
Fracture: A Memoir

Preview — Stress Fracture by Tara Meissner. A Memoir of Psychosis This psychology memoir is about the things that break us and how we heal. It offers a raw view a year-old wife and mother swallowed by psychosis. The episode includes meeting Jesus Christ, dancing with Ellen DeGeneres, and narrowly escaping eternity in the underworld. Casually called a nervous breakdown, psychosis is an entrapment Stress Fracture: Casually called a nervous breakdown, psychosis is an entrapment outside of self where hallucinations and delusions anchor.

Family, doctors, and fellow patients witness a nonverbal, confused, distraught shell of a woman. In the security of a psychiatric care center, the week-long psychosis broke and spit out a bipolar patient in the cushioned place of middle class medicine. Outpatient recovery consumed the better part of year with psychiatric treatment and spiritual contemplation. Left scarred and damaged, health returns allowing her to tentatively embrace a grace and peace earned through acceptance of bipolar disorder.

Stress Fracture: A Memoir of Psychosis

Paperback , pages. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Stress Fracture , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia. Several times a year I just have to read a book about mental illness. I am always ready to explore that fine line between sanity and insanity. I grew up in fear of causing my mother another nervous breakdown. She had them regularly and I was usually to blame. I've been trying to figure out how I did this ever since childhood.

I've also been trying to avoid going down that path, I guess. I'm glad that I read this book as the author took us into her world of psychosis without trying to pretty it up Several times a year I just have to read a book about mental illness. I'm glad that I read this book as the author took us into her world of psychosis without trying to pretty it up.

Bipolar disease has become a frequent diagnosis but certainly can present with a wide variety of symptoms and intensity.

Tara Meissner made me see how intense and totally believable the hallucinations can be. She seriously struggled to untangle her psychotic experience from reality. She dealt with the frustration of others who tried to discount her experience. Although many couldn't help her process this illness, her husband was wise and patient. Her children gave her the much needed inspiration to find a way out of her darkness. The hell that pharmaceuticals can create was clearly outlined. Doctors truly don't know how each person's body is going to react to psychiatric drugs, especially when they combine multiple heavy duty medications.

For many, these cocktails make it impossible for the patient to advocate for herself. Fortunately Tara recognized the warning signs and refused to lose herself to drug induced lethargy and passivity. I thought more editing was needed, especially in the chapter which dealt with global assessment. For me, verbiage like this was overblown: It was the tide that washed away a sandcastle, the wind that eroded the stone, the sun that faded the colors, or the locusts that devoured the crops.

Yet passages like this that described her mounting mania were spot on: I had to share the knowledge that came to me with the world. I wrote and drew arcs and made heavy concentric circles around key clues of insight. I drew rainbows with the equal signs connecting it to the word promise. It must have been tough yet hopefully cathartic for Tara to revisit a world she never wants to revisit. Aug 31, Amanda Linsmeier rated it it was amazing Shelves: I rarely read memoirs but I'm so glad I read this. Meissner's account of her psychotic break was riveting, sad, shocking, and eye-opening.

I found myself feeling a range of emotions while reading. The author writes well, and educates even among the stories that were disturbing.

At times I even laughed- yes, there's even a hint of humor among the more serious content. As someone who does not have Bipolar, or have family members who are affected errr, at least that I know of , I still got som I rarely read memoirs but I'm so glad I read this. As someone who does not have Bipolar, or have family members who are affected errr, at least that I know of , I still got something from this book.

I could relate to the author as a mother, a woman, someone who has struggled with finding who she is. For example, I was so mad for her in the part of not making weight in basic training!

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It was one of many times I felt something intense while reading. I will definitely recommend this to others who I feel might enjoy it. It certainly seems that among the mental health community this could be a missing piece of the puzzle- a first-hand account of someone experiencing a breakdown, which the author points out, is pretty rare. Meissner writes a vivid and compelling memoir that chronicles the events surrounding her psychotic break and eventual diagnosis of bipolar disorder. What makes this book important is that it openly discusses Meissner's "nervous breakdown" and directly addresses the taboo that society puts on mental illness.

This is a brave book and it is beautifully written. Jun 12, Sandra Burns rated it it was amazing.

Stress Fracture: A Memoir of Psychosis by Tara Meissner

This is a must read, for anyone, who suffers from a mental illness, or loves someone with it. Tara was very brave, to write this. I am sure some recollections were painful, but she told her truth.

The Memoir - Page 6: ASC

However painful, this will help others. As someone who is a lifelong depressive, I understand the rage, outbursts, breaking things, punching walls my personal favorite and aggression. Also, the loss of jobs, friends, and relationships. Her book, opens up the door, for dialogue. If you are, or kn This is a must read, for anyone, who suffers from a mental illness, or loves someone with it. If you are, or know someone with a depressive illness, please get them to read this. The stigma must be erased. This can only occur, through educating the public at large. What I do not understand, is how alcohol and drug abuse, are not stigmatized, as they are life choices, and the people do this to themselves.

Mental illness, however, is brain chemistry. NO one with a depressive illness, would choose to be in this club. Mar 12, Cindy rated it it was amazing. Most of us will never have to or get to experience psychosis, but Ms. Meissner allows us an actual tour. The way she describes events are detailed, and fascinating. Her use of language is better in some parts of the book than others, but overall is excellent. She has put together a full account of her most difficult days and she has done so quite eloquently!

I believe she's coming to a place of seeing some humor in a devastating, yet incredible piece of her history. I wonder if she realizes no Most of us will never have to or get to experience psychosis, but Ms. I wonder if she realizes now what a gift she's given to other people through writing this book! I know you will help many women with this book.

See you on the Lit Ladies tomorrow! Thanks very much for the interview. What a gutsy, wonderful book this must be. I'd be thrilled to win a copy. I appreciate you all chiming in. I hope you find opportunities to learn more about mental wellness and to speak openly about this topic, which has been hush-hush for too long. I am completely humbled by the entries to the giveaway.

I wish you all could win a copy of "Stress Fracture: A Memoir of Psychosis.

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However, there are currently 10 libraries in Wisconsin that own a copy. Please ask your local library to get a copy for you. Thanks again for chiming in. We provide you with excellent customer service and out of the box promotions. Your tour would include: We look forward to working with you and making your promotion a success! Traffic Social Networks Tweets by womenonwriting. Blog Tour for Stress Fracture: Best, Kathie Pitman 6: The interview was really interesting, and I am putting this on my to read list!

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