Back to the Garden of Eden
Free will is necessary for us to be able to grow as spiritual beings. Yet it is this aspect of free will that allows us to go against our nature.
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Just as animals followed their nature, it is because they do not have free will. Yet mankind too has a nature, it is just that we have a choice. We may follow our true nature or rebel against it. Our true nature is not one of animal instinct, but of spiritual elevation. This is because we are the children of God. However, we need to be aware that the flaming sword still stands between us and the Garden of Eden, yet it is a sword not held by some angel, but a sword that we, humanity holds in our hearts.
Before we deal with that, we need to mention one more point. Jesus constantly told his disciples that the Kingdom of God is at hand. We must want to return to God, to join the kingdom, to reenter the Garden of Eden. But to do so, we must put down the flaming sword. What is the flaming sword that keeps us from entering the Garden of Eden, that keeps the Kingdom of God at bay, that separates us from God?
It is the flaming sword of violence. The Flaming Sword of Violence. The first weapons that mankind designed and developed, other than picking things up to fight with such as stones, sticks, and the like, were swords. Weapons were developed so that the fire of temper could act out its aggressive tendency. Good, defensive people had to learn how to use weapons to defend against the fire of the malevolent savages. Swords were tempered in fire to make them stronger.
As mankind developed the working of metal, an understanding of fire and how to harden a blade for maximum cutting power was developed. Forging the metal of swords became an art of specialists who could create blades that could cleave a man into. Yet it was the attitude of the people holding the blades that kept the fire in the swords.
How Psychedelics Take Us Back to the Garden of Eden
For the warrior who genuinely fought to establish and support peace, the sword was not wielded in anger or hatred, but out of love for the people whom they protected. While there have always been soldiers who had that kind of heart, many of those who sent soldiers to war, or soldiers who wanted to go to war, have hatred in their hearts and fight from the fire in their souls. While people of peace have always tried to keep and establish peace, people with fire in their hearts have sought even better ways to kill. This lead to the use of another type of fiery sword, that of gunpowder.
Explosives create fire that kills and creates an even higher level of violence. As has been seen in war after war, the more people fight and kill, the more people want to fight and kill. Finally, the seeking of a greater fiery weapon lead to the greatest flaming sword that has yet been developed on the Earth; the nuclear fire of the atomic bomb. This flaming sword has been held over the head of mankind like a damnable sword of Damocles ever since it was developed.
For with this sword we can totally destroy all of humanity, an insane position to be in. Yet one we brought on ourselves because of the flames of our hatred and the fire of our tempers. It is time for mankind to put away the flaming sword, something God has given us the ability to do, especially through the teachings of Jesus.
We must return to God, join the Kingdom, and reenter the Garden of Eden.
Let's get back to the Garden OF Eden!
Now immediately there will be those who say that this cannot be done. That with the differences between Christians, Jews, Muslims, and the philosophical differences between East and West, thus Hindus, Buddhists, Shintoists, and the many other religions and philosophies, that it is totally impossible that mankind can put down the fiery sword of hate and violence to ever reenter the Garden of Eden. And I must admit, for mankind this is an abject impossibility. But my friends, we do not have to do this alone.
We must do it with God. All Things are Possible. With God all things are possible and nothing is impossible for us if we but seek to do all things with God. We must let go of all the things that would separate us as a race, that is the Human Race. We must let go of all philosophies that would divide us and accept the differences that each of us possess. There is a key that exists in all of our faiths and ideas that can unite us. This is the key of love. God is love, for us to return to God we must become completely filled with love. This would be a love that cares for all of mankind, no matter where they come from, or what they believe.
It is a love that would allow us all to live in harmony, despite our differences. God is the Father of all. There is no person on the Earth who is not a child of God. Due to our cultures, nationalities, and religions, we see ourselves as different. But do not we all have flesh and blood? Do we not all love those close to us? Do we not all yearn to let God hold us to His bosom, in whatever way that we believe? It is time to realize that the world is a small place. I have loved every student that has been in my classes, whether in a church or in a Dojo. I have had Buddhists, Hindus, Muslims, Jews, Sikhs, and people from all denominations of Christianity in my classes, and have loved them all.
Did Adam Ever Return to Eden? | Bible-Science Guy
Yes we are different, but we can choose to love one another and live together in peace by accepting our differences. This is the Way that can lead to humanity once again entering into the Garden of Eden. This is not a goal of being up in heaven, for what of our children here on the Earth?
Do we always want their lives on Earth to be one of hellish violence with the threat of war and suffering, or do we want a return to the paradise that God intended for us. The fall of mankind was one of rebellion and the choice to do evil, that which is wrong.
The Kingdom of God is at hand. It has always been at hand, but our hearts of violence have kept it at bay.
The Development of Self Consciousness and Morality in Genesis 2-3
Let us put down the flaming sword by extinguishing it with the coolness of love. Carhart-Harris works at Imperial College London as head of their psychedelic research group, and at around He suggests that psychedelics might create a brain state and subjective state that was the default resting state for humans at a previous stage in our evolution.
The reason behind this hypothesis is that during a psychedelic experience, there is greater connectivity between areas of the brain that are not ordinarily connected. This reflects the brain state not only of individual humans at an earlier stage of our development childhood but perhaps, as Carhart-Harris suggests, an earlier stage of our evolution as a species. Carhart-Harris asking what he thought about this, and he agreed, saying also that it is hard to test. More on this later. Peterson has an interesting take on the story of Adam and Eve in the Bible, drawing on recent work by an anthropologist named Lynne Isbell.
Isbell describes how snakes were the first predators of mammals living in trees, and how our primate ancestors likely co-existed and co-evolved with snakes.

This specialized snake-detection circuitry is the primary reason humans have such good vision. Isbell also describes how a diet that included fruit or nectar would have been required to give the brain enough nutrients and neuroprotection to develop in the way described. Compared to other mammals, humans have much better depth perception as well as ability to see colour. This, according to Isbell, was to see snakes but also spot ripe colourful fruit among tree branches. So together, the combination of snake-detection and the need to consume fruit while living in trees played an essential role in our evolution into the creatures we are today.
If one takes a symbolic, non-literal view of the stories in the Bible, the story of Adam and Eve is accurate in the way it describes our evolution as a species. The fruit, the tree and the snake did in fact make us human. But enhanced vision was only the beginning, as it led to further cognitive and social capacities that make us what we are today.
In the story in Genesis, Eve sees the snake and it causes her and Adam to eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. But vision is also explicitly connected to the development of self consciousness, or self awareness. They sew fig leaves together to create clothing and cover themselves from the outside world. Knowledge of nakedness — vulnerability — is only possible with self consciousness. Adam and Eve can finally see. Their now-transcendent vision… produces within them a vastly heightened self-consciousness… a precondition for genuine individual existence.
Enhanced vision may also have contributed to self consciousness through the development of language. In her book, Isbell describes how language likely originated from the ability to point at objects, which is critically dependent on vision. Language is fundamentally social, and requires the idea of a self in relation to others to serve its communicative function.
Human self consciousness also includes the ability to remember the past and project into the future. This is made explicit when God says to Adam:.
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God condemns Adam to a life of work in the fields — work itself as a concept necessarily depends on an understanding of the causal relationship between the present and future. According to most Biblical scholars, the story of Adam and Eve also describes the development of morality — the ability to make moral distinctions.
This is why the fruit comes from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Morality follows from self consciousness because it, like language, is a social phenomenon. Awareness of oneself as a distinct entity in relation to a social group and outside world is a precursor for its existence.
Thus we see how the development of vision leads to self consciousness and morality knowledge of good and evil in humans, as described in Genesis.