Jews Welcome Coffee (The Tauber Institute Series for the Study of European Jewry)
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Visit us on Facebook! Browse the Brandeis University Press catalog for more titles. The Tauber Institute Series is dedicated to publishing compelling and innovative approaches to the study of modern European Jewish history, thought, culture and society. The series features scholarly works related to the Enlightenment, modern Judaism and the struggle for emancipation, the rise of nationalism and the spread of antisemitism, the Holocaust and its aftermath, as well as the contemporary Jewish experience.
The series is published under the auspices of the Tauber Institute for the Study of European Jewry — established by a gift to Brandeis University from Dr. An illuminating anthology that traces the trajectory of Jewish thought in twentieth-century France.
The Tauber Institute for the Study of European Jewry Series | Awards | LibraryThing
How the Zionist movement and the Yishuv actively sought to help Polish and other European Jews in the s. Stanford Studies in Jewish History and Culture. Stanford University Press, Tradition and Innovation in Early Modern Germany. Brandeis University Press, Among the cultural turns of the second half of the twentieth century, the translational turn has shaped Jewish studies most profoundly.
Analyses of cross-cultural translation and the emerging concepts of cultural transfer and entangled histories have led to a new Jewish history, told in relationship to that of the surrounding majority.
A similar shift now treats Jews as active participants of history, and not its passive objects: Jews were not merely influenced by events or cultural developments in the Christian or Muslim worlds but were major historical actors in the towns, villages, and lands where they lived, making active use of and forming the conditions of life they encountered Kaplan, p.
This review essay discusses a number of recent works on the history of early modern Ashkenaz that exemplify this shift. Series was designed to cover groups of books generally understood as such see Wikipedia: Like many concepts in the book world, "series" is a somewhat fluid and contested notion.
A good rule of thumb is that series have a conventional name and are intentional creations , on the part of the author or publisher. For now, avoid forcing the issue with mere "lists" of works possessing an arbitrary shared characteristic, such as relating to a particular place. Avoid series that cross authors, unless the authors were or became aware of the series identification eg. Also avoid publisher series, unless the publisher has a true monopoly over the "works" in question.

So, the Dummies guides are a series of works. But the Loeb Classical Library is a series of editions, not of works. Home Groups Talk Zeitgeist. The 12 Days of LT scavenger hunt is going on.
Can you solve the clues? I Agree This site uses cookies to deliver our services, improve performance, for analytics, and if not signed in for advertising. Your use of the site and services is subject to these policies and terms. Jehuda Reinharz, General Editor.
Series by cover
Sylvia Fuks Fried, Associate Editor. Related publisher series Studies in Jewish History. Brandeis series on Jewish Women. Related places Austro-Hungarian Empire. Orbis Books Prize for Polish Studies. National Jewish Book Award. Canadian Jewish Book Award. How do series work?
- Midnight At The Oasis (A Morris and Chastain Investigation)?
- Tauber Institute Series.
- Works (79).
Helpers picturebookperson 55 , walbat 46 , gangleri 3 , SJaneDoe 1 , alibrarian 1 , leselotte 1 , bergs47 1 , eromsted 1 , BogAl 1. World in the Balance: French and Germans, Germans and French: