El Calor de Dos Inviernos (Spanish Edition)
The objective of this study is to identify clustering trends using two data sources that combine remote sensing and field data information as an indicator of fire activity. The hypothesis is that forest fires across Mexico are randomly distributed and follow the same pattern throughout the territory. Mexico is located in the Northern hemisphere.
The Atlantic Ocean is found on the east while the Pacific Ocean surrounds the west. The total area of the country is almost million hectares and it is full of very diverse and complex ecosystems, ranging in form, location, topography and biological diversity. The territory is evenly distributed on both sides of the Tropic of Cancer, which generates completely different ecological conditions in both regions of the country for environmental and biological diversification CONABIO Mexico has a forest area of approximately million hectares, which represents From to , an annual average of 8, forest fires occurred, with an annual affected area of , ha.
To analyze hot spots of forest fires in Mexico from , two databases were used: The latter identifies the infrared radiation emitted by fires and their location using two satellites Aqua and Terra. A Category Gi Bin hot spots estimated spatial intensity. B P values expected level. C Z score values standard deviation. B valores de P nivel de significancia.
The information consists of the geographical location of fire points coordinates, property, municipality, state , causes of fire, type of fire, type of ecosystem affected, area affected ha and duration start and end date of the fire. Subsequently, this database was submitted to a verification and cleaning process due to possible inconsistencies. Afterwards, a shapefile of hot spots was created, which contains the previously described data. These statistics were downloaded into a shapefile format Esri vector data storage format with a total of , hot spots recorded by the sensor.
The data were afterward cleaned and organized for later analyses. The spatial analysis for the two fire databases consisted of a "hot spots analysis" based on the Getis-Ord G-statistic test Ord and Getis This statistical tool helps identify the different clustering trends of spot densities and thus is able to verify if these fires are clustered into units with high or low values. The spatial distribution may be random, uniform or aggregate.
The Getis-Ord G-statistic is used to detect the type of spatial distribution a phenomenon shows and is especially useful in cases where global traditional statistics, such as kernel estimation, k-function analysis, Moran's I index and the semi-variogram, did not display any global spatial pattern.
This is assuming that the presence of forest fires is consistent with environmental phenomena Yang et al. A spatial union was made with these grids to count the number of fires events in each polygon, therefore the result of this union was the analysis variable for this study. The null hypothesis for the "Hot spot analysis" tool assumes complete spatial randomness.
This analysis offers various parameters to draw conclusions Gi Bin, P value and Z score value. The Z score values and P values indicate whether or not the null hypothesis can be rejected. Based on the above, the Gi Bin field acquires a value or a category where numbers higher than zero correspond to hot spots aggregated distribution and numbers lower than zero correspond to cold spots. Having small P values and a very high or a very low Z score value indicates that it is unlikely that the observed spatial pattern reflects the theoretical random pattern represented by its null hypothesis.
Whether fire occurrence in a particular year was statistically related to that of the previous year was evaluated through autoregressive models up to four lags. Although the casual analysis of the frequency of fires is beyond the objectives of this work, an exploration of some explanatory variables is presented using Geographic Weighted Regression Brunsdon et al. By contrast, 47, were reported by the National Forestry Commission of Mexico, which represent As for clustering levels, hot spots, or areas with high clustering value, were found in the two databases analyzed figures 2 and 3.
These categories are related to P values between 0 and 0. In the analyses of the data of this source, there were no cold spots or low clustering spots. The hot spot distribution described above figure 2A identifies the largest clustering of forest fires. As for the northwestern part of the country, high clustering values were found in Sierra Madre Occidental, which has a vegetation cover of mostly coniferous and broadleaf forest. High clustering values were also found in the upper area of Peninsula of Baja California with a mediterranean shrubland cover.
On the other hand, the data of the MODIS sensor showed high clustering values or hot spots in categories 1, 2 and 3 figure 3A. It is related to Z scores ranging from 1. The clustering categories, or hot spots as described above figure 3A , are distributed within the northwest region along the Sierra Madre Occidental. The region, according to CONABIO has coniferous and broad-leaved forest vegetation and, to a lesser extent, tropical deciduous forests. Likewise, high concentrations of hot spots were also found in the northeast region, however in a smaller area.
It specifically belongs to Sierra Madre Oriental, which is mostly covered by xerophilous scrubland. The disagreements of hot spots of both bases are seen in orange, while the spatial similarities between the two databases are shown in red. The lack of association in the presence of casualties is seen in white. Local R 2 of GWR between fire frequency and population density. Many studies of forest fires have been conducted in Mexico over the past few years, but efforts to spatially characterize fire distribution in terms of spatial aggregation have been relatively scarce and limited to regional analyses e.
To date, no effort had been made to quantitatively compare the spatial characteristics of clustering at the national scale. The study demonstrated that forest fires in Mexico showed a spatial clustering trend. To our knowledge, it is the first report that provides a complete quantitative spatial perspective of its occurrence using two data sources.
This agrees with Yang et al. Estrella luminosa la cual es el centro de nuestro sistema planetario. El sol nos da luz y calor. Trasladarse en el agua usando movimientos coordinados del cuerpo sin tocar el suelo. Pasar las vacaciones de verano en un lugar diferente al que se reside normalmente. Viaje estacional de algunas aves u otros animales migratorios que realizan para evitar el invierno.
Sirve para recoger hojas, hierbas, paja, etc. Cualquier especie de hongo, comestible or no, con forma de sombrilla sostenida por un tallo. Fruto de la vid que forma racimos. Es redondo u ovalado, jugoso, generalmente de color verde o morado. Prenda de vestir larga, gruesa y que posee mangas largas. Prenda de vestir que se envuelve en el cuello y la boca. Generalmente es larga y angosta y hecha de lana. Recipiente o aparato que sirve para calentarse or para calentar la cama. Bebida caliente que se prepara a base de chocolate. Esta puede se cocida en agua o leche.
Encourage him to do it. Have you something to tell me? It seems rather expensive to me. Have you got some money? You must have a reason for telling me. I don't know whether this'll be of any use to you. Somebody's knocking at the door. I hope you'll come again some day. I want to ask you some questions. Do you want to ask me any questions? Do you need anything else? He visits us now and then. Some people have no patience. He was out of breath when he got here. Es una persona de muchos alientos. He's a very energetic person. We have to lighten the load.
Hurry up, it's late. This food's not nourishing enough. He enlisted in the Foreign Legion. We'd better get ready early because the train won't wait. He's up there waiting for you. Your friends are in there. Let's go that way. The village is beyond those trees. I saw 'em over there a while ago. Put it over there. His house is there on the right. She lives far from there. From there one could see perfectly. He says we should go that way. It's a town of people.
Lo siento en el alma. Lo voy a consultar con la almohada. I'm going to sleep on it i. They rented a house. They were sitting around the table. It cost about thirty pesos. We have to make some changes in our plans. He showed signs of great emotion. There were disorders all over the country. His coming changed our lives completely. Don't get excited; it's nothing. What's that very tall building?
He talked to a high official of the Treasury Department. Prices are very high in this store. Don't talk so loud. He returned very late at night. They live in the upper story of that house. The house is on top of the hill. We've overlooked many important facts. We stopped along the way to have lunch. The soldiers halted at the entrance to the town. I don't feel well at such a high altitude. The lighting's poor in this part of the city. The street lamps don't give enough light. Can you light the way? He didn't raise his eyes from the book.
They revolted against the government. He stole the money. In the summer it dawns earlier than in the winter. That guy's very embittered. He makes life miserable for everyone around him. He couldn't stand the bitterness of the coffee. His misfortunes caused him great bitterness. They soon became friends.
He made friends with John. He got acquainted there in a short time. We talked with the owner of the house. Don't tell the boss. He likes to talk of love. He's found a new love. He has too much pride. He was peeved by what you said. I want an enlargement of this photograph. They furnished the house very luxuriously. Do you think the road's wide enough for cars?
This suit's too big for me. What's the width of the material? We took a long hike up to the summit. You're a great gadabout, my boy. It's too far to walk. The train began to move. Is that clock going? I've been chasing around all day. He didn't win the prize, but he came close to it. The child's going on seven. The jockey fell right by the rail. The liveliness of the gathering surprised me.
Don't be a jackass! Let's encourage the players. His arrival pepped up the party. I'm urging him to come with us. He was in good spirits. She cheered him up because he was depressed. It gets dark at five now. I'm anxious to meet her. The year before last we went to Europe. I told you that before. This street used to have another name. Let's eat before we go. They left before we arrived.
- ¿Qué es el humo de los incendios forestales? ¿Puede hacer que yo me enferme?.
- James Joyce Reincarnated: The WordGuru, Glen Kealey;
- Africa: Land of Savagery & Violence.
- Girl Takes Up Her Sword (An Emily Kane Adventure Book 3)?
- ERO.
Above all, don't forget to write me. He lent me 30 pesos. They advanced the date of the party. They arrived half an hour early. He got ahead of me. She likes to dress in an old-fashioned way. She does whatever comes into her mind. Lo hago porque se me antoja. I do it because I take a notion to. I'm twenty years old. Put out the light. The lights went out. He was surprised by the sudden appearance of his friend. That's a separate question. Put this package aside. Don't get off while the vehicle's in motion. They were grieved by the illness of their aunt.
We were worried because we weren't getting any news. He can hardly walk. Let me know as soon as he comes. He got very depressed after his failure. They crushed all resistance. They flattened his nose. They flattened themselves against the wall. They put a coat of paint on the chair. How much do you bet? I bet I get there before you. Rest your foot on that step. No one supported his motion. I second the motion. He's leaning on a cane. I have great respect for him. Don't walk so fast; we'll get there on time. Please hurry; we're late already. This collar's too tight.
He pressed down on the suitcase to close it. He gripped my hand. The runner sprinted on the last lap. There was such a crowd that nobody saw anything. He does everything very quickly. I don't approve of his conduct. Did you pass your math exam? The boss had to advance him some money. She made use of all the left-overs. Don't let him take advantage of you. Don't go too near the fire. You're aiming too low to hit the target. Jot it down in your notebook. They drained their glasses.
The situation worries me very much. I bought that scarf we looked at yesterday.
Modelación espacial de incendios forestales en México: una integración de dos bases de datos
I like this book better than that one. I'll wait for you in here. From now on we'll have to spend less money. Wet firewood doesn't burn well. I was burned up by what he said. His arguments don't convince me. I didn't like the plot of the movie. They armed the people. The machine has to be assembled.
They made a big racket last night. The mules balked halfway there. He armed himself with a pistol.
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He built up a good business in a short time. He's always making a mess of things. He's always broke at the end of the month. Three pages have been torn out. We saw the car start. On a sudden impulse I returned to my home town. This car has a self-starter. He gets everything because he's a bootlicker. He was dragged along by the current. Be careful, your coat's dragging. They crawled out of the cave. Is everything arranged for the trip? I think they'll fix the radio this afternoon.
Tidy up a bit and we'll go to the movies.
Las estaciones del año
How can I manage to finish on time? We did it according to your instructions. Do you want to rent your house? I want to rent a room. You'll be sorry for this. They live two flights up. The bedrooms are upstairs. It's past the square. He looked him up and down. From above one could see the river. The car was going up. The hat was dirty around the top. He doesn't mind risking his life. If we don't take risks we'll never get anything done. Don't put the table so close to the wall. Give me a hand! Don't throw things out the window. That rope has to be coiled.
They were trampled by the crowd. That man ruined them completely. He was ruined by that business.
Are you interested in art? He presents his arguments with great skill. Read the article on page two. They sell sporting goods. Let's roast the chestnuts. It's roasting in this room. The balloon went up slowly.
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He was promoted three times in one year. The bill amounted to pesos. He refused the food with disgust. Those things disgust me. Don't come near me; you're filthy. He turns up his nose at everything. He fastened the horse's pack with a rope. I assure you everything will be ready on time. He maintains it's true. The baggage is insured. First make sure the information's correct. He took out accident insurance. That's the way it is.
You must do it this way. And so they decided to act immediately. I don't say it without reason. I'll let you know as soon as I get there. Your attendance isn't necessary. I took care of him during his illness. Were you present at the meeting? The wash'll have to be put in the sun to dry. They were taking a sun bath on the beach.

He put his head out of the window. It's forbidden to lean out of windows. He amazes everybody by his cleverness. I'm amazed that you say that. He assumed full responsibility. What's the subject of that play? Don't meddle in my affairs. Your screams frightened me. She's frightened by loud noises. If we go this way we'll catch up with 'em. He cut him short by saying no. Lace your shoes up tight. When I heard that I put two and two together.
I've danced so much that I'm dizzy. The announcer called for attention. I'll never forget your kindness. She likes to attract attention. I reprimanded him for his insolence. The clerk waited on them immediately. Please pay attention to what I'm saying. He takes very good care of his guests. I don't know what to depend on. There was an attempt on the life of the president. Su atento seguro servidor. He guessed the amount of money I had in my pocket. He didn't succeed in explaining what he wanted.
I can't find the keyhole. I've never seen such a scatterbrain. What an attractive woman! She's very pretty but she has no appeal. She's back there with some friends. Don't back up; there's a tree behind you. She stayed behind with some friends. This'll delay my trip a long time. I have to set my watch back; it's very fast.
My watch loses ten minutes a day. I think we're getting behind in this work. The backwardness of that country's well known. The bullet pierced his arm. I've crossed the Atlantic several times. A truck stopped crosswise in the middle of the road. He doesn't dare to tell me. What a horrible thing! An automobile ran over him. If you want to do a good job, don't rush through it. We can't tolerate such an outrage.
Three pedestrians were victims of an accident. So much noise rattles me. He was stunned and didn't know what to answer. We can still get there on time. Even now it wouldn't be possible. He hasn't come yet. Even if he doesn't come we'll have to begin. Though I wasn't born in the country, I know it very well. He left the class because he was feeling sick.
Is there enough room in the car for everybody? Which is cheaper, the bus or the street car? He couldn't maintain his authority. They reported it to the authorities. The car moved very slowly. We're not making any progress in our work. The floods ruined the crops. He agreed to what they said.
He's a very promising young man. He gets ahead of everybody in his work. He shamed his whole family by his conduct. After he said it, he was ashamed. The mechanic repaired the damage without delay. The shipment was damaged by the rain. We have to notify the police. I'm warning you for the last time. They revived the fire by putting on more wood. Why don't you keep your eyes open? Step lively; it's very late. Wake up; you're half asleep. I want to help him carry the packages.
Don't smoke on an empty stomach. Let's take that chance. He likes games of chance. He chose them at random. This would embarrass anyone. When I told him that he was very much embarrassed. The enemy suffered many casualties. There was a general fall in prices. He dropped out of the club. For lack of payment they dropped him from the subscription list. Let's go down the stairs slowly. Bring the suitcase down from my room.
Will you help me take the suitcases down from the rack? They saw us as they were getting off the train. He bent over to tie his shoe. I want a low table. He's shorter than his brother. They were speaking in a low voice. Let's put the basses on the left. The temperature's fallen below zero. The superintendent lives on the ground floor. What's my bank balance this month? Don't rock in the chair; it's going to break. Three shots were heard. He had three bullet wounds in his chest.
They're giving tickets free. He tried to get her on the phone without success. Can I cash my check in this bank?