Unknown Roads
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A Time and a Place Leaving Los Angeles I'm proud to present my debut solo EP and finally share it with you all. Read this delightful book to find out if Elizabeth succeeds in making her own way. Will she find love and happiness along the way? I received a free pdf version of this book from netgalley in exchange for my honest review.
I was so excited to see this new book by Barbara Cameron, my favorite author of Amish fiction, and even more thrilled to find that I would be returning to Paradise in this novel! Miss Cameron always writes with heart, warmth, and values, and this story was no different. This story grabbed me from the first page, watching a young woman who had missed out on the life that most people take for granted in order to help her mother with her siblings, break out on her own in order to discover her true I was so excited to see this new book by Barbara Cameron, my favorite author of Amish fiction, and even more thrilled to find that I would be returning to Paradise in this novel!
This story grabbed me from the first page, watching a young woman who had missed out on the life that most people take for granted in order to help her mother with her siblings, break out on her own in order to discover her true path. It was interesting seeing how Elizabeth adjusted to life with an English roommate, while holding tight to the values and the person that she is, and I love the mentions of familiar characters from the Quilts of Lancaster County and Stitches in Time Series!
My favorite aspect of this book was the repeating theme of the sparrow His eye is on the sparrow which served as a good reminder for me personally. I would highly recommend this book to anyone who has ever struggled with difficult life choices, or who just wants a book that will touch their heart and make them feel good. What is there to do, when your growing up and life is passing you by? You cannot complain, you must honor your parents. You spend your time taking care of little ones, you are the oldest in the family of eight children.
This is the reality of the world that Elizabeth Bontrager lives in. So what does she do?? What you would expect anyone who is an adult and overwhelmed would do We follower her and her experiences with freedom. She could go either way You What is there to do, when your growing up and life is passing you by? You will love some of her experiences in the kitchen..
I loved her room mate, she wasn't what I was expecting. I thought she would be encouraging her to leave her faith. I also enjoyed Saul, and the community. Made me want to move there! There is sure a lot happening here, and Elizabeth does play a big part. Will she give up and move back? Or will she leave and become English?
Or is there something all together else in store for her. Enjoy being absorbed into this book, and hope you love your time here, as I did! I received this book through Litfuse Publicity Book Tours, and was not required to give a positive review. I know I know another Amish fiction review but I couldn't help it. I loved this story from beginning to end.
Elizabeth is struggling, she has a decision to make. The book starts with Elizabeth on a bus making a drastic change in her life. We all come to a time in our life when we have to make a decision, stay where we feel comfortable or reach out into the unknown. Elizabeth has a unique opportunity she has the chance to live in both worlds for a time. While leaving her hometown she meets a good I know I know another Amish fiction review but I couldn't help it.
While leaving her hometown she meets a good Amish boy and well it adds a great mix to the plot. Moving in with her pen-pal Paula causes a little quite a stir in Elizabeth's family. Suddenly living a modern house, with electricity, telephones, and television becomes very inciting. There are choices to be made, and priorities found. I stayed up till about 1am to finish this book, I loved it. It was nice having an Amish girl living in the English world, most books that I read are the other way around.
If you like Amish fiction this is one you should read. I was given a copy of this book from the Litfuse Publicity Group however the thoughts and opinions are my own. Feb 17, Debbie rated it really liked it. There are some characters from her series"A Stitch In Time". I really liked this book and especially liked these two quotes from the book"Supper's not just about eating. It's also about enjoying family and making memories.
Elizabeth Bontrager is tired of not being able to go to singings or have any fun because she has to take care of her eight younger siblings.
She leaves to go Paradise, Indiana because it is well, Paradise. On the bus she meets Saul. Then she meets Bruce through her English friend Paula. Both Saul and Bruce want to get to know her more. Which one is the right one for her? There are a couple of fun scenes in this book that I literally laughed out loud reading them. This is a fun read and even through it is Amish I didn't feel it was the average Amish story! I have book 2 and book 3 in my to be read pile. I am giving this book four stars.
I was given a copy of "A Road Unknown" by the publisher in exchange for my honest review. My Thoughts On The Book: This was my first book by Barbara Cameron so I had no clue what to expect.
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I found the basic storyline quite inviting and there was a fresh and different look at traditional Amish fiction I've read in the past. The story moved along at a good pace and the characters were very intereting. I loved the theme of following God's plan for your life. All in all this novel should appeal to all fans of Amish fiction. They will surely find enjoyment in this story. I cannot wait to read, Crossroads, the next book in the series.
I enjoyed the little snippet of the second in the series at the end of the book and the discussion questions were quite thought provoking. Disclosure of Material Connection: I received this book through Litfuse and their Blogger Review Program. I was not required to give a positive review, only my honest opinion - which I've done.
All thoughts and opinions expressed are my own. I also liked how the book contained more of a mix of the Englisch and Amish lifestyles than most Amish stories do. That aspect made this novel unique from others. The story plot has tons of great potential. Unfortunately, I did have a hard time getting into this book. Elizabeth meets a potential love interest, Saul Miller, early in the book, but after that it all moves pretty slow. I did enjoy this read to some extent; it just seems like it may have been written in a hurry.
Mar 28, D. This was actually the first book I read by Barbara Cameron! Once I did, I was immediately hooked and we hurriedly purchased many of her other books. I really identified with Elizabeth, being expected to do all the chores that no one else wanted to do. But the story grabbed me and I could barely put down the book until I was finished with it.
This was another story that involved a situation that could have been described as abusive, in that the daughter was totally controlled by her parents, without any love shown toward her. Barbara handled it with tact and respect. I encourage you to read this story.
Mar 03, Ashley Dawn rated it really liked it. I really love Amish fiction. Elizabeth has been given a chance to leave her home, responsibilities and start a new life adventure. Paradise is her destination. She will live in an English world while being Amish. Two men take an interest in her one Amish, one English. As the time passes, Elizabeth realizes she misses her home but she does like her new life. I really liked Elizabeth. She was on such an exciting adventure and to go from living Amish to living with English conveniences had to be I really love Amish fiction.
She was on such an exciting adventure and to go from living Amish to living with English conveniences had to be amazing.
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Bruce seemed like a really great guy, as did Saul. I honestly wasn't sure about Saul to begin with but as the story unfolded I liked him more and more. This is a good, quick read and if you like Amish stories, you will love this book. It was a good read. Thank you to the publisher for the review copy of this book via litfuse. I really enjoyed this story about an Amish girl trying to figure out her place in the world. I liked the characters and their relationships with each other. I love getting the guy's and girl's perspectives and what they're thinking.

Sometimes it felt like Elizabeth didn't think things through that well and I thought the relationship progressed too quickly. It was fun to see some of the characters in Cameron's previous books pop up. I really liked the message about God having a plan and that He w I really enjoyed this story about an Amish girl trying to figure out her place in the world.
Unknown Roads
I really liked the message about God having a plan and that He will take care of us since He takes care of the sparrows and we are so much more important to Him. If you like Amish or romance, you should check it out! I received a copy of this book free from Litfuse Publicity in exchange for an honest review. This book kept my interest the whole way through. It is a very fast read. It was well written and flowed really well.
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I really connected with Elizabeth. I felt that her family was wrong to expect her to give up her wants and dreams to help with her younger siblings. She has a lot of decisions to make and some people think she makes the wrong ones, but she is a strong character. This book was filled with other great characters and I can't wait to find out what happens next in this series. I highl This book kept my interest the whole way through. I highly recommend this book, you won't be disappointed. I received a complimentary copy of this book for my honest review. I love reading Amish Fiction and this fit the bill.
I feel as if I am right there with Elizabeth going through the same things. The author really paints the picture with this novel. I of course got caught up in reading this that I could not sleep! I had to finish the entire book. Mar 17, Charline Bonham rated it really liked it Shelves: This is part of the Amish Roads Series-Book 1 and was sent to me as an advance reader copy.
I enjoyed the authors style and felt there was more of a story line than I have found in other books about the Amish. Ms Cameron showed that the Amish have the same problems as the rest of the world but may handle them different. While family values are important, they are not always easy or straight forward.
Mar 20, Patricia Hullett rated it it was ok. This was a book that I won from Good Reads and I'm very grateful to have won it. It was an OK book, but I was disappointed with the ending. The friendship between the main Amish character, Elizabeth and her Englisch friend, Paula was endearing and I also loved Saul.
It could have been so much better if the writer would have gone into more detail regarding Elizabeth's parents and also that is where it seemed to be rushed in the end of the book. All in all I did enjoy it. Feb 05, Margaret Tidwell rated it it was amazing Shelves: This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers.
To view it, click here. I read this book in a few days because I had to know what happened and how things turned out for Elizabeth. This is the first book I have read by this author and I can't wait to read more and to also read the next book in this series. I have to say that I was so glad that she didn't end up with Bruce because from the moment the introduced him I really couldn't stand him. I love how this book turned out and I can't wait to read the next one. There are twists, turns and honest emotions in this fast paced book. The characters come alive and you feel like you a part of the town.
NetGalley and Abingdon Press provided an advanced review copy of this book in exchange for an honest review. Mar 07, Marianne rated it it was amazing. Together with Elizabeth, we can experience the frustration and joys of living away from a close knit family unit. Barbara writes a delightful page turner and I learned a lot about myself, and some about others.
There is no problem unique to myself! A positive critique was not required. The opinions are my own. Dec 05, Janet C rated it really liked it Shelves: Elizabeth Bontrager is the oldest child and is like a second mamm to her 8 siblings. She loves her family but her mom has trouble managing the family and Elizabeth has had the lions share of work to do even with working outside the home to provide housheold income. Although she wants to honor and respect her parents , Elizabeth decides to leave and go stay with an English friend in Paradise, Pennsylvania to find God' s will for her life.
Oct 18, Nat Kidder rated it really liked it. Delightful story of an overworked, undercourted Amish year-old maiden who leaves one Plain community to room near another, with an Englische nursing student. One male character is overly caricatured, but who cares? Fast paced, with some light fish-out-of-water humor; you don't have to love the Amish to love this tale. There are no discussion topics on this book yet.
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