Manhunt In The Capital (Capital Series Book 5)
Jameson's brother is the husband of O'Keefe's sister. State parole officials initially rejected the Argyle residence, Jameson said, but approved it recently. Supporters had questioned why it took so long, Jameson said. All state inmates going to supervision must have their residence approved, regardless of their underlying conviction. Jameson said he regularly speaks with O'Keefe by phone, but hasn't spoken with him since the residence was approved.
O'Keefe, then a year-old whose criminal record dated to in California, was also facing first-degree burglary, larceny, sexual abuse and unlawful imprisonment charges after he sexually attacked a woman at knifepoint in her Round Lake home. He made the woman's young daughter stay in a closet during the attack. O'Keefe's capture in October put an end to 14 days of angst for Capital Region residents. Skip to main navigation. Subscriber login Enter your email address. Enter the password that accompanies your email address.
Saratoga still divided on issue of arming school grounds monitors 9: Time to end cash bail 9: Release info about Schoharie limo crash site 5: Joel O'Keefe, subject of manhunt, to be released. The part that I would change about this book is including more information on the Civil War itself such as why it was being fought and what the thoughts were about the war from Davis and Lincoln.
The author could have provided more insight on the main characters opinions on slavery. Other than this small detail, the book was amazing to read. I recommend this book to all readers above the level of young adult. This book provides a different angle on the war by providing information on the characters that are fighting each other. I was given a new perspective on both sides of the war, with Lincoln and Davis. It is amazing to see what each of them thought about. In fact, they were both alike in multiple ways; 1.
See a Problem?
This has changed my view on wars, especially the Civil War, greatly and I think it will for others too. Jan 08, Jessie rated it liked it. Bloody Times by James Swanson is a very informative and detailed nonfiction book about the death of Abraham Lincoln and the relationship between himself and the confederate president, Jefferson Davis. Abraham Lincoln is the main character in this book and he is portrayed as a strong and passionate leader for his country. His past is quite sorrowful as he has had many deaths in his family including two of his sons, Eddie and William, his mother, his brother, and his sister.
The book mentions brie Bloody Times by James Swanson is a very informative and detailed nonfiction book about the death of Abraham Lincoln and the relationship between himself and the confederate president, Jefferson Davis. The book mentions briefly his past and how the death of his sons affected him greatly. During his time as president Lincoln has his cabinet members, army officials, his wife and two children.
He is described physically, as a tall white man with black hair and broad shoulders.
Joel O'Keefe, subject of manhunt, to be released | The Daily Gazette
Throughout the book, Lincoln makes wise decisions during the Civil War and fights to win his country back. On the other side of the story there is Jefferson Davis, who is the president of the Confederate States. Davis also had the people supporting him especially, his generals and family. The book starts off right away in Richmond, Virginia, the capital city of the Confederacy. In Richmond, Davis hears news about the Union approaching Virginia ready to attack. Davis is in shock and hopes his general, Robert Lee can defeat the North.
Davis assembled his cabinet members immediately and generates a plan. On the other hand, while Davis was receiving this surprising message, Lincoln was traveling south to meet with members of the army and produce a plan as well. After the initial waning, the date was April 3rd and Davis knew he had to leave Richmond and not many hours later, the Union invaded the city and took over the government buildings. Davis was filled with sorrow and gloom and he traveled South, away from the city that was no longer his.
On the other hand Lincoln and the rest of Washington, D. C was full of emotion and happiness that Richmond had fallen and was know in the possession of the Union. The book goes on giving an immense amount of detail about other events and especially, the movement each president makes around the country.
Another big issue in the book is prominently, the death of Abraham Lincoln. In this part of the book Davis is mentioned more because at the time many people thought Davis planned the assassination. The reader really gets a sense of how much travels and hiding Davis and his crew have to do because they have people coming after them. However, I did learn quite a lot of information which I am grateful for. What was interesting about this book is all the little and precise detail.
Something I disliked about this book is the length. At times I was bored and was tired of all the detail. Despite of this, someone who would like to know as much as detail as possible, would most likely enjoy this book. Also, I did not enjoy that there was not a table of contents, I believe this would have been ideal in a nonfiction book because when reader go back to look for a specific detail it becomes a lot harder for them without a table of contents. I would recommend this book to anyone who finds the Civil War and both presidents interesting.
Overall, I enjoyed this book because I learned a lot and thought it gave me a better understanding on the Civil War. Jan 06, Jonathan Willis rated it it was amazing. With the capture of Richmond Virginia, the capital of the Confederacy, and the surrender of Robert E. Lee's army, the war was truly lost for the south. It was time for the last remaining government officials and the president himself, Jefferson Davis to flee down into the south in a desperate attempt to escape capture.
Before the manhunt for Davis could even begin Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by John Wilkes Booth, who would later be shot and killed in a barn. With Booth killed and Summary: With Booth killed and the funeral for Lincoln over, the Union could focus there efforts on finding Jefferson Davis. Upon finding Davis's camp, it was quickly surrounded by Union troops, and without a single shot fired by the Confederates, Davis was captured. Davis would serve about a year in prison before his trail would come up, but before it would accrue Davis's admirers posted a bail of a hundred thousand dollars, and he was freed.
Davis would live the rest of his life happily with his family. Dying at the age of eighty one, Jefferson Davis was still loved by meany of the southern people. What I liked about this book is the way the author presented it. How he laid out the facts. It was just so very interesting. It was not boring or dull like most of what you would read in a history book.
Secondly, I liked how unbiased the book was. The author seemed to not make it so black and white. Most would point out Jefferson to be a evil and bad man. The author would describe Lincoln and Davis as a person by using the only direct source you can use. One thing that I found very interesting was how upset and saddened Davis was at hearing about Lincolns death. What I Did Not Like: Well there is only one problem that I have with this book.
What seemed like a large portion of the book, was spent on Lincolns assassination and the many details in which that contains. Swanson's previous book, Chasing Lincoln's Killer, which I have all ready read, had already covered everything about Lincoln's assassination. It seemed to me that the parts in this book that talk about Lincoln's assassination are almost a complete copy and paste from Chasing Lincoln's Killer. This was very disappointing. Jan 07, bbalon23 rated it it was ok. This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here.
Bloody Times By James L. Swanson The book was about the Civil War and in particular the conflicts that arose specifically between the Confederacy and the Union. Most of the story revolved around Jefferson Davis and Abraham lincoln and covered all of the events leading up to the end of the war. Jefferson Davis is trying to flee from the country because he know that the Union is winning the war. The United States were in the hands of the Union, and both him and Lincoln knew it. Lincoln was doing fine until one day when he went to the theater.
One of the actors was a Confederate sympathizer and had made the decision to assassinate Lincoln in the theater. Lincoln was shot that day and had lived for a few more days before meeting his ultimate demise. His embalmed body was then paraded around the country and was greatly received by all who saw it. Davis was caught with his wife and kids and a few soldiers in camp that they had made to sleep in for the night.
Davis was then duly taken to prison. The book as a whole was not enjoyable. It was boring, repetitive, and did not have much humor within it. What was enjoyable was that it told the story from the perspectives of Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln, thus making it a more factual story rather than it being a subjective book. That was probably the only redeeming quality about it though and the rest was just monotonous to read. Overall it was an unenjoyable train ride through the United States. Oct 11, Sofia Nadezhdina rated it really liked it.
I read this book for a Social Studies project. At first I was very skeptic about the whole project. I honestly did not expect a very sharp turn of events about the Lincoln asassination. Before reading this book I briefly knew the general summary of the asassination of the great Union President. This novel starts out slow and about in the late middle there is a climax of the story. Assasination of Abarham Lincoln.
This in my opinion did not startle me much. Because before this I knew about the I read this book for a Social Studies project. Because before this I knew about the assasination and all the details accompanied around it. There is another climax near the end of the book where John Wilkes Booth was found in a shed then ofcourse captured and killed. ThIs is the part personally for me that was the "main" climax of the story.
