Missing Persons Locator Guide
All reports of missing people will be subject to review, either because of the passage of time or because new information comes to light. When a review takes place, the risk assessment will need to be reconsidered and should inform whether new or different actions are required. For children and adults in care, information from multi-agency safeguarding partners should be sought in order to inform the risk assessment and on-going activity.
The MPB serves all UK police forces as well as international and overseas police agencies, and is a part of a wider network of partners including other government departments, non-governmental organisations NGOs and stakeholders.
A practical guide to searching for a missing person
The MPB holds a database of missing persons, unidentified bodies, remains and people found in the UK and serves to match cases across police force boundaries. In addition to this the MPB also:. Police forces are required to submit case details to the MPB in relation to all:. In such cases consideration should also be given contacting the NCA Specialist. SOC can offer assistance to support investigative and search activity and has contact with a wide range of expert advisers. Case details are required for all missing persons who are outstanding 72 hours after they have been reported to the police.
These cases must reach the MPB within 84 hours of the initial report being taken. This requirement is to assist major crime investigations and in bringing closure to the families of missing people who are deceased. Cancellation of such reports must be submitted to the MPB within 24 hours of an identification being made. Charities Missing People charity. Missing People is a national, independent charity and offers support to missing people and their families. The charity works closely with police forces across the UK and can offer a range of services to support missing person investigations.
Previously known as Missing Abroad, the Lucie Blackman Trust Charity can offer a wealth of support to the families of missing persons, from coordinating international searches, to simply being someone to talk to. Other charities and services. Page last accessed 18 December Contact us Twitter Print Enter terms to search this site. Major investigation and public protection Missing persons.
What resources do you have on finding a missing friend or relative? | National Library of Australia
Services The MPB holds a database of missing persons, unidentified bodies, remains and people found in the UK and serves to match cases across police force boundaries. Your action plan should move from the easiest search to the most difficult. Along the way you want to fill in as many empty spots on your profile form as possible.
Regardless of the category of person you are trying to find, always follow each step in your action plan. You never know which one will pay off. Don't be afraid to jump around when following your plan.
If your investigation takes you down a certain path then continue to follow that path until it ends. Since the focus of this book is to enable you to find the average missing person in 30 minutes or less, I am not going to waste your time giving you a lot of background on each search tool. We're going to jump right into taking you through the steps of actually finding someone. This chapter deals with quick search techniques. These are the techniques that will enable you to find the average missing person in 30 minutes or less. If none of these techniques work then you can move on to the next chapter which details alternate techniques.
In my personal experience I have been able to find 9 out of 10 people that I have been looking for using one or more of the techniques in this chapter. In the following scenario I am going to use the name of a fictitious person. When you are following along simply replace my examples name with the name of the person who you are really looking for.
The chances are that by the time you reach the last word in this book you will have found your missing person. I am going to present each step in the order that you should perform them. Obviously, if you do not have a piece of information that is needed to perform that step then you will have to skip to the next or take a detour to some other method to get that missing piece of information. As you get good at this you will develop a sense of knowing exactly which step should be number one for your particular search. Print out a copy of the Profile Sheet in Appendix "A" and complete all of the information that you can.
I have completed all of the information that I know for my fictitious person. As you work through this list you will no doubt update many of the individual items multiple times. For example, as you get closer to finding the person you may have several addresses under item 14 and you might be able to fill in several names under item Now that we have the basic profile completed, its time to build the action plan to determine what we are going to do and the order that we are going to do it in.
No one lives forever and you can save yourself a lot of time by checking to make sure that your subject is still alive and living somewhere waiting to be found. Let's check the Social Security Death Records database to be sure. Notice that there are two forms on this page. The top form appears directly under the heading "Discover interesting facts about your family". You don't want that form. Scroll down to the form right under the heading that says: Enter as much of the information into that form as you can and click the Submit button.
Do not click the Advanced Search button. The search will return anyone who is deceased that has the same name as the person you are looking for. Your next step depends upon whether or not you have High School or College details. If you do then your work may be just about over. Alumni or Reunion directories are very popular. There is an excellent chance that your subject is either listed in one of these directories or someone who knows them is listed.
The major reunion directories cover thousands of colleges and high schools across the United States. There is usually a free and a paid membership option. The free option often lets you search for a members name after you join. Some sites even let you search before you join. Some sites will allow free members to post messages in public chat or message board areas.
This is a great way to "shout out" and see if anyone knows where your missing person is. If your subject is listed then you're all set. If not, then try reaching out to other members from the same year. Its rare that you won't find someone who knows something that can help you. There are literally hundreds of telephone directories available on-line. Some directory sites even provide access to a limited number of international telephone directories. Searching an on-line telephone directory is very simple. If you don't know all of that information, some sites will let you search my First and Last Name only and some will let you search simply by last name.
Obviously the more information you enter the shorter your list will be. The great thing about these directories is that you can get a snapshot of all people with your subjects name across the entire country.
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Of course, this is only going to help you if the person has a phone and that phone is listed in their name. While you may not come up with your subject directly, the chances are good that you can shake loose a relative or two. Here are the top white pages search sites and the minimum information that is required in order to perform a search at that site:. If you found your subject then you're all done. If you found some people that you think might either be your subject or someone who might know your subject, then simply give them a call and see what you can find out.
If you've come this far and you haven't found your missing person yet, don't worry.
Search form
I'm about to introduce you to some more powerful searching tools. Some of these tools charge a fee to use but I'm going to show you how to get all the leads you can handle out of them for free! Don't worry; we won't be doing anything illegal. We're just going to use the information that they are willing to provide people at no cost and then use other free methods to develop that information further.

There are a number of fee-based web sites that will give you access to public record information. This public information varies from liens and lawsuit filings to drivers license information, birth, death, marriage and divorce records. The type of information that is available depends upon the state that you are searching in. Different states have varying laws about what public information can be disclosed. There are also federal laws which take precedence over individual states. There is no question that the fee-based sites are the quickest way to find most people.
The only issue is whether or not you want to spend the money to access the files. The "Free" in their title refers to the fact that this web site will let you search public records without paying a surcharge above their very modest annual membership fee of year. Not really my definition of free. The good news is that you can get some very good leads from this service without paying any fee at all. Here's how it works. Leave the State blank if you don't know it for sure.
Click the "Submit Search Request" button. However, if the search found matches then you will see a list of every person in the database who matched the name you entered including their Last name, First name, City State and Age. That's more than enough information to take over to one of the free White Pages sites and possibly wrap up your search in a few minutes and it didn't cost you a dime!
There's a slight bug in the program at this site. It places the person's middle initial right next to the last letter in their first name. This is another site which checks public records. Don't confuse it with the PeopleFinder link at the first site that I gave you.
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It's an entirely different site. They seem to have more records than FreePublicRecords. Still, that's a start and you can go back to the telephone directories and see what you can find. Yet another public records site with a free search option. This one will only reveal the persons Age, State and the last date that the record was updated.
That's all pretty valuable information, especially the date last updated. That will tell you how fresh the lead is. One interesting feature of this site is that it will also show you the names of other people residing in the same household.
People Search: Missing Persons
If you've reached this point and you have not found your subject yet, its time to play some long shots. The next chapter will discuss your remaining options before you have to resort to hiring someone to do the work for you. There's still some hope of finding your missing person even though you have tried all of the most obvious methods.
In this chapter we're going to try some alternate search methods that may not lead you directly to the person you are seeking, but one of these methods may uncover enough information for you to add to your Profile sheet and go back to the Quick Search section armed with more information. It is mind boggling how much information has been categorized and indexed by search engines.
Each of the major search engines take a different approach to the technology but they all manage to do the job pretty well. The key to success when using a search engine is to understand the advanced search capabilities of each one. To that end, the author includes several noteworthy articles from private investigation professionals including:. While this guidebook may be useful for birthparents, children, and siblings trying to reconnect with each other, Missing Persons Locator Guide goes far beyond the scope of adoption and family issues.
You can use it to find lost loves, schoolmates, military friends, past business associates and more. The author details the multitude of resources available to anyone who is willing or wanting to find someone on their own. She also informs readers how to find a good private investigator for their specific needs if they decide they want the services of a licensed professional with experience. This book is also useful if you've ever considered a career as a private investigator.
There are some amusing sections such as information about dumpster diving and garbology—real stuff. The work of a private investigator is neither as exciting nor glamorous as books and movies often depict.