Biblical Advice For The Christian Life
Say farewell to selective loving. If you have a hard time loving your enemies, pray to God to provide understanding through his Holy Spirit. Work and pray for others to the best of your abilities. Care for people who are in need If they are sick or in pain pray for them and when they ask for help. Giving does not always having to be financial, it can be in the form of perishables or clothing.
Treat others kindly as you would like to be treated. Even simple acts of kindness like holding a door open for someone are good deeds that can help you feel less paranoid --because then you feel that others should think well of you and of your testimony in Christ. Strive to live a quiet life. You should mind your own business and work with your hands, just as we told you.
The source of all sin is ones' own selfishness greed, lust, hate for others, murder, theft, etc. Share the good news openly! Remember, living the Christian life through your actions will show others that God must be working in your life. Always stick up for your beliefs such as being conservative in good morals and liberal in giving your own goods-- not being a Robin Hood or "welfare-monger" profiting off poverty or welfare-cheat, but planting seeds in others towards Christ by grace through faith, which always results in good deeds which are a result of salvation and never a means to salvation.
Make special efforts to fellowship with other believers. It is a wonderful thing that God wants Christians to unite in church and Bible study evenings--so do not think of others as hypocrites or hold yourself out as an example. Give the credit for any good that you may do to God and to God's blessing. You will find it a blessing to talk with Bible study members about the Christian life: This may be called being accountable--being open to share your views or any misgivings and weaknesses.
Practice what you preach. Jesus gives us a very good example in Matthew 7: Volunteering is a great place to start for a Christian who is sure or unsure of what God wants them to do. For example, you could take a shift at a soup kitchen near you, or visit people staying in a nursing home. You could ask God to help her to repent but she has to repent herself since she bears her own cross and can only submit it herself. True, you can pray for the Holy Spirit to guide and assist her.
Not Helpful 9 Helpful What can I do if I try so hard to live a righteous life but the devil keeps messing with my head? Jesus' name is very powerful, remember that. Not Helpful 25 Helpful Yes, you can watch TV unless your sect of Christianity forbids it. Just make sure you're not watching anything unholy. Remember, God wants you to have a pure mind.
Not Helpful 20 Helpful It will really help you focus on the sermon. Before you go to church, make sure you're not playing on your phone or doing anything to keep you distracted. Not Helpful 17 Helpful How can you keep your mind and heart from sin? How can you learn to stay faithful to God? Everyone sins except for Jesus. God made Jesus into a human without sin.
That is why God said to follow Jesus by example. When you do sin, pray for forgiveness. Stay faithful with baby steps.

Instead of listening to pop songs, listen to Christian songs and sing along. Start going to church every Sunday.
How do I live and grow stronger as a Christian?
Volunteer at your church. Distance yourself from people who are negative - but don't hate them; love them. That is what Jesus tells us to do. Not Helpful 12 Helpful Well some people say they're Christian but their action don't say it. I felt that sometimes I am the same. So I decide that I will just be quiet and to show righteous and godly actions. Please tell me if I am wrong or is it a good example? True, some people call themselves Christians but aren't Christians in their hearts. Yes, you should do righteous actions and keep quiet. Naturally, if they see your righteous actions, they'll follow suit.
Your goal is to maintain godly actions and stay away from immoral actions. Not Helpful 11 Helpful He should accept Jesus Christ in his heart and believe that He is the only one that died on the cross for our sins. Not Helpful 24 Helpful You get some verses in Proverbs about the wise working and the folly slacking.
Jesus also reminds his followers through his parables to be vigilant and work hard, such as in the one about the Wise Man and the Foolish Man building their houses. Can I smoke, curse, use people, and speak in tongues, and still be a Christian? If you continually do these things of the world, how could you belong to God? For if you belong to God, you don't belong to sin and the world. Ask for Jesus' help, and you must be born again through the salvation of Christ. He will help you if He knows you're willing to change. God doesn't answer prayers on the basis of how good you are.
What Does the Bible Say About Living A Christian Life?
He has a plan for everyone, down to the tiniest detail, so sometimes you'll ask for something, and He'll say no even if it's a perfectly righteous request. God loves when you talk to Him and He takes prayers into constant consideration in His master plan, so live a faithful life and trust that He'll take care of everything.
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Not Helpful 14 Helpful Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered. Already answered Not a question Bad question Other. By using this service, some information may be shared with YouTube. Tips Read the Bible as many times as it takes for you to understand it. Love other people and remember that being a Christian is more than following rules; it's about loving people through your love for God.
Forgive yourself and others.
Be humble, see the good in people, and share God's love and your knowledge of him. Don't pretend to be better than others.
C.S. Lewis' Top 5 Tips about Christian Living
Trust in him with all your heart and you will see miracles happen. Remember that being a Christian is a lifelong journey toward benefiting others in Christ. Don't expect to be free from sin and error overnight and do not judge yourself or others harshly. Maintain good morals and good habits that glorify God in your body in everyday life; not to brag or boast, but to glorify God. Remember the heart of your faith should be love, not an obligation to check off these boxes. Remember to pray for the needs of others then yourself.
There is one advocate like a lawyer as your representative before the judge: There is also one mediator between God and human beings--a human, the Messiah--Jesus Christ. Distance yourself from the pleasures of the flesh. Warnings Prayer is powerful; do not underestimate it. Remember that God loves everybody, and we should too. Never lose faith in God.
There will be times this happens in life, we are not perfect and not called to be. Peter reminds us to share the reason for our hope, but with "gentleness and respect". Do not be rude or violent in spreading the faith. When you are confused as to how to live a Christian life, just ask yourself one question "What would Jesus want me to do? If you are still unsure than pray to God for help, then reference scripture. God is generous to everyone and doesn't find fault with them. God answers all prayers, [1] and He will say "No," to any prayers that are unjust or hurtful.
