Die Grundlagen des Männlichen Chauvinismus (German Edition)
Of course, the referendum was not about minarets, of which there are a grand total of four in Switzerland.. The campaign rode on the back of antipathies towards Muslims and Islam, mobilizing the old Alpine chauvinism against foreigners in the context of the economic crisis and rising unemployment..
The campaign, designed by the German " creative " adman, in other words Alexander Segert, had clear racist features, especially one poster which shows a woman in a burqa standing next to seven minarets, sprouting out of a Swiss flag like rockets that are apparently threatening the country.. April die Wahl gewann.. This is not surprising since her campaign to topple the preceding government was based on inflaming Sinhala chauvinism.. Frisch believed that this adjustment contained an inherent risk of chauvinism and of confusing xenophobia with patriotism..
The fact that chauvinism sometimes wins the day is not something which should unduly bother us.. We are using the following form field to detect spammers. Please do leave them untouched. Otherwise your message will be regarded as spam. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please note that the vocabulary items in this list are only available in this browser. Once you have copied them to the vocabulary trainer, they are available from everywhere. The editorially approved PONS Online Dictionary with text translation tool now includes a database with hundreds of millions of real translations from the Internet.
See how foreign-language expressions are used in real life. Real language usage will help your translations to gain in accuracy and idiomaticity! The search engine displays hits in the dictionary entries plus translation examples, which contain the exact or a similar word or phrase. This new feature displays references to sentence pairs from translated texts, which we have found for you on the Internet, directly within many of our PONS dictionary entries.
The PONS Dictionary delivers the reliability of a dictionary which has been editorially reviewed and expanded over the course of decades. In addition, the Dictionary is now supplemented with millions of real-life translation examples from external sources.
So, now you can see how a concept is translated in specific contexts. We are able to identify trustworthy translations with the aid of automated processes. The main sources we used are professionally translated company, and academic, websites. In addition, we have included websites of international organizations such as the European Union. Because of the overwhelming data volume, it has not been possible to carry out a manual editorial check on all of these documents. Interview mit Kurt Masur. Jahrhundert Andreas Sopart Exkurs: Aus dem Leipzig Johann Sebastian Bachs ins Bodmer Personen- und Sachregister.
Beethovens Lebenshaltungskosten "Ohne Geld keine Musik". Beethovens letzte Wohnung Walther Brauneis: Beethoven auf dem Totenbett Silke Bettermann: Musik zu seinem Gedenken 1. Gedenkfeiern und Gedenkmusik - Katalog-Nummern 3. Requiem aeternam dona eis, Domine Jahrhundert Beate Angelika Kraus: Seine Musik als Marche lugubre 1.
Beethoven-Reliquien - Katalog-Nummern 2. Teueres Angedenken - Beethoven und die Erinnerungskultur seiner Zeit 1. Vom Grabmal bis zur Haar-Reliquie. Zeugnisse der Erinnerungskultur - Katalog-Nummern 2. Allegro di Confusione - oder: Gielen Leyendecker-Stiftung Landschaftsverband Rheinland. Orgelbauer bei der Arbeit IV: Organisten in emblematischen Darstellungen VI: Printed with the kind support of the Gielen Leyendecker-Stiftung and of the Landschaftsverband Rheinland.
Max Unger als Maler Annette Hagedorn: Printed with the kind support of the Gielen Leyendecker-Stiftung. Von bis Mitarbeiterin des Beethoven-Archivs in Bonn. Auf den Spuren Beethovens. Johannes Brahms - der legitime Nachfolger Ludwig van Beethovens? Die Originalausgaben der Klaviersonaten Beethovens.
