A Brush with Death
References in periodicals archive? It's designed to invoke the kind of epiphanies people enjoy when they face a close brush with death. Andy Cole has revealed how his brave nephew's sacrifice saved his life after a brush with death. Former Manchester United striker Andy Cole reveals how nephew's sacrifice saved his life and backs campaign for opt-out organ donation system; The England football star had a brush with death after his kidney was left badly damaged by a rare condition.
The year-old singer said he felt like he was suffocating and was in pain but did not elaborate further on what caused his brush with death. Rita had her second brush with death in , days after Steve McDonald installed a faulty gas fire in her flat. A fun, quick moving British cozy, I am looking forward to reading following books in this new series.
Jul 07, Lesa rated it it was ok Shelves: I found it a little too detailed and slow-paced for my taste, but those who enjoy all the details of English grand homes may enjoy this. Susie Mahl, the narrator, is what I see as a hanger-on.
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She's an artist whose specialty is painting pet portraits, so she spends time at grand homes all over England as she studies the pets. She's quite comfortable with the lifestyle Fans of "Downton Abbey" and books involving the rich British upper-class may enjoy Ali Carter's debut mystery, A Brush with Death. She's quite comfortable with the lifestyle of the rich upper-class, and depends on referrals. That meeting leads to a commission for Susie, one that puts her in the right spot when Alexander, the Earl of Greengrass, dies.
About A Brush with Death
Susie's to paint the Codrington's dog, Situp, but she's surprised to find another guest at their house when she arrives. Henry Dunstan-Sherbet is a doctor and a lifelong friend of Ben's. After Situp digs up a skull from the local graveyard, Ben, Henry and Susie head there one Sunday morning to bury it again. They're together when they hear noises, and find Alexander with his pants down outside the church. At seventy-five, Alexander seems a little young for death, but everyone is shocked when the police say he was murdered.
When Susie realizes she's part of a murder investigation, she's thrilled. She sees parallels between investigating a murder and painting a picture.
Both call for careful observation. She's convinced she can solve the case with a combination of her obsessive observation and "nosy-parker instincts".

Frankly, Susie Mahl was not my favorite amateur sleuth. At thirty-two, she feels she's all-knowing about the lives of the rich British landowners. Her obsession with her French lingerie seems a little out-of-place.
See a Problem?
It's only my opinion, but she comes across as too ingratiating. There's a contemporary setting in A Brush with Death, but its slow pace and detailed descriptions remind me of the Golden Age mysteries. Perhaps that's what Carter was trying to emulate with her debut. It didn't quite work for me.
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Sep 20, Caroline Ingvaldsen rated it really liked it. In the first of this appealing new British country cozy mystery series, the spunky heroine applies her considerable skills of observation as an artist to solving murder most foul. Sep 10, Caroline rated it it was amazing. I thoroughly enjoyed this book. Find it at the West Hempstead Public Library http: Very cute little mystery.
Perfect last book of the summer. Looking forward to reading more about Susie the Pet Detective! Aug 09, Judith rated it liked it Shelves: Given the blurb's mentioning Downton Abbey, I thought this mystery would be set in the early 's rather than in contemporary times. I like period mysteries, but nonetheless this one held my interest very much.
The characters were engaging, though a little under-developed and sort of stereotypical, the dog Situp was cute, and I truly enjoyed Susie's comments on what she as an artist looks for and reacts to while creating her pictures. As the author also paints many things, including pet portra Given the blurb's mentioning Downton Abbey, I thought this mystery would be set in the early 's rather than in contemporary times. As the author also paints many things, including pet portraits, I appreciate her communicating these aspects of painting.
The mystery kept me guessing, Susie's enthusiasm for sexy lingerie was different especially from the over-angst that many detectives in fiction today have , and I felt some pity for her being a kind of hanger-on to the rich and their class, which she just misses belonging to. The tone of the mystery needs some adjusting and i expect AC will do so in subsequent books. Sometimes the book seemed a kind of joke Lord Greengrass? The best parts are the English countryside settings, some of the ridiculous ironic? On the other hand, you can rather tell this is a debut fiction effort, as the writing is a bit uneven, at least one important character and a few of the plot points were sort of introduced as backhand 2.
On the other hand, you can rather tell this is a debut fiction effort, as the writing is a bit uneven, at least one important character and a few of the plot points were sort of introduced as backhanded afterthoughts, there were several go-nowhere scenes, and the denouement was almost anti-climactic. I do think there is some promise in the possible future of the series, and if Carter can develop Susie and her detecting abilities, I'd like to re-visit.
Aug 12, Maryellie rated it liked it. I liked the descriptions of Susie's paintings and her interaction with the pets she makes portraits of. However, as a cozy English mystery it certainly wasn't a la Agatha Christie as stated on the back of the book. The mystery was too easy to solve.
A Brush with Death
It's a good book to read on the beach or plane. Oct 02, Dogsandbooks rated it liked it Shelves: Clunky writing but an interesting premise for the protagonist. An observant artist who travels to posh houses to paint dogs. And the characters cartoonish.
brush with death
Nov 27, Olgalijo rated it liked it. Not worth much from the doggy point of view. Maybe worth it from the artist point of view, but I don't think so. Very stilted in general. Paula rated it really liked it Sep 13, Chelsey rated it really liked it Nov 08, Megan rated it it was ok Jun 30, After looting the thief's corpse and returning the brush to Rythe, he paints a portal back to Tamriel. When you arrive, stick around and listen to the conversation he has with his wife.
Afterwards, he'll give you the Apron of Adroitness , a light armor chest piece with a leveled agility and intelligence boost. If you do this quest early and want to wait for better gear, you should leave while Rythe and Tivela are still talking. Come back later to receive your now higher-level apron. This works because the apron level is determined the moment you receive it from Rythe.
There seem to be several "sweet spots" for the best level to do this quest. Both the Trolls and the Turpentines are leveled, but the Turpentines only increase in damage every 4 levels, while the Trolls increase every level, so if you do the quest at either level 1 or a multiple of 4, you will do optimal damage with the Turpentine.
Level 1 is clearly the best time to do this quest as seen from the chart below. Turpentines do not increase in damage after level 20 so it will only get harder after that.
This chart does not take into account the damage from the weapon you use to deliver the poison. Retrieved from " https: Personal tools Create account Log in. Contents 1 Quick Walkthrough 2 Detailed Walkthrough 2. Help a distraught wife find a famous painter who has gone missing. Cheydinhal , The Painted World. The paintings look so amazingly real that some say they can see the trees sway in the breeze. I've heard that a famous painter named Rythe Lythandas has gone missing.
Apparently, his wife Tivela has been frantically searching for him. Perhaps I should visit their home here in Cheydinhal to see if I can assist with the search. I've met a kindly Dunmer named Tivela Lythandas. It seems that her husband, Rythe, has gone missing. She seems extremely distraught, so perhaps I should talk to her to find out more information.
Tivela told me that Rythe had been locked in his studio to work on his latest painting. He usually comes out to eat and sleep, but hadn't done so for more than a day. When she went in to investigate, he was gone.