Pray that His will be done in you, because He wants the best for all of us, and He changes all bad things in our life to be good, if we'll trust in Him to do so. You can know a Christian by his fruits, but that is a positive statement. Remember that only God can save and has already saved. There is one judge of all; love others as you love yourself. Never forget what the definition of "Christian" means And as the Spirit of the Lord works within us, we become more and more like him. God forgives all manner of sin when we repent sincerely. In Bible reading there are some parts in the Old Testament that are Israel's genealogy, history or legal system which seem archaic and uninteresting.
The Old Testament books like Isiah, Ezekiel, Daniel, Samuel and several others are especially interesting because of prophecies predicting the future and stories of miracles. My husband does not have time for me and children. Please help me live a normal life. Hi Susan, we are praying for your marriage. You may find these articles about marriage helpful: Hi Harmony, We are so glad you commented. You are making me grow spiritually, and now I know how I can live a Christian life.
I have been blessed with this teaching! My eyes have been enlightened! May the Lord continues to bless you! Thanks so much for bettering My life.
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Pray for me too so that I could live the rest of my life in Jesus Christ. I just need a spiritual gift. I am a Christian. I suppose to have married but am facing financial challenge.
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I need prayer for financial breakthrough and spiritual breakthrough. I dont get it…. Hi Alvin, these articles may give you some clarity: This site would be really helpful for you, and you can chat with people about Christianity — https: These are very good instruments to use in walking with God daily. I thank God who gave His children the to acquire the knowledge of understanding the Scripture. I am blessed and comfortable reading this one, knowing that Pastor Graham is a true believer.
I am grateful that places like this will continue spreading the Gospel. Hi Jason, we are praying for you and we encourage you to listen to this one minute audio clip: This message is going to make my Christian life, a little simple. I need the special grace of God to help me practice it everyday. Remember me in prayer, please. I have a great family, home, food on the table etc. However I have not been a strong Christian.
I have sinned, asked for forgiveness and then sinned again. I have difficulty being a good man in Gods eyes. But today I have decided not the first time that not only do I want the holy spirt to take control of my life, I want to be a amazing man of God!! I want to pray always, love and not hate. Not judge and to fear God.
I want to pray over others and let God perform miracles. You may find this website helpful. Here you will find direction and encouragement for your pursuit of the Way, the Truth, and the Life. I am a leader in a church and want to learn to teach one day and help my pastor. Our church needs Bible basic principles teaching studies.
I will keep on looking at your Christian Living Guidelines. Hi Joe, if you go to this website https: You can also read a daily devotion at https: January 10, at 3: June 8, at January 10, at 4: January 10, at 5: January 10, at 6: January 10, at 8: January 10, at January 11, at January 11, at 5: January 11, at 7: January 11, at 8: January 11, at 9: January 12, at 3: January 12, at 4: January 13, at 1: March 6, at May 1, at 7: July 12, at August 9, at 1: John Lee Oakley says: August 17, at 4: August 31, at 3: September 12, at 6: September 15, at 4: November 16, at 2: November 30, at 4: December 20, at 6: December 30, at 4: January 11, at 4: January 20, at 5: January 21, at 2: January 24, at 2: January 25, at Edward Adusei Poku says: February 11, at 5: Marvin Tom Reynolds says: February 12, at 9: Nashon Onzere Muhando says: March 24, at 9: Adi Marica tuikoro says: March 27, at 1: April 23, at 1: April 24, at April 28, at 5: May 7, at 9: May 14, at 7: May 30, at 2: May 30, at 5: June 1, at June 7, at 2: June 9, at June 12, at 4: June 22, at 2: June 21, at July 8, at 6: July 20, at 1: July 27, at 9: August 17, at 3: August 22, at 2: December 12, at 9: August 30, at 8: August 31, at September 25, at 5: Derrick Kofi Boamah Patterson says: September 26, at 2: September 28, at 2: October 5, at 3: October 10, at 5: October 12, at 6: October 20, at October 21, at 8: October 23, at 2: October 25, at November 3, at 7: November 16, at 4: November 17, at 4: November 20, at November 23, at 4: November 28, at 1: November 30, at 2: December 5, at 5: December 10, at December 11, at 4: December 17, at 3: December 13, at 5: December 26, at January 17, at January 17, at 1: January 17, at 4: February 6, at 8: January 26, at 3: February 3, at 4: February 9, at 1: February 10, at February 16, at 5: March 1, at 6: March 16, at 9: March 26, at April 1, at April 4, at April 5, at 2: April 14, at April 16, at 5: April 20, at 8: April 21, at 3: April 22, at 6: April 24, at 6: April 27, at May 2, at 9: June 4, at 6: May 7, at 8: May 13, at 2: May 17, at 8: May 18, at 5: May 24, at May 24, at 3: May 25, at 8: June 2, at 4: June 6, at 5: June 8, at 3: June 16, at 8: June 20, at 7: June 24, at 1: June 26, at June 26, at 8: July 19, at 4: June 28, at 5: July 3, at 7: July 11, at 3: July 11, at 7: July 16, at July 17, at 6: Kelvin Obukeowho Ibomor says: July 22, at August 12, at 2: October 29, at 6: August 13, at 2: August 15, at 1: September 12, at 7: Jawhar Aziz II says: August 17, at August 18, at August 18, at 4: August 22, at 5: August 25, at 3: August 27, at 1: August 28, at 2: August 28, at 3: