
Praying with Power

The time of the call was exactly when you and I were praying.

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  • Melanie the Gentle Ladybug;
  • How to Pray with God's Power.

She said, 'I don't know what happened to me! It was if my eyes were opened, and I could see. And I thought, This is a pigpen. That night after the conference session, she saw me again and came over. I wondered what happened to bring about such a change. What was different about this prayer from previous times of prayer? We are His voice in the earth.

How to Pray with Power

I also discovered that God has orchestrated a strategic time for prayers to break through. And by the power of the Holy Spirit, the Lord will prompt us to pray the right kind of prayer at that moment. Powerful things will happen as we participate with the Lord at these specific times. God established the church on the Earth to finish the work of putting Satan under His feet.

Paul speaks in Ephesians of the work and power made available to the church. He says he was called to "bring to light Paul indicates that God is going to make known His wisdom through the church.

According to Strong's Exhaustive Concordance of the Bible , the word "known" comes from the Greek verb gnoridzo. It means "to certify, to declare, make known, give to understand, to come to know, discover. Making declarations is the same as making prophetic proclamations.

The Hebrew word for proclaim, qara , means "to call out to, call forth, cry unto, invite or preach. It is usually addressed to a specific recipient and intended to elicit a specific response. The Greek language has several words for "proclaim. We find this word used to describe one of the results of the communion table: When we partake of the elements at the communion table, we are making an announcement or giving a report about the Lord's death.

Praying with Power and Effect

Another Greek word for "proclaim" that Zodhiates defines is kerusso , a much stronger word. It means "to be a herald. A herald was a public crier who was a speaker of divine truth. The message delivered by the crier was a public and authoritative announcement that demanded compliance.

When you kerusso , you are like a town crier making an announcement that requires the hearers to comply. Visit the Charisma Store to view all our specials.

How to Pray with Power

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Comments should not harass, abuse or threaten another's personal safety or property, make false statements, defame or impersonate someone else. Please keep me safe, Jesus, and help me to be good and to love others the way you love me. We do the same thing at the dinner table—only at the table our prayers focus around giving thanks for the food. I am in no way discounting the importance of bedtime and mealtime prayers. We need to give thanks for the things God provides, and what better way to fall asleep than to have your mind on Jesus?

But prayer is much more than saying thank you and asking Jesus to keep you safe… or at least it can be. Prayer at its best is deep, personal, and powerful conversation between you and the Savior, Jesus. Elijah called down fire from heaven when he prayed, asking God to prove that He was the one true God and that Baal was nothing more than a myth 1 Kings Hannah prayed so desperately for a son that she promised God she would give the boy back to Him if He would answer her prayer 1 Samuel 1.

Power Of Prayer

When God told Hezekiah through the prophet, Isaiah that he was about to die, Hezekiah prayed and wept, asking God to heal him and give him more time here on earth. Jesus prayed that five little fish and two small loaves of bread would somehow be enough to feed five thousand men plus the women and children present… and it was so Matthew Jesus was in the garden praying.

He was praying because he knew what was going to happen in just a little while. The conversation was intense, but Jesus got the answer he was looking for.

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