Forever (Who Loves Me Book 4)
It highlight some issues such as trust, communication, parenthood and commitment.
See a Problem?
I like how Miss Lynn describing those issued for Connor and Ellery. I feel the sex scenes is too much and not necessary. I feel like the author wants to build the tension and steamy sex is to make this book more appealing. But I think Miss Lynn can investing more creating more dramatic on the story instead of the sex scen This book is a story about marriage life.
But I think Miss Lynn can investing more creating more dramatic on the story instead of the sex scenes. And for that I am bit disappointed with this book. Dec 18, Khadidja rated it did not like it. Mar 28, Jennifer rated it it was amazing Shelves: We truly got to see how Conner and Ellery's life turned out. I have loved both of these characters since the beginning.
Conner and Ellery were just such strong characters. Yes they both had jealousy and trust issues at times but as a couple you could just feel the love and connection between them. I thought this book was great, not only did we get to see how Conner and Ellery end up the author created 5 Forever Us Stars I thought this book was magnificent. I thought this book was great, not only did we get to see how Conner and Ellery end up the author created some new twists and drama to keep us turning the page. Plus she also gave us an ending to the Ashlyn storyline.
I was happy to see how that worked out. We also got to see an emotional side to the characters when something happens to someone very close to both of them. I would definitely recommend this book to anyone who is a fan of the author or has read the other two books in this trilogy. You really don't want to miss this book. It totally brings Conner and Ellery's story full circle.
It also sets up for the next novella that is being released in December I excited to read about her story and see more of Mr. Nov 27, Quinn rated it it was ok. Why read something ordinary that happens to all of us. I read a book to get get lost in someone else's story that is not ordinary. Taking care of the baby? Eating at a restaurant? Why do I want to read about all of that and it was a big part of the book.
View all 3 comments. Nov 04, Katrina Tingle rated it really liked it. This is my favorite book of the series. We get to see Connor in a whole new light. But will old habbits die hard And will an encounter in an elevator change things for Ellery forever. Read and see if their love is strong enough to get them through. Dec 01, Kathy M rated it it was amazing. An amazing ending of an amazing series. I have to say that I almost cried in the subway while readig the last chapter and the epilogue.
It was hard to keep my tears at bay and all the way through those chapters had a huge lump in my throat. Can't wait for and I just know that I'll cry my eyes off then. Aug 16, Francine Lou rated it it was amazing Shelves: I loved this last book of the forever trilogy! There is a feeling of being complete reading Connor and Ellery continuing their life with a new baby and tackling life's challenges along with their life changing event! It was great to feel how much they loved one another and got through so much! Connor and Ellery made me laugh so many times in this book as the first book made me cry more than laugh.
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I also loved Denny as he was such a great father figure and hilarious at times! Wait until you h I loved this last book of the forever trilogy! Wait until you hit the scene of the hotel with the party where it was so intense that I was basically screaming and my blood pressure must have risen as I was so anxious and tense!
The author have such a surprise and she did an excellent job in that scene! I almost collapsed finishing that scene in relief! The author played that scene so well!!! I hated to see their story ending and loved every bit of it!!! They complete and love each other forever! Nov 27, Brianna rated it liked it. I was so excited for this one. I preordered and everything. But as I was reading I just felt something lacking. It lacked a serious storyline and I was severely disappointed.
I felt like every 10 minut 2. I felt like every 10 minutes they were mad at each other for 5 sentences and then making up in the next two or they were talking about how much they wanted to make love to one another. I felt as though I was reading the same thing over and over. The mysterious texts Ellery got didn't impress me and it was so quick to the point I was just like what the hell is going on? Really grating to my ear.
The story had a lot of filler and not too much action. I felt like there was a lot of repetition of lessons already learned, but apparently now forgotten and then a rehash of the issue. There was a flurry of excitement in the end, but it was just too little, too late. All in all, I did enj 2.
