I had so betrayed them and they loved us, and that was the first moment that I knew God was up to something great.
But Cindy still needed time — to think and pray. She left for a few weeks to stay with her mother. I have to see someone else tell me to stay married and be a good wife? Nobody would blame you if you left. Do you trust me?
How God Can Heal a Marriage Broken by Betrayal
I do trust you. Chris also remembers it like it was yesterday.
Chris and Cindy started over. Cindy forgave him completely, and their trust in each other started to grow again. They had two sons of their own. He is a reminder of the redemption of God. Your ministry of presence to one going through such trauma is invaluable. You cannot carry their pain, but you can ease the burden.

You can lend your faith as support. You can cry with and be with and touch. And you can keep being there in the days, weeks, months, and possibly years it takes to move past a failed marriage and begin truly living again. Most of all, remember that even if your spouse's choices preclude your marriage being restored, God can still restore you.
This is one of those pains where we are drawn to eternity, and the end of all pain and failure and tears. Reprinted with permission from Dr. Visit the Charisma Store to view all our specials. Help Charisma stay strong for years to come as we report on life in the Spirit. Click here to keep us strong!
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The 700 Club with Pat Robertson
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Powerful Prayer for Marriage Restoration and Relationships
Include a link to the comment, along with a statement explaining what you believe the violation is and any evidence backing your claim. Can the Creator of everything find or even create love in the heart of one grown cold? I have been trying to remember one instance of that in the Bible. God tried for hundreds of years to get the heart of the nation of Israel to return to Him without much success.
I guess Jonah might be close, but we never read that Jonah ever stopped loving God, only fled from Him.
Paul persecuted Jesus but he thought he was serving God. Maybe Joseph might be a candidate. I don't know if he ever loved or stopped loving Mary but he was willing to cancel the wedding until God straightened out his thinking so that probably qualifies. But seriously, God can do all things, therefore it is not a question of could He, rather a question of will He?
If He were willing to just change someone's will, Jesus would not have needed to die. So if you pray to Him about this situation will he ignore your prayer? I don't think so.
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What needs to happen here is healing. If the one in the question you ask who no longer loves is you, the solution is simple. Submit your will unto God and ask Him to restore your love for your wife. Not that submission is simple but through prayer and Faith it is possible Trust Him with all your heart and I believe your prayer will be answered. If the person who no longer loves is your wife, then the answer is much more complicated, I believe because then we are dealing with changing someone's will who is not submitting to God.
So is all lost? Remember it is healing that she needs I believe that if you sincerely approach God on this matter he will help you to win back her love. Ask him to teach you, change you not her , help you and help both you and her and if you do so believing and trusting Him, he will help you discover anew the key to her love! But it is going to be up to you with His help. Don't give up and be atuned to His leading and the miracle you are asking for can come! It will teach you how to speak your wife's love language and through it it is even possible that you will discover that you both already love one another but are not speaking each other's love language.
It could be that God had Mr. Chapman write this book just to answer the prayer you haven't even prayed yet. And in so doing help thousands of others along the way. Therefore I encourage you to not give up.