La Banda di Mira (Memoria Veneta Vol. 9) (Italian Edition)
In the thirties of the 19th c. Many are the works containing or dealing with the maps they prepared in order to illustrate their projects Cessi, , , , , a to c; Cessi and Spada, More recent papers give a geomorphological and historical reconstruction of the lagoon and its fringe, making use of historical maps and archive documents Dorigo, ; Favero et al.
In its monograph on northern Adriatic coasts, M. Zunica examined many Venetian historical maps and reconstructed the coastline evolution and the fluvial diversion during the last centuries. The historical map database, published by IUAV University of Venice and availabe on line, has led to the publication of extended catalogs of complete series of maps archived at the Correr Museum, the National Archives of Venice, the Querini Stampalia and the Marciana Library Scarso, ; Baso et al.
Much more recent is the publication of the anastatic copy with explanatory notes of the great Austro-Hungarian military map prepared by Anton Von Zach in and edited by M. Rossi , which is a notable example of methodological approach to this matter. A remarkable number of papers relating the Venetian Plain have been recently published, though this research was mainly based on P. Castiglioni and G. The Imago Project is mainly devoted to the implementation of a database concerning the historical maps of the Lagoon of Venice and its fringe Furlanetto and Primon, ; Furlanetto et al.
The project started in and is still in course; it is funded by Magistrato alle Acque-Consorzio Venezia Nuova — Informative Service of Venice, through a protocol with the National Archives of Venice. This latter collects a huge amount of historical maps, more than 12,, that were issued as documents for the decree of acts by the Republic of Venice from the 15th to the 18th c. The content of the maps is not usually validated and a multidisciplinary approach is often missing.
Moreover, the researchers are interested in specific topics such as fluvial change e. We made an extensive use of Geographycal Information Systems, adapting all the studied maps to the same system of coordinates and thus allowing to integrate different available geodatabases, above all the Geomorphological Map of the Province of Venice 1: A comparison was performed through the overlay map analysis with 17thth c.

We also made large use of aerial photographs, mainly 1: About maps belonging mainly to the Archivio Storico Nazionale National Archives of Venice were observed and controlled, selecting among them according to the author, the century, the area represented, the commissioner and its intrinsic characteristics. The most representatives were georeferenced and the major landforms and geographical information were redrawn; through these analyses four maps 1: A comparison was performed also for the pre-geodetic available maps of 18th, 19th, and 20th c.
The filling mask is organised according the archive and technical data, as allocation, dimension, material etc.
Bioline International Official Site (site up-dated regularly)
The form is quite innovative, following the government criteria for cataloguing according to the Documentation Centre for the Archive Documents Catalogue and adopting an interpretative section where each map is deeply analysed and compared with the present topography and geomorphology. One of the main problem in cartographical analysis is that the chronology of the map is very often mistaken due to wrong archive information or because it was originally a copy itself of former maps. For this reason, each map has been strictly verified through the comparison with the topographical elements represented.
A deeper analysis of each map led to a objective assessment about its reliability, the quality and the quantity of geographical information. The appreciation has been defined giving a score to consistency as: The I Level group is characterised by low deformation, abundance of control points for georeferentiation, large territorial coverage, reliability and precision of the map, trustworthy chronology, author capability.
The available maps belonging to the I Level are 45, 22 related to the 16th c. All the I Level maps have been georeferenced and redrawn by use of a Geographycal Information System selecting 27 layers. The elements drawn are: Toponyms and hydronyms complete the map. The astrolabe made use of fixed points as towers and churches, from which a windrose was traced, giving directions and distances of single represented elements.
We georeferenced the historic maps on the base of the Technical Regional Map 1: The rivers courses are the main elements considered for georeferencing; since many canals and rivers has changed in time, the traces of palaeochannels inferred from photointerpretation were very useful to find more control points. More difficult has been the interpretation of the maps depicting the Lagoon of Venice, because they are deformed or lacking detailed information. The control points were used to build a polynomial transformation that converted the raster dataset from its existing location to the spatially correct location.
Ground control points were possibly spread out over the entire raster dataset to get the best alignment results. The raster dataset was warped to permanently match the map coordinates of the target data using mainly a first-order polynomial transformation. When more links were available, second- or third-order transformations were performed.
