”
Wine exports to Brazil are a key market for European producers. The EU, as the main supplier for wine imports in Brazil, will therefore continue to insist that these G20 commitments be upheld. No response has been received so far to the letter sent by the Member of the Commission responsible for Agriculture and Rural Development. Commission services concerned are working in close coordination in this issue and have scheduled several meetings in order to inform Member States and European industry on the actions already envisaged. Those counter arguments will include a full analysis and all relevant data.
At this stage no measure has been taken that could affect European production and exports. In the event that safeguard measures are implemented, these would certainly affect the import of wines into the Brazilian market for European producers. This situation is causing concern among mothers, father and teachers of European Schools students, given that, owing to the significantly higher student numbers, the amounts entered in the draft budget would lead to irreparable cuts that could jeopardise teaching standards.
Did the Commission take into account the recommendations contained in the EP resolution when it drafted the European Schools budget? The Spanish central Government has recently announced its intention of increasing the price of electricity for consumers. According to Eurostat figures, Spain is the Member State with the third highest electricity prices following Malta and Cyprus. The deficit derives from the difference between the production, transport and distribution costs recognised by the regulator and the retail prices set by the government for most consumers.
The European Commission should promote legislation ensuring that situations such as this one are provided for and offering a variety of solutions to prevent this surcharge on the final price paid by consumers. In the context of the current economic situation, the social consequences of a constant increase in tariffs would be unthinkable. Furthermore, various consumer organisations in the Member State have criticised this situation which affects the population in general. Entsprechend dem Beschluss des Exekutivausschusses vom The plan was to evaluate the situation on a six-monthly basis, so as to be able to take prompt action to prevent irregularities or problematic developments.
When will it be possible to implement rapid border checks on other Schengen countries? What specific steps are being undertaken to conclude such an agreement with Turkey and when will these steps be taken? With which other countries is the European Union planning similar readmission agreements?
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- Meaning of "Europarat" in the German dictionary!
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- DIABOLIK (108): Agguato sul fondo (Italian Edition).
- Unser Brief an den EU-Ministerrat zum Europäischen Datenschutztag.
- Translation of «Europarat» into 25 languages.
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In this framework, evaluation committees also assessed in the proper implementation of the Schengen acquis at Greece's air, land and sea borders and made, based on their findings, recommendations for improvements. The proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council COM that includes general provisions on the purpose and scope of cohesion policy places European regions into three categories:.
Does it think that GDP, which under established practice is measured as a three-year average, is a representative criterion for the assessment of the economic situation of regions in the Member States, given that it does not include the last two years , during which a significant number of regions, especially in southern Europe, have been feeling the social effects of the crisis? Furthermore, would it consider using updated statistical data to measure the GDP of the regions of the Member States?
The criteria proposed for the classification of regions are intended to ensure continuity in the implementation of cohesion policy, by concentrating the efforts on assistance of the less developed regions. Within the category of more developed regions, the Commission proposes to modulate the aid intensity per region on the basis of a number of objective regional indicators. This means that GDP data for the years , and can be taken into account, which will reflect the effects of the crisis as much as is possible with the current data availability.
The proposal for a regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council COM includes general provisions on the purpose and scope of the cohesion policy. The rules on macro-fiscal conditionality introduce a system of penalties for the regions for errors and omissions by the competent authorities at the central level of government. Does it think that it is legitimate that the failure to comply with macro-fiscal obligations should have an impact on the release of Cohesion Fund resources, given that, in a country already suffering from the social consequences of the economic crisis, this kind of penalty will cause a further downturn?
In addition, does it not think that the harsh penalties provided for within the framework of the economic governance of the European Union for failure to adhere to the macro-fiscal conditions imposed are an adequate measure to achieve this goal? What is the point of introducing additional financial penalties which apply only to Cohesion Fund countries?
Establishing a closer link between the Common Strategic Framework CSF Funds and the economic governance of the Union will ensure that the effectiveness of expenditure under the CSF Funds is underpinned by sound economic policies. It also means that the CSF Funds can, if necessary, be redirected to address the economic problems a country is facing. The mechanism proposed is based on reinforced cooperation and dialogue between the Commission and Member States when specific economic problems arise.
It is balanced and gradual. It will allow sufficient time for the Member State to implement necessary changes which are directly related to the areas of intervention of cohesion policy and there will be no financial consequences in case of cooperation and adequate action by the Member State. The intention is to engage with Member States in a thorough examination of strategies and programmes in order to identify where bottlenecks lie and make the necessary adjustments. If suspensions are to be applied they shall be proportionate and take into account the economic and social circumstances in the Member State.
The thematic objectives for the Common Strategic Framework funds are directly linked to the Europe objectives of knowledge-based, sustainable and inclusive growth and are fully in line with the objectives of cohesion policy to deliver social, economic and territorial cohesion. Less developed regions have a broader range of development needs than more developed regions, from the development of basic infrastructure to promoting entrepreneurship and innovation. All Member States and regions need to invest in the knowledge-based and low-carbon economy.
Less developed regions, as the Honourable Member has underlined, need continued investments in basic infrastructure. This is the reason why there is a differentiation in terms of the thematic concentration requirements for less developed and more developed regions. The outcome of that dialogue was not satisfactory in delivering a promising strategy and the Government therefore agreed to take action to help achieve those objectives, including legislating on the wage levels set in the NGCA; reforming the wage setting system and fostering renegotiation of collective agreements; raising the potential of recent labour market reforms; tackling legacy issues in former state-owned enterprises; reducing non-wage labour costs and fighting undeclared work and social contribution evasion.
The question of private or public waste management systems is the responsibility of national authorities and is not regulated at EU level. Privatisation of services in the field of waste management is not prohibited by EU legislation. Regarding the proposed technology and installations e.
It should be noted that waste prevention, re-use, recycling and composting are all considered preferable to incineration and landfill according to the waste hierarchy established by the directive. Departure from this hierarchy may be justified for specific waste streams due to technical feasibility, economic viability and environmental protection. In response to previous written questions, the Commission has already commented on the concern expressed over the exclusivity conditions that Microsoft is imposing on smartphones and other devices which run on ARM processors, in return for certifying the devices as compatible with the Windows 8 operating system.
The Commission has said that it is difficult to assess whether or not there is a violation of EU competition rules before any computers running on the Windows 8 operating system have been placed on the market. These terms and conditions explicitly disallow the disabling of the Secure Boot feature on devices which run on ARM hardware.
Is the Commission aware of these new requirements, which would prevent users from switching to a different operating system? To date, according to the information available to the Commission, Microsoft supports the ARM architecture mainly for its Windows mobile operating system. There are several mobile operating systems on the market, including the widespread Android operating system, which provide similar functionalities to Microsoft's.
It therefore does not seem that Microsoft holds a dominant position on this market at this stage. The Commission will continue to monitor Microsoft's business practices in order to ensure the full respect of EU competition rules. Many of my constituents have raised their concern about the safety and whereabouts of human rights lawyer Gao Zhisheng, who has reportedly been imprisoned in China after having been missing for two years. Is the High Representative aware of the case, and will she ensure that it is raised in discussions with the Chinese authorities?
Also, could the High Representative confirm whether a future round of the EU-China human rights dialogue has been organised? In the light of these violations of his parole terms, his suspended sentence was withdrawn in accordance with Chinese law. The European Union will continue to follow these cases attentively and to raise its concerns with the Chinese authorities. Dati ufficiali resi noti ultimamente hanno rivelato che, nonostante i recenti episodi di repressione violenta in Bahrein, nel corso degli ultimi mesi il governo britannico ha approvato la vendita di attrezzature militari a questo paese.
Nel giugno era tornato alla situazione precedente, ignorando il perpetuarsi nel paese di violenze sui civili e arresti di attivisti. I dati relativi alle esportazioni di armi degli Stati membri nel non sono ancora disponibili: Het land hervatte echter al zeer gauw zijn wapenleveringen aan Bahrein. Tegen juni ging alles weer zijn oude gang, waarbij het aanhoudende geweld tegen burgers en de arrestaties van activisten in het land compleet genegeerd werden.
De EU-lidstaten moeten de wapenuitvoervergunningen toetsen aan acht criteria die in het Gemeenschappelijk Standpunt zijn vastgesteld. Daarnaast moeten de lidstaten rekening houden met de eventuele weigeringen van andere lidstaten voor soortgelijke transacties. Kwesties die naar aanleiding van de tenuitvoerlegging van het Gemeenschappelijk Standpunt aan de orde zijn gesteld, worden besproken in de regelmatige bijeenkomsten van de Groep Export van conventionele wapens COARM.
