
The Atheist: A Literary Mystery

When Clay Jannon loses his tech job during the recession, he takes work as a night clerk in a most unusual hour bookstore. He rounds up his geeky friends to help him investigate the mysterious happenings in the bookstore and finds way more than he bargained for. This is a feel-good mystery book that gives you all the adventure you could hope for, without any of the violence or mayhem. Sloan explores the fascinating intersection of cutting edge technology and printed books, and it is simply delightful. When Willow dies, Tancred is left to continue the search on his own.

This is an entertaining treasure hunt for grownups, with engaging characters, amusing break-ins, and cryptic clues. Ruby Lennox begins the story of her life with the moment of her conception in and leads us headlong into a multi-generational family saga. Atkinson shows off her incredible dexterity with structure and language, moving deftly back and forth in time, and punctuating this dark book with piercing moments of insight and biting humor.

In , after the arrival of a fifty year-old letter, Edie goes to visit the three elderly Blythe sisters who still live in the now crumbling estate. As Morton weaves back and forth in time, she creates a haunting, foreboding atmosphere that holds you captive, leaving you breathless until she finally unveils the truth.

The narrative begins in on an isolated island in the Pacific Northwest. This compelling book is a courtroom drama, love story, and social commentary all rolled into one riveting novel. Neela and Kayal run Biblio, a bookshop specializing in rare and valuable first editions of modern India. On a book scouting trip, Kayal discovers a rare manuscript supposedly authored by Sir Richard Francis Burton.

Soon after, the women come into possession of several priceless books. As they strive to authenticate these treasures, they find more questions than answers. The book takes a deep dive into the antiquarian book world, with detailed descriptions of rare first editions, the art of bookbinding and illustration, and the private realm of book collecting. And a brilliant man too. This crazy passage is preceded by a brilliant passage on memory in which he is asking some of the same questions that neuroscientists are asking today, but then he goes off on this tangent.

Augustine was a psychologically disturbed person as well as a brilliant mind, which is, after all, not an unknown combination. The Confessions is a book that everybody should read. It is seminal, if you can excuse the expression. This is a man who was really isolated because of his atheism and died virtually alone. Tell me about The Age of Reason. Simply put, this book excoriates the idea that any religious book was written by God. They were all written by man, and while many of them have excellent principles, they are principles that any man can discern through his own reason.

These sacred books were written by man, and they can only be understood in terms of the period of history in which they were written. He was one of the most famous people in America because of his writing, which galvanized the colonists during the Revolutionary War. He lost all of that as a result of writing The Age of Reason , and he does die alone.

No church cemetery will allow him to be buried there. He is really emphasizing the contradictions in the Bible, and what a nasty piece of work God — as presented in the Bible — can be. It lays out the grounds with its exploration of the Bible and who actually wrote it, and how it contradicts itself.

Atheist Book Lists

Richard Dawkins is very funny. One of the reasons for reading The God Delusion is that it will disabuse you of the idea — which is a common stereotype of atheists — that they are utterly humourless. You hear this over and over again. And very often I will hear: But part of it is also humorlessness. Dawkins also explains a lot about why he disagrees with people who reconcile science and religion. I agree with him on this. I actually do think they are irreconcilable. That is how people are able to reconcile science and religion. Yes, I have to say, up until recently I did think it was fine to believe in science, but also be religious.

Is it a coincidence that both these strident atheists are evolutionary biologists? That does not stop him from being head of the NIH and believing in scientific medicine.

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We know that a large percentage of marriages end in divorce, but when we take that step and get married ourselves, we are acting on quite another hope. I think people who are religious but are not against science are doing the same thing. They are, in a way, covering all the bases. There really are some people who stay in love forever. The idea that some of the worst things happened under countries that were officially atheist, well firstly, lots of people never embraced atheism. Stalinist Communism was every bit as much a religion as Roman Catholicism at the height of the Inquisition.

It was a religion because its tenets could not be challenged. Scientists who said no — and everything we know and have proved about science including Mendelian genetics says that it is not true — went to the gulags and were killed. Soviet science was two generations behind the West when it emerged from this era in the mids. The characteristic of a religion is that no evidence-based challenge is allowed.

Soviet Communism fit that model perfectly, and as soon as evidence-based challenge was allowed, it took just 30 years to collapse, which may seem long, but as historical time goes is not long at all.

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Pierre Berton', The Guardian , December 7, , p. Somehow he also found time to be a diplomat - one of the earliest in this country to make a real attempt to understand Islam - and an anti-imperialist, becoming the first British-born person to go to jail for Irish independence. Pick of the day, p. I'd like the congregation to join in.

As a devout atheist, I should make it clear there are no religious connotations. Encyclopedia of World Biography. Retrieved March 28, Lyon; Hans-Peter Breuer, eds. University of Delaware Press. With Stravinsky and Brecht we are juxtaposing an avowedly apolitical artist, rather reactionary in most phases of his life, and a practicing Russian Orthodox with a Marxist and atheist. And the dramatist examines the nature of Paul's faith with both sympathy and insight. Smith called him, "[a] cynical atheist, the poet, critic, and artist harbored an irrepressible streak of romanticism.