Resampling the raster dataset was made by nearest neighbor assignment. The forms are organised to describe the characteristics of single morphological forms as they are depicted in old maps and in comparison with present topography and the geomorphology. The evolutionary aspects have been faced comparing the whole set of maps collected into the Imago DB representing the same object and summarising the geological-geomorphological history of the single element.
Natural and anthropogenic evolution are considered, focusing on the causes that induced morphological changes. When the morphological change is due to human activity fluvial diversion, embankment, canal excavation, etc. When possible, there is also a morphometrical analysis height, length, depth, radius, etc. The quality of the cartographical representation in a geomorphological perspective is given by the distinction between the geometric or the symbolic one. The persistence of the representation of a single element in maps having different date give the time of existence of the element itself.
Filippini Giovanni, perito ing. Zona con parte del taglio del Sile, della Fossetta con rete di altri canali; da Portegrandi verso est nord-est, alla Fossa Vecchia. Corso del Piave da S. Vi sono altri fiumi tra i quali il Livenza da S. Valle posta fra il Piave e il canale Largon, dal taglio del Re al mare, con canali minori e laghetti nella zona. Regolazione del Piave, Livenza, Sile, Zero e altri fiumi minori del territorio, confluenti nel mare. Il Piave dal Ponte di Piave al suo sbocco in mare, con vasta zona di terre arative, pascolive, boschive, a vigneti e valli prative e paludose ed estesa fascia litoranea da S.
Erasmo al Porto di Caorle. Settore del litorale con entroterra da Venezia a Caorle e piano di regolazione dei fiumi in esso scorrenti. Comprensorio dell' alveo vecchio e il taglio del Piave alla Livenza, da S. Giorgio al mare dal Porto di Piave al Porto di Caorle. Settore del fiume da Nervesa al mare, per Jesolo e territorio trevisano alla sua destra, fino a Treviso e al Sile, con tratto di Laguna e il canale di Lio Maggiore.
Comprensorio tra il Piave, la Cava del Caligo e il canale Piochioso. Jesolo, Equilio, Cava Zuccherina pertinenze di. Campanatico con nominativo dei proprietari tra i fiumi da sud-ovest a sud-est in senso orario Sile, Valio, Meolo, Fossa Vecchia e Nuova, Lanzon e Siletto. Territorio Padova o veneziano, compreso tra l'ultima parte del corso del Brenta, da Corte al Mare, il canale di Siocho e il litorale.
Parte della laguna con le isole di Torcello, S. Zona barenosa-valliva di Fogolana e laguna sud-occidentale, tra il canale di Corte e Siocho, il Brenta Nuovo e il Bachiglione, il litorale dal porto di Chioggia a quello di Malamocco. Parte dell' isola di Torcello con Sant'Angelo, S. Andrea, l'isola di S. Felice ed una vasta zona della laguna. Mappa del territorio di Caorle con il litorale adriatico, il territorio retrostante e il corso del fiume Livenza ed il Lemene.
Conterminazione della laguna da Chioggia a Malamocco al Taglio del Brenta. Scola Alvise, per; Alberti Francesco, per. Fascia litoranea della Livenza al Tagliamento tra i termini del territorio di Caorle al mare. Mappa della laguna compresa tra il canal di Volpago e il canal di Tessera, da Malamocco a S. Conterminazione della laguna, compreso il lido fino al mare. Laguna valli e terraferma a sud di Chioggia, con lo sbocco in laguna in canali e fiumi. Mappa della Laguna del Lido di S. Erasmo al Cavallino e con parte del fiume Piave.
Comprensorio del territorio con la laguna ed il litorale dal porto di Brondolo a quello di Cortellazzo, delineato dal Bacchiglione e Brenta fino a Bassano e dal Piave. Martino, Spercenigo, Biancade, Roncade e Musestre. Comprensorio di Iesolo col litorale "Pineda", i centri di Cittanova e S. Litorale della Livenza col suo percorso dalla Motta al mare fino al Tagliamento, con altri fiumi intermedi. Fiorini Francesco, vice proto al M. Comprensorio della Gastaldia predetta tra i fiumi Livenza e Largone e Lemene. Comprensorio paludi e valli della Livenza al Tagliamento e da Villa Viera al mare.
Settore del fiume da S. Stino alla sua foce nel mare e territorio sulla sua sinistra fino al Tagliamento.
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Brenta nuova e Brentella con parte del Bacchiglione e Brentone. Veneziano e Padovano territorio: Idrografia del padovano con il corso del Brenta dal passo di Curtarolo al mare; il Bacchiglione con tutti i canali di diramazione dei due fiumi. Stin, ossia le paludi a sinistra della Livenza. Mappa di terre site presso la Livenza fra S. Comprensorio estendentesi da S. Rappresentazione del porto e i canali della laguna Lombardo, Malamocco, Spignon, Fisolo e tracciato di valli con breve tratto dei litorali Pellestrina-Malamocco.
Territorio trevisano e padovano dalla Livenza al Musonello Fossa di confine e dalle sorgenti del Sile e Montello al mare. Provincia di Treviso e parte di Vicenza e di Padova. Tavola idrografica per vedere ove si potesse tirar le acque per acquare il territorio trevisano. Tratto dei canali Muson e Brentello e della strada Orlanda con possessioni adiacenti. Comprensorio del detto territorio dal Montello e Soligo al mare e tra il Sile, la Livenza e il Lemene. Conterminazione delle lagune dal porto di Brondolo a quello di Iesolo con tutta la terraferma. Venezia settore laguna e terraferma.
Giorgio in Alga, S. Angelo di Concordia, S. Settore del Brenta con Fusina, S. Archivio Storico di Venezia. The plain is characterised by the presence of alluvial megafan, which results from the tectonic setting and from the different phases of deposition which occurred since Upper Pleistocene. The evolution of these very large landforms has been mainly controlled by climatic change and eustasy Fontana et al.
The springs fed a number of shallow and constant groundwater-fed river that crosses the low plain forming a dense network Fontana et al.
- Pourquoi les thérapies énergétiques fonctionnent (French Edition).
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BP; Fontana et al. Between Lateglacial and early Holocene, large incisions formed even in the distal part of the plain whereas the interfluves were not affected by sedimentation and pedogenesis took place Fontana et al. Starting from Middle Holocene, a new phase of deposition affected the coastal areas, probably related to the marine highstand. Lagoon and delta formation started about ka cal. BP but, in the megafans, an erosive trend is still recognisable up to ka cal.
BP, when widespread aggradation started once more and pre-existing incisions almost completely filled up. Adige Alluvial Plain; B: Tagliamento megafan after Fontana et al. The delta systems of Po, Adige and Brenta rivers limit the lagoon to the south, whilst Sile and Piave rivers to the north. The lagoon is closed by two barrier islands: The central stretch of the Venetian Plain is made up of three alluvial megafans. The westernmost one was created by the Brenta River and stretches approximately in a NW-SE direction from the outlet of the valley of the Brenta as far as the area around the Venetian Lagoon.
To the east, this structure borders on the pre-LGM megafan of the Piave River the Montebelluna megafan , which formed when the river reached the plain to the west of the hill of Montello, and not to the east as it did since LGM when it led to the formation of the so-called Nervesa megafan Mozzi, ; Carton et al.
The following images related to this document are available:
The stretch of plain bordering the western sector of the Venetian Lagoon represents the terminal part of the Holocene depositional system of the Brenta River; this system borders to the north on the late-Pleistocene system of the Brenta River, and to the south with the Holocene system of the Adige River. The morphogenic activity of the Bacchiglione River is confined within the inter-fan depression between Adige and Brenta rivers Bondesan and Meneghel, The coastal plain south of the Venice Lagoon and of Bacchiglione River is completely below the sea level and is characterised by the presence of Holocene fluvial ridges, palaeoriver beds and coastal ridges, old swampy and lagoonal areas, now reclaimed.
The system of fluvial ridges and palaeochannels was originated by repeated Brenta natural avulsions after 6 ka BP and progressive turning of the Brenta mouth to the south by human intervention starting from the 15th c. Serandrei Barbero identified the inner coastline position, reached during the Flandrian transgression, ka cal. BP; here marine-lagoon deposits were buried by fluvial sediment supplies which caused a rapid eastward coastline progradation.
Outcropping evidence of beach ridges is recognisable inland, where the coastline dates back about 5.
BP and remained here for a longer time than in the inner position Favero and Serandrei Barbero, During the last 4 ka, several fluvial depositional events of the Brenta, Bacchiglione, Adige and Po rivers filled up the back barrier lagoon and the surrounding swamps, with a consequent eastward coastal migration. The different depositional environments are responsible for the various lithologies and geological features.
Sandy and silty sediments characterise the remnants of ancient fluvial and beach ridges, whereas clayey silt, often rich in organic matter, fill the inter-distributary lowlands; swamps with peaty layers occur in the reclaimed marshy areas fig. In recent times, natural and man-induced subsidence, eustacy and impact of human activities, have noticeably accelerated the geomorphodynamic processes to the point that urgent measures had to be taken in order to reduce the negative effects, mainly erosion of littorals and surface reduction of the salt marshes, which play an important role in regulating the lagoon hydrodynamics Carbognin and Tosi, The oldest Holocene outcropping palaeochannel dates back to the 4th-2nd millennium BC; it starts from the area upstream of Pontevigodarzere, NE of Padova, and reaches the wide alluvial ridge that cross Noventa Padovana and Saonara nr 1, fig.
Archaeological and geomorphological data indicate that the ridge of Boion nr 2, fig. BC to the 1st c. The texts of the two geographers and the archaeological findings converge: Livius refers about the existence of the Medoacus as a deep river, with its mouth and its course inside the lagoon; Strabon cites a great harbour, Medoacos , and a river having the same name through which it was possible to reach Padua from the lagoon.
Many archaeological findings along the ridge of Boion, from Padua to Lova Capuis, , and the presence of a sanctuary in this latter place Bonomi, confirm the assertions of Livius and Strabon. A river was surely active during Roman antiquity when it flowed from Noventa to Camin, where a Roman bridge was discovered Pesavento Mattioli, , while in Saonara a river was active between the 10th c.
BC and the 12th c. AD Castiglioni et al. Beyond Saonara the river passed through Legnaro and Brugine, crossed the fluvial ridge of Arzergrande and outlet into the lagoon. Close to Vallonga it split in two branches: The presence of the Brenta along this direction in that period is confirmed by archeological data Rosada, and by radiocarbon dating cal. BC of peats underlining the Fogolana fluvial ridge Bondesan et al. So, available data are not sufficient to confirm the abandon of the river course in the 3rd c. Upstream, next to Saonara, we have clues of the existence of an active fluvial branch still in the 4th c.
The famous Tabula Peutingeriana , a road map which is a copy made in the 12thth c. AD of the original map drawn in the second half of the 4th-5th c. AD Bosio, , indicates another course, the Brintesia Fluvius , south of the Bacchiglione course, having its mouth in Brondolo, close to Chioggia Brintesia coincides with Brenton, see fig.
Mediaeval documents mention in a still active Brenta that crossed the Piove di Sacco area to Bebe and used to debouch at Port of Brondolo Cessi a to c; Bortolami, , still well recognisable in the Brenton depicted in historical maps of the 16th c. It is worth to know that it might also be an abandoned branch fed by effluent rivers.
It is today testified by some palaeochannel traces still preserved and recognisable. Ilario Monastery delta Cessi, a to c; Fersuoch, ; Bortolami, ; fig. The historical map reveals two mouths: It probably is an old Brenta river mouth next to Santa Marta fig. The second branch, which is recalled in the cartography of the 15th c. The opening of the Brenta of Fusina determined a progressive degeneration of the Brenton branch, an older course of the Mediaeval Brenta, that ran from Saonara and debouched at the Port of Brondolo fig.
Internal lagoonal margin and coastline inferred by historical cartography Fig. Punta dei Lovi; B and C: Motte di Volpego; E: Canale Maggiore mouth; F: Canale Montalbano mouth; G: Delta Brenta reclamation; H: Taglio Nuovissimo mouth ; 5: After Furlanetto and Primon, , modified. Marco in Bocca Lama close to D, fig 5 , and iii in , the diversion through the Corbola, inside the Canal Maggiore towards the Port of Malamocco nr 8, fig.
Along the , radical project were approved, aiming at the definitive deviation of Bacchiglione and Brenta outside the lagoon to the Port of Brondolo. In , the excavation of the Brenta Nova , decreed in , was terminated. Its course developed from Dolo to Sambruson, Corte, Conche until the confluence with the Bacchiglione and then, through the Canal of Montalbano, to the Lagoon of Chioggia, where the new inner delta is well depicted in historical maps Imago 81; fig.
