Preparing Chinese Professionals for Work in the West
Hi Pierre, The flat bottomed woks work nicely on both gas and electric stoves and they sit more securely on the stove without a wok ring. I would recommend the flat bottomed version for home cooking, especially if it is your first wok. I love your website. Love to c ook, learn and explore. You break it down to simplicity. Thanks to all in the family. Nearly a third of customers gave it one star. A lot of the 5 star reviews say you must regularly season the wok and never wash it with soap if you want it to last. Hi Jackie, I have a few simple rules for taking care of any wok but here are the most important points.
After every use, you should give the wok a light scrubbing with a green scouring pad to remove any food. It is ok to use a little bit of soap of the wok becomes too greasy but the point is not to scrub it squeaky clean. Last point is that if the wok looks a bit too dry because you scrubbed it nice and clean or if you cooked with vinegar or soup, then you will likely have to add a few drops of oils and wipe down the wok with a dry paper towel. If you follow these basic directions, your wok will never rust and will season nicely the more you use it.
Hope this helps and happy wokking! Hi Janis, I think a 2 quart sized clay pot is a great size, especially if it is your first one. You can go larger if you like using it and want to make large portions and soups. Thank you for sharing these products. I want to purchase my wok utensils such as the spatula and so forth, but where can I purchase a good recipe book?
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Hi Jaquelyne, Glad you got your wok! Hi Hector, just follow the links under each product, and it should lead you to an amazon link with the prices and choices for various vendors! I am so excited to have found your blog and especially your tools and ingredient glossary pages. I am new to Korean cooking and have found both of these pages very helpful. I am eager to try the recipes however I did find it somewhat frustrating that the recipes on the Tools and ingredient pages covered about a forth of the page and I could not read all of the description.
Thank you for the time and effort you put in to make a quality site. What device and browser were you using? Hi Bill, this is an odd request, I know, but are you aware of any non stick version of a hoak? I hasten to say this is not for cooking, but for craft use, to apply a surface to clay that would react with a metal ladle. Thanks for any assistance!
The coating could scratch off pretty easily! I have an Asian 5 inch Spider Strainer that I enjoy using however, the spider part of the strainer is rusted. Are these being replaced? There appears to be a material or coating issue. Please advise as this strainer was quite expensive. Hi Ann, It sounds like the tool has reached its end of life and should be discarded. If you decide to replace yours. Hi Bill, Thank you for this informative site. What brought me to your page was a Google search for a particular wok tool that we got years ago. It was sold with the wok as part of a set.
The wok is long gone, but the slotted metal utensil is stainless, albeit a cheaper quality of stainless, but good enough to have survived all these years. And it remains really useful for so many cooking needs. Unless that would be illegal, of course. Hi Rathje, hopefully your trip to Chinatown went well! Is this a type of wok spatula you are describing?
China Guide
Hi Kimi, we use old school pressure cookers with locking covers that you heat over the stove, but there are many new electronic choices that I have heard work fine. Hey, Just stumbled upon your blog and I love it! I lived in Hong Kong for two years and crave the local cuisine. I am not much of a cook but am wanting to try each and every recipe on here. I am also writing because I currently work for Blendtec and the blender you have listed is quite old and not even made by us anymore!
We have a lot of better blenders for a less expensive price than what is listed on Amazon for the Also we now have V blenders for those who travel or live in other countries! Thanks for all the great recipes and suggested cooking tools. I just bought a wok, have never cooked dith one. I want a list of spices and suses and vegetables yhat is used in most common wok dishes.
What can I do to avoid all my food stick to the bottom of my wok? I peeked at the Chinese restaurant and none of the woks used there had such issue. They were beautifully clean after the use and I want mine to be like these too. I must do something wrong but I have no idea what it is. Help, help me please? It is really important to start with a very hot wok when cooking but temperatures and what you are cooking also matter.
You also must make sure you spread the oil around the perimeter of the wok. For searing meats, heat until just smoking, and for rice and noodles dishes, a constant high heat is needed because if the wok cools down during the cooking process, things will start to stick. I am overdue for some additional pages and posts for these how-to methods of cooking so stayed tuned for future content! Great List of Chinese Kitchen tools,! Where is the Wok Brushes? Keep up the work and the efforts.
Hi Kathleen, we do have wok sets and links listed on this page, but I am overdue to update this page with some new products I have found!
Hi KD, I love it when like minded people get together to help each other out also. We hope to expand this cooking tools page and our Ingredients pages someday!
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What a great list — thank you for this! I feel rather proud of myself for having gathered so many of these things over time… am starting to use them again. I highly recommend this tea shop, btw. Really special interior, delicious small meals, wide array of wares. Thank you in advance for any and all advice. Hi Leah, I have seen these pots in my travels and they always seem to be priced higher than I expect. Unfortunately, I dont have any experience on where to find them, but I would recommend searching on Amazon and elsewhere online starting with a google search. Hope you can help … I miss my 30 years old steel wok….
The bane of my existence is an electric stove. I hate it, but it is what my home is equipped with. I have tried every manner of wok — Carbon steel round bottom, flat bottom, cast iron flat bottom — you name it. I can never get them hot enough for real stir fry. And being that I have a solid surface cooktop — well… forget it! That works like a charm. More surface area in direct contact with the heating element. Not as good as having a gas flame, but you work with what you have. I now use a heavy cast iron pan to stir fry my veggies and I get the flavor and the crunchiness of a nice stir fry.
Just heat the pan up nice and hot add oil and veggies and cook away. Oh, and to an additional comment, one of my old co-workers who is Chinese bought a 35, btu burner just to replicate the wok hey flavor with her wok. I doubt that a standard gas stove top can get near that heat level. Hi Adam, agree — high end range tops are usually maxed out at 20K BTU unless they are special purpose burners like those for woks. High heat is a definitely advantage for cooking Chinese food — especially for larger batches.
Steaming is not really healthier than microwaving — steaming also uses a lot more energy too…. I never understand people who are so afraid of the microwave. There has literally been no reputable science that has ever said anything about microwaves being hazardous to your health. As a scientist myself, that makes me cringe so hard since there are multiple types of radiation, and the kind that home microwaves deploy cannot cause cancer.
Microwaves excite bonds like that between the hydrogen and oxygen in water, they vibrate and generate heat energy. Thanks for sharing that Triona! I think the biggest concern about using the microwave is cooking in some types of plastic packaging. We still have a microwave oven in the house, but it is just not our preferred cooking method.
Hi — I just stumbled across your website while trying to find out what to do with a georg rose bunch of Chinese amaranth brocoli? I purchased on a whim. It just looked so spectacular, I had to buy it. Your website it fabulous! Just found your blog and am having to wipe up the drool at the corners of my mouth.

I do a LOT of cooking outside over wood and was wondering if you have any hints on using a Wok over a bed of coals, I generally use oak, pean or hickory for steady high heat coals. Good news is it does a great job of charing onions and peppers for use. Hi Dave, We do a lot of gourmet cooking while camping but I have not tried bringing a wok yet. Sounds like you are very experienced at cooking over hot coals which is the best type of heat for a wok also.
If you can get a steel ring to set your wok on over hot coals, you will be cooking like they did in old world China! This helps to concentrate the heat and supports the wok to give you a rest when adding ingredients. Send us a picture on facebook the next time you try it! Go to the scrap yard and get an old rim. Should only cost around ten bucks. Thats what i did to cook with my wok over a wood fire. You can even build a small wood stove using two rims. HI, I just bought a Chinese soup mix with 6 different herbs. Can you clarify for me? So much good information, I think my brain might explode.
I am still a bit confused. I have a gas stove. Do I need a flat-bottom wok? Or a regular wok with a wok ring? Hi Mara, No worries as wok selection can sometimes be confusing. A regular round bottom wok with a wok ring will generate good heat on a gas stove. A flat bottom wok is best for flat top electric stoves.
China - Language, Culture, Customs and Etiquette
That said, some people just like the idea of using a flat bottom wok on any stove so it does come down to personal preference. Can we talk wok size? How big is the two handled one you use at home? We use it frequently although it is a little bit awkward to wash but it is the most special piece of equipment in our kitchen along with the large capacity hood but then again, we are pretty serious in the kitchen. The other woks we use are a 14 inch wok which is a better size for a gourmet high BTU stovetop and we also have a May I know if I stack 2 layers of racks to steam lotus leaf wrapped glutinous rice, will it cook evely at the same time?
Hi Catherine, I think a bamboo steamer is a good investment. You can definitely stack 2 or more layers of racks and cook at the same time, they will cook evenly. Also really enjoying the website. Thank you so much for sharing! Hi Cathy, Wow, I bet you that wok has seen some good food in it! You may want to use a paper towel and periodically wipe it down. Thanks for visiting us! Should I still get a wok for my wimpy electric burner? Hi Harvey, electric stove tops are not that wimpy!
They generate decent heat and these days, you can get a nice flat bottom wok that gets you close to the restaurant effect with some cooking techniques for a home stove.
Just make sure to get that pan really hot before you add the food! You and your family are geniuses. I am so thrilled I stumbled upon this blog. It has already helped me get over many years of being intimidated by Chinese cooking. When cooked by family or consumed in China or even restaurants in the U. What would you recommend as an alternative? An electric wok a wok with a built-in electric power unit? An induction hot-plate do these work with a wok ring? A hot-plate of another sort? Would be grateful for some expert thoughts. You guys have a loyal follower in me! Hi Jing, we love to hear that we are helping home cooks like you!
As for the wok on the electric range, you must use a flat bottom carbon steel wok. Electric ranges put out really high heat quickly so burning food is more common and turning the heat down is not as immediate as with a gas stove. It takes some practice to get used to stir frying on electric ranges. I have not tried any built-in electric woks or induction hot plates myself but my sister has an induction hot plate, and she says a carbon steel flat bottom wok works for her——no wok ring needed. Thank you so much for the tips! Hey Jessica, check out our Chinese Cooking Tools page here: From that list, the really essential tools for wok cooking would be 1.
Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Hi Sam, a or inch wok should be fine. These are the most common sizes for stoves at home.
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