I have always wagered against God and I regard the little that I have won in this world as simply the outcome of this bet. However paltry may have been the stake my life I am conscious of having won to the full. Everything that is doddering, squint-eyed, vile, polluted and grotesque is summoned up for me in that one word: Quotations by the poet: University of Notre Dame Press.

Breton professed to be an atheist Again, the atheist Breton's predilection for ideas of blasphemy and profanation, as well as for the " demonic " word noir, contained a hint of Satanism and alliance with infernal powers. He has been on the literary scene - publishing, reviewing, judging, chairing, tutoring, giving readings - since the s. He has also been a London borough councillor, a Labour parliamentary candidate Richmond, Surrey, , very much what I think of as decent, persistent, dogged "Old Labour" - sensitive but solid, inclining towards the puritan though a self-confessed atheist in matters of religion - and a strenuous campaigner for serious radio and television, anti-muzak, anti-destruction of libraries, for the proper traditional cultural concerns of the British Council, et al.

List of atheist authors

But for those of us who can't readily accept the God formula, the big answers don't remain stone-written. We adjust to new conditions and discoveries. Love need not be a command or faith a dictum. I am my own God. We are here to unlearn the teachings of the church, state and our education system. We are here to drink beer. We are here to kill war. We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us. Haught, ed, Years of Disbelief. When his wife died in , he placed an emblem of Our Lady of Carmen around her neck, saying, in his mocking way, that this would make sure that she went directly to heaven, without being stopped at customs.

They regard it impossible to leave these matters unsettled — or at least extremely detrimental to religion not to have the basis of such conviction. Now for my part I do not find it impossible to leave them open I can describe myself as no ardent theist or atheist. The Astounding, the Amazing, and the Unknown: For, even though John W. Famous People with the Courage to Doubt. Mother goddesses are just as silly a notion as father gods. If a revival of the myths of these cults gives women emotional satisfaction, it does so at the price of obscuring the real conditions of life.

This is why they were invented in the first place. Anton Chekhov's Life and Thought: Selected Letters and Commentary. While Anton did not turn into the kind of militant atheist that his older brother Alexander eventually became, there is no doubt that he was a nonbeliever in the last decades of his life. For Rozanov, Chekhov represents a concluding stage of classical Russian literature at the turn of the centuries, caused by the 'fading' of a thousand' years old Christian tradition which was spiritually feeding this literature.

On the one hand, Rozanov regards Chekhov's positivism and atheism as his shortcomings, naming them amongst the reasons of Chekhov's popularity in society. Selected Stories of Anton Chekov. Random House Digital, Inc. Alive in the Writing: Crafting Ethnography in the Company of Chekhov. University of Chicago Press. Though Chekhov considered himself an atheist -partly in response to his tyrannically religious father—his childhood familiarity with the rituals and stories of the Russian Orthodox Church pervades many of his stories.

Archived from the original on Stanley [Kubrick] is a Jew and I'm an atheist". Clarke quoted in Jeromy Agel Ed. The Making of Kubrick's His contribution to literature was in popularising the work of Charles Darwin and other evolutionary scientists in the face of opposition from the church. Scenes from Provincial Life , J.

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Coatzee writes of himself: Adam Kirsch , "With Fear and Trembling: The essential Prostestantism of J. Coatzee's late fiction", The Nation , vol. The whole review article: Although an unapproachable cold atheist, and at root an anarchist, Cole joined forces with Reckitt, the clubbable, romantic medievalist, archetypal bourgeois, and unswerving Anglican with a dogmatic faith, to found the National Guilds League in Peart-Binns, 'Reckitt, Maurice Benington — ' , rev.

Rowse proved a 'militant atheist', for 'I am convinced that our great influence in the world is because this country has given a definite place to religion and to free religion, ie Protestantism at that. God is an abstract noun, he's not a Father Christmas up there in Heaven, he's an abstract bloody noun who has been exploited by men in order to exploit other men, through the centuries. At the end of writing that book, I was no less of an atheist than I was before, yet it did make me think about my atheism. Thinking about the bleakness of my own atheism, and the inadequacy of the old fashioned kind of atheism when the big events of life-- especially death—came along, made me want to see whether I could come up with a narrative of comfort, a false narrative of comfort, but one that could match the narratives of comfort religions come up with to get you through death and bereavement.

Jim Crace , c. Indian Journal of History of Science. Retrieved 10 July As contrasted with Bacon, however, Datta's enthusiasm for natural science ultimately led him to become a stark atheist going to the extent of disproving the efficacy of prayer with an ingenious arguments, Yet he seemed in good humor for a brief Publishers Weekly interview last spring about his most recent book, The Word of God. An outspoken atheist, Disch adopted the deity's perspective to score points on the absurdity of hell and similar numinous postulates. His three children attend secular state schools, and he welcomes the widening "rift between Church and state.