In , the Sborador della Mira was completed fig. In the same year, the Senate decided a new displacement of the Brenta mouth through the excavation of a new river bed involving the lower tracts of Brenta and Bacchiglione rivers; both rivers were planned to go into the Toro Canal and, together, to debouch at the Port of Brondolo Imago In , the construction of the artificial embankment Parador di Brondolo started with the aim to separate the lagoons of Venice and Brondolo; it was completed in , totally expelling the water of Brenta and Bacchiglione from the Lagoon of Chioggia Imago 66; Favero et al.
The lagoon of Brondolo fig. It was continuously dredged in order to canalise the fluvial waters that, due to the low gradient of the artificial canal, periodically inundated the surrounding lands Bortolami, All the attempts to prevent the floods were ineffective and the Venetians were forced again to strongly provide; in they started the digging of the Taglio Novissimo fig. The Taglio Novissimo represents the very last intervention of the Republic of Venice on the southern sector of the lagoon; only in , as a consequence of the more and more frequent and violent floods by Brenta and Bacchiglione, the Brenta River was rechanneled again into the artificial canal Brenta vecchia fig.
Part of this territory was lately reclaimed and it was given the name Bonifica Delta Brenta. The southern branch of the Brenta Mouth Brenta Vecchio was connected with the northern branch of the Adige mouth, in correspondence of the Isola Bacucco. A new cut at the end of the 19th c. Here, the very intense LGM sedimentary phase stopped at around BP, showing a good connection between glacial activity and alluvial aggradation Carton et al.
The LGM alluvial plain of the low Piave River hosts a characteristic alternation of overbank, crevasse, natural-levee and floodplain deposits with common thin peat intercalations Bondesan et al. Peat formation in the LGM alluvial plain occurred in poorly drained depressions where organic production prevailed over alluvial minerogenic sediment delivery Bondesan et al.
After about 9 ka cal. BP, the Adriatic coastline shifted from the position today occupied by the Po delta to the north, following the post-glacial sea-level rise Correggiari et al. The lagoons originated when the marine high-stand was reached, about ka cal. About 4 ka cal. BP a new phase of alluvial deposition started in the distal sector of the plain through the formation of alluvial ridges related to meander belts fig. For this reason, the inland sector, south and east of S.
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Prevailing textures are sands, silty-sands and silt corresponding to overbank, natural-levee and crevasse deposits of the main fluvial ridges. The thickness of Holocene sediments burying Pleistocene surfaces varies from about 5 m, close to the channel belts, to m over the floodplain sequence Bondesan et al. Holocene alluvial deposit; 7: Pleistocene alluvial deposit; 8: The westernmost branch Piave Vecchia , today rimming the Lagoon of Venice, formed by the Piave River fluvial avulsion occurred in the 6th c. AD after an important period of floods Bondesan et al. There are several palaeochannels formed by the Piave River: To the east, the two central ridges formed when the Piave River was diverted in Taglio da Re and in present Piave River-Taglio di Cortellazzo; fig.
The Roman road Via Annia is partially buried by the sediments forming the ridge Barozzi et al. This branch was active since at least 4th millinium BC Bondesan et al. Margherita is occupied by relics of ancient sandy dune ridges, sequences of spits and beach barriers. The orientation of the coastal dune ridges, now levelled, but still well recognisable through remote sensing, reliably match the position of the ancient coastline.
Rovigo is well known for its love of opera and is the site of the famous Teatro Sociale , built in In the 20th century it was the venue for the career beginnings of Tullio Serafin , Beniamino Gigli and Renata Tebaldi. The town of Rovigo is also the site of the Francesco Vanezza music conservatory. The town of Asolo in the province has annual chamber music festivals.
The city of Verona is world-famous for the Roman amphitheater known as the "Arena", a site that has been hosting musical events since the 16th century, but which is more recently known for the spectacular outdoor staging of Verdi 's Aida , an event staged for the first time in The city also has the Felice Evaristo Dall'Abaco music conservatory;.
Vicenza is the site of the Teatro Olimpico and an annual series of symphony concerts, "Il Suono dell'Olimpico" as well as of an interesting project entitled Costruiamo un'opera" aimed at promoting musical education among school children. The town of Bassano del Grappa in the province of Vicenza is the site of OperaEstate Festival Veneto , involving performances at many different locations in the town, virtually turning the entire town into one large operatic venue. Get Music of Veneto essential facts below, , or join the Music of Veneto discussion.
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