Reds Wolf
illustration & design
To start, I transfer the sketch image onto a piece of watercolor paper. But before I paint the background and around Red and the Wolf, I use masking fluid to keep the wolf, Red, and anything else I want free of paint. It really does have more of a purpose, but the peeling off part really is the best. And some of my preliminary sketches in the background.
Wild Cincy: Behind-the-scenes at The Red Wolf Sanctuary
One of the things I found most difficult in this illustration was darkening and shading the wolf. I thought at first I could just paint him with watercolor or even gouache for the look I wanted.
He needed to be dark as a night with no stars. He needed to be as dark as I could get him, and that meant ink.
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- Wild Cincy: Behind-the-scenes at The Red Wolf Sanctuary.
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I started out with shading him with graphite to see where I needed his highlights to be, because, like I said, there was no going back once the ink hit the paper. I almost left the painting at the stage you see above — sketchy trees, blank moon, no dark puddle thing in front of her. I let it sit for a few days while I thought about it.

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Making of… Red’s Wolf | ShellySea
Return to Book Page. Preview — Red's Wolf by Brigit Aine. Published first published September 30th Red Hood , Ethan Wolfe.
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Little Red Riding Hood
Oct 22, Tracy's Place rated it it was ok. Jun 13, Rinou rated it it was ok Shelves: The plot is too fast, and the style is awkward, with a lot of repetition. Christine rated it really liked it Jul 06, Sandra rated it liked it Dec 27, This is my book so I am partial: Kayden McLeod rated it it was amazing Jul 20, Josie Klares rated it liked it Feb 01, Corriander Thomas rated it it was amazing Jun 16, Marianthi rated it really liked it Dec 14,