It has happened, it is happening, and for me that's a great thing. As an atheist, I feel very comfortable in Ireland now. Duffy, brought up a Catholic, pronounces herself an atheist; Johnson Manning is a committed Christian. I value my Catholic background very much. It taught me not to be afraid of rigorous thought, for one thing. Raised Catholic, Eco has long since left the church. True, we are both atheists, but Tariq is evangelical while I am benign about religion and think the Throne should be occupied by a member of the Church of England.

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The trouble with basing values on religions, though, is that the premises of most of them are pure wishful thinking; you either have to refuse to scrutinise those premises - take them on faith, declare that they "transcend logic" - or reject them. As Paul Davies has said, most Christian theologians have retreated from all the things that their religion supposedly asserts; they take a much more "modern" view than the average believer.

But by the time you've "modernised" something like Christianity - starting off with "Genesis was all just poetry" and ending up with "Well, of course there's no such thing as a personal God" - there's not much point pretending that there's anything religious left. You might as well come clean and admit that you're an atheist with certain values, which are historical, cultural, biological, and personal in origin, and have nothing to do with anything called God. I'm somewhere between an atheist and an agnostic - I'd be an atheist if I could muster the energy.

But what is a person of limited means and no taste for "carousing" to do? Several times during the week, I have driven past the "Deliverance" church downtown, and the name alone exerts a scary attraction The marquee in front of the church is advertising a Saturday night "tent revival," which sounds like the perfect entertainment for an atheist out on her own. A Nonbeliever's Search for the Truth about Everything , Ehrenreich confirmed that she had been an avowed atheist since childhood.

People say to me, do you believe in God? No, I don't believe in God. Archived copy as title link. The Sydney Morning Herald. He was a declared atheist and a member of the Humanist Society and he was cremated on October 30 at Putney Vale crematorium, south London. The more I read, the more I felt that we were dealing with myths: My parents were very upset. I wanted to burn down all the churches or turn them into second-hand record emporiums.

When you go to buy a paper you have to accept that the newsagent believes he'll go to a paradise after he dies where there are virgins running around, or he believes the world was created in seven days That doesn't mean you can't buy a newspaper from him or ask how his kids are. I get increasingly respectful of people who have faith and increasingly creeped out by them.

There must be some human truth here that is beyond religion. I perennially underwent this exchange: Are you an atheist? I call myself a secular humanist. Secular humanists disbelieve in the supernatural and prefer to use reason, compassion, and the methods of science to build the good life in this life. But you're an atheist, aren't you? I couldn't sidestep the "A" word. When I tried, it was all I'd get to talk about. Today, I handle this question differently: Yes, but that's only the beginning.

His family belonged to the puritanical Plymouth Brethren, so he was barred from watching films and television and even visiting other churches. Sounds like a strict upbringing. Perhaps too strict, given that he is now an atheist. But I also have a sybaritic streak and could never have been happy in any puritanical religion. Self-denial is not my thing. A Life, the Growth of the Novelist , "which E.

Furbank to write", 'Saturday Review: Forster at Kings', The Times , July 23, ; p. But the death of Elizabeth, who had been in all his novels, was an incomparably worse blow. It was the paradox his books had been written to solve. This devout atheist was moved and at moments even transported. I believe that you shouldn't be allowed to impose morality on people because a book written several thousand years ago says so.

A crew is en route to a God-like entity: The Sun is larger and more powerful than we can imagine. The Sun gave us life, and can take it away. It is nurturing, in that it provides the means of our survival, but also terrifying and hostile [ The Sun is God-like, but not God. Not a conscious being. Not a divine architect. And the crew member is only doing what man has always done: The director, Danny Boyle, who is not atheistic in the way that I am, felt differently.

He believed that the crew actually were meeting God. I didn't see this as a major problem, because the difference in our approach wasn't in conflict with the way in which the story would be told. Do both of you consider yourselves atheists? There, we said it. Atheists are the most reviled minority in the United States, so it's no small matter to come out and say it.

I wouldn't even call myself an agnostic. Nadine Gordimer Archived at the Wayback Machine. Political Economy of Socialist Realism. Gorky hated religion with all the passion of a former God-builder. Probably no other Russian writer unless one considers Dem'ian Bednyi a writer expressed so many angry words about God, religion, and the church.

But Gorky's atheism always fed on that same hatred of nature. He wrote about God and about nature in the very same terms. Yet, despite his own atheism, Gramsci did not see the Church as automatically reactionary. But Greene's relationship with the church was never easy, and he was often critical of the religion. In his last years he began referring to himself as a 'Catholic atheist' Shelden, 6. I'm more at ease with the Catholicism of Catholic countries. I've always found it difficult to believe in God.

I suppose I'd now call myself a Catholic atheist.

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Graham Greene into the light', The Times , March 18, ; p. I am an atheist Catholic - there are a lot of them around. One thing lapsed Catholics do not do is go in for an "inferior" religion with less in the way of tradition and intellectual content. Accessed February 12, His father emigrated from Poland to Palestine in , working as a bus driver and raising his family along traditional lines. Grossman describes himself as 'very secular, an atheist and very, very Jewish. I have dedicated "Madame Terror" to her. Since she has helped me much with [my] books, not least with this one, the latest.

Much talk on and forth, I've had a lot yellings.