All in all, I did enjoy the series and this one would have been better read than listened to. Nov 25, Kim rated it it was amazing. Ok, I dropped another book to read this, that's how much I wanted to read about Ellery and Connor. Thank God Ellery kept her sass, smart mouth and Witt, love a fierce chick and she delivered. Connor you are unbelievable, still love you to pieces. My only criticism is that it wasn't long enough - less than 5 hours, I wanted longer.
Loved the epilogue - beautiful HEA. Nov 26, Marylynn Messenger rated it did not like it. Ugh if I could give this book no stars I would! I felt like this book was written by a different author and had to give up 40 pages in! Scopriamo tutto sul travaglio, sulle poppate, la dentizione Ma cosa aveva in mente la cara Sandi quando ha scritto questa roba qui sfugge alla mia comprensione.
Poi forse per spezzare un po' dal solito tran tran fatto dagli strilli di Julia, pause per il sesso, litigate random, la Lynn ci butta dentro la psicopatica Ashlyn e la storia del processo. Vediamo un po' quanto dura Allora buttiamoci un altro tizio che perde la testa per Ellery, la calamita delle sfighe, ma quando dura?
Dramma inutilissimo per Denny Stendiamo un velo pietoso sui due protagonisti: May 27, MzzBookworm rated it it was amazing Shelves: I didn't want it to end.. Connor is the perfect guy I cant wait for Julia'sbook I would love to see these books nase into a movie Sandi you did an amazing job with Forever Trilogy May 03, Chris- Bookaddict rated it it was amazing Shelves: En este libro continua la historia de amor entre Connor y Ellery, pero ahora con un nuevo miembro de la familia, Julia, me ha encantado ver a estos personajes en su papel de padres, como son y como experimentan esta nueva aventura.
Por lo de antes ha sido genial, aunque la verdad es que creo que este libro ya te da spoilers de las novelas de Julia y Collin, creo que eso tampoco me ha gustado. I'm so excited for it. I'm looking forward to more of Tina, but I'm also psyched to see a bit more of Gavin and Corabelle, too I'm definitely not tired of them yet! It brought me back to two characters that I absolutely loved in Forever Innocent , and may have tossed some upheaval in their lives, but it also brought amazing things as well.
I was a bit nervous when I first read the book's description, but in the end, I was extremely happy with how Deanna Roy tied everything together, and I am super excited to get to see a bit more of Gavin and Corabelle in Tina's story, Forever Sheltered D And finally, I have to admit that a big part of me loves the covers for these books because I think the cover model for Gavin looks a lot like the actor who plays Nick David Giuntoli on Grimm and I think that guy is a super hottie!
Have you already read Forever Innocent and can't wait to read Forever Loved? And if you haven't read either, do you want to? No long, drawn out review here - it doesn't need it. Forever Loved followed on beautifully from where we left off in Forever Innocent. Again I found Deanna's writing easy to read, it flows perfectly, and the emotions are portrayed so well but in a way that I found the reader doesn't drown in them.
I was happy with the end, however, me being me I wanted more. Corabelle and Gavin story was so much more than just a second chance romance. It was about coming to terms with the loss of a child, it was about grieving and it was about redemption. The ending of the first book in the series left me a complete mess.
It wasn't all hearts and flowers as I said in my review but it was hopefully the start of a journey that would get them as close to a HEA as they would "Forever Innocent" was such a beautiful yet heart breaking book that had me in floods of tears. It wasn't all hearts and flowers as I said in my review but it was hopefully the start of a journey that would get them as close to a HEA as they would ever get. So how did this sequel "Forever Loved" fair? I'll be completely honest. I was a little bummed that the synopsis was changed to reveal details about a child Gavin had possibly fathered through Rosa the Prostitute.
This story line played such a huge part in the book and I felt as if I'd been cheated out of that whole "OMG I never saw that coming, heart rate goes through the roof I think because I was prepared for it from the outset, I kinda felt a little disconnected from the whole plot and I didn't want that.