Annual publications Annual Beethoven-Haus membership publications. Vorwort Faksimile "Willst du vielleicht Schiller lesen? Facsimiles Selected manuscripts in facsimile editions. The Diabelli variations op. In an unprecedented joint effort, noted artists and numerous public and private sponsors made possible this spectacular acquisition. The facsimile edition makes for the first time this important Beethoven autograph, which was previously in private hands, accessible to all who are interested in viewing it: Das Faksimile gibt ein Entwurfautograph wieder, das sich im Beethoven-Haus Sammlung Bodmer befindet und mehrere Entwicklungsstadien aufweist.
Die Mondschein-Sonate ist eine der bekanntesten Klaviersonaten Beethovens. Awarded with the German music edition award ! Facsimile Transcription and commentary Further reading. Drei Goethe-Lieder von Beethoven. This work caused H. Bodmer to add the manuscript to his comprehensive collection of Beethoven memorabilia which he left to the Beethoven-Haus on his death in A course in music history Commentary. In autumn Beethoven left his hometown Bonn to move to Vienna. On his departure his friends presented him with a Stammbuch farewell album.
The second album belonged to Babette Koch, who later became Countess Belderbusch, with whom Beethoven was closely associated in his youth. It is bound in blue silk and contains 41 entries. These albums form an important addition to the few documents pertaining to Beethoven's youth in Bonn. Printed with the kind support of the Gielen Leyendecker-Stiftung and the Landschaftsverband Rheinland. Thirteen of Beethoven's letters to Countess Josephine Deym are published in this volume. Written between and , they bear witness to Beethoven's love for the Countess and document the beginning, the climax and the resigned end of the relationship.
Josephine Deym is considered by many researchers to be the "Immortal Beloved", to whom Beethoven addressed his famous letter of 6th and 7th July When Beethoven's brother, Caspar Carl, died on the 15th November , he left a will which sparked off a legal battle between Beethoven and his sister-in-law, Johanna van Beethoven, concerning the guardianship of his nephew Karl. After four years of constant disputes, during which the guardianship changed several times, Beethoven finally turned to the Court of Appeal.
In the draft of the memorandum, Beethoven refers to the magistrate's reports and outlines in no uncertain terms the state of affairs from his point of view. The original is a forty-eight page document, in which Beethoven gives free rein to his thoughts. It is characterized by numerous alterations, deletions and additions, and the style clearly shows how emotional this matter was. Beethoven's petition to the Court of Appeal proved successful: Publication series Publication series on Beethoven research. Vorwort Sebastian Hansen Begleitmusik: Mozart's Dedication to Haydn Bernhard R.
Lisette Elise Barensfeld Vienna in Premiere of Beethoven's Archduke Trio Op. Concerts at the French Ambassador's Residence Vienna in Vorwort 1 Einleitung 2 Grundlagen 2. Fugentechnik im Sonatenzyklus 6. Poesie und Poiesis 7 Synopsis Literaturverzeichnis. Schindler und Beethoven 1. Nach Beethovens Tod Kapitel 2. Schindlers Beethoven-Biographie in ihrem Entstehungskontext 2. Der Beginn der Beethoven-Biographik 2. Erste Auflage 2. Die Jahre und 2. Polemik gegen Ries und Holz 2. Die Beethoven-Biographien der er Jahre 2. Versuch einer Deutung Kapitel 4. Schindlers Einfluss auf die Beethoven-Biographik 4.
Wo arbeitete Beethoven im Sommer an seiner Dritten Symphonie? Lewis Lockwood The Three Years — A "Fallow" Period in Beethoven's Career? Publikationen zu Beethoven Personenregister Werkregister. Vorwort Einleitung 1 Beethovens Studien und ihre Rezeption im Nachhaltigkeit des Kontrapunktunterrichts 6. Vorwort I Prolog Methoden der Beethovenforschung. Zeit in Musik und Narration 2. Beethoven als Chauvinist II.
Beethoven, Bach und die Illuminaten Tomislav Volek: Mozartsche Fragmente und Beethovensche Rente. Die langsame Einleitung zur Kreutzersonate. Form und Vorbilder Richard Kramer: Zwischen Assimilation und Provokation. Bemerkungen zur "barocken" Beethoven-Interpretation Christopher Reynolds: Wer verfasste die Orgelstimmen in Beethovens Messen?
Die Plattenkorrekturen in den Erstausgaben der Sonaten op. This publication contains essays by the music historian Rudolf Bockholdt on compositions by Haydn, Mozart, Beethoven and Schubert. The focus is on Beethoven as well as on questions of overriding importance concerning the music of the Viennese Classic What is the musical Classical period? How does language influence composition? The texts were written between the years and They convey Bockholdt's methodical flexibility which adapts to the challenges of each work, enabling him to delve into the fundamental problems.
The texts have in part been written especially for this purpose and are in part lectures directed at different kinds of audiences. This gives rise to a variety in the methods of presentation, which clearly shows that the music from the Classical period puts objective demands on its linguistic presentation which must not be ignored. However, this by no means implies linguistic eccentricity. Aside from its academic value, the book can be used by the reader as an intensive self-study course on the subject of music of the Viennese Classic.
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Schubert und die Kadenz Die Kunst, heim zu finden. It was also consulted as a primary source for the first time. Part one addresses the history of performance and institutions. The findings concerning repertoire, performance practice and places aside from the Paris Conservatoire also previously neglected orchestral organisations, churches, salons and opera houses also provide information on musical life and insights into social history. A second part is devoted to aspects of reception and the history of ideas. The way Beethoven's music was received in France proves to be a complex phenomenon fusing different elements: Against this intricate background Beethoven's diverse works receive considerably different interpretations.
Paris und Frankreich 2. Beethoven und die Welt der Oper: Ein Gott und sein Tempel: Beethovens Werke in der Kirche und als geistliche Musik 6. Beethoven und die Monarchie: Beethoven fern der Metropole: Zur Problematik der 'musique pittoresque': Die Rezeption des Pastorale 3. Die Auseinandersetzung mit der 5. Beethoven's relationship with his nephew Karl was beset with conflict. A great deal of interest in this relationship was aroused by the provocative ideas put forward by the psychoanalysts Editha and Richard Sterba. These theories gave rise to an extensive and controversial discussion.
After some time has elapsed, Stefan Wolf takes up this topic to once again address it from a psychoanalytical point of view. Wolf's extensive history of the portrayal of the conflict, his information about Beethoven's circumstances as well as details of the court case surrounding the guardianship dispute form the historical basis for this comprehensive and lucid study.
Der Variationensatz aus dem c-Moll-Trio op. Zum Triosatz in den Liedbearbeitungen op. Beethovens Opus 44 Wolfgang Osthoff: Die langsamen Einleitungen in Beethovens Klaviertrios op. Zu Beethovens Klaviertrios in Es-Dur op. Beethovens "Besonnenheit" und das Poetische. Zum Scherzo des Klaviertrios B-Dur op.
Zum Andante cantabile des Trios op. Beethoven und die kleine musikalische Form Stefan Kunze: Wirkungen Beethovens in der Kammermusik Richard Kramer: Article by Jed Diamond, Ph. Love, Life, and Betrayal , Hoverflies mating in midair , October However, it should be noted that Chinese thinkers, regardless of their classification as Confucian or Daoist, generally see the opposing qualities of yin and yang as integral parts of a whole that complement one another.
Accordingly, the closest word to "gender" in modern Chinese is xingbie , which can be quite literally understood as a difference bie of individual nature or tendencies xing. So this male friend of mine, who does by the way exist, conveniently entered into the following dialogue. February , Beacon Press, 1. George Carlin US American stand-up comedian, social critic, actor, author, source unknown. I'll turn to him and say, John, how do you know Mary loves you?
And he'll say, Because she wants to have sex with me. I'll turn to her — her jaw's on the ground by then — and say Mary, how do you know John loves you? April , uploaded The gender-binary is that to be a man means not to be a woman. So whatever is gendered feminine is thought of as therefore qualities that are not associated with being a man. And the gender-hierarchy is that the qualities associated with masculinity are elevated. Mind , self , thought , is gendered masculine and elevated. Emotion , relationships and body are gendered feminine and like women idealized and devalued.
There's a convergence now of findings from developmental psychology and neuroscience that puts in place a very different story about us as humans and says that when these splits occur, they are signs of injury or trauma. Violence occurs when women's voices are silent or silenced.
And when women's voices drop out of the conversation this awareness and this knowledge tends to drop out with it. Personal avowals Ultimately I am really not in favor of either a men's movement or a women's movement. I am in favor of a gender transition movement. However, I oppose skipping past a men's movement until men have equally articulated our perspective. I think then and only then we'll be able for a synthesis. Audio interview with Warren Farrell Farrell. In the future survival, marriage, and the family will all require the communicative male.
So women had to fall in love with people who were inherently incapable of loving. In the future women can afford to fall in love less and less with the killer-protector and more and more with the nurturer-connector. In the future — with nuclear technology — choosing the killer -destroyer male leads to the potential destruction of everyone. So what was functional has become dysfunctional. And men competed to be their fathers in the form of either priests or ministers or rabbis.
New Age women went from father to husband to guru. And men competed to be their guru. Interview with Warren Farrell Farrell. Steven Svoboda, , reissued June Warren Farrell, Ph. Beyond Feminism and Masculism. Redefining the Relationships Between Men and Women , part 2 of 2, presented originally by an online men's magazine, reissued by the Integral Institute , Archaeopteryx lithographica Often considered the oldest known true bird.
The appropriation by men of women's sexual and reproductive capacity occured PRIOR to the formation of private property and class society. The archaic states were organized in the form of patriarchy; thus from its inception the state had an essential interest in the maintenance of the patriarchal family. Men learned to institute dominance and hierarchy over other people by their earlier practice of dominance over the women of their own group. Women's sexual subordination was institutionalized in the earliest law codes and enforced by the full power of the state.
Class for men was and is based on their relationship to the means of production: The dethroning of the powerful goddesses and their replacement by a dominant male god. The emergence of Hebrew montheism takes the form of an attack on the widespread cults of the various fertility goddesses.
In the establishment of the covenant community [ This symbolic devaluing of women in relation to the divine becomes one of the founding metaphors of Western civilization. There has seldom been a greater divide between what intelligent, enlightened opinion presumes — that men and women have the same brain — and what science knows — that they do not. What happens at that critical stage in the darkness of the womb, will determine the structure and organisation of the brain: Three Sex in the brain What we are, how we behave, how we think and feel, is governed not by the heart , but by the brain.
The brain itself is influenced, in structure and operation, by the hormones. Given that brain structure and hormones are different in men and women men and women will behave in different ways. Understanding the exact relationship between brain structure, hormones and behavior would take us a long way to discovering the answer to some of humanity's most exasperating riddles.
Four Childhood differences Each sex has a mind of its own at birth. Innate differences in brain structure mean that from infancy and through childhood, the male and female paths increasingly diverge. Biology — accentuated by social attitudes which may themselves have a biological base — makes the destiny of men and women different, gives them different priorities, ambitions, and behavior.
Five The brains come of age With the onset of puberty, the human mechanism is past the blueprint stage. Now the hormones take on their second role, fuelling, powering, and informing the brain and our subsequent behavior as human beings. Once the hormone levels increase, however, the changes are dramatic.
In girls , at around the age of eight the level of female hormones begins to rise. Six The ability gap Just as puberty dramatically sorts out the girls from the boys in their behavior and social attitudes, the hormones play their part in accentuating differences in mental abilities and aptitudes.
The chemistry largely dictates the structure of our brains and the disposition of the functions in it. It should not be surprising, then, to find that differences in the organ of thought affect the things we choose to think about, and how well we apply our minds to them. Seven Hearts and minds Physically, men and women are generally attracted to each other because of their differences. Ask any group of men from any culture to assess the attractiveness of a female, and they will tend to opt for the figure which curves where they are flat, is soft where they are strong and — though this may be a matter for aesthetic as much as scientific debate — swells where they are narrow.
The same, in reverse, is true of women, who will tend to express a preference for men with broad shoulders tapering to narrow hips. Any computer-dating questionnaire will try to match intellectual like with like. Eight Like minds The hormonal theory [of sexual deviancy] would explain why sexual deviancy is so much more common in men. Men have to go through a hormonal process to change their brains from the natural female pattern present in all of us , whatever our eventual sex, from the first weeks of our life in the womb; they have to be soaked in extra male hormone and restructured — so in the process of reconstruction the chance of mistakes is much greater than in the female , who doesn't need any reconstruction of her brain.
Nine The marriage of two minds Our new knowledge of what makes us tick, and tick to different rhythms, is not of itself going to revolutionise the complex design of marriage — we will present no new marital blueprint. We believe that much of the stress in this most vital of relationships stems from the misconception that men and women are essentially the same people. The contradiction between this assumption and the facts can lead to exasperation, bitterness and recrimination. Ten Why mothers are not fathers Nothing is said to bring men and women closer to each other than the shared experience of parenthood.
The truth more often is that, because of the different perspective each partner brings to it, few things more dramatically define the difference between men and women. However disappointing the fact may be to a devoted father, there is something unique in the relationship between a mother and a baby. No known society replaces the mother as a primary provider of care. Eleven Minds at work We live in a world where we are no longer surprised to find a female prime minister, a female judge, a female rabbi or a female pilot.
But there are still remarkably few women in top jobs, considering the large increase in the number of well-educated women. That is likely to remain the case. Twelve Bias at work The Wall Street Journal once spoke of female careers being 'sabotaged by motherhood', demonstrating, in a few words, several misconceptions. First, many women do not see their retirement from the world of paid work as a disaster — home and family are a fulfilling and rewarding occupation. Secondly, motherhood is a career in itself , as any single-parent journalist will soon find out; and finally, even the most reluctant mothers, holding their new-born baby, find the notion that they have been somehow 'sabotaged' simply does not arise.
If there is any question of sabotage, it is women who sabotage their own self-esteem. Too often they have defined career success and achievement in male terms. High testosterone acting on the male brain increases the narrow focus and "single-minded" approach to the "object" of his desires. After orgasm, testosterone levels subside and the male brain starts to receive a wider input of information without the "narrowing" effect of larger amounts of testosterone present during arousal. Truth , January In writing this book I have struggled with two voices in my head — one is the scientific truth, the other is political correctness.
I have chosen to emphasize scientific truth over political correctness even though scientific truths may not always be welcome. Trait One Keepers are self-accountable. Trait Two Keepers can hold on to their own personal rhythms under stress. They find a way to stay interested or they graciously bow out. Trait Four Keepers see humor as a sacred part of relationships. Trait Five Keepers know how to stay even.
Trait Six Keepers do not allow guilt to influence their decisions. Trait Seven Keepers store the "good times". Trait Eight Keepers are authentic. Trait Nine Keepers understand and accept their value in the marketplace. Trait Ten Keepers look for the value in others.
Trait Eleven Keepers avoid useless energy drains. Trait Twelve Keepers know how to self-soothe. Trait Thirteen Keepers seek continuous transformation. Trait Fourteen Keepers take good care of themselves. Trait Fifteen Keepers treasure the present moment. Threat of abandonment 3. Threat of exile 4. Preaching Sources featuring Randi Gunther, Ph. How Negative Words can Destroy Love , published Relationship Saboteurs , part I, YouTube film, 8: September See also: Given that acceptance and inclusion, the partners in a committed relationship can create a space of security and continued connection.
New lovers continually rediscover each other through self-revelation and mutual vulnerability. No request is beyond reach, no sacrifice too difficult. Men and women don't see in the same way. Female babies like faces, male babies like moving objects. Females hear better than males. Men want high pitched voices, women want deep voices. Males will automatically block out certain sounds. Music affects us differently. Boys and girls like to draw different things.
Females are slower at spatial task than males. Women navigate using landmarks, men navigate using cardinals and distance. Boys naturally use movement to think. Groups of boys play differently than groups of girls. Boys and girls play with different toys. Boys are more likely to take risks. Males are more likely to overestimate their ability.
Males are more likely to die from an accident than females. Females are easier to startle. Men and women are on different schedules day cycles. Body clock Emotions Females can verbally express their emotions better than males. Men are more likely to perceive a neutral face as unfriendly. Women read subtle emotion better than men. Males and females are not empathetic in the same way. Males are more likely to exhibit aggression physically while females are more likely to exhibit aggression verbally.
The bed nucleus of the striate terminals where the amygdala begins its descent into the hypothalamus holds a neurotransmitter that's twice the size in males than females. Women also exhibit a stronger emotional response to the anticipation of pain. Women use both sides of the brain to respond to emotional experiences while men use just one. A woman's brain is more 'flexible' than a man's. Men's and women's brains age differently. Men and women have different friendships. Mothers and fathers don't interact with their kids in the same way.
Men and women react to crying babies differently.

Men thrive in conflict, women avoid it. Males are aroused under stress while females are turned off. Men are more consistent than women. Men are more comfortable lying to the opposite sex. Men pursue, women are pursued. Pursuing the other sex Men are attracted to youth and beauty.
Women are attracted to status. When a man is in love, dopamine mixes with testosterone and vasopressin.
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If a female falls in love gets dopamine mixes with estrogen and oxytocin. Contrary to popular belief, it's men that fall in love at first sight. Falling in love When engaging in "warm touch" both husbands and wives get a boost in oxytocin and a reduction in cortisol. Yet only the husbands' blood pressure will get reduced beneficially. Men and women use different parts of the brain during sexual arousal.
Men are also much more likely than women to conflate violence with sexuality. Men are easier to sexually arouse than women. Men are more motivated by sex than women. A man's fertility depends on who is around him. High self-esteem makes teen girls less promiscuous, but it makes teen boys more promiscuous. The orgasms of women and men affect each sex differently. A man is more likely to sleep with a stranger than a woman. Sex with strangers When it comes to casual sex, women care about intelligence, men don't.
Men have a stronger reaction to sexual infidelity, while women have a stronger reaction to emotional infidelity. August Referenced literature: June Referenced scientific papers: Series B, Biological Sciences , , 5.
Edited By Martin Löschmann
December Video presentations: Human Sexual Behavior I , minute Metaanalysis on studies on shame and pride based gender norms Shame is a major building block of traditional gender roles. Allison, LC Morton, Gender differences in self-conscious emotional experience: Linear time Cycles of time 3. Science Art , play 4. Rationality Magic , synchronicity , symbology 5. Waking reality Broadened states of consciousness 7. Right side of the body Left side of the body See also: Jan Garrett, Partnership v.
History Patriarchal societies Scarcety model Efficiency Centralizing monopolizing currency, interest rates, concentration on the top, efficiency availing the Industrial Revolution , concentration of wealth, boom and bust cycles, short-term thinking, unsustainable behavior 1b. Antidote Matrifocal societies Sufficiency model Sustainability Honoring feminine values, entertaining dual money systems, availing sustainability , local non-interest based currencies 2. Ideological polarization Patriarchal Cold war: Communism fighting capitalism Commonly untouched theme: Bank debt money system 3.
Academic taboo Patriarchal Flawed status quo Securing the central banking money system 4. Hidden Lobby system Patriarchal Bank for International Settlements Keeping the flawed debt money system in place Unwillingness to reform or improve the existing money system. The New Paradigm of Money , part 1 of 2, 9: The New Paradigm of Money , part 2 of 2, 8: Simon Peter said to them, "Make Mary [Magdalene ] leave us, for females are not worthy of life. If the women of Asia wake up, they will dazzle the world. Therefore, for international negotiations, women are needed very much and need to take a larger role.
I sympathize with feminists. Dalai Lama Tenzin Gyatso Women should rule the world. We are not a special interest group. The trajectory for American women is from success to significance. We need the audacity to wield power. November 14 It becomes almost like the manifestation of the Divine Mother, as well as the Divine Father.
That which is nurturing, at the same time that which is demanding of excellence. The patriarchy is the masculine principle. And socialism is maternalistic. It is a security issue, it is a prosperity issue, and it is a peace issue. This is why no political system works because the value system is 'money and power over'. Until women reclaim their power men won't have a chance to open up the emotional body and to process their reaction to the second class citizen. Now we are coming into equality. We've shifted from a text based society to an image based one.
Men must be converted to the feminine, women to the masculine. If we are converted to this non-self, everything changes. Winter solstice Survival was the oppressor. And that's just a misunderstanding of the gender development over the millennia. A World ruled by women would be a better place. They need to learn to surrender. Physical and mental differences between men and women Area Men Women Genes Both men and women differ in every cell of their bodies chromosome combinations.
She has menstruation, pregnancy, and lactation functions. Physical appearance His scull is thicker than hers. Her scull is thinner than his. Physical appearance He is taller, with heavier bones, and bigger muscles. She is smaller, with lighter bones, and leaner muscles. Physical appearance He has a bigger head, a slimmer face, a more protruding chin. She has shorter head, broader face, chin less protruding.
Verbaler Chauvinismus in deutschsprachigen Frauenwitzen im Internet
Physical appearance He has longer legs and shorter trunk. She has shorter legs and longer trunk. Physical appearance He has smaller stomach, kidneys, liver and appendix, and larger lungs. She has larger stomach, kidneys, liver and appendix, and smaller lungs.
The first finger of a woman's hand is usually longer than the third. Lefties Guys are more left-handed. Women are less left-handed. Teeth His teeth last longer. Her teeth last shorter. Thyroid His thyroid is smaller and less active.
Her thyroid is larger and more active. Skin He has rougher skin and a relatively hairy body. She has smoother skin and relatively hairless body. Voice box He has longer vocal chords than her. She has shorter vocal chords than he. Veins He has thicker veins than her. She has thinner veins than him. Heartbeat His heart beats less rapidly Her heart beats more rapidly She has one million fewer red blood cells in each drop of blood. Blood pressure He has more tendency to high blood pressure.
Her blood pressure is ten points lower than his is. Body temp He adapts less well to high temperature than her. She can stand high temperature better than him. Her metabolism slows down less. Body temp He throws off more heat. She throws off less heat. Body temp He has warmer hands and feet than her but complains and suffers more. She has colder hands and feet than him but complains and suffers less. Metabolism His metabolic rate is higher than hers.
Her metabolic rate is lower than his. Weight His average weight is Her average weight is about Weight He looses weight quicker than her. She looses weight slower than him. Tiring He tires less easiliy. British factories, during war, upped the hours to 12 per day. He uses more oxygen than her. Due to less supply of oxygen to the body cells, she tires more easily. She uses less oxygen than him. Bed time He spends less days in bed than her.
She spends more days in bed than him. Fainting He is less prone to faint. She is more prone to faint. Snoring He snores more. Stuttering Men stutter 4 times more than women. Women stutter 4 times less than men. Pain tolerance He has higher threshold of pain and feels pain less than her. She has a lower threshold of pain and feels pain more than him. Immunity His immunity against disease is weaker than hers. Her immunity against disease is stronger than his.
Illness He has more ulcers, hernias, and back problems. She has less ulcers, hernias, and back problems. Sickness He feels less sick from day to days than her. He visits the doctor less often than her.