Robin Hood (Novelas de Cine) (Spanish Edition)
King Richard the Lion Hearted and his cruel brother John, who is trying to replace him, are the center of this great novel of duels, nobility jousts and tournaments, where loyalty and chivalry are the background of a love story. This means that everything can be found in "Ivanhoe": The characters, among them Robin Hood and a captivating assortment of people, are another factor for the interest for the reader never declining for an instant. The renowned actor Carlos Zambrano does an emotive reading of this beautiful historical novel.
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Read more Read less. Product description Product Description La gran novela de los torneos. Kindle Edition File Size: Not Enabled Screen Reader: Enabled Average Customer Review: Be the first to review this item Would you like to tell us about a lower price? Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a product review. Get to Know Us. Delivery and Returns see our delivery rates and policies thinking of returning an item? Both Fabiola movies are adaptations of the famous novel by Cardinal Wiseman about the persecutions of the Christians at Rome just before her conquest by Constantine.
Constantino Il Grande [Alt: The movie gives a conventionally pious view of Constantine. Leonard Maltin rates it as "intelligent". Il Crolo Di Roma [Alt: Rome In Flames ] Italy Director: Antonio Margherriti -About the time after the death of Constantine when sporadic persecution was still being carried out. Pietro Francioso; Cast includes: Vuelta al Indice Bizancio, etc.
Simon Stylites, who stood on a pillar for forty years. Theodora ,Imperatice Di Bizantico [Alt: Henrey Pouctal Teodora Italy Director: Ambrosio Theodora [Alt: Theodora, the Slave Princess ] Italy Director: Riccardo Freda as Robert Hampron ; Cast includes: Robert Siodmak; Cast includes: Orson Welles Justinian , Syliva Coscina Theodora , Lang Jeffries Belisarius -Probably the most ambitious Byzantine movie ever which in its original German version was released in 2 part of some 4 hours.
Based on a 19th century novel by Felix Dahn it presents the struggle of the daughters of the Gothic king Theodoric for power after his death. Nikolai Cherkassov -The repelling of a German invasion in the 13th century. One of the great movies. Andrei Tarkovsky -about the 15th-century icon painter. Nikolai Cherkassov -Music by Prokofiev.
This was banned in Russia until because Stalin object to the portrayal of Ivan's secret police. Tourjansky -About a solider who seeks revenge when a general impregnates his wife. Color de Antonio Banderas - Ambientada en el s. A sangre y Fuego Polonia. Por otro lado es bastante entretenida, aunque uno a veces se pierda entre los nombres. Basada en un bestseller polaco del s. Moustapha Akkad; Cast includes: Anthony Quinn, Irene Pappas -In accordance with Islamic law, Muhammad is not actually shown on screen, and neither he, nor most of his relatives are allowed to speak.
This left Muhammad's uncle as the central character. John Rawlins; cast includes: Arthur Lubin; cast includes: Nathan Juran; Cast includes: Gordon Hessler; Cast includes: Pier Paolo Pasolini -Several Nights stories, framed by the story of slave-girl Pellegrina, who becomes "king" of a great city. William Dieterle; Cast includes: Cornel Wilde -Set in medieval Persia. Moustapha Akkad -Story of Islam. El Naser Salah el Dine [Alt: An Arab movie about Saladin. It is not clear in the movie that Saladin was a Kurd, not an Arab, and he is presented as a prototype of Nasser in calling for Arab unity in order to expel the western intruders.
XII toda filmada en Egipto y Siria. NO hay una sola toma de al-Andalus.. Un alegato contra el integrismo. Michael Herlihy; Cast includes: Should be of great interest to medieval scholars. Terry Jones; Cast includes: E rik the Conquero r, Alt. Gli Invasori , Mario Brava, It. Con Cameron Mitchell 81 min.
Lady Marian
Los cuchillos del vengador I coltelli del vendicatore, Mario Brava, It. Nietzcha Keene, With Bjork. Jack Cardiff; Cast includes: Richard Widmark, Sidney Poitier. Don Chaffey -Leonard Maltin summarizes it as "Empty-headed costumer of early England under Roman rule, with plenty of gore as anarchists incite a violent uprising among the people. Roy William Neill; Cast includes: John McTiernan; Cast includes: For all the pans the movie received from film critics, it was treated much more kindly by medievalists, and some were delighted with it.
Franklin Schaffner; Cast includes: Heston is a knight invoking the "right" to sleep with another man's bride on their wedding night. It is set in a slightly hazy eleventh-century primarily to use the myth of the "first night" as a springboard for the story. Apart from that detail it could have been a western. As a film it is moderately interesting.
For teaching purposes, fairly extensive discussion of inaccuracies would be required. The Hour of the Pig ] US Colin Firth -A 15th-century French lawyer defends a pig put on trial for murder. Crusades Bibliography Las cruzadas It. La Gerusalemme liberata, Enrico Guazzoni, It. Knights of the Quest. David Butler; Cast includes: Sobre la batalla de Hattin , pero muy inventado.
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It is, in parts. Max Von Sydow -Set in 14th-century Sweden, about a knight returning from a crusade playing a chess game with death. The film made Bergman famous. Aleksander Ford -About the Teutonic knights. Not up to Eisenstein. Saladino - nos referimos a una de las versiones hechas en Egipto. Realizada a mayor gloria del pueblo rumano recordemos que fue realizada durante la dictadura comunista. Shakespeare Movies , La chandon de Roland Beowulf y Grendel Pelicula animada en 3D.
Pier Paolo Pasolini -Four stories. Graphic and sadistic footage will appeal to some. The film does contain an Inferno Devil's Paradise sequence. Hugo Fregonese; Cast includes: Joan Fontaine, Louis Jourdan as Boccaccio. Pier Paolo Pasolini -Eight tales from Boccacio. Carlo Ludovico Bragaglia -A version of Tasso's poem. A love story between a Christian and a Saracen forms the basic story. Eternal Return, The [Alt: Perceval le gallois US, Drama, time?
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Unfortunately Roger Ebert calls it "relentlessly turgid", pero otros la encuentran muy interesante. Die Nibelungen [Two Parts: Clive Donner; Cast includes: Arthur Lubin; Cast includes: Maureen O'Hara -About the woman who rode naked through Coventry. It would be filmed differently today! Rudolph Mate; Cast includes: Peter Glenville; Cast includes: Although there is no historical data to support the suggestion, Anouilh sees a homosexual relationship.
The intra-familial disputes of the Plantagenets are quite accurately depicted. What does not come across is that by the late 12th century dynasticism, although it still had legs, was supplemented by increasingly elaborate state structures.

And then there is Hepburn. Magnificent as ever, it must be remembered that she never played anyone but herself. Recommended for teaching simply as a way to excite student interest. Richard Thorpe; Cast includes: Saxons support Richard, Normans support John, and Elizabeth Taylor at her most beautiful as Rebecca one of the few movie representations of any Medieval Jewish character. Edward II Cast includes: Derek Jarman; Cast includes: Warriors, The [Alt: Henry Levin; Cast includes: Laurence Olivier; Cast includes: Laurence Olivier -Shakespeare's play, played for wartime nationalism.
Kenneth Branagh; Cast includes: Roger Corman; Cast includes: Alexander Korda; Cast includes: Waris Hussein; Cast includes: Paul Scofield -The story of St. Thomas More as a man of conscience. Charles Jarrott; Cast includes: Trevor Nunn; Cast includes: Ken Annakin; Cast includes: A color re-filming of When Knighthood was in Flower. Joshua Logan; Cast includes: John Boorman; Cast includes: Jerry Zucker; Cast includes: Eric Rohmer -Based on the 12th century French romance, translated by Rohmer.
Unfortunately Roger Ebert calls it "relentlessly turgid". Nathan Juran -About king Arthur's daughter. Henry Hathaway; Cast includes: Philip Breen; Cast includes: The Legend of Gawain and the Green Knight. Stephan Weeks; Cast includes: Robert Bresson; Cast includes: Michael Curtiz, Willim Keighley ; Cast includes: George Sherman, Henry Levin; Cast includes: Cornel Wilde -Robin Hood's son carrying on the old tradition.
Val Guest; Cast includes: Howard Bretherton; Cast includes: Richard Lester; Cast includes: Wolfgang Reitherman -Animals play the human roles. Not a Disney great. John Irvin; Cast includes: Patrick Bergin, Uma Thurman.
Ridley Scott; Cast includes: Russel Crowe, Cate Blanchet,. Kevin Reynolds; Cast includes: Stay for the last shot! Gordon Douglas ; Cast includes: John Derek -Robin's son fights to get Magna Carta signed. Terence Fisher ; Cast includes: Terry Gilliam; Cast includes: John Cleese Robin Hood -Time travel fantasy. Mel Gibson; Cast includes: This is a massively inaccurate portrayal of the life of the 13th-century Scots hero William Wallace. Gibson plays a woaded Wallace with a Glaswegian accent.
The history is twisted in so many ways - the myth of ius primae nocte , the supposed liaison between Wallace and Isabella - that they would need a web site to unravel. On the other hand the battle scenes are very well done - violent bloody, and altogether impressive and the story is well told, in a conventional way. I was not, however, entirely convinced by Gibson as a suffering saviour. For class use, many students will enjoy this film, and, as ever, might be inspired to read up on the subject.
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John Ford; Cast includes: The homosexual relationship between Darnleyl and Riccio is portrayed. Vuelta al Indice Francia Rashi: A Light after the Dark Ages Dir. Colin Firth -A 15th-century lawyer defends a pig put on trial for murder. Wallace Worsely; Cast includes: A father bullies his son and engages in incest with his daughter. Les Visiteurs du soir , [Alt: Richard Donner; Cast includes: Michael Curtiz; Cast includes: