
One Lord, Two People -- Un Señor, dos personas : A Bible Counting Book -- Una Biblia para contar

Capabilities Text to speech. About the author Jennifer Elig majored in elementary education and taught first-grade students in Ohio. Ever since she was young, Jennifer has loved writing stories, both on her own as well as with her students in the classroom. She has a passion to serve God and others and desires that everything she writes be to the glory of Jesus Christ, her Savior. Jennifer lives in Batavia, Ohio, with her husband, two sons, and two cats.

Jennifer vive en Batavia, Ohio, con su esposo, dos hijos, y dos gatos. Other books by this author include: La Vida de un Gato Otros libros de esta autora incluyen: La Vida de un Gato. Additional information Publisher WestBow Press. Content protection This content is DRM free. Additional terms Terms of transaction. Ratings and reviews No one's rated or reviewed this product yet. To rate and review, sign in. Redarguye, reprende y exhorta. Todo el Ministerio valioso debe tener un balance positivo y negativo. Pero lo que desconocen, es que la Palabra de Dios nos dice: Timoteo 3 Palabra fiel: Si alguno anhela Obispado, buena obra desea.

El genuino Cristiano, le da valor a su llamado cuando no le basta el solo conocimiento doctrinal, sino que se involucra en la obra con el toque de Para poder activar nuestro llamado, con poder y autoridad debemos anhelar que esas tareas asignadas, sean un gozo desarrollarlas, que no representen carga ministerial en nosotros, por el contrario, que representen una oportunidad de servir. De igual forma, sucede con los procesos de desarrollo en el nuevo creyente. Es nuestra responsabilidad, brindarles en sus primeras etapas de vida, la lechita no adulterada para que se nutra y se fortalezca.

Uno de los lemas de estas sectas es que el mundo los reconozca inmediatamente y los vea. Debemos leer y estudiar la Biblia simplemente porque es la Palabra de Dios a nosotros. En otras palabras, es la Palabra de Dios para nosotros. Debemos leer y estudiar la Biblia porque es totalmente confiable y sin error.

Si bien el caso Roe vs. El relato de los pandilleros que la violaron fue todo mentira. Desde entonces, McCorvey lucha a favor de la vida. O'Bannon explica que se han producido Desde enero de hasta hoy, tres estados han legalizado su cultivo, venta y uso. El proceso es lento y gradual. Aquellos de color verde oscuro han aprobado leyes y reglamentos para consumir y comercializar marihuana con usos medicinales, un primer paso esencial.

Los otros tienen diversos grados de Missouri y Arizona dos estados conservadores, se lo plantean. El caso Obergefell et al. Contra Hodges, director departamento de sanidad de Ohio, et al. Son los estigmatizados por la derrota, los perdedores irredimibles, los que no estuvieron a la altura.

Alrededor de 49 veteranos se contaban como 'homeless' en esa fecha y cerca de Y por las noches abarrotan Una cantidad enorme y creciente, que supone uno de cada de los ocho millones y medio de habitantes de Nueva York. Pero los promotores inmobiliarios no han conseguido erradicar la presencia de indigentes de sus principales avenidas. En sus proximidades siempre se encuentran decenas de desamparados deseosos de contar las condiciones en que viven.

La comida es infame, pero lo peor son los dormitorios, que a veces tenemos que compartir 20 hombres. Bibliotecas convertidas en refugios sociales. La enorme Biblioteca Municipal en el cruce de la calle 41 con la Quinta Avenida se ha convertido involuntariamente en un lugar de refugio diurno para centenares de personas sin hogar. Otros simplemente dormitaban, recostados en los asientos o apoyados sobre las mesas. Los filmamos discretamente, hasta que los vigilantes nos expulsaron. Aunque los echen una y otra vez.

Robert Goethals, escritor y guionista de Hollywood. Al oponerse a la vida, la violencia se coloca en contra de Dios, quien nos ha creado para disfrutar la vida a plenitud. Datos del Departamento de justicia de los EE. Este ciclo puede ser detenido. Como Iglesia, estamos llamados a combatir el pecado en sus diversas manifestaciones. La Iglesia es una comunidad sanadora creada por Dios para proclamar el Evangelio del Reino. La Iglesia debe buscar avenidas para ayudar al agresor: La Biblia dice en Romanos 1: La Iglesia debe educar a la sociedad: Sin embargo, esto no es suficiente.

La violencia en el hogar es un pecado que aleja de Dios a nuestra sociedad y que fragmenta la personalidad de las personas abusadas. Gozo, Amor, Paz, Fe c. No permitas que la sal pierda su sabor d. Cerrar los ciclos abiertos a. Nuestro Padre, es un Dios de orden y por lo tanto, El espera de nosotros que le demos un orden a nuestras peticiones. Tenemos que aprender a soltar, aprender a enviar y lanzarnos a la conquista de nuevas almas.

Pastor Eduardo Canas Estrada: Llegue a Estados Unidos en Febrero 23 del ; soy viuda, hace 5 anos. The eyes of the world are upon us. This is known as: According to the book of Proverbs, testimony is equivalent to fame.

Let us try to keep that reputation as positive. This exhortation to the people of God has been directed in an entertaining way, using a narration approach.

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No matters if you are in the Evangelism for only a month or have been born in a Christian home, if you are reading this book in this moment, and you serve the Lord, to be a Christian implies a great responsibility that the Lord delegated in you. He precisely chose you and me since we were in our mother's womb, because He trusted us, in our abilities, our talents and besides this, He gave us special gifts through the Holy Spirit. The Lord also wants that as we walk around, we will give sample of piety, for those who are lost, He wants us to give special care to the new believers, to love those who are in needs, to be kind not neglecting mercy.

He wants us to have compassion with those the enemy are creeping to doom. The world is thirsty of a revealed truth, which is surely achieved through the Word of God, of a smile, a hug, an expression of affection and tenderness. Through the infinity of social conflicts, in which many people are exposed, what they crave to see reflected is the God that we profess, not only motivating words and pats on the shoulder are enough, action is also required.

Brothers, we honor the quality of Ambassadors of Jesus, when we give examples of love and mercy, when we get involved in the solution of several problems that are affecting the individual, then we are seeking for God.

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To whom encouraged me when I was persecuted and held me with his powerful arms, to move forward and achieve the purpose for which I have been called, his name is Jesus. My beloved sons, Miguel Jose and Stephania del Mar, for their unconditional support. To the Restoring Women Foundation that has been the organization which allowed me to reach many lives and rediscover my purpose and the call.

Beto, head of a workshop of auto mechanics in a well-known company in his country, empirical, frivolous, burlesque, dominant, macho man; one of his weekend hobbies is to waste in beer and women every penny that had won. Horace, a Christian who ministered the Group of praise of his congregation, Manager of the warehouse of vehicles mentioned before.

Biblical Series I: Introduction to the Idea of God

He does not intake alcohol; his marriage is in crisis, rebellious children. Horace was directly involved. Horace in a burlesque way and smiles telling him: He laughs sarcastically and tells Mr. Horace answered quite annoyed: The difference is that within 12 days, I will go to another place and you will have to stay here with your titles and your pride. Occasionally I watched you flirting with the secretaries and when we told strong jokes, you used to laugh with us, too. I never forget when you joined the group of mechanics, there was a seventeen-year old man whose name was Alexander, he wanted to help his mother financially, he was such a skinny and fine young man, that you could see it at a glance that he had never worked before.

Beto, I hear you talking and you know what? I wish I were like you; authentic, without masks, now I feel ashamed with you, I feel very sorry for not giving the true value to my call and have not had mercy or pity for my employees. Now, that I have been confronted with my real identity as a Christian, I do not understand why I acted in that way, it makes no sense having acted without consistency, if the same word tells us that God hurls the halfhearted men.

I do not understand, Mr. After 6 months of marriage, she showed a lot interest in all activities of the Church and sometimes she wanted to go to the two 2 services, I never attended the second service because I thought she was acting with fanaticism. When she started the ministerial school, and was just coursing the second level, she already wanted to preach to her family. I urged her to wait for one or two years more, so that she could have a greater doctrinal preparation but she didn't mind, she kept preaching with her scarce doctrinal knowledge that she had learned.

In each evangelist activity that the Church organized, she always brought 5 to 10 new people to win souls. The truth is that I did not know how she won them, but in that moment, the Holy Spirit revealed me that because of her good testimony had she won, not only her family, but also her co-workers and neighbors. She always carried in her bag Treatise and whenever she went to pay in supermarkets, she smiled at the cashiers and then told them: Through this Treatise, you will find eternal life and also a church if you do not have any, you will also find my cell phone number.

Horace, but I tell you I would have certainly done the same! I apologize for this tactless question… but I do not understand why you and your wife are separating? I think that with her actions and behavior the Word of God was fulfilled when Lord spoke to the Prophet Jeremiah saying: Horace, you mean that Jehovah is the one who puts the words in our mouths and the Spirit is what convinces. I wonder if it is my way of being that does not help me, but whenever I wanted to go to people that I think they know about these things, they got angry with me.

I think that a piece was missing in all those stories. Horace, Am I bothering, you? Suddenly I noticed that someone had placed her hands over my head and she started to whisper in my ear. She told me that I was going to travel, that I would get some good news, that I would receive a letter and so on… I opened my eyes and for respect to other people, I said nothing but I was looking forward for telling her this: He asked me the date of birth, he mixed the cards. I left that place with candles, scents, herbs, baths, and irrigations and, of course, without any money.

The next week, I went to the neighborhood church, the bells were tolling and I rushed a little. I could see in detail how the people looked at me from head to toe, but the worst thing was to see how they knelt down in front of plaster statues. In spite of my ignorance, those actions didn't seem to be of wise men. What power could come from a statue made by the own man? I hope you can realize now, how persistent I am. Two days later, I went to a church, which claimed to be Christian. I was very depressed because I had fallen asleep at the bar where I was drinking and when I woke up, I did not have the wallet.

When I went into the church, the preacher was calling the people who could contribute to the church with money. Horace and I guess that you may be angry with me because I am speaking evil of your congregation. First, I should make clear that any church that is called Christian, does not always preach a sound doctrine, and Yes! But with me, I feel so much shame with my God! Horace, now I remember the several times we had lunch together at the company restaurant and I never talked to you about God, you should even remember the walk of Easter on the outskirts of the city. It is not a justification but somehow I felt a bit intimidated to deal with Christian themes, for your offensive and mocking manner that you always had.

Horace, it happens that now there aren't any coworkers here; only you and me.

One Lord, Two People -- Un Señor, Dos Personas

Now, I ask you to speak about God! My soul and spirit have been waiting for this moment since a long time ago. Horace, I want to receive Him. It is very sad that no one had explained it to me in the way that you have just How I have wasted my life! Now I have understood that my soul is doomed. DO NOT keep quiet anymore! I've seen that whenever you speak of God, you become into a very different person, that no one wanted to stop listening to, your voice even changes, and everybody gets mute for that voice, because it comes out with much authority… You are a real man of God, and I know why I say this.

When one person asks and sometimes argues, it is because he is thirsty for valid and compelling answers and I want to say that nobody has convinced me, in these last days of my life, but you have done it! I want to ask you one last favor, preach that same word to the inmates in this prison, if it is possible to my wife, children and co-workers. This has been a divine connection, which the Lord has given me: Cry out for God, he will hear you, it is all I know. After you prayed for me, I feel at peace now, I'm sure that if you pray to God in the same way, He will forgive and defend you and who knows?

You may even get free! I do not know much about Let me tell you something, Mr. Horace, your communication is very good. You've focused topics which I have always saved and sealed with much secrecy, I have never spoken with anyone about them and now, I can open my heart with you and I feel that you just cancel that root of bitterness that I've had inside for a long time. The Lord returns back and confronts me; today I have been able to understand that my Pastor, was guided by the Holy Spirit.

I remember one day my Pastor called me in his office, and he asked me how many sheep I had won for the Lord? That is a genuine Pastor who loves the lost people, I believe that it is not easy to be a true Pastor, since he could not control and direct a large church by himself, and this is why he seeks for the excellence in his disciples that surround him. The Bible, that is the Word of God, reveals us many promises, but some people have not understood that if we analyze each promise, they have a commandment attached and sometimes we break this commandment.

Beto, I'll teach you a precept so that you can understand me better: The Lord is not wise, only. Go, then, to all peoples everywhere and make them my disciples: And I will be with you always, to the end of the age. But very often, the fisherman fails in the attempt, if the network is broken and thus the fish would escape.

One Lord, Two People -- Un Señor, Dos Personas

In my particular case, this involved loading and I think that if the disciple in 10 years of Ministry, some people who could be counted with the fingers; there would be many of them. Beto, this vision of praying in houses was designed by our Lord Jesus himself since very early times, to win new souls. The same happens to the souls, if we don't pick up those souls soon they get rotten with the delights of the world. We are committed to share with these people the Word of God. I will tell the north to let them go and the south not to hold them back.

Let my people return from distant lands, from every part of the world. They spent their time in learning from the apostles, taking part in the fellowship, and sharing in the fellowship meals and the prayers; praising God, and enjoying the good will of all the people. Why do the Pastors have to ask for money as a contribution to the churches? In the Scriptures Bible , God uses more than names to refer to itself. This is the most important part of what I'm going to explain to you, since the way as we see God determines the way we live. There are three facets of God as "Lord", in the area of material resources.

All the wild birds are mine and all living things in the fields. If we are to be true followers of Christ, we must give Him control of all our assets. The Lord, sometimes try with us asking us to renounce to that which is the most valuable possession for us. It may be an increase in salary, a gift, an offer that allows us to save money. Which is more important, the gold or the Temple which makes the gold holy? How blind you are! Which is the more important, the gift or the altar, which makes the gift holy? You give to God a tenth even of the seasoning herbs, such as mint, dill, and cumin, but you neglect to obey the really important teachings of the Law, When did we ever see you a stranger and welcome you in our homes, and naked and clothe you?

When did we ever see you sick or in prison, and visit you? Away to the eternal fire which has been prepared for the Devil and his angels! I was hungry or thirsty; sick or naked or in prison, and you would not take care of me! These 11 days in which you have opened your heart to me and have shared all those truths Then your responsibility is not only within the four walls of the Congregation, even though congregating is biblical, they already are saved. But, outside there are infinite numbers of souls, which need to be revealed all these truths, many of those souls are being lost at this moment, at any place of the world: Today, you would be an incredible Minister.

The reality you are living now, "Death penalty", would be another very different: Now with all my respect, let me hug you… You know something, Beto? I do not resign to accept that you will never see you again! Horace fell down on his knees, with a moan that came out from the depths of his being and at the same time with a feeling of guilt for that soul, which was possibly lost, lifted up his eyes to heaven and began to beg for Beto: I implore you, my Lord, save his soul, my beloved Lord move your right hand of power and work with a supernatural miracle and the death penalty, enacted against my friend Beto be annulled.

Work on a miracle, my Lord, I implore you. Today, I make a Covenant with you, my God, then I promise that I will dedicate the rest of my life to serve you, to love you and to comply with all your Commandments, but please! About an hour later, a shift security guard suddenly interrupted his prayer for his friend Beto. If you talk about that man, he has left this place about an hour. Horace, you must be crazy! Let me explain to you, a prisoner who has been condemned to death penalty, is always isolated in a special preparation, moreover, he does not share cell with other inmates.

The truth is that you puzzle me. I came to give you good news, your lawyer did an excellent work. Horace, are you a Christian? Is that book with you, the Bible? Because it will come a time when they will not suffer the safe doctrine, but having itched to hear, teachers according to their own lusts will gather and they will put apart the truth from the ear and then, they will go back to Fables.

In the presence of God and of Christ Jesus, who will judge the living and the dead, and because he is coming to rule as King. I solemnly urge you to preach the message, to insist on proclaiming it whether the time is right or not, to convince, reproach, and encourage as you teach with all patience. The time will come when people will not listen to sound doctrine, but will follow their desires and collect teachers who will tell them what they are itching to hear. They will turn away from listening to the truth and give their attention to legends. But, keep control of yourself in all circumstances; endure suffering, do the work of a preacher of the Good News and perform your whole duty as a servant of God.

Don't be afraid to share the Word of God with the women who are in prostitution, do not repel to share the word of God with the homeless; do not be afraid to give the truth to homosexual persons. Speak with wisdom to young women who expose their lives every day undergoing abortion practices and find how many BETOS you could evangelize with the Word of God, but most of all, the word accompanied and seasoned with love and good behavior.

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The eyes of the world are placed on you. Great Preachers Let us try carefully, that the word of God is not being distorted, but instead, it must be preached in accordance to apostolic design, that our Lord Jesus Christ left us, to win the lost souls. Let us not negotiate the approach of salvation, by focusing our messages in Fables, motivational messages, or messages designed to distract the audience.

Therefore, when a Minister of God, Pastor, Evangelist, missionary, chaplain and all kind of leader who has been delegated a responsibility to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ and had the talent of speaking fluently and pleasantly, it is necessary to use it to share the word of the Lord; differently from this, some preachers entertain the Congregation, causing euphoria, and even loud laughs.

There are cases of preachers using resources from the Internet as preaching accompanied by anecdotes and jokes parallel to some apostates. The converse world is groaning loudly to know the truth, let us not be afraid. Apollo planted, but the growth is given by the Lord, the word that you make grow in each converse that the Lord allows to visit our Congregation, will be remembered and will be latent in his heart and mind.

The Lord said that His word would never return empty.

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Today, many Pastors are under great tension; because they think they must know how to do everything, and give less attention to preach the word. The experts tell them that to make their congregations to grow in figures; they should deal with the "emotional needs" of people. They are advised to focus on issues that are somewhat unpleasant for the people.

Many have abandoned biblical preaching, by devotional sermons that are designed to make people feel good with themselves. Some of them have replaced the preaching with dramas and other forms of entertainment. But the pastor, whose passion is the biblical preaching, has only one choice: When Paul wrote these words to Timothy, he added his prophetic warning: It was not urgent for Timothy to take a survey to find out what the people wanted. He commanded him to preach the word faithfully, reproachingly and patiently.

In reality, this mandate would not bring Timothy the world approval. Paul warned the young pastor about suffering and sorrow! Paul did not help him to be "successful". He was encouraging him to follow the divine principle. Paul was not advising him to seek for prosperity, power, supremacy, popularity, or any of the other notions of success in the world. He urged the young Pastor to be biblical, it did not matter which the consequences were. To preach the word is not always easy. The message that we are due to proclaim may be offensive, Jesus himself is a stumbling stone. The message of the cross is a stumbling block for some 1 Corinthians 1: Brothers, we have never been allowed to shorten the message or to adapt it so that it is in accordance with what people prefer.

Paul did it very clear to Timothy at the end of Chapter 3: This is the word that should be preached: Let us look at Chapter one when Paul says to Timothy, "Keep the form of healthy words that you heard from me. It was urged to Timothy to "Save Now he was telling him to proclaim it. Therefore, the true task of the Minister goes around the Word of God, by saving it, studying it, and proclaiming it. In Colossians one, the Apostle Paul described his own philosophy of the Ministry saying: First Corinthians takes him a step further: In other words, your goal as a preacher was not entertaining people with his rhetorical style or divert them with his intelligence, his humor, new ideas or sophisticated methodology, he just preached Christ crucified.

To preach and teach the Word faithfully, it needs to be in the center of our ministerial philosophy. Any other method, replaces the voice of God by human wisdom; His was the voice God used to speak to the Congregation. No human message comes with a stamp of divine authority, only the Word of God. How does any Pastor dare to replace it for another message? The calls to spread the Word of God, will they be willing to fulfil this solemn privilege? Why must we preach the wisdom of men when we have the privilege of preaching the Word of God? It calls on time and out of time Ours is a —never—ending job.

We must not only preach the Word, but we have to it despite the opinion of others around us. We have to face today that preaching the Word is out of time, today's philosophy says that the truth of the Bible fully declared is somewhat outdated and does not have case. The congregants do not want to be preached, this philosophy says so.

Today's generation will not sit in the pews of the Church to let someone stand in front of them and preach to them. They are products of a society that is handled by the current times and they need a religious experience that pleases them on their own terms.

But Paul says that the excellent Minister must be loyal to preach the Word even when it is considered outdated. The Greek term used is "episteme", and literally, means "stand to the side". It seems to mean being anxious. This word was frequently used to describe a soldier, an army officer, always on their duty guard, prepared to do his tasks.

This was what he was demanding from Timothy. Not to be discouraged, but to be ready. Not to be vacillating, but to be bold instead. No motivational talks, but the Word of God. Reprove, rebuke, and calls Paul also gave instructions about the tone of the preaching. He uses two words having a negative meaning and another that has a positive connotation: The entire valuable Ministry must have a balance of positive and negative.

The preacher who does not reprove or rebuke is not fulfilling its commitment. We should avoid Fables, in these times; the unconverted is thirsty to listen to a revealing Word, prophetic Word, alive and active Word, building Word, a Word of exhortation. The eyes of the world are upon the Christians. It should be noted, that On many occasions, convert men avoid and even say they do not want to know anything of Christianity; It is simply because they are tired of such hollow words, accompanied, in some cases, of bad experiences with a Christian.

The paradox of this situation is that, on the other hand, the world is thirsty for a revealing truth that changes their lives but it is difficult to discover it, the inconsistent of the Christian people and the diversity of sects and false doctrines. People in the world yearn desperately to identify themselves with a superior lifestyle that will convince them to escape the monotony and uncertainty. Many of these people are converted into an "easy" prey, for witchcraft and the worst is that they end up involved in these practices, since they are waiting to receive answers that will convince them.

The security and empowerment that characterize people who practice this type of cult and witchery make them believe that they are in the truth. But, what they do not know is that the Word of God tells us: Eloquent Preachers There are fluent preachers, who can recite the Bible from genesis to revelation without any risks to make mistakes, but their bad testimony of life, is not consistent with what they preach. If a man is eager to be a church leader, he desires an excellent work.

A church leader must be without fault; he must have only one wife, be sober, self-controlled, and orderly. He must not be a drunkard or a violent man, but gentle and peaceful; he must not love money; he must be able to manage his own family well and make his children obey him with all respect. For if a man does not know how to manage his own family, how can he take care of the church of God? He must be mature in the faith, so that he will no swell up with pride. Otherwise, he will not do anything with his own strength, because he would have many limitations, their prayers would be methodical, learned by heart and they would not be very limited.

In order to activate our call, with power and authority, we must crave that these tasks are assigned to be a joy for us, that to develop them, they would not represent a ministerial burden for us; just the opposite, we have to see these tasks as an opportunity to serve the lost.

Because, at the end, we are serving Jesus Himself. There, in our secret place, is where we would conquer our Ministry and the Lord will reward us in public. And your Father, who sees what you do in private, will reward you. From unbelieving parents, the children are going to be attracted by that same pattern of "disbelief".

The messy parents will probably have children with the same "habits"; some parents even can yell: These acquired patterns are very decisive. The same happens with the process of development in the new believers. In schools, teachers focus on students and parents, that there, the children are only given a legacy of values and cognitivism teaching , and they add that what a child receives at home definitely mark his personality and his temper. It is our responsibility to provide them, in their early stages of life, the unadulterated milk so they get nourished and strengthened.

In this way, the babies will develop their own defenses and antibodies to protect their lives. Remember that the Lord was the one who gave you this spiritual baby, so you can adopt him for a specific time. The Apostle Paul said: In this process, the spiritual baby is like a sponge that wants to absorb everything from you; he wishes to imitate you; he watches and analyze you when you least imagine; he talks as you speak; he wants to eat what you eat, to drink what you drink. When he observes you and you are quiet even face problems, he will be as quiet, peaceful and joyful as you are.

This gives him safety and confidence. If you invited your spiritual child to your home, whether for a praying meeting or simply to have lunch, try not get surprised for his face expression, because your spiritual child will look around his environment that day. That first impression is essential for building confidence between you, then he would start to imitate you and from that first experience on, he would start to see you as an authority figure and he would not like to disappoint you. Your spiritual child would be as a branch attached to you; now he will not look for or listen to other advice rather than yours.

From now on, when he needs an encouraging and helpful hand, who do you he will go to? To the main Pastor of the Congregation? To the leader of consolidation? To the Minister of Praise? To the President of Couples? To the President of Ladies? Through this biblical passage, the Lord, in his infinite wisdom, means that what it is needed is a church of radical actions.

The Lord is also confirming that our eyes and the eyes of the world will see your result, represented with new souls for the Lord, as a result of our determination. Your calling is like a clock that does not stop; the seconds, minutes, hours, days, months, years run; we have even resigned with attending the Church, Sunday after Sunday, hoping to hear the Word from our Pastor to have confirmation of our call and in the best of cases, we even have received invitation from our Pastors to develop the work; possibly, in evangelist campaigns or at any activity of the Church.

But even like this, we do not take part. What are we waiting for? The Lord chose you and me for Kingdom purposes. He deposited in you, so much talent and gifts; do not hide them. Today is the day of waking up with authority. Take decision to get involved with the work of the Lord, today! It is not time to procrastinate, because the enemy is the one who place the discouragement and ministerial laziness, he wants you inactive, while the world of darkness does not rest.

In these last decades, innumerable sects have been strengthened in the expansion of his heresies, because they are designed to work in homogeneous teams at the level of what they broadcast; they always work in a systematic and organized way, thus defined. In the same way, they train their leadership, to send them and conquer their potential "targets".

This diversity of sects does not work "alone"; they always have a main guide or mentor, who directs and controls them to express their philosophy, doctrine, or thought unanimously in which they are entrusted. One of the slogans of these sects is that the world sees and recognizes them immediately. In the case of some sects, the members strive to "convince" their possible prospects; their purpose is to sow the seeds of the doubt and to make them ponder in which they exposed to him and do not leave them alone until they achieve their aim.

These are strategies that produce the result expected by the cult, they speak of what people crave to hear and they exercise their heresy, daily; without fainting, this group of people are inexhaustible, or even being old- aged people is not a limiting factor for them.

There are countless sects whose vision is to confuse the non-Christian world with their false doctrines. In some cases, these practices are used with a lucrative purpose; people fall like sheep to the slaughter, for the simple reason that these sectarian groups took their attention and time, to achieve their goal. The people chosen by God, has been anonymously in silence, hidden, doubting, dispersed and in "conformism". Our Lord Jesus, let us a teaching and a wonderful legacy that we have to exercise and it is working for His work, in an organized manner and in teams.

This first team should be selected very carefully, in a rigorous, demanding and confirmed way by the Holy Spirit. When we work guided by a good mentor, someone who has a good testimony, a proved Minister, and a person who does not have ever to shame, it is when proper persons join the congregation; the converts will follow this tutor for his lifestyle and good testimony. A powerful function will begin to be unleashed and the growth outcomes will be noticeable as well as our Congregation will be benefited with a quantitative level.

Some congregations have implemented a vision to grow at the level of the houses, where a group of people meets, once a week, to share the Word of God, pray, worship, intercede, as this Apostolic vision is designed in the heart of our Lord Jesus, inspired in the primitive model, in which Jesus met, along with his Apostles, in different houses. Under the light of the Word, we can demonstrate that in these meetings, miracles, healings, deliverances happened and multitude of lives were transformed.

The first Ministry that the Lord wants us to conquer is our home, our family, our friends, neighbors, co-workers, fellows of University. Jesus taught us to conquer souls everywhere he walks; moreover, people join him on His way for His style of life and good testimony. In these moments, there is an unlimited number of souls that are being lost by drugs, alcoholism, theft, crime, witchcraft, fornication, adultery, depression and different kind of sins.

We, the people of the Lord, the