Our Expectations And Our Faith
Seeds sown in the flesh will die in the flesh. If a man continues his life unto death in the flesh he will be greatly alarmed at the terrors he will encounter in hell. Expectations can be amazing things when they are thought of in the spirit! Expectations from the spirit will captivate you about God!
Do you think about your citizenship in Heaven? I do and I am excited! For to me to live is Christ, and to die is gain.
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Paul knew he would not be ashamed because he strived daily to keep Christ at the core of who he was. When Christ is the focus, everything else becomes clear. Salvation is only by His blood, and you and I can definitely expect to see Jesus when we pass away from this earth.

It is such an amazing gift! Ananias and Sapphira were a married couple that sold a piece of land and tried to fool the church into thinking that they were giving all of the money from the sale to the church. They expected to get wealthy and gain popularity through this. They expected Peter to applaud them, but they were gravely mistaken. At the tail-end of Acts 5: When Sapphira came into the church 3 hours later she also told the same lie.
Behold the feet of those who have buried your husband are at the door, and they will carry you out. Ananias and Sapphira had very poor expectations and it cost them their lives. She tried every single doctor with no success. She was desperate for healing and when she saw Jesus she snuck up behind Him and touched his garment expecting that she would be healed. The woman with the bloody discharge had a good expectation in the healing of her disease. It is the intent behind the expectation that makes it good or evil.
Expectations can be very evil and can also be very good.
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I hope you will continue to expect great things from God, especially everlasting life in Heaven and to be in the presence of Jesus for all of eternity! May God continue to bless you as you live a life worthy of the calling!
Would you like to get the daily question in your FB messenger? Just click the button below to get started. Bible Study , Christian Study , expectations. If we buy into a false concept of faith, we will suffer the consequences of discouragement, pride, denial, heartache, and perhaps even sickness and death. It is often connected to other doctrines or practices such as tithing or prayer in the spirit.
The idea is that if we are properly related to the God of victory, we will always manifest victory in the short term as well as ultimately.
This proposition fails to consider many Scriptures, as well as the experience of many, many believers through the centuries. The Scriptures that contradict this notion are plenteous, but one of my favorites is Hebrews 11, an entire chapter about faith. How could we ever get the idea that faith guarantees temporal victory when the chapter concludes by saying that many heroes of faith did not see such victory in this life—yet they had great faith!
They went about in sheepskins and goatskins, destitute, persecuted and mistreated— 38 the world was not worthy of them. They wandered in deserts and mountains, and in caves and holes in the ground.
What Does The Bible Say About Expectations? A Christian Study
We must understand that although God fervently desires to heal, deliver, and bless His people, He cannot always do so in this natural, temporal domain. That is why the future Millennial Kingdom and the Paradise to follow is necessary—to provide a time, place, and situation where His will can truly be accomplished. It happens when and if He has people who will work with Him in faith. This is the same truth as expressed in Philippians 2: Our relationships with God and people are therefore very intertwined.
Getting closer to God means having more close and meaningful interdependent relationships with people, but they are still imperfect people who will let us down at times. He not only modeled perfect faith, but also made it available for those who believe in him to have similar trust in God.
Set Your Expectations High
Jesus is the example of looking beyond the temporal circumstances to the joy and victory that lay around the corner—via his resurrection. As he chronicles in 2 Corinthians He would no doubt find it both amusing and sad that his writings have been twisted to support a view of faith that is closer to a metaphysical guarantee of prosperity and health than a biblical truth. He did not swim around in the Mediterranean Sea for 24 hours because he lacked faith. It happened because Satan did everything he could to hinder Paul, whose faith kept him enduring and persisting despite the opposition.
- Hope vs. Expectations — www.newyorkethnicfood.com.
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In poor countries that suffer from stagnant or inflationary economies, with high unemployment and government greed and mismanagement of resources, the idea that one can overcome all by faith will not catch on. Nevertheless, many Christians in such places demonstrate great faith in just getting through each day with joy, love, and hope. A leaky roof or a missed meal can be all it takes to put us in a tailspin.
But neither is the other extreme healthy, which is, favoring poverty as the condition best suited for generating faith. It is possible to so romanticize poverty that it becomes almost a prerequisite to faith—that if one is prosperous he or she cannot really be a person of faith. In that view, somehow having little or nothing is the ground out of which real dependence upon God grows. Certainly in every poor country there are those who by virtue of their hard work, determination, and frugality manage to improve their situations.
When they trust God to do so, this is faith in action. True faith does not deny temporal realities or senses-knowledge information. True faith in God generates courage to face facts and deal with reality. False faith puts us on shaky ground, more fearful than faithful.
True faith not only considers negative circumstances, it allows the seeming hopelessness of such circumstances to drive it to the promises of God.
Trust, or faith, is not a power in itself; it requires an object—someone or something to trust in. God is the object of our faith, but to trust Him we must know something about Him, that is, His character and His promises. We cannot really trust anyone unless they express themselves in words, words that arrange themselves in the form of a promise, and one in which we have the confidence that they have the character and resources necessary to keep their promise.
When we obey Him, He never fails to prove Himself to us.