Bloody Times: The Funeral of Abraham Lincoln and the Manhunt for Jefferson Davis
Maybe this is because I have already touched the part of history that included the assasination. For each person it is very different and people with high knowledge about the event might find this book boring, uniteresting, too easy. For people that have heard and maybe studied the assasination and manhunt in school for example might find extra details very eye opening and might even appreciate Jefferson Davis's percpective a little more. This book does not cover the author's opinion, it does not cover how an individual feels about certain things, there are no sides and clear lines to guide the reader into the tunnel.
It would be too simple if the author just gave a chandaleir to the reader and let them walk through the tunnel stepping over every rock and boulder. Instead the author gives us a tiny torch to hold in our hands to explore, to learn to see every single rock in every shadow, in every way, to understand and digest what has been put in front of us and to analyze carefully with precision.
Being careful not to underestimate the power of opinion and judgement. Jun 22, Adrienne rated it liked it Shelves: Swanson describes the final days of the Civil War, with Jefferson David determined to keep the Confederacy fighting even after Robert E. Lee's surrender, and Lincoln's assassination shortly after Lee's surrender. Davis, not even knowing yet that Lincoln had been killed, retreated further into the South, trying to figure out how to continue the fight, while many in the North believed he was to blame for Lincoln's death.
As Davis cut a path across the South, Lincoln's corpse was loaded on a train Swanson describes the final days of the Civil War, with Jefferson David determined to keep the Confederacy fighting even after Robert E. As Davis cut a path across the South, Lincoln's corpse was loaded on a train and toured many cities in the North before being laid to rest at home in Illinois. An interesting contrast between what the living Davis and the deceased Lincoln were doing after the surrender of Robert E.
Lee, this book contains many interesting details and shows how Lincoln was revered by many people and his legacy begun. At the same time, though, the writing wasn't always very smooth; for example, there's a section where the author describes how Lincoln's casket was in the White House which then branches off into tangential information about how previously, his son has died and also lain in the White House, and then branches even further off to describe the death of one of Davis's sons.
While interesting information, these types of tangents disrupted the continuity of the book. Additionally, there are some bolded words in the text that are included in a glossary, but there seemed to be no rhyme or reason to which words were selected; there were some that seemed decidedly too easy that were included and others that are more difficult words that weren't, and the inconsistency irritated me.
I don't think many young readers would notice, though, so perhaps I'm being overly picky.
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Jul 09, Joan rated it it was ok Recommends it for: This book feels chopped down from the adult version. I was very surprised to find no internet sites listed in the back matter. He does a good job describing how all cities en route from Washington DC to Springfield tried to outdo each other in copious displays of mourning, giving numbers who viewed the casket, etc. However, when he gets the train to Springfield, he remarks Springfield knew they c This book feels chopped down from the adult version.
However, when he gets the train to Springfield, he remarks Springfield knew they could not hope to match the large cities' displays mentioning a few rather minor things about the town. There was a good photo of Lincoln's house engulfed in bunting, etc. He barely mentioned the funeral at all which should have been the high point of this whole tale. He tells how Lincoln would have been disgusted at the vengeful speech at his funeral and that he wouldn't have liked the fancy coffin and memorial. Who was at the funeral?
Surely local dignitaries showed up! Any family present, such as his stepmother? He clearly has negative opinions about Mary and essentially caricatures her. The manhunt for Davis was clearly much more interesting to Swanson, and he does a much better job on that part of the story. That part was much more interesting and saves this book from getting only one star. Jul 22, C. Thomas rated it really liked it Shelves: This is the sequel to Swanson' first book, Manhunt. I distinctly remember memorizing random facts of battles I had no interest in.
Had this book been around then, I think my love for history would have popped up much sooner.
Manhunt in Denmark shuts down bridges and ferries to Copenhagen
My absolute favorite part was the section on Lincoln's funeral--haunting and sobering. I don't This is the sequel to Swanson' first book, Manhunt. I don't think I've ever seen photos or read information quite like that. Just like the first one, the facts in this book are absolutely amazing! Why isn't this stuff more well-known and thanks, Mr. Swanson, for letting me know this stuff.

With that being said, I didn't like this one quite as well as Manhunt. This one dragged a bit in places and I would really have liked to have known more about the manhunt for J. It seems as if more enthusiasm should have been shown for the capture of Davis and more written about the cross-dressing story!
This will be a harder read for young people who didn't already have the knowledge about this time period in history. Oct 26, Evan added it. I haven't finished Bloody Times yet but it is a descent book. Bloody Times was written by James Swanson and its the first book I've ever read by him. It is the first non-fiction book that I have read this year. The book takes place in the s just like the last book I read Which Way Freedom. Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis, real people, were talked about in the book. Abraham Lincol I haven't finished Bloody Times yet but it is a descent book.
Abraham Lincoln was president of the split nation. Jefferson Davis was the leader of the Confederacy during the war. I thought it was neat learning about there history through the book. It is very important to know. Jefferson Davis was not a good man in my eyes. He betrayed his country and later in the book we find that he is part of the Lincoln assassination conspiracy.
Abraham Lincoln was a great president especially under the circumstances. I liked Abraham Lincoln. The book Bloody Times is very well written and very interesting.
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It isn't my favorite book of all-time, though. I haven't finished it yet and it will be my first book read for quarter two. I can't wait to discover what all happens until the end. I am looking forward to continue reading the book. Nov 26, David rated it liked it. The book Bloody Times by: Swanson is about the funeral of Abraham Lincoln and the manhunt for Jefferson Davis. The book starts out with Jefferson Davis in church on Sunday and he gets a letter that says the Union army was approaching and he quietly left and ran away.
He soon died in The Petersen House and everyone was confused about the funeral. The funeral ran across from Was The book Bloody Times by: The funeral ran across from Washington D. I thought this book was really interesting because it contained details that I never really knew about. But what I liked about this book is that it's more like a story than an article with just a bunch of facts. But all in all I thought it was a very interesting book. I'd recommend this book to people who likes information on Abraham Lincoln and Jefferson Davis.
I'd also recommend the book that was before this one because it was very interesting and factual. I'd also recommend this book to people who like non fiction. Feb 21, Abby R. Bloody times James L. This book very well describes Abraham Lincoln's murder, death, and funereal, where thousands of mourners showed up along Lincoln's dead body travel to show respect and see their beloved president one last time. Meanwhile Jefferson Davis is on the run. He is also a beloved president. He though b Bloody times James L. He though believed the south had not lost the war even though they had surrendered to the enemy.
Jefferson Davis unlike Abraham Lincoln did die from natural causes and had a huge funeral like Abraham Lincoln had have not so long before his own. I really did like this book. It was a good book honestly it made me feel like I was right there when everything was going on. Also I didn't concentrate on just one person at one time which I hate. It told about for example the news that Abraham Lincoln's murder had got to Jefferson Davis and how it affected him. Honestly this is a good book for anyone who wants a good, fast nonfiction book to read Oct 25, Steven W.
Swanson Bloody Times is a very interesting book about Lincolns death. The Civil War is nearing its end with the Union crushing any hope for the confederates winning the war. Jefferson Davis the president of the Confederates just lost Richmond Davis is now on the run trying not to be captured by the Union. Davis moves south and doesn't stop. At the same times Lincoln is giving his final speech ever October; Bloody Times: At the same times Lincoln is giving his final speech ever.
Later that night Lincoln decided to go to the theater with his wife. People are claiming that Davis was the mastermind that killed Lincoln. The theme in this book is simple it is to never give up. After Lincolns death the whole country was sad. But it didn't stop them from moving on. They kept going they elected a new president. Also when the Union was close to losing they came back and stop the Confederates.
Mar 20, Brenda rated it really liked it.
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A lot of people around here are interested in the Civil War, because of how near we are to Gettysburg. If you grew up around Gettysburg, then you know a lot about Abraham Lincoln and his famous speech at Gettysburg. But how much do you know about Jefferson Davis? Jefferson Davis was also president at the same time that Lincoln was? How could that be? Answers Yes, he was the president of the Confederacy. This book, Bloody Times, explores what happened to these two men at the end of the Civil Wa A lot of people around here are interested in the Civil War, because of how near we are to Gettysburg.