In het kader van de COARM wisselen de lidstaten inzichten en informatie uit over specifieke bestemmingen om een grotere samenhang tot stand te brengen in het wapenexportbeleid ten opzichte van de desbetreffende landen. Odgovor visoke predstavnice in podpredsednice Catherine Ashton v imenu Komisije. Nazadnje je bilo objavljeno Zbrani bodo v naslednjih mesecih in objavljeni v Newly released official figures have disclosed that, despite the recent violent crackdown in Bahrain, the British Government has approved, over the past months, the sale of military equipment to that country.
However, in the case of Bahrain the UK quickly resumed its arms transfers. Arms export licences reviewed by EU member states have to be assessed against eight criteria laid down in the Common Position and member states have to take into account denials possibly issued by other member states for similar transactions. The member states exchange views and information on specific destinations in COARM with a view to achieving greater consistency of their arms export policy towards the destinations in question.
Learning mobility is a priority of the Commission Agenda for Modernising Higher Education, and the central pillar of the Erasmus programme. However, the Commission recognises that obstacles to recognising academic qualifications persist; further efforts are required. A pathfinder group of countries will explore ways to achieve this. They also committed to review ECTS to promote the use of learning outcomes, national reviews of legislation to comply with the Lisbon Recognition Convention, and to encourage higher education institutions to assess academic recognition procedures in Quality Assurance.
The Commission supports this process and will organise peer learning on recognition with Member States in autumn With regard to access to regulated professions, including in the public sector, the Commission recently proposed a modernisation of the directive on the Recognition of Professional Qualifications, currently being negotiated in the European Parliament and in the Council. While business incubators are not specifically targeted, if their activities meet the programme's objectives, they could apply for funding.
Knowledge Alliances — cooperative ventures between businesses and higher education — will address new learning and teaching methods, entrepreneurial skills and attitudes, and mobility between higher education and business. On a proposal of the European Parliament, Knowledge Alliance pilot projects have been launched. A first call for proposals in attracted more than 90 applications and three projects selected are in development. Cohesion policy can support business incubators and university-business cooperation. Under the future cohesion policy, such projects will be supported within innovation strategies for smart specialisation; see http: The European Institute of Innovation and Technology supports business incubators in line with the mission of its Knowledge and Innovation Communities KICs to foster entrepreneurship and create new businesses.
After two years, the KICs have already created around 90 such new ventures. Qual a possibilidade de utilizar os fundos consagrados no artigo What measures will it adopt on the territorial cooperation programme in the area of transport policy to improve air and sea links between the OMRs, neighbouring non-EU countries and mainland Europe? The Commission's legislative proposals for future cohesion policy facilitate the regional integration of the outermost regions through European Territorial Cooperation.
Support for joint projects between the outermost regions and neighbouring countries is strengthened through a guaranteed increase in their cooperation allocation and through an increased percentage of ERDF support that can be used for project implementation in third countries. Transnational programmes may support the coherent planning of transport infrastructure and cross-border programmes may contribute to addressing challenges related to missing cross-border links that act as bottlenecks to transport flows.
Addressing specific challenges is a matter to be agreed between the countries and regions participating in a cooperation programme. In its legislative proposals for external action , the Commission proposes that the European Development Fund. This could cover a range of joint programmes, depending on the capacity of the outermost regions and neighbouring ACP States to establish a dialogue, identify common interests and formulate joint programmes accordingly.
The aims are to enhance territorial cohesion by sharing best practices and experiences among regions, encourage EU territories to enter into joint projects, and establish networks of regions with shared resources and strategies. What specific means are currently employed to support business and the entrepreneurial spirit in relations between the outermost regions and neighbouring non-EU countries?
As regards development projects established by the Commission, what specific forms of aid instruments can still be used to help African regions promote energy efficiency and environmental sustainability projects? How much funding has yet to be tapped and how can African governments apply for it? As regards European territorial cooperation from to , could the Commission draw up a new transnational cooperation programme encompassing the outermost regions of the Azores, Madeira and the Canary Islands and Cape Verde in order to consolidate their role as interlinked strategic platforms in the Atlantic region?
The integration of the outermost regions in their regional environment is a key factor for their development. The legislative proposals for cohesion policy therefore strengthen the role of outermost regions in Territorial Cooperation programmes that support joint projects between the outermost regions and their neighbouring countries. The choice of thematic objectives is, however, made by the Member States and regions participating in a cooperation programme, who also take the decisions on the funding of individual projects.
The EU also supports. Figures on available funding and application procedures vary between instruments. For some programmes, new funding opportunities may currently be limited due to the up-coming closing date. Transnational cooperation programmes are drawn up by the participating countries and regions, not by the Commission. The Commission expects Madeira, the Azores and the Canary Islands to continue working together in the future, along with participants from Cape Verde, who already participate in projects in the current programme. Pools strooizout is door malafide bedrijven verpakt als consumptiezout en in zowel Polen als andere landen van de Europese Unie verwerkt in voedsel.
De Poolse autoriteiten willen de lijst met bedrijven die het zout gekocht en mogelijk verwerkt hebben niet vrijgeven. De Poolse minister Sawicki riep op te zwijgen in het belang van de Poolse export: Uit de analyses bleek geen significant verschil tussen het Poolse strooizout en het Nederlandse zout voor gebruik in levensmiddelen. Er waren geen andere leveringen van strooizout aan andere lidstaten of derde landen.
De Nederlandse autoriteiten hebben het restant van het strooizout uit Polen in beslag genomen. Geen enkel ander land heeft aanvullende maatregelen genomen.
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Het strooizout is in Polen onderzocht op de aanwezigheid van zware metalen, dioxinen en pcb's. De gehaltes voor dioxinen en pcb's lagen in het bereik van normale achtergrondverontreiniging. Op basis van deze informatie lijkt er geen gezondheidsrisico voor de consument te bestaan. De Commissie heeft de Poolse autoriteiten verzocht het systeem voor snelle waarschuwingen over levensmiddelen en diervoeders te informeren als er nog andere gevallen van verzending van strooizout naar andere lidstaten of derde landen worden geconstateerd, of eventueel gevallen van export van levensmiddelen bij de bereiding waarvan dergelijk strooizout is gebruikt.
Polish road salt has been packaged by disreputable companies as edible salt and is being used in food both in Poland and in other European Union countries. The Polish authorities are refusing to release the list of companies which have bought and possibly used the salt. An analysis of a whole range of chemical parameters including minerals, metals, nitrites, nitrates, dioxins and PCBs was performed of the technical salt and compared with regular Dutch food grade salt.
The analyses showed no significant difference between the Polish technical salt and the Dutch food grade salt. No other deliveries of technical salt to other Member States or third countries took place. The Netherlands has seized the remaining part of the batch of technical salt from Poland. No other countries have taken additional measures. In Poland the technical salt was analysed on the presence of heavy metals and dioxins and PCBs. As regards the metals lead, cadmium, mercury and arsenic all levels found were below the Codex maximum level of these contaminants for food grade salt.
The levels of dioxins and PCBs were in the range of a normal background contamination. Based on this information, there does not seem to be a health risk for the consumer. The Commission has requested the Polish authorities to inform the Rapid Alert System for Feed and Food in case there would be further findings of distribution of technical salt to other Member States or third countries or in case there would be distribution of food produced with such technical salt to other Member States and third countries. In view of this:. Has the Commission drawn up specific proposals and programmes for to develop entrepreneurship in the Member States particularly with regard to SMEs and, if so, what exactly are they?
Does it think that SMEs should have a different tax rate in order to continue their operations and what measures does it suggest that Member States take to keep them alive? Erasmus for Young Entrepreneurs programme, which helps entrepreneurs who have recently started a company or intend to do so to be coached and trained by an experienced entrepreneur in another EU Member State. European Network of Female Entrepreneurship Ambassadors successful female entrepreneurs in 22 European countries who serve as inspiring role models and.
European Network of Mentors for Women Entrepreneurs inaugurated Nov , who will offer advice and support to women entrepreneurs during the early phases of their businesses. Sembra che tutti avessero bevuto non poco. Hanno poi dato alle fiamme il corpo lasciandolo nella foresta. I familiari dell'uomo ucciso hanno sporto denuncia alla polizia, che ha fermato i presunti assassini.
La moglie e i tre figli dell'uomo ovviamente negano l'accusa. Il vice parroco della chiesa di Sant'Antonio di Padova, condannando l'uccisione, ha detto che l'uomo si era da poco convertito al cattolicesimo e che non si era mai occupato di stregoneria.
- Synonyms and antonyms of Europarat in the German dictionary of synonyms!
- Am Anfang war das Ende (Deutsche Sprichwörter mal anders) (German Edition).
- Voting in the Council of the European Union - Wikipedia.
