Democracy Begins Between Two
Diferencia, identidad y feminismo: Sexual difference, identity and feminism: Luisa Posada Kubissa - - Logos. Of Waters and Women: The Philosophy of Luce Irigaray.
Democracy Begins Between Two
Universality, Singularity, and Sexual Difference: Reflections on Political Community. Diane Perpich - - Philosophy and Social Criticism 31 4: Luce Irigaray - - Continuum. Heinz Kleger - - Studia Philosophica Philanthropy's Role in Liberal Democracy. Sievers - - Journal of Speculative Philosophy 24 4: By Luce Irigaray and Teaching.
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Democracy Begins Between Two: Luce Irigaray: Books
English translation Original Language: Routledge January 22, Language: Don't have a Kindle? Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers.
Write a customer review. Showing of 2 reviews. Top Reviews Most recent Top Reviews. There was a problem filtering reviews right now. Please try again later. Luce Irigaray brings up very strong and valid points for the equality of opportunity of women in the workforce, but many of her statements seem to be of an idealistic nature. It places the responsibility on the employer to accommodate the personal desires of the employee. It also seems to remove the personal responsibility from the female employee in regards to working toward more satisfying employment.
The generalized statements the author makes about women place limitations on the kind of employment she thinks would be appropriate, that the women would enjoy, and that the women would be good at. It seems as though Irigaray is saying that keeping women off of the corporate ladder is okay and completely acceptable because a women would not be good at, nor would she enjoy that kind of work. I disagree strongly with the reviewer who posted before me.
The reviewer criticizes Irigaray for being an idealist-- but idealism is important, because it is what allows us to imagine a future where our lives are happier and the world is more just.