Lost Tomb of the Knights Templar Sample chapters
Lots of collected Info and Links. Dutch Website - lots of good info.
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Rennes le Chateau Revelation website. Facts about the Languedoc Cathars. Gerard Thom Rennes-le-Chateau Bloodline parchments. Fleury Tableau an in-depth look: Royston Cave - Templar Cave carvings? The Man, the Myth, the Tomb. Grail Diary Blog -Rennes-le-Chateau news and info. Original research and pics. Cathars in the Languedoc, plus lots more. The Languedoc, Midi, South of France. Details of the castles including Carcassonne and Montsegur. Histories, ownership, role in the Albigensian Crusade, castle sieges, photographs, plans, original source documents.
Book reviews of books about the Languedoc: Bad News About Christianity. Facts about the history and theology of the Christian Churches: Catholic, Protestant and Orthodox. Also First Portuguese Forum. Oppenheimer ResearcherI know you think I am biased, maybe I am The layout which i believe was done mostly by Bill Kersey appears to me to be excellent. Easy on the eye. The font size that some of you here criticised seems to me to be the correct size too.
The illustrations are good, plentiful and seem to me to be all relevant. I must say, this must have been a labour of love for all concerned. It must have been a mammoth job to get it finally into print. It looks prefessional even though it was not 'professionally' published. Its a very different animal to the 'usual' books concerned with Rennes Le Chateau.
Its just one persons story about how he became embroiled in Rennes Research. And the unfolding of that story All the infamous papers are there How will you interpret it all? Now you can make up your own mind Ben Hammott's life commenced at the outset of this adventure when he assumed this nom-de-guerre as a protection against threats and actual physical destruction of property. But for Berenger Sauniere the Priest, who prepared an elaborate series of tests and security measures to protect the lives of himself and those near to him, Ben Hammott was such a man.
The Priest needed a man of integrityand ingenuity possessing special qualities to whom he could entrust secrets for a future generation to discover and reveal to the world aghast. Now, in this future generation Ben Hammott an anagram of 'The Tombman , reveals all. But there is yet more! Would you like to tell us about a lower price?
If you are a seller for this product, would you like to suggest updates through seller support? Treasure, tombs, secret codes and hidden clues, a brutal murder, the Knights Templar and year old relics - it could be the premise for a new archaeological thriller. Except that it is real. What begins as a treasure hunt and a bit of fun and adventure, leads an Englishman to the tiny French village of Rennes-le-Chateau, where an ordinary man unlocked a mysterious puzzle set up by a priest years ago.
Abbe Berenger Sauniere became mysteriously and fabulously rich after finding a hidden parchment when carrying out repairs to the Church of Mary Magdalene. Subsequent to Sauniere's death in , speculation was rife about the possible source of his sudden wealth. Some have said it was proceeds from the sale of an ancient or a Royal Treasure. Or it might have been hush money paid by the Vatican to keep Sauniere quiet, but if so what did Sauniere find that they were so afraid of? As many believe, the mysterious priest had embedded clues in his church decoration leading to a treasure or a secret, and the source of his wealth.
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- Lost Tomb of the Knights Templar by Ben Hammott.
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- Rennes le Chateau Links!
When Ben Hammott enters the church he soon spots something that everyone else has somehow missed - a key that deciphers some of the embedded clues. Painstakingly deciphering and following the clues, Ben is led to a discovery of year-old artefacts, a treasure of gold, and a Knights Templar tomb containing a body under a shroud! The area surrounding Rennes-le-Chateau features prominently in the bloodline legend which follows the premise that Mary Magdalene escaped Jerusalem with child, sailed to France and settled in the region. Centuries old manuscripts also support this legend.
Mitochondrial DNA tests carried out on a hair sample give the body a Middle Eastern profile, rare in Europe with an incidence of only 4 percent - Are the legends and the tomb linked? Read more Read less. Review This book tells of the mysterious happenings at Rennes-le-Chateau, a small village in the South of France. Don't have a Kindle?
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Try the Kindle edition and experience these great reading features: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. I'm getting all conspiracy-theorist on you. But, seriously, these people are discovering real, legitimate relics. This guy, Hammot, he was the one who found the body in the tomb. I mean, what if, once they properly excavate the tomb, they can bring an anthropologist in and they can determine whether or not the woman gave birth! They have this tour coming up in September I know it's I know, I know, I know.
I know it's ludicrous for me to even entertain the idea of going because first, my parents would NEVER let me! It's kind of in France. But what if I could! I'm getting way too excited about this I am so weird. Jan 27, Ben Hammott rated it it was amazing. This is best book I have read on the fascinating subject of Rennes-le-Chateau subject and the most enjoyable non-fiction book I have ever read. Although it seems to have been written for the non-academic reader, it is nevertheless a comprehensive, scholarly approach to the Rennes-le-Chateau mystery and reveals many new area of research not covered by other books written on this subject.
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Anyone who subscribes to some of the myths and pseudo histories involving the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau sho This is best book I have read on the fascinating subject of Rennes-le-Chateau subject and the most enjoyable non-fiction book I have ever read. Anyone who subscribes to some of the myths and pseudo histories involving the mystery of Rennes-le-Chateau should read this book, because you will learn something new. Ben Hammott's writing style makes the book vastly enjoyable, and in many places, very, very, funny.
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- Anyone heard of 'Ben Hammott' & the Templar Knight Tomb discovery?.
With the addition of Hammott's humorous, and sometimes ill-fated, journeys through France, it reads like a travel book in places. But this is not a criticism as the trips are very enjoyable and enables the reader to get an idea of the author's character. It also adds to the story Hammott is telling about his research and discoveries over the years.

How I would have liked to be with him on some of his trips as they seem to have been very exciting at times. Because I don't want to spoil the surprise for those who will read the book, I have purposely given nothing away about the book's content. I read it without really knowing much about it, and I thoroughly enjoyed the experience and I am sure other readers will also. But I will mention it is an exciting treasure hunt that starts with the deciphering of clues hidden in the decorations of an ancient church dedicated to Mary Magdalene.
At over pages and over images, it is very good value for money. As soon as I started reading I did not want to stop.
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This is definitely a book that keeps you turning the pages, which is unusual for a work of non-fiction. Even if you have never heard of, or have no interest in, Rennes-le-Chateau, the Knights Templar, treasure hunting or Mary Magdalene, do not let that put you off reading this book. It is not your typical non-fiction prose, it is so much better. I would recommend this to anyone who wants a thrilling enjoyable read. Learning history has never been so fun. I can also recommend highly Beginnings: It's an exciting Archaeological Thriller and is his first novel on the same subject.