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I probabili assassini sono tutta gente analfabeta, profondamente ignorante e che crede nelle superstizioni. In eastern India, an Indian Catholic was murdered and his body burned after having been accused of practising witchcraft. Apparently having all drunk more than just a little, they were returning home when the 16 Hindus attacked and killed him by cutting his throat. They then set his body on fire and left it in the forest, where it was found the following day. The relatives of the murdered man reported the crime to the police, who then arrested the alleged murderers.
The deputy priest of the church of Saint Anthony of Padua condemned the murder and stated that the man had only very recently converted to Catholicism and had never practised witchcraft. The alleged murderers are all illiterate, extremely uneducated people who believe in superstitions. Although this case cannot be included among the many acts of anti-Christian fanaticism, it is nevertheless true that in many areas of India, Hindu or Islamic fanatics have committed true acts of persecution, burning both Catholic and Protestant churches, and have also perpetrated several acts of violence.
The EU is also closely following developments on rights awareness, police reform, and legislation such as the still-awaited Communal Violence Prevention Bill, and discusses these matters with the authorities. The preparation of reports for India's upcoming Universal Periodic Review UPR in June has provided an opportunity to take stock of the situation regarding freedom of religion or belief and will be broadly discussed in the run-up to the UPR. Durata proiectului este de 23 de luni. The state of agricultural cooperatives in the European Union is very different from one Member State to another.
In view of the common agricultural policy and Common Market Organisation reform process, does the Commission consider that a report on the state of agricultural cooperatives and organisations in the European Union should be published by the end of ?
Bern Convention campaign “Think Outside the Box”
Following the standard practice, the Commission plans to publish the results of this pilot project after the approval of the final report, in The Commission has not carried out a dedicated study on the silver economy as a possible solution for regions to successfully manage the consequences of an ageing population. The Commission has however launched in several areas initiatives with the aim to boost the silver economy and is also providing funding in this respect. The European Regional Development Fund is contributing funding to developing social and health infrastructure and to other investment areas related to demographic change.
The Commission has launched the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing which aims to foster modernisation of Europe's health and care systems and create opportunities for EU's businesses. The Partnership brings together key stakeholders in the innovation cycle along with those engaged in standardisation and regulation.
It focuses on the implementation of innovative solutions, as well as provides a forum to identify and overcome potential innovations barriers and to seek leverage financing for investments in innovation. De Europese Unie EU is samen met de lidstaten verantwoordelijk voor een aantal aspecten van sociaal en werkgelegenheidsbeleid.
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In die zin bepaalt, bijvoorbeeld, Verordening EU nr. De aanbeveling is niet gebaseerd op Verordening EU nr. The European Union, together with the Member States, is responsible for a number of social and employment policy aspects. De danske myndigheder henviser imidlertid til krydsoverensstemmelsesprincippet i EU's forordning EF nr. I fald Kommissionen ikke mener, at der er hjemmel hertil, hvilke skridt agter den da at tage overfor Danmark? This article obliges Member States to ensure that all agricultural land is maintained in good agricultural and environmental condition and also stipulates that Member States must not define minimum requirements which are not foreseen in the framework of the regulation.

If the Commission believes that there are no grounds for this, what action does the Commission intend to take with regard to Denmark? It is based on this legal framework that the rules described by the honourable member have been registered by the Danish authorities, in order to satisfy the requirement for a GAEC on retention of landscape features. Interkalibreringens anden fase afsluttes i , og resultaterne vil blive offentliggjort senere i The Commission will undertake this intercalibration and will publish the subsequent result.
An inspection of the submitted water course classifications north and south of the Danish-German border shows very great differences in the number of designated water courses that have to meet the objective of good ecological status. Can the Commission explain why there is this variation in classification, when the intention of intercalibration was specifically to achieve uniform results in order to fulfil the objectives of the directive? The directive foresees that Member States undertake an intercalibration exercise, facilitated by the Commission, to ensure that the results of the assessment methods of the Member States are comparable and consistent with the normative definitions.
A second phase of intercalibration is coming to an end in and the results will be published later in The assessment covers, inter alia , how the Member States have implemented the obligations to monitor and assess the ecological status of water bodies and how they have translated the results of the intercalibration exercise into their assessment methods. Which Commission Directorates-General decide on the policies promoted by the Troika to address the Greek crisis? Does the Commission intend to begin a meaningful dialogue not only between its various Directorates but also with Parliament, for the purpose of adjusting current policies, which are causing a sharp increase in unemployment, reductions in income and the threat of a complete collapse of the Greek social insurance system by at the latest?
