The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition
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- The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Ed Review | Dr Dobb's.
- The Art of Assembly Language.
As you read The Art of Assembly Language, you'll learn the low-level theory fundamental to computer science and turn that understanding into real, functional code. You'll learn how to: Whether you're new to programming or you have experience with high-level languages, The Art of Assembly Language, 2nd Edition is your essential guide to learning this complex, low-level language.

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Randall Hyde
Table of contents Introduction Chapter 1: Hello, World of Assembly Language Chapter 2: Data Representation Chapter 3: Memory Access and Organization Chapter 4: Constants, Variables, and Data Types Chapter 5: Procedures and Units Chapter 6: Low-Level Control Structures Chapter 8: Advanced Arithmetic Chapter 9: I also co-authored a couple of books on the topic, which you can see on Amazon. View all posts by Elias Bachaalany.
Its going to be an ongoing thing, no one book will teach you everything. I expected this question, but the reason I did not suggest any RE book is because I did not learn reversing from books.
With this combined knowledge all that is left to be done is to simply practice and learning more along the way. While he cannot skip chapters, he can read each chapter and learn the concepts. As said before, concepts are nicely explained and easy to grasp. Thank you all for the thoughts.
Art of Assembly Language Programming and HLA by Randall Hyde
I was not disappointed ;-. I wonder if Ilfak programs in HLA pfffft! But its NOT assembler. My two cents review: Ability to create user types Exception handling Control and repetition structures and other constructs found in high level languages Classes and objects Various libaries: If your aim is to learn assembly language in order to start reverse engineering, this book is probably not for you, however I highly recommend this book for programmers: