Unsichtbare Blicke (German Edition)
It sounds softly in the background throughout the first scene, "Childhood", of act 1 Michael's Youth , and rather louder during "Festival", the opening scene of act 3 Michael's Homecoming. The work sets three texts in Hebrew "Judgement Day" from The Ascent of Moses , "The End of Time" from the Apocalypse of Baruch , and a Hymn of Praise, "The Heavens Rejoice", from the Book of Leviticus , and a different passage from "The End of Time", sung in German Stockhausen a , — , deliberately selecting the "positive, creative, and invigorating" passages Stoianova b , and avoiding the "gruesome" segments that "describe drastic things, that speak of blood and destruction" Stockhausen b , A click track was recorded on the sixteenth track of a sixteen-track tape recorder.
This was used to synchronise the choir, who were recorded separately by sections, with each voice group sopranos, altos, tenors, and basses superimposed on itself as many as four times. From this fifteen-track version, Stockhausen then mixed down an eight-track version, in the process changing the positions of the choir groups in space. The result could never be performed by a choir live, with as many as separate vocal parts synchronised at some points Stockhausen , 76— Compositions by Karlheinz Stockhausen. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Licht by Karlheinz Stockhausen.
Herbstmusik Oben und Unten Originale. Huber Alden Jenks David C. List of compositions by Karlheinz Stockhausen Category: Bei uns sollst du verweilen, wir lassen dich nicht von uns gehn! Du suchtest uns, warum enteilen? Nach solchem kurzen Wiedersehn? WOLFRAM When you strove with us in blithe song, sometimes victorious against our lays, anon defeated through our art, one prze there was that you alone succided in winning. Was it by magic or by oure might that you achieved the miracle or captivating the most virtuous of maids by your singing filled with joy and sorrow?
For, when, in haughtiness, you left us, her heart closed to our song; we saw her cheeks grow pale, she ever shunned our circle. Oh, return, you valiant Singer, let not your song be far from ours. Let her no longer be absent from our festivals, let her star shine on us once more! Have one with dissension and strife!
Let our lays ring out in unison, and brothers let us call ourselves from henceforth. Have done with dissension and strife! Ha, how I recognize it again, the lovely world that I renounced! The heavens look down upon me, the meadows sparkle, richly-decked! The spring, the spring with a thousand lovely sounds has entered into my soul, rejoicing!

In sweet impetuous urgency my heart cries aloud: To her, to her! Lead me to her! War's Zauber, war es reine Macht, durch die solch Wunder du vollbracht, an deinen Sang voll Wonn' und Leid gebannt die tugendreichste Maid? Zweitracht und Streit sei abgetan! A miracle has brought him hither! Glory be to the sweet power that has charmed his arrogance away! Now may the high-born lady's ear once more harken to our lays! In joyous animated tones the song goes up from every breast! The whole valley fills with huntsmen The Landgrave sounds his horn and is answered by loud blasts from every side.
Ein Wunder hat ihn hergebracht! In thee his lays awake and waken me from gloomy dreams. When he departed from thee, how desolate thou didst appear to me! Peace forsook me, joy took leave of thee. How strongly now my heart is leaping; to me now thou dost appear exalted and sublime. He who thus revives both me and thee, tarries afar no more. Thou precious hall, receive my greeting! Aus mir entfloh der Frieden, die Freude zog aus dir! Wie jetzt mein Busen hoch sich hebet, so scheinst du jetzt mir stolz und hehr, der mich und dich so neu belebet, nicht weilt er ferne mehr!
I may not see you here! Oh, stay and let me remain at your feet! You shall not kneel here, for this hall is your kingdom. Receive my thanks for your return! Where did you tarry so long? Deep forgetfulness has descended betwixt today and yesterday. All my remembrance has vanished in a trice, and one thing only must I recall, that I never more hoped to greet you, nor ever raise my eyes to you. Nicht darf ich Euch hier sehn! Wo weiltet Ihr so lange? Forgive me if I do not know what I am about. I am in a dream, and foolish as a child, surrendered, powerless, into the power of the miracle.
I scarcely know myself more; oh, help me unravel my heart's enigma! To the Singers' skilful lays I used to listen often with great pleasure. Their singing and their praise seemed to me a pleasant show. But what a strange new life your song conjured up in my breast! Now it would thrill through me like pain, now penetrate me like sudden joy. Emotions I had never experienced! Longings I had never known! That which once was dear to me vanished before a bliss nameless heretofore!
And when you left us then, peace and joy were gone from me. The melodies the Singers sang appeared insipid to me, melancholy their temper. Dreaming, I experienced heavy sorrow, my waking hours became a troubled delusion, joy fled from my heart - Henry! What had you done to me? Encompassed about with radiant bliss, sunshine smiles upon me; awakened to new life, I call happiness mine! Fast kenn ich mich nicht mehr Doch welch ein seltsam neues Leben rief Euer Lied mir in die Brust! Was sonst mir lieblich, war verschwunden vor Wonnen, die noch nie genannt! Was tatet Ihr mir an?
Von Wonneglanz umgeben, lacht mir der Sonne Schein; erwacht zu neuem Leben, nenn ich die Freude mein! To the newly-perceived life I may bravely turn; aquiver with joy, I call its fairest wonder mine! Does a festival of singing of our preparing attracct you then at last? Oh my kindest of fathers! That which his song so marvellously awoke and stimulated, he shall reveal today and crown with fulfilment. Now the gracious art will come to fruition! Trumpets are heared from the background as if from the courtyard of the castle The nobles of my land whom I have invited here to a rare festival are approaching now; they come more numerous than of wont, for they have heard you are to be the festival's queen.
Sprechen kann ich nicht. SCENE FOUR The Landgrave and Elisabeth ascend the balcony to watch the arrival of the guests; they are announced by the four noble pages, who receive from the Landgrave directions as to their reception The Knights and Counts enter, one by one, with their ladies and their retinue. To the Prince of Thuringia, Count Hermann, hail! The assembled guests have now all taken their seats. The Landgrave and Elisabeth occupy seats of honour under a canopy, in the foreground The Singers step forward and greet the assembly with dignified bows.
Vier Edelknaben treten auf und melden an. If our swords in battles grim and bloody did battle for the majesty of the German realm, if we withstood the furious Guelphs and averted ruinous dissention, then no less a prize was carried off by you. By your art you won for grace and gracious custom, for virtue and true belief, wholly sublime, magnificent and glorious victory. Then, prepare for us today a festival - today when the valiant Singer, whom we have grievously missed for so long, has returned to us. That which brought him back again among us, appears to me a wondrous mystery; through the art of song you shall reveal it to us.
Therefore I put the question to you now: Could you fathom the true essence of love for me? To the man who can do it, to him who celebrates it most worthily in song, let Elisabeth present the prize, let him claim it, exalted and bold as he will - I will see she shall bestow it. The task is set! Compete for the prize and receive in advance all our thanks. Hail to Thuringia's Prince! Hail to the protector of the gracious art! All sit down The four noble pages come forward and collect from each Singer, in a golden bowl, a small roll of paper bearing his name; they present the bowl to Elisabeth, who takes out one of the papers and hands it back to the pages.
Greifet in die Saiten! So many heroes, valiant, upright and judicious, a forest of proud oaks, magnificent, fresh and green. And ladies I behold, charming and virtuous, a richly-perfumed garland of lovely blooms. My glance becomes enraptured at the sight, my song mute in face of such radiant loveliness. I lift my eyes up yonder to one star which stands fast in the firmament and dazzles me: Before me a miraculous spring appears, which my spirit glimpses, filled with wonder! From it, it draws bliss, rich in grace, through which, ineffably, it revives my heart.
And never would I sully this fount, nor taint the spring in wanton mood: I would practise myself in devotion, sacrificing, gladly shed my heart's last drop of blood. You noble ones may gather from these words how I do apprehend love's purest essence to be! Praised be your song! He stares fixedly at nothing.
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A slight trembling of the hand - which has unconsciously sought the strings of the harp - and an uneasy smile indicate that a strange magic has taken possession of him. If you languish so fearfully, the world would come to an end, forsooth! To praise God in the sublime and lofty distance, raise your eyes to heaven, look up to His stars! Worship is due to such marvels, for one should not aspire to touch them! But that which inclines to touch, lies near the heart and senses, that which, conceived of the selfsame stuff in weaker mould, nestles to one - I do boldly approach that fount of delight with which no fear is ever mixed, for the fount is inexhaustible, as my longing is unquenchable!
That my desire may ever burn I will ever refresh myself at the source! Da blick ich auf zu einem nur der Sterne, der an dem Himmel, der mich blendet, steht: Und sieh, mir zeiget sich ein Wunderbronnen, in den mein Geist voll hohen Staunens blickt: Gepriesen sei dein Lied! Anbetung solchen Wundern zollt, da ihr sie nicht begreifen sollt! Then know, Wolfram, thus do I conceive love's truest essence to be!
Who could remain calm, when he hears you? If it please your arrogance, then harken, now, to me, too, blasphemer! When sublime love inspires me, it tempers my weapon with courage; that it may remain forever unshamed, I would proudly shed my last drop of blood. For women's honour and highest virtue as a knight I wield my sword; but that which indulgence offers your youth is cheap and not worth a blow.
Der Unsichtbare (1987 film) topics
Here are our swords! Do you sing of love, surely wolf? It's certain you cannot have meant that which seems fraught with delight to me! What, then, have you enjoyed? Your life has not been rich in love and that which gave rise to pleasure in you is truly not worth a blow! Put a stop to his audacity! Keep the peace, you Singers! A profound quiet ensues Now, oh heaven, be moved by my entreaty! Grant my song the gift of divine inspiration! Let me see sin banished from this noble and unpollucted circle! To thee, sublime love, that hast penetrated in angelic beauty und wisse, Wolfram, so erkenne der Liebe wahrstes Wesen ich.
Singst du von Liebe, grimmer Wolf! Gewisslich hast du nicht gemeint, was mir geniessenswert erscheint! Dein Leben war nicht liebereich, - und was von Freuden dir entsprossen, das galt wohl wahrlich keinen Streich! Gib meinem Lied der Weihe Preis! Thou dost approach like a messenger of God, I follow thee from the fair distance - thou leadest thus into the lands where thy star ever shineth. Now let thy praise be sung aloud by me! Thy honeyed fascination is fount of all beauty, and every sweet wonder stems from thee! That man who has held thee locked in passionate embrace, knows what love is, and he alone.
Poor creatures, who have never enjoyed her love, fare hence, fare hence into the Venusberg! He has been in the Venusberg! Er war im Venusberg! Away out of his presence! Du nahst als Gottgesandte, ich folg aus holder Fern: Wer dich mit Glut in seine Arme geschlossen, was Liebe ist, kennt der, nur der allein! Armsel'ge, die ihr Liebe nie genossen, zieht hin! Zieht in den Berg der Venus ein!
electric blinds - German translation – Linguee
His wicked lips have made horrible confession of his sin. He has shared in hellish delights, he has sojourned in the Venusberg! Steep your swords in his blood! Sent back to the bottomless pit, let him be condamned, let him be banished! What do I see? The chaste maid siding with the sinner!
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I take no heed else of death! What is the wound dealt by your swords to the death blow I received from him! What am I obliged to hear? How can your heart allow you to be so infatuated, as to exorcise punishment from the man who has so shamefully betrayed you? How can you be so infatuated, as to exorcise punishment from the man who has so shamefully betrayed you? But he - his salvation!
Would you rob him of his eternal salvation? The curse of heaven has fallen upon him, let him go hence in his sin! In seinem Blute netzt das Schwert! Des Todes achte ich sonst nicht! Was ist die Wunde eures Eisens gegen den Todesstoss, den ich von ihm empfing? Doch er, - sein Heil! Wollt ihr sein ewig Heil ihm rauben? Des Himmels Fluch hat ihn getroffen! You are not his judges! Inhuman wretches, throw your furious swords from you and give heed to the pure maid's words!
Learn from me what is God's will! Why should the unhappy man, whom a fearful mighty magic holds captive, not attain salvation through repentance and atonement in this world? Do you who are so strong in true belief thus misconstrue the counsel of the Highest? If you would rob a sinner of hope, then say, what harm has he done you? Behold me, the maid whom he destroyed with one swift blow in the flower of her youth, who loved him deep in her soul, and whose heart he pierced, exulting!
I pray for him, I pray for his life, may he turn his step penitently towards atonement! May the spirit of belief he granted him anew since for him, too, the Saviour suffered once! See there, you infamous betrayer, acknowledge your misdeed! You dealt her death, she begs for your life - Who could remain stern when he hears the angel's prayer?
Though I may not forgive the culprit yet I cannot oppose heaven's command. See there, you infamous betrayer! Nicht ihr seid seine Richter! Werft von euch das wilde Schwert! Vernehmt durch mich, was Gottes Wille ist! Werd inne deiner Missetat! Darf ich auch nicht dem Schuldigen vergeben, dem Himmelswort kann nicht ich widerstehn! Blick hin auf sie! Darf ich auch nie dem Schuldigen vergeben, dem Engelswort darf nicht ich widerstehn! Oh Thou, high above this land of earth, Who sent the angel of my salvation to me, have mercy on me who, oh, so deep in sin, shamefully failed to recognize heaven's mediator!
Have mercy on me! Oh, have mercy on me! With dissembling mask, the accursed son of sin came crawling to us. We cast you out from among us: However, a way to deliverance from eternal damnation stands open before you: Make use of it for your salvation! Gathered together on my lands is a great concourse of pilgrim penitents.
The older ones have gone on before already, the younger are still resting in the valley. Trifling though their transgressions be, their hearts will give them no rest; to still the devout distress of repentance they are marching towards Rome for the feast of grace. KNIGHTS You must go along with them on pilgrimage to the city of clemency and grace, in the dust there to fall prostrate and atone for your sin!
English-German Dictionary
Before him who pronounces the sentence of God, cast yourself down; but nevermore return, if you do not receive his blessing! Though our anger has been forced to soften, because an angel checked it, this sword will despatch you, if you linger in sin and disgrace! Erbarm dich mein, der, ach! Ach, erbarm dich mein!
Wir stossen dich von uns, bei uns darfst du nicht weilen! Zur Rettung doch vor ewigem Verderben steht offen dir ein Weg: Doch kehre niemals wieder, ward dir sein Segen nicht! Ihm, der so tief gefallen, the guilt of his sin! For him only will I pray, may my life be prayer; grant that he may see Thy light, before he is lost in night! In joyful trepidation, let a sacrifice be dedicated to Thee! Take, oh, take my life: I no longer call it mine!
How atone for my guilt? My salvation I have seen vanish, haven's favour flies from me. Yet I will travel repentant, beat my breast, fall prostrate in the dust - contrition be my chosen lot. Oh, that the angel of my hour of need who, though so insolently mocked by me, yet offered herself for me as sacrifice might be reconciled with me! I will atone for my sin in humility. Blessed is he who truly belives! He shall be saved through penitence and repentance.
Lass ihn dein Leuchten sehen, eh' er in Nacht vergeht! Mit freudigem Erbeben lass' dir ein Opfer weihn; nimm hin, o! Ich nenn es nicht mehr mein! Mein Heil sah ich entschwinden, mich flieht des Himmels Huld! Gesegnet, wer im Glauben treu! ALLE rufen ihm nach: Der Tag neigt sich zum Abend.
Auf dem kleinen Bergvorsprunge rechts liegt Elisabeth vor dem Muttergottesbilde betend ausgestreckt. The death he dealt her buried deep in her heart in searing smart, she prays for his salvation day and night - oh, eternal might of holy love! She awaits the return of the pilgrims from Rome. The leaves are falling already, their return is imminent. Will he come back with the pardoned? This is her question, this is her prayer - You Saints in heaven, may she see it consummated! Though the wound remain unhealed, oh, that relief, at least, might be granted her!
They are returning home!
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You saints in heaven, show me now my task, that I may fulfil it worthily! Oh heaven, strengthen now her heart to meet the crucial moment of her life! The salvation of pardon is granted the penitent, in days to come he will walk in the peace of the blessed! Hell and death do not appal him, therefore will I praise God my life long.
I cry to thee, All-glorious! Let me perish in the dust before thee, oh, take me from this earth! Make me, pure and angel-like, enter into my blessed realm! If ever, engrossed in foolish fancies, my heart did stray from thee, if ever a sinful longing, a worldly yearning did spring up within me, I wrestled then beneath a thousand smarts, to kill it in my heart! But if I could not atone for every fault - yet receive me of thy grace, that, as a worthy maid, I may draw near thee in humble greeting, only to implore the richest favour of thy mercy for his sin!
She remains for a long time in devout rapture; as she rises slowly she perceives Wolfram, who is approaching to speak to her She entreats him, by a gesture, not to speak to her WOLFRAM Elisabeth, might I not bear you company? Nun lass ich ruhn den Wanderstab! Zu dir, Gepriesne, rufe ich! Lass mich im Staub vor dir vergehen, o, nimm von dieser Erde mich!
Mach, dass ich rein und engelgleich eingehe in dein selig Reich! There thou shinest, oh loveliest of stars! Thy sweet light thou dost send into the far-off distance, thy dear beam pierces the evening twilight, and, in friendly fashion, thou dost point the way out of the valley. Oh thou, my gracious evening star, how gladly have I always greeted thee; from a heart that she never betrayed salute her as she passes by thee, as she soars from this earthly vale, to become a blessed angel yonder.
A lone figure, clad in rags, enters. I know you, however, very well! What brings you to this parts? Do you dare, still unpardoned, to turn your step hitherward? But I seek someone who will show me the way which once I found so wondrous easily. Do not profane my ear! Are you drawn to that? Horror seizes upon me, when I hear you! Where have you been? Did you then not tread the road to Rome?
Speak, I implore you! Nicht such ich dich, noch deiner Sippschaft Einen. Entweihe nicht mein Ohr! Treibt es dich dahin? Zogst du denn nicht nach Rom?