The necessary consultation takes place between all the relevant services prior to any position being taken on the economic adjustment programme for Greece, in the same way as consultation takes place for all the acts of the Commission. The Commission has also promoted transparency and dialogue by publishing detailed quarterly reports on the implementation of the Greek adjustment programme see: This intervention merely reinforces the vicious circle of recession in the economy: Does it accept that its proposals, made through its representative in the Troika, for dealing with the Greek crisis are at odds with basic elements of European policies on combating poverty and providing adequate, safe and sustainable pensions?
Given the need to continue reducing the government deficit, Greece has decided to reduce the highest pensions, and to address the fiscally unsustainable situation of the supplementary pension schemes. The pension system has to stand on a financially sustainable footing in order to provide pensioners with adequate and safe pensions over the long run. The impact of the reform is being mitigated to some extent by the introduction of the basic pensions which effectively combats the most extreme poverty amongst pensioners.
Furthermore, the recent cuts are directed to the highest main and supplementary pensions and, therefore, do not impact on the less well-off segment of pensioners. This also mitigates the impact of the reforms on the adequacy of pension benefits. Increasing retirement age will, subject to an improvement in the employment opportunities for older workers, also help to ensure financial sustainability without having to further weaken the adequacy of pensions.
The EU common position has consistently supported the maintenance of the moratorium and has, during the annual meetings of the IWC, opposed any new types of whaling that involve international trade. Modern whaling for large whales was introduced in Iceland from Norway in Large-scale commercial whaling only began in , and has continued with strong support from Japan, to which the products were exported.
After ceasing whaling in , Iceland resumed commercial whaling in , with a quota of 9 fin whales and 40 minke whales. Given that whaling was only introduced in Iceland from Norway, would you describe Icelandic whaling as a genuine traditional activity? Can the Commission confirm that it will not amend the Habitats Directive to accommodate Icelandic whaling within the negotiations for accession?
The Commission is well aware of the fact that Iceland's current legislation allows commercial whaling operations. At the time of accession, Iceland will need to comply with the nature protection acquis as regards protection of whales. Skattestatus for landbrugskooperativer i EU. Som skitseret i Kommissionens meddelelse af In Europe, agricultural cooperatives play a key part in the distribution of food, with two models confronting each other:. If this is the case, it should then be established whether the preferential tax treatment for cooperatives is justified by the logic of the tax system.
According to the Court, such a preferential tax treatment is justified if, first, it forms an inherent part of the essential principles of the tax system applicable in the Member State concerned and, second, if it complies with the principles of consistency and proportionality. In this respect, the Court underlined that the Member State concerned has to introduce and apply appropriate control and monitoring procedures in order to ensure that specific tax measures enjoyed by cooperative societies are consistent with the logic of the tax system and to prevent economic entities from choosing that particular legal form for the sole purpose of taking advantage of the tax benefits provided for that kind of undertaking.
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My search history My favourites. Javascript has been deactivated in your browser. Reactivation will enable you to use the vocabulary trainer and any other programs. Show summary of all matches conselho noun conselho de turma noun. Brazilian Portuguese European Portuguese conselho. Are you missing a word, phrase or translation?
Submit a new entry. Compile a new entry. Brazilian Portuguese European Portuguese conselho fiscal. Brazilian Portuguese European Portuguese atender a um conselho. Menschen und Unternehmen in der EU sehen sich daher nach wie vor mit einem Flickenteppich aus 28 unterschiedlichen, je nach Mitgliedsstaat anders ausgestalteten Datenschutzniveaus konfrontiert. We, the signatory organisations, are writing to you on the occasion of the Data Protection Day.
This Convention has been a cornerstone of data protection in Europe and beyond for over 30 years. Almost three decades after the entry of the Convention into force, under the pressure of unprecedented technological progress and increasing global threats to privacy and data protection, the EU is now more than ever before accountable for its policies and choices regarding the right to privacy and protection of personal data. The Charter of Fundamental Rights, as part of the primary law of the European Union, is legally binding on its Member States, and includes the right to respect for private and family life Article 7 and the right to protection of personal data Article 8.
This instrument also guarantees the right to private and family life Article 8. All these binding instruments establish a positive obligation in Union and its Member States to protect private life and personal data for everyone. In our age of fast technological changes, this amounts to retrogression.