Realms: Knights Fall
In the death knight starting zone, death knights are given the task to enter the Realm of Shadows in order to gain their Deathcharger. Later on death knights are eventually able to learn the ability [ Raise Ally ] which pulls their ally's spirit back from the Realm of the Dead and forces it back into their body. Upon doing so, a buff is applied to the player stating that: Furthermore, upon the Lich King 's death he even spoke of "Seeing only darkness before him" while Sylvanas Windrunner said the same in Silverpine Forest after being risen from the dead by the Val'kyr.
This may hint that because undead, death knights, and necromancers are connected to the Realm of Shadows, when they die again they actually become apart of the Realm of Shadows and are forced to wanders in its dark mists for the rest of eternity. The idea that necromantic magic and death knight runes drawing power from the Realm of Shadows itself is not yet proven, but it is heavily supported by in-game quests and lore.
Given how the Realm of Shadows seemingly is connected to the undead , it may be related to or even be the same as the Shadowlands. It has been suggested that this article or section be merged with Shadowlands.

Please see the Discussion page for reasoning. This article or section includes speculation, observations or opinions possibly supported by lore or by Blizzard officials.
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Deckbuilder Cards Decks Forums Collection. Game of Thrones Call of Cthulhu Warhammer: Invasion Lord of the Rings Android: Netrunner Star Wars Warhammer 40, Conquest A Game of Thrones 2nd Edition. As time passed, the inhabitants of planet Earth have mostly forgotten about the existence of that other world — hence the name Forgotten Realms. On the original Forgotten Realms logo, which was used until , small runic letters read "Herein lie the lost lands", an allusion to the connection between the two worlds. Unlike Earth, the lands of the Forgotten Realms are not all ruled by the human race: Technologically, the world of the Forgotten Realms is not nearly as advanced as that of Earth; in this respect, it resembles the pre-industrial Earth of the 13th or 14th century.
Realm of Shadows - Wowpedia - Your wiki guide to the World of Warcraft
However, the presence of magic provides an additional element of power to the societies. There are several nation states and many independent cities, with loose alliances being formed for defense or conquest. Trade is performed by ship or horse-drawn vehicle , and manufacturing is based upon cottage industry. Kara-Tur, roughly corresponding to ancient East Asia , was later the focus of its own source book Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms , published in In early editions of the setting, The Realms shared a unified cosmology with various other campaign settings called the Great Wheel.
With the release of the Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting , the setting was given its own distinct and separate cosmological arrangement, with unique planes not explicitly connected to those of the other settings. Religion plays a large part in the Forgotten Realms, with deities and their followers being an integral part of the world.
They do not have a passive role, but in fact interact directly in mortal affairs, answer prayers, and have their own personal agendas. All deities must have worshipers to survive, and all mortals must worship a patron deity to secure a good afterlife. A huge number of diverse deities exist within several polytheistic pantheons; a large number of supplements have documented many of them, some in more detail than others. Much of the history of The Realms detailed in novels and source books concerns the actions of various deities and The Chosen mortal representatives with a portion of their deities' power such as Elminster , Fzoul Chembryl , Midnight who later became the new embodiment of the goddess of magic, Mystra , and the Seven Sisters.
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Above all other deities is Ao , the Overlord. Ao does not sanction worshipers and distances himself from mortals. The setting is the home of several iconic characters popularized by authors, including Elminster the wizard, who has appeared in several series of novels created by Greenwood himself, and Drizzt Do'Urden , the highly popular Drow , or dark elf, ranger created by R. Ed Greenwood began writing stories about the Forgotten Realms as a child , starting around ; [12] they were his "dream space for swords and sorcery stories".
In Greenwood's original conception, the fantastic legends of Earth derive from a fantasy world, the way to which has been lost. Greenwood felt that his players' thirst for detail made the Realms what it is: Roleplaying always governs over rules, and the adventures seem to develop themselves.
Nutcracker and the Four Realms
Beginning with the periodical's 30th issue in , [12] [13] Greenwood published a series of short articles that detailed the setting in The Dragon magazine, the first of which was about a monster known as the curst. Although the Realms were yet to be an official campaign world, the module H1: Bloodstone Pass , released in by TSR, is now considered to be a part of the Forgotten Realms, [16] although it wasn't until module H3 The Bloodstone Wars was released that Forgotten Realms became the official setting for the module series.
The Campaign Set often referred to as the "Grey Box" [18] was later released in [19] [20] as a boxed set of two source books Cyclopedia of the Realms and DM's Sourcebook of the Realms [5] and four large maps, designed by Greenwood in collaboration with author Jeff Grubb.
The set introduced the campaign setting and explained how to use it, [21] and reserved space on the map for SSI 's Gold Box computer role-playing games set in the Forgotten Realms. The Forgotten Realms became an instant hit. Under Illefarn bears the Forgotten Realms logo on the cover, as do the two modules released in , H4: The Throne of Bloodstone and I Swords of the Iron Legion. The Crystal Shard was released in , [24] and was the first novel to feature the successful character Drizzt Do'Urden , who has since appeared in more than seventeen subsequent novels, many of which have appeared on the New York Times Best Seller list.
Also in came the City System boxed set, containing several maps of the city of Waterdeep.
Ruins of Adventure , a module based on the computer game Pool of Radiance , was released in The boxed set Kara-Tur: The Eastern Realms was released in , giving details of the lands of Kara-Tur which had previously appeared in the book Oriental Adventures , and were now officially placed in the Forgotten Realms world. The same year, the module OA5: Each issue contained twenty-six pages, illustrated primarily by Rags Morales and Dave Simons. Twenty-five issues were published in total, with the last being released in A fifty-six page annual Forgotten Realms Comic Annual 1: Waterdhavian Nights , illustrated by various artists, was released in An eponymous module , based on the role-playing video game Curse of the Azure Bonds , was released in , as was The Avatar Trilogy series of novels, consisting of Shadowdale , Tantras , and Waterdeep that detailed the storyline which became known as the " Time of Troubles ".
A series of module adaptations for these novels Shadowdale , Tantras , and Waterdeep were released in the same year, along with the Hall of Heroes accessory, detailing many of the major characters appearing in Forgotten Realms novels published up through that time.