I wanted to feel all the emotions the various characters went through when they discovered the secret, the angst, the pain, the tears but I didn't get any of that. Don't get me wrong, it was a great twist but the element of surprise whilst reading the book would have really been the icing on the cake for me. You stick with hookers for years to avoid entanglements, and you end up with the biggest sand trap of them all. Despite everything they'd had to endure, there were still so many hoops they had to jump through. The biggie was the one already mentioned but there were so many others.
Life wasn't getting easier any time soon. These sub plots kept me reading and I hoped that at some point I'd see some light at the end of the tunnel for these two. The relationship between Gavin and Corabelle remained Fragile. It wasn't their feelings for each other that made it this way though. Oh no, their love for one another wasn't in question. It was more their reactions to different situations and events and whether what they shared would be enough to see them through the difficult times they faced. Of all the things I could have imagined, Gavin having a child with another woman was the biggest nightmare.
I saw Gavin try so hard to be a rock for Corabelle. She was his priority now and she would always come first. He was making up for lost time and it was beautiful to read, He couldn't let her down In Corabelle, I saw a real strength. Yes there were moments where it would be easier to go back to her old methods of coping with everything but instead, I saw her face her demons and that took guts.
Although an enjoyable read, I have to say, the story line was a little slow at times. I wanted the whole explosion and drama that went with it but for me, it fell a little short. Maybe this was another sign of Corabelle becoming a stronger person? I'm just clutching at straws. Corabelle and Gavin did get their HEA which was great. It wasn't perfect but then with their past and everything else that was thrown at them, it was never going to be.
The next book in the series will focus on Tina. I can't wait to hear her story and we did get an inkling as to the direction it might take. I also hope at some point we get Jenny's story too. I loved her character and she definitely brought some much needed humour to the story.
Life is just as hard as it was at the other two star parties but this time we're in it together. ARC received for a honest review Jan 26, Three Chicks rated it really liked it. Gavin and Corabelle suddenly found themselves each living out their dream by the sea 4 years after burying their infant son. Gavin walked away from it all and Corabelle was left to put herself back together again.
Corabelle has struggled with the death of Finn, placing the blame on herself for smoking pot before she knew she was pregnant. Gavin dealt with his grief in his own way by having a vasectomy. Neither of them had spoken to each other for 4 years. In Forever Loved, we witness Gavin and C Gavin and Corabelle suddenly found themselves each living out their dream by the sea 4 years after burying their infant son. In Forever Loved, we witness Gavin and Corabelle trying to find their way back to each other, building up the trust that they had so long ago.
The love has always been there with neither of them moving on to another, but after Finn died and Gavin walked away the hurt has replaced everything else that they had good for themselves in their young loving relationship. Corabelle still enjoys the calmness and peace she finds when she reaches for the black escape. How do you move forward? Still, we had so much terrain to cover. Or if we should. Gavin is determined to prove his love and devotion to Corabelle and her parents.
He is remaining by her side during a difficult time in her life, demonstrating to them all that he is not going to run away again. Corabelle and Gavin are working towards achieving individual happiness and solace with each other. Everything had meaning again — why I was in school, where I was going, who I wanted to be. He had been the missing piece. Their new-found happiness is threatened when Gavin receives a phone call from a person in his past. Gavin used to find sexual gratification in prostitutes in Mexico.
These were the only physical relationships he has had since he left Corabelle. A prostitute he developed a friendship with has called to inform him that she has been hiding something from him for years. He may not be able to reproduce a child again with Corabelle, but yet he himself will have the fulfillment of being a father while Corabelle will forever have that void in her life. I felt so much pain and sympathy for Gavin and Corabelle.
I just wanted them glued back together, if that was even possible considering how broken Corabelle is.
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I wanted to throw up, to cry. And I really, really wanted to hold my breath, to disappear into the black…I had to face things without escaping. I was amazed by the tenderness and strength that Gavin exhibited towards Corabelle in her fragile state and the possible outcome of his paternity test.
He was not going to walk away from her this time, although he knew he would have to fight hard to keep her if the child is in fact his. All this has happened in the short time-span of one week since the conclusion of the first book, Forever Innocent.
There certainly is more of their journey to be told and hopefully their involvement in the next book will be enough to satiate me. Dec 13, Chris rated it it was amazing Shelves: If you haven't read Forever Innocent do not go any further, because you'll miss out on a huge amount of the story.
As the description says, this is the continuation and conclusion to what was started in the first book. That being said, I absolutely loved the first book and this one was just as good. Where there things I wished had been done differently in this book, yes. Through most of the story, Cora is in the hospital leaving Gavin to deal with her family, school, and work on his own. Cora's family is NOT in anyway happy that Gavin is back in her life. Her dad just makes things so much harder for both Cora and Gavin to deal with and work through. Cora's mom is a little less intense but she's still not happy with Gavin.
Rosa literally dumping the complication of having hidden a child from Gavin for all these years, that initially made things look bleak for a possible HEA. Was it a true HEA for me, not yet, no. It really is a working for an HEA because they are so young and have lived and dealt with so much already. To me it glossed over the more important parts of Cora's mental healing to focus on Rosa and the drama with Gavin. Again, though the rest of the book was satisfying enough for that to only be a minor issue in my enjoyment of their story.
I highly recommend this book to anyone that read the first one! I look forward to the tie-in book that will focus on Tina's story. Dec 26, Michelle rated it really liked it Shelves: In this second installment of The Forever Series , Ms. Roy weaved the elements of guilt, loss, shame, love and healing throughout the book. It allows us to make up for the past mistakes and get it right the second time around. They say love heals and for Gavin and Corabelle, it took them years to finally get it right.
Guilt and shame haunts them. A life was lost and another was born. The past will always be there to remind them. But through their rough journey, Gavin and Corabelle braved the elements. Forever Loved is one of those stories that will stay with you. My heart ached for these two and I loved how Ms. Roy delivered this emotionally, heartbreaking, and moving tale of forever love. I was consumed with how raw this book is and I would recommend this book to anyone who believes in the power of second chances, forgiveness, and love.
And I think this quote sums up Gavin and Corabelle the best: It isn't a fairytale or a storybook. And it doesn't always come easy. It is a short word, easy to spell, difficult to define, and impossible to live without. Jun 19, JoJo rated it really liked it. I must admit, I have not read the first book of this series, Forever Innocence. However, it does need to be noted that I was neither confused while reading this, nor was I feeling like I was missing information.
There were plenty of flashbacks within the story to recap and guide the reader along. Furthermore, it should also be noted that this is not just some fluffy, light romance. This book is real. This book is deep. This book wrestles with true trauma. This is not a fairy tale, it's real life I must admit, I have not read the first book of this series, Forever Innocence. This is not a fairy tale, it's real life. Truly, I was impressed with the amount of research the author must have conducted for this book on the following areas: Once again, this book deals with true trauma.
Not just some girl whining about her boyfriend not meeting her standards, about a girl who grows up too quickly along with a boy who had to grow up in the face of trauma, and how they endured the excruciating process. I do recommend this book, it's a reality check on romance. I had to take a day or two to mentally process and digest before reviewing, but I am very glad that I was presented with the opportunity to read it.
It is a book that is memorable, I certainly felt like I was rallying along side the characters for the happy ending that DOES eventually come after much hard work. Nov 20, Jammie rated it it was amazing. If you read my reviews you know that I was rocked to my core by Forever Innocent. It blew me away in so many different ways. But after reading the teasers online I decided that I was ready to read it. Ok wit If you read my reviews you know that I was rocked to my core by Forever Innocent.
Ok with all that being said, I have to say that Forever Loved was a really really good book. Letting Gavin and Corabelle begin to heal is an intricate part of this book, but in order to heal you must first begin to deal with what hurt you in the first place. And for Gavin that seemed a little more difficult considering he was the cause of more pain for Corabelle. We watch as they both must learn that they can overcome the hits that have come their way.
Is it easy no, but is anything worth having really easy? There is always work involved and short cuts pay off. And they are learning that. I was really glad to see that Gavin and Corabelle got the ending they deserved. Did I love this book, yes by far it was a fantastic ending to the story. They have been together since they were fifteen. They were strong enough to get through anything, right? Again, I have to say that in this book, as I have said in the other books, I love the parents.
So no matter how perfect they seem, there are going to eventually be problems. Every book in this series gets better and better. Jay McLean, as a writer, gets better with each book. I admit that I am addicted to this series. This is something I plan to continue doing. I think you will fall in love just as I have. View all 31 comments. Jan 03, Patrycja rated it it was amazing. More Than Forever Series: Jay McLean Release Date: My adoration for them was instant.
Seconds after meeting this bunch of funny and sweet teenagers I connected with them. From that point I knew I had to read every story McLean will write about them. I really adored previous instalments of More series, but after reading about Cam and Lu Title: He made it stop. He made it better. He made me fall in love.
They always shined brightly and made everything just a little bit better, even though they were only secondary characters. More Than Forever finally gave me the chance to learn absolutely every detail about their love; love they found while being only There is so many wonderful things I loved in this story. The witty banter, laugh out loud moments, beautiful heart-to-heart conversations, irresistible characters and fabulous connection between two main heroes made More Than Forever beautiful read.
View all 32 comments. LuvLaw Nice what a relief!!! Agh I hate such women: I need to get caught up!! Beautifully done review, Patrycja. Cam and Lucy were one of my favourite couples of the series. And after seeing them a few times in the previous books, I wanted to know how they came to be. I was a bit worried that their book wouldn't end up being good for me and that I would get disappointed. But, that was not the case. I freaking loved this book. It's probably my favourite of the series. I actually loved the way this book was written.
It starts off by showing the reader how Lucy and Cam met, which wasn't during the best of circumstances. I had no idea how much pain and heartbreak these two had gone through. What I thought was going to be a light read, became so much more. But, I had no idea all that she went through after her mother passed away. It was painful to read. She had no one until Cam came into the picture. I loved seeing her slowly become stronger. It was so wonderful to see him support her and take care of her. Lucy was great, quite mature for her age. Once she came out of her shell, I loved how funny she could be, especially when she was drunk.
I loved her book nerd ways and the weird funny random comments that came out of her mouth. He is the most amazing and perfect boyfriend ever!! I seriously want him for myself. He was just so kind and caring when it came to Lucy and her younger brothers. He made me melt so many times with his sweetness. But I also loved when he became all alpha and jealous of anyone who looked interested in Lucy.
It was just awesome. I loved seeing how he was raised and I loved both his parents. Mark was the best, even if he wasn't Cam's real father, I loved how much he cared for Cam and how he was always there for him. What I really enjoyed was all the antics in this book.
Forever Loved
It was freaking hilarious!! I loved seeing all the other characters from the previous books in this one. You just have no idea how much I laughed at all of the stuff that happened and the hilarious banter. Which I was grateful for, because there were a lot of sad parts that had me crying my eyes out. I really loved the fact that even though Lucy and Cam's story intertwined with the other characters, she didn't go over it in detail.
I mean we already know what happens from reading their book. So, I was glad she made this completely Cam and Lucy's story. But, it was also really beautiful. I felt a lot of different emotions. I smiled, fell in love, relived first times, and cried so hard. But, I loved it all despite the hurt. They had so many ups and downs throughout their years together, but their love only got stronger. The ending and epilogue were beautiful.
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Like I mentioned before, this is now my favourite of the series. I just can't stop saying how much I truly loved this book. So, you are just going to have to read it for yourself. Now, I can't wait to read he next! View all 40 comments. Jul 26, Sep 10, Wendy rated it it was amazing Shelves: While I am waiting for some awesome books to be released, I am re-reading some all time favorits of mine. This one is definitely in my "all time" top 5. I have read this book so many times already, yet it never gets old.
The reason I am so in love with it, is because it gave me so many feels One minute I was laughing my ass off and the next is was crying my eyes out. Laughing, crying, cursing, swooning I loved every single second of it. These two were the best!! So let me introduce you ; Lucy is just a teenager 15 when her life completely changes, when her mother dies. She is trying her best to keep her family together, but everything is falling apart.
Because this is when Cameron comes in. Even at 15 years old, this boy stole my freaking heart. He is her little brothers baseball coach and he also goes to the same high school. He has seen Lucy aroud and he knows she is struggeling. From the moment he saw her, he knew that she was it for him and he tries his very best to be the rock that she needs His eyes drift shut.
He lets out a groan. And then I touch it. What I also loved about this book was the supporting cast. Cam's mother was amazing, but it was his stepdad Mark that blew me away These two might have been young when they started their relationship, but they knew exactly what they were feeling and what they wanted. It was awesome watching them grow older and Lucy A book geek with a big mouth!! They go of to collage and hat's when the troubles start. My heart broke into a million pieces reading about them struggeling.
I know Cameron didn't mean to, but he still brok her heart I didn't hate him though I could never hate him. Because the last thing I ever wanted was to hurt her. He will never give up on Lucy. These two are real soulmates, I don't think one would be able to survive without the other This review is posted on Wendy's Wycked Words View all 20 comments.
For Lucy "Clitorusaurus-rex" Preston and Cameron Aladdin Gordon they can say it was fate that brought them together at Unfortunately at the time the fate that brought them together was Lucy's mother passing away. Cameron stepped in and helped Lucy when she needed it. He became her strength and support. He saved her when she didn't t 5 - Best of the series - Stars "Love has no limits.
He saved her when she didn't think she needed it. He became a role model for her brothers "Because in a time of nothing but pain, and anger, and emptiness, and hurt They are like two peas in a pod, always together and always wanting to be together. It's almost as if they live for each other. As they grow up and grow together, life happens and Lucy and Cam have to continuously fight to keep their love strong.
They have college, work, new friends and other commitments all before them. What happens when the one person who you always rely on is no longer constantly there? You guys are forever. If you two can't make it work, then we're all screwed. When I finally got to the end I almost felt a Celine Dion would have been appropriate for me and my happy tears, so here you go.
I tend to agree with Lucy and think they look weird. ARC provided by the author for an honest legit review. View all 24 comments. Nov 20, Brandi rated it it was amazing Shelves: It was beautiful, heartbreaking and hopeful. When Lucy's mother passes, she is struggling to hold on, helping care for her brothers and dealing with her own grief. He is determined to help Lucy. I'm so pre-occupied reading her. They were so ad 5 stars "You still make my world stop, Luce. They were so adorable, I loved everything minute.
But as time passes, they face new challenges, life is not as easy as it once was. Watching them struggle, broke my heart. The pain and the loss that they experience. Through everything, their devotion to each other never wavered. But their love for each other always shined through. I absolutely adore this series and highly recommend it to everyone! View all 59 comments. Oct 12, Mersina Seena rated it it was amazing Shelves: My review will be a jumble of thoughts because I only just finished the book and all my emotions are running inside my head! Firstly, Jay McLean once again has delivered a book so perfect, enough silly, enough smiles, enough laughs, enough drama and most of all enough love.
Before you even open this book, you MUST read the previous 3 titles in the series: Anyway, back to the story We start off when L My review will be a jumble of thoughts because I only just finished the book and all my emotions are running inside my head! We start off when Lucy was only the wee little age of And the first few chapters of this book absolutely broke me! I have not emotionally gut wrenching sobbed cried because of a book in so long. The first few chapters hit to close to home for me, but McLean does it justice and has so beautifully written a very hard emotion.
But McLean you broke me for a little while there!! But it was all worth it, because as Cam mended our Lucy together, I felt as though he mended me in the process. And Cam, my god there are no words I can use to express the sheer fabulosity that is Cam! When he steps up and faces Lucy's father for her, I absolutely melted for him. That line he says when Lucy laughs for the first time after her mother dies, "You make my world stop, Lucy.
