Resting Place
The texts describe people living from the 7th to 10th centuries, and they exist in both Old English and Latin versions, but both have their earliest known manuscripts dating from the 11th century. The manuscript known as Stowe MS , folia 29vr , the older of the two, is thought to have been written shortly after Rollason argues that the scribe was including material dating to as early as the mid 9th century for example the reference to Ubbanford.
resting place
A selection of medieval drawings, is followed by a Liber vitae , written in consisting of lists of names of brethren and benefactors of the New Minster , also at Winchester, and substantially annotated. However, it is the second document 'Secgan' which provided the list of saints. CCCC is a substantial 3-volume set of manuscripts, with 96 constituent pieces of writing, in various 'hands' different people's handwriting.
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Unfortunately this volume was destroyed in the fire of This is one of several Latin translations of the Old English texts. The particular version of the Legend that accompanies the list of saints below mentions many Kentish saints and their resting places, and thus complements well the Secgan List, which has very few entries from that area. It is possible that a compiler had access to a specifically Kentish list that he drew on while collating his material. The Secgan abbreviated R. From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia.
Some paragraphs have several locations, denoted b etc. Several of the locations have more than one saint buried at them. Each different saint has an asterisk bullet point at the start. Sancte Ceadda, sancte Cedde, sancte Ceatta. Medeshamstede is a well attested earlier name for Peterborough - which also has entries under its later name of 'Burh'. Thorney is close to, but not the same place as Burh.
It is not clear if this entry refers to the same saint using an earlier location name, the same saint divided between two locations, or two different individuals. Stowe and the Latin V simply allude to 'many others with them'.
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This list follows the CCCC Old English order, as set out by Heilemann, , re-ordering the matching entries from the other texts accordingly. Stowe MS has the full manuscript pages online.
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