Lesson Plans Jerusalem Inn
They look pretty excited!
Jerusalem Inn Essay Topics & Writing Assignments
We are on our way to Bethlehem, are we headed in the right direction? What a day for you to come to this town! Your first stop has got to be the stable near the big Inn. We have just seen the Savior of the world! You will find Him lying in a manger wrapped in swaddling cloths. As soon as the angels left we jumped up, and headed to Bethlehem. I know it was the middle of the night but we could not wait another second to go and meet the Savior of the world!
So we went into Bethlehem and we found Him just as the angel said. He was lying in a feed box wrapped in cloths! You have got to go see Him. He is the Promised Savior that we have been waiting for God to send! He will save you from your sins! We heard about the Baby! We ran into some shepherds who were very excited. They told us all about the Savior of the world! What a road trip that was! We met the Savior of the world in Bethlehem!
God kept His promise to send the Savior. That was over years ago when Jesus was born. As an adult man He was nailed to a cross for my sins and yours so we could be forgiven from our sins and have everlasting life. God promises that all who believe in the Lord Jesus will have eternal life John 3: Have you received the gift of eternal life?

Many times when we go on a vacation we bring back a souvenir. Show a souvenir from a trip you took The greatest souvenir you could bring back from our trip to Bethlehem is to be saved from your sins and become a Child of God. That is a souvenir that would last forever! Our free materials are perfect to use in your church, home, or school. There is no charge and you are welcome to copy as many as you like.
- A Type and Shadow of the Plan of Salvation.
- Essay Topic 2.
- Deus: face a face com sua majestade (Portuguese Edition).
- 2. The good samaritan ignored racism.;
Please use our material for any purpose that brings honor to Jesus. So too, a Levite, when he came to the place and saw him, passed by on the other side. But a Samaritan, as he travelled, came where the man was; and when he saw him, he took pity on him.
He went to him and bandaged his wounds, pouring on oil and wine. Then he put the man on his own donkey, brought him to an inn and took care of him. The next day he took out two denarii[e] and gave them to the innkeeper. His plans were severely altered from the moment he set eyes on the helpless, beaten, naked man on the side of the road. Not only did he stop and administer first aid to this stranger, but also then travelled with him to an inn and made sure he was looked after and comfortable. The Priest and the Levite did not have the time to… eh…waste on this half-dead stranger.
The Parable Of The Good Samaritan: 5 Lessons Learned
This would have had a major effect on his time, work and on his wage. Look at the expense the Samaritan takes on himself to help the wounded man. He uses his own oil and his own wine to help administer first aid, he pays for the inn. It seems crazy today, in a world that advises you to save and get insurance and pay into your pension, that he would be so frivolous with his finances. John Wesley spent many years of his life travelling and preaching the gospel.
When he died he left behind one coat and two silver teaspoons. One coat and two silver teaspoons. So that is what he did. The rest of it…well he just gave that away. To anyone who had need. A few years back I did a security course for travellers.
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