It's a crazy roller coaster ride! I don't drink but I felt like a needed a drink on more than one occasion! Even though you know going in that they had love from the start, it was not an easy ride for them. At first loss and heartache! And then the funnies! And then the insecurities! And then a certain picture was drawn and I have never felt so much betrayal while reading a book! I was so emotionally upset, that I had to stop! And then the hurtful words were said!
And then the most saddest, heart wrenching heartbreak ever! And that stupid no good for nothing Roxy! Hands down, McLean can make you hate a character so much that I actually hate the name Roxy now! That thing needed to be bitch slapped! She was just a total Bitch and heartless cow! AND then your heart stops. Because you realize that you now have to wait for the next book. Like a years wait!
But McLean will give us some new goodness in the coming months to tide us over until our next installment of the MORE series.
View all 5 comments. Jan 05, Geri Reads rated it it was amazing. They were the quintessential high school sweetheart. Which is also why I was nervous starting this book because no relationship is that perfect, right? And really, what if Jay McLean would ruin their story for me…forever? Turns out, my fears were utterly unfounded. Not only is their story perfect, their lo 5 Cam and Lucy stars!
Not only is their story perfect, their love for each other is even more breathtaking than I could ever imagine. This book gave me everything; love, angst, jealousy, humor—oh, God, the humor—and then some. I was utterly captivated by Cam and Lucy together. Cameron Cameron is an artist. That sums up Cam perfectly. He is just awesome. Lucy If heartbreak had a face, hers would be it. She's funny but there's an underlying sadness in her character that I found endearing. She carried the entire world in her shoulders when her mom died.
She was forced to grow up very fast. She was utterly alone until Cam. It was a heartbreaking time for Lucy who just lost her mother to cancer. A year old girl suddenly left alone with a big responsibility of taking care of her younger brothers after her own father suffered a breakdown of sorts. Watching them fall in love was just amazingly sweet. I also enjoyed seeing Lucy and her family especially her brothers.
It was full of angst. Some of the things that happened to Cam and Lucy broke my heart. They knew they were going to be forever. They know they love each other very much but sometimes life happens. They had to go through some rough periods in their relationship. It hurts to read about them but the end result was even better. They certainly did come out of better people and stronger together. I thought Logan and Amanda was my favorite in the series. Turns out, I was wrong.
This is, without a doubt, my favorite in the series. View all 28 comments. Geri Reads Shawna wrote: Does this work well as a stand alone or should series be read in order? I got this when it was on sale for. The previous did appear in the book but are not intrusive to the overall plot. Oct 09, Cameron promised her forever, but will their forever be possible? When Ive highlighted half the book I know Ive got myself a winner. This book has everything I love: Granted I would have liked a little more L 5 stars With the stress of looking after 6 brothers, Lucy finds a little hope in Cameron.
But all those small issues didnt matter to me because the romance between these two were adorable and heart clenching. My fav couple of the series. ARC provided by the Author View all 34 comments. It just makes her books that much more fun. If someone gives me more than a minute I am going to be pulling my book out to read even just a page or two.
More Than Forever (More Than, #4) by Jay McLean
I picked up reading again after college as a distraction and became addicted again. Lucy reads for the same reason: Her mother is dying and she is eldest child and only girl in a family of seven children. Lucy is my favorite female character in this series for many reasons: We share the same love of books, B. She is so freaking funny, C. She loves with all her heart and takes care of everyone else. Did I mention drunk Lucy is a sarcastic bitch? So yes, I love Lucy. Cam was immediately drawn to the girl who was seemed like she was in her own world, oblivious to things going on around her.
While he wwas present he mostly drank and left Lucy with the burden of caring for them. Cam takes it upon himself to step up and help her. Through this they build a friendship that eventually turns into love. Do you think that is normal? To be sixteen and feel like your life begins and ends with one person?