Sarge Gets a Timeout (Humorous chapter books for children ages 9-12) (Sarge In Charge)
To undo the damage, we need to pass a constitutional amendment that explicitly makes what should be an obvious point: To be a person, you have to have a navel. The good news is that Americans are up for it. For more information on Jim Hightower's work - and to subscribe to his award-winning monthly newsletter ; The Hightower Lowdown - visit www. Horton home at Sage Meadow before March 31st, 1. Must bring this ad on your first visit to the community.
Valid for new contracts ot Soge Meodow only. To qualify for this special offer, homes must be sold by March 31st, 1 ond must close within 30 days of contract dote. Actual terms of sole moy vary. Additional restrictions apply ond discount offer is subject to change without notice. Move-in ready homes ore subject to ovoilobility. Doesn't apply to cancellations, rewrites or transfers. Prices, plans, features, options, ovoilobility ond co-broke ore subject to change without notice.
Additional restrictions moy apply. Square footoges ore approximate. Offers expire March 31st, 1 austinchronicle. And six times, since , voters have rejected the proposal. The current City Council has expressed sup- port for SMDs - with varying degrees of enthusiasm - as have several candidates run- ning for council seats this spring. The census data, central to any geographic delin- eation of the city, was released days ago. This arrangement was specifically a response to complaints that minority citizens were not fairly represented on City Council, which elsewhere had often led to anti-discrimination lawsuits and single-member districts as a solution.
DeWitty came close to winning a council seat in The mayor would then be the only council member out of 13 to run citywide. That said, there remain potential racial side effects to any SMD proposal. She feared it could lead to a dilution of African-American representation, so she co-sponsored a council proposal that put burdensome criteria on any plan before it could be sent to voters. The mayor says he prefers a election, in order to lay ample groundwork in support of any plan and to include SMDs alongside additional charter changes; the City Charter allows for only one charter election every two years.
We want a bill introduced this time. My constituents continue to believe, and I do as well, that it is a good idea for the city, so I reintroduced the bill again this session. But if asked, I will say I have to oppose his bill because I feel a more important principle is self-determina- tion - let the voters make that decision rather than the state. I would hope you could have a straight up-and-down vote, and hope- fully it would pass. State law curiously dictates that any city with a popula- tion of more than , with a government elected at-large i. The group she more recently co -founded, ChangeAustin.
We think heavy voter turnout is going to be good for this issue as it is for any issue. The model is also supported by Rudy Williams, an Eastside neighborhood association leader and veteran of previous SMD attempts. He feels a more organic approach to the SMD conversation is needed.
Full text of "The Austin Chronicle "
As Austin is the largest city in Texas, and indeed in the country, to elect its entire gov- erning body at-large, the advantages of a change appear obvious. With a raised profile and a fresh set of census data, it seems the end of the at-large system may be soon at hand - but only if the populace pushes for it. But with almost a million now, around , - it becomes very difficult, if not impossible, to adequately represent people all across the city. Along with calling for a vote on single-member districts in , Mayor Lee Leffingwell is expected to propose a suite of related changes to the City Charter at his State of the City remarks this week.
He hopes the changes will lower the barriers to entry at City Hall, cut election expenses, and increase voter turnout. Before they can be adopted, the following proposals will receive further vetting and would have to gain council approval to appear on a ballot. Leffingwell has spoken in favor of a arrangement that would create six geographic City Council districts, with two at-large council seats, and an at-large mayor. If a vote passes, the city would see its first SMD council election in Current council terms are three years, with staggered elections: The mayor proposes abandoning runoffs; winners would require only a plurality, as is the case at the state level.
Leffingwell is considering a proposal that would maintain current limits for districted elections but increase the donation limit for citywide campaigns. Lamar Across from Central Market www. They start dropping like leaves. I moved to Lubbock in Since then, once a year, sometimes twice or thrice, someone significant to me has died. Those to the east go gray first. Clouds over- head soon do the same, while the eastern clouds darken. That glow deepens slowly. Every sunset is the same but different. If the sky is clear, there are no colors, just a steady dimming until the western hori- zon gleams.
Or there are wisps of clouds here and there that color lightly or brightly before they fade. Wonder, grief, laughter, wistfulness, a flush of fear, a surge of courage. Sometimes a stubborn pride at simply having lived. Dixie and George have been in my life since I was in my 20s and they were in their 50s. Or are you drinking tea these days? Dixie died just shy of her 91st birthday. We loved to drive these plains 55 miles for our favorite piece of pie.
We loved watch- ing baseball. Now George is dead. At the counter of a Clarendon diner, two seats away, a teenage boy kept glancing at me. In its center he built an A-shaped bookcase more than twice my height. If you wanted a book higher than your reach, you climbed at your own risk. Why spoil a legend? Ron was there in the spring of Ron was a classical pianist, so George rented a baby grand. George wanted the piano carried up that stair. George took the top spot, Ron and I the bot- tom. George lifted his end and started up the stairs; we took our end and followed.
I promise you that piano was as light as an empty suitcase. No weight at all. We just kind of glided it up the stairs, Ron and I, gawking at each other, feeling a bafflement on the edge of fear. George could do that kind of thing. He called himself a psychic. His last instruction to me was that I remember something I once quoted to him: Was George an honest man? Lucky, in which Cary Grant says: I live by it. He relished chi- canery for its own sake - for the fun of it - and he kept in practice, right to the end.
He was good to me. To some, he was anything but. Twenty years ago, the doctors gave George six months to live. He wrestled with his cancer all this time, like Jacob with the angel: It made him think deeper. Dixie died a year or two after their strange house burned down. It was struck by lightning in a rather complicated fash- ion. To put it gently, their marriage was unusual. Some people called him a con man. Both views are supported by the facts. He and Butch discussed life and death in their brilliant, abstract fashion. Me, I get less and less abstract as I grow older. We go to them.
We spoke some more. A timeless time passed. Suddenly George said, with a smile in his voice: That was no special sentence. But from that man, at that moment, those words were a precise and elegant finish to a long, exceptional story: Dealer participation may affect final negotiated price. All pictures for illustration only. From the moment the performance ended 17 months ago, people have been asking Allison Orr when she is going to present The Trash Project again. The unusual dance pro- duction, created with the cooperation of the city of Austin Solid Waste Services Department and featuring 24 department employees and 16 large sanitation vehicles, made such a profound impression on the people who saw it - transforming the way they view the men and women who pick up their trash and recycling - that they were eager to see it again and for more Austinites to see it, too.
The encore performances will again be at the former airport tarmac outside Austin Studios, feature the same sanitation vehicles and Solid Waste Services employees as before, and will again be free. The only dif- ference will be that instead of providing seat- ing for people as she did with the origi- nal production in , Orr will provide seat- ing for 2, - about the number that actual- ly showed up for the performance. A link to the campaign can be found on the Forklift website, www. To remind those in attendance just what she was talking about, she showed a few min- utes of film from the documentary that Andrew Garrison has made about The Trash Project, then introduced three project partici- pants, all SWS employees, to share their tal- ents.
What, in a state as big as this one? For more information, call or visit www. They may just hold up a sign, or they may ask for change. Daniel Rudin, a second-year graduate student in the studio art program at the University of Texas, has undertaken a project to address that attitude and related issues: More importantly, in times of economic hardship, it is important to reactivate the conversation about the result the current economic crisis has on the least privileged of Americans.
Thompson, an associate professor at the UT School of Social Work who focuses on high-risk youth and their families, with a special emphasis on runaway and homeless youth populations; Ben Callaway, a graduate student in the UT School of Social Work and for- mer case manager at the Austin Resource Center for the Homeless; and Tiffany Ryan, a doctoral student at the UT School of Social Work who is study- ing homeless youth but has experience working with adults and families that are homeless.
The panel discussion will take place Friday, Feb. The event is free. For more infor- mation, call or visit www. However gifted and inspired a writer Tennessee Williams may have been - and he was as gifted and inspired as any the American theatre has produced - he was not a writer whose work first hit the page in finished form. Those landmark plays for which he is best known - Streetcar, The Glass Menagerie, Cat on a Hot Tin Roof, Summer and Smoke, The Night of the Iguana - were the result of many revisions and drafts, some of which took the plays down very different roads than the ones we know.
He would sometimes rework a play over a span of years, as he did with the drama Battle of Angels, which by he had transformed into Orpheus Descending. He had a kind of intuition about a story and characters not hav- ing fulfilled their truth, and he just kept teasing out more from these stories. Like, how do you know when a sentence is right? How do you know when a story is finished or a poem is fin- ished? Sometimes he would find something. It was a way of imag- ining.
Williams liked being in this imaginary world. He was more comfortable in it. He wrote and rewrote, and what it was was an ongoing dia- logue with himself, taking his moral and emo- tional temperature almost on a daily basis. You spoke of his intuition. Did he respond to the criticisms of others?
Yeah, sometimes too quickly. In what is considered his great period, which was his great period, he collaborated with the greatest direc- tor probably of the 20th century, Elia Kazan. And his collaboration with Kazan was incred- ible because it was based on absolute trust of the opinion and capability of another. Williams was organizationally challenged in a lot of his plays, and because of how he worked and rewrote these things, the fact that he kept revising and taking the characters down other paths, he never knew quite which version was right. And what Kazan did for him was really set boundaries and challenges and challenge him to write better.
So they had this extraordi- nary collaboration, which accounted for a lot of the great work. My speech is going to deal with some of that, but the thing that was instrumental in making Williams a playwright and finding his voice was sex. He was a stranger to his own body until he was about But with sex is the beginning of knowledge and curiosity, and once he was able to free himself from his inhi- bitions, and it was a kind of ongoing battle, it opened up a universe of feeling and people and experience that gave him his themes.
He internalized his family, and they were his cast of characters essentially - if you can imagine a series of mannequins that he dressed up in different postures and set out. There are other people, of course, but Gore Vidal called his family his repertory of actors, and that is what they were. He had uncanny access to his unconscious. A Prairie Home Companion, Garrison tells homespun stories in two special performances.
Presented by your drinking buddies at austinchronicle. And as he changed, the plays changed. The subject of my talk is the out-crying heart of Tennessee Williams, and that heart cried out differently at different times. And the source of that outcry was hysteria. And his struggle as a playwright was how to contain the hysteria and keep it in his life and in his plays from suffocating the project. It helps make his work so ripe for parody. And he could parody himself, as in The Gnadiges Fraulein.
It verges on that. Take Maggie the Cat. Maggie the Cat wants to claim her inheritance. He finds a correlative for his own actual need and then speaks it through the character. Williams in his writing hid himself away, and the plays allow him to be found. How do you feel trying to sift through that life as a biographer? You have to have a point of view because you are trying to synthesize and interpret an absolute Himalaya of material.
The guy wrote eight hours a day for 40 years. And, of course, within that there are always going to be contradictions. But I think there is a psychological through-line which makes sense for not only his own behavior but what is behind all the plays. But that comes out of a psychological understanding, I hope, of hysteria and the hysteric as a person. I think a good direc- tor always interprets the text. But there is a thin line between interpretation and desecration, and I would say that the recent [Gordon] Edelstein production of The Glass Menagerie - which changes virtually every scene of the play by mak- ing Tom a kind of doppelganger, a shadow of the scenes, writing it down - changes what the play is in its essence.
This is a real problem for Williams. Williams, when he wrote, just wrote. He wrote in a fury, and he wrote for long periods of time, and at the end of the day, there would be piles of paper at his feet, and he would simply scoop those pieces of paper up, and there were many ver- sions of his plays. I think this is wrong. This is the script he gave his imprimatur to, and anything else is wrong.
The meanings of the play change. You sud- denly have a love story where there was no love story, symbols where there were no symbols. I mean, I could make a collage of A Streetcar Named Desire from all the different drafts and have the wackiest story going at the end of it. One of the problems is that once Williams died, and once [his sister] Rose died, there was no reason for the Williams estate.
Once she died, the rights went to Sewanee, who benefits from the money. Call or email us to schedule an appointment: It really is not right that people who are seeing these plays for the next generation are not see- ing the plays as written. Yes, interpret them within what Williams sanctioned. No, you just need intelligent and tal- ented people to stage it in an intelligent and talented way. The audience has noth- ing to do but go. For more information, visit www. Saturday, March 5 8: Now that's where you'll find all of the greats.
Every noun is cinched in filigree; every verb is an urging forward. Her short story collection, St. Russell manages to wander Florida archetypes without exploiting them. Like the plucky protagonist, alligator wrangler Ava, Russell wrestles, but instead of taking on crocodilian mismatches, her thousand-pound monsters are memories, char- acters, ghosts, and verbiage. Through it all, Russell dangles pulpy bits and juicy descriptors like so many live chickens over gaping maws. Sometimes the tease is in the taste; sometimes entire meals make their way down the gullet.
And when darkness - and this tome gets dark - begins to weigh heavy in the bog, she, like Ava, knows all the right countermoves and surren- ders to her own buoyancy to guide it all back to the surface, home. Well, check out all that we have to offer. Lamar 9 am - 1 1 pm everyday shop online at: Ben White North Austin N. IH 38 the Austin chronicle February 25, 1 austinchronicle. The evening started out with fabulous original music by DJ Manny omigod - world- class talent and Claude 9 that led into a musical set by Chrysta Bell and David Garza; meanwhile guests were served multi- ple courses by Hosteria Verde Supper Club and cocktails from Lucky Featuring not one but two dazzling Boudoir Queen fashion shows called Glam Dolls of Knightsbridge with makeup by Jacqueline Fernandez for Bleach Online and hair by Propaganda Salon , the evening was a beautifully pro- duced affair that might have benefited from a slightly faster pace.
Write to our Style Avatar with your related events , news , and hautey bits: The band Spoon will be awarded the Soundtrack Award for its contributions to film. Tickets, tables, and other info are avail- able at www. Multiple courses prepared in your home from start to finish. Circle will have a grand-opening party on March Kraken , a barleywine aged 10 months in oak half of it in American oak, half in French , and Vol.
The idea behind the series is to brew regular Saint Arnold staples with different yeasts than usual. Dainty, clean, and full of light, the bakery space is very Parisian, as are the pastries: The macarons, however available in handsome gift boxes as well as individu- ally , are the stars of the bakery case.
These delicate, feather-light confections, made with small, delicate rounds of bat- ter slowly baked and sealed together with buttercream, are available in a shocking rainbow of colors and flavors, including lavender, Strawberry-Champagne, choco- late, cardamom-honey-orange, lemon, pas- sion fruit, pistachio, rose, vanilla, and car- amel fleur de sel.
As macarons are becoming increasingly in-vogue due to their elegance and vivid coloring, sales have been spectacular. All of the coffee drinks at La Patisserie are made with Lavazza espresso and French presses. Teams of offensive linemen from four area high schools will compete in a rib- eating contest See details at www.
Olympic gold medalist and swimmer Garret Weber-Gale will demonstrate his prowess in the kitchen with a cook- ing class featuring healthy food as fuel for fitness at Central Market Cooking School N. Wednesday, March 2, pm. Wednesday March 2, 7pm. WOOD Central Texas pastry and sugar artists, both amateur and professional, will have the opportunity to strut their stuff when Capital Confectioners hosts its annual That Takes the Cake! The highlight of the week- end will be a screening of the documentary Kings of Pastry www. For complete details and schedules and to buy tickets, go to www.
Just Desserts reality baking competition program www. The interviews will take place at Olivia S. Lamar on Wednesday, March 2, from 10am to 2pm. The James Beard Foundation recently announced the nominations for best regional chefs and pastry chefs around the country. Ten chef contestants have been cho- sen in each of 10 regions around the coun- try, and the public is encouraged to vote for the winners from Feb. Finalists in each region will appear in the magazine.
- The Day My Parents Got Lost.
- K9 Commando: Police and Army Dogs from New York to Berlin.
- The 10 Commandments for Raising Money for Non-Profits on Twitter (Social Caffeine).
- The Crown of Wild Olive.
- War of the Gods!
To vote for your favorite Austin chef, go to www. And the greatest part was, we could! At tem- peratures that high, it only takes 90 seconds for a pizza to fully cook, and if you leave it many seconds longer, it will bum entirely black. When you bake it perfectly, however, it is marvelous: The chewy dough is crisp on the bottom and bubbling, with a few blackened flecks and perfectly softened toppings.
The type of pizza Cirkiel wanted to make determined the oven, and the oven in turn has determined the rest of the menu at the backspace. So the menu inclines to dishes quick-roasted in cast-iron vessels in very hot ovens. The antipasti are described on the menu in the typically frank Cirkiel way, by a listing of ingredi- ents. The salads are good and a nice break from the piping-hot nature of the rest of the menu. Both salads are heavily oiled and vinegared; if you prefer light dress- ing, be sure to request it. The pizzas are the drawing card and are thought by many to be the best in town.
The dough, in order to not bum on the brick floor of the oven, has to be wetter and lighter then typical pizza dough. To develop robust flavor, the dough is proofed for three days before use. Cirkiel and Rupp started developing a sour- dough starter for it seven months ago; fitting the backspace up to be a restaurant took more than a year, so they had plenty of time.
The pizzas are smaller than a delivery pizza, one being about the right amount of food for two people. The toppings are superb, and the combinations are classic: Cheese is not assumed. The wine list is entirely Italian, as is the one and only beer served, Peroni. Although Cirkiel was at pains not to give the backspace a one-word Italian name and to source especially cheese locally, the back- space is about as authentically Italian as you can get without hopping on a plane. First, they moved from their longtime location on Heam Street to the outer reaches of Bee Caves Road.
Eighteen years at the old location was a tough habit to break for even their most dedicated customers. And then, between the time they decided to move and the time they actually relocated, we went from a seemingly thriving economy to one in the doldrums. So they took a look at their new surround- ings, and what did they see? Families with young children to their east and retired folks to their north and west, all with at least some spare money.
That meant they needed to add some menu items that would work as takeout food. The question was how to do it without damaging their hard-earned reputation as a fine-dining restaurant. Their decision was to offer foods they could sell at a reasonable price and still be proud of - classic foods that everyone would under- stand, prepared with the care for which Zoot is already famous. A burger at Zoot? Just having the two words in the same sentence would have been unthinkable in the days before the stock market flopped.
These are archetypal dishes, so familiar you often find them in caf- eterias, but created with exceptional care. Recently, Zoot offered a choice of King Ranch chicken casserole with sides of pinto beans and Spanish rice or spaghetti Bolognese. The casserole was moist and filled with high-quality ingredients, and the Bolognese had a rich sauce that had obviously spent some time simmering on the back burner, as well as a generous amount of fork- tender meat.
Zoot is offering folks a chance to get all the quality and care the kitchen normally pro- vides and to take home wholesome, tasty food for about the same price as an anony- mous chain place staffed with bored mini- mum-wage kids working the kitchen. The economic downturn has been painful, but it sparked some welcome creativity at Zoot. Its takeout is an appreciated addition to our arsenal of dinner options. Offer expires April 30, N. The macaroni and cheese will make you forget where you parked, and you know the brunch is as serious as the wait.
The service is the best in town, but the food is superb on some nights and middling on others. You can order your Neapolitan pizza with an egg on top, or try to beat your friends on all-you-can-eat mussels night. Enjoy live Greek music on Friday and Saturday evenings. The American choices draw raves as well. This is some of the moistest, heartiest brisket in town, and the chicken jumps off the bone.
The smoked boudin sounds intriguing. The menu is half seafood and half grilled, meat-centric Norteho. Try the tostada de pulpo, a pile of tender griddled octopus with scallions and pepper. We hear raves about the puffy tacos. Check out the affordable lunch buffet for samples of its take on chicken korma, samosas, beef nihari, palak paneer, and more. Northern Indian specialties, with loads of vegetarian options and some of the besttandoori breads in these parts. A full menu of clas- sic Italian meals, as well as weekend spe- cials that include rib-eye steak.
Unique treats include aborrajado, a sweet plantain fritter, and bandeja paisa, the national dish of Colombia. The tamales are lighter than air. Enjoy lechon pork that melts in your mouth, a killer Cubano sandwich, or ropa vieja by the pound. Surf, turf, and venison menu items have a Southwestern flair. The lunch buffet and Sunday brunch are among the best bargains in town.
The menu features Korean and Japanese favorites. Breakfast is just as good as lunch, with low prices, big servings, and great service. If you like it hot, you can get it very, very hot. The hot-and-sour soup rocks, and the lunch specials are big, cheap, and delicious. Look for the fresh homemade tortillas, crispy tacos, and slow-roasted beef ribs. Chicken is available in enchilada, chalupa, and fajita forms. Check out the vegan and gluten-free items. You can sit out on the patio with your food.
Those big salads are grown just for you on its own acre farm. Sandwiches are available as paninis or on a fresh half-baguette, and all breads and pastries are baked in-house. Open for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. The daily lunch buffet is highly recom- mended. Excludes daily specials and any other offer.
Not valid Thursdays or Fridays from 5pm to close. One coupon per table. Get your free punch card today! According to Gregg Kilday in The Hollywood Reporter, Oscar producers have also dispensed with the traditional stand-alone set moveable, of course, for those lavish dance numbers many of us love to hate. In keeping with the idea that this is an awards show honoring film i.
And to think it only took 83 years to come up with this idea. In other words, one might be a scene from a film, one might be a more specific time in history, one might be a specific event, one might be a specific genre. I know some deri- sively call her Julia Roberts- or Sandra Bullock-lite, but gosh dam it, I like her. I really like her! Instead, she sat with her knees pinched together, her long calves splayed away from each other in a way that looked both comical and painful, like a newborn, wobbly legged pony - which, media-career-wise, she was.
You could tell the director was ordering quick cutaways from the wide shots to close-ups and two- shots, perhaps hoping that the girl would cross her legs already. I liked Hathaway even more the year she sang on the Oscar telecast. A few more years had passed, adding a few more films to her resume. She was better groomed then, more put- together. And naturally, the camera ; fixed on her. But it was too late. We got a peak at what must have been her inner, gangly girl.
For a full list of nominees, background information, games, interviews, and more, a good place to begin is www. And you can find plenty of preshow hullabaloo on the cable networks. Follow TV Eye on Twitter: E-mail Belinda Acosta at tveye austinchronicle. All three films were nominated for Independent Spirit Awards. The film is a breathtaking accomplishment. Set amid the eerie, parched landscape of the Oregon High Desert and starring Michelle Williams, Shirley Henderson, and Paul Dano, Meek's follows, from a distance, the increasingly desperate fortunes of a trio of pioneer families lost upon and around the Oregon Trail in The Austin Chronicle spoke to Savjani about his work with Reichardt, his New York-based production company, filmscience, and the ever fluxing future of traditional independent film distribution in the emerging digital distribution era.
How did your relationship with director Kelly Reichardt come about? I came on at the tail end of Old Joy to help finish up with post-production, and it just sort of snowballed from there. We were really just trying to get behind films that we enjoy. With Kelly, I just learn from her as a filmmaker. She really pays atten- tion to detail and is always very focused on what she does while being pragmatic about the whole culture of making independent films.
Let's talk about your production company filmscience. Getting independent films seen is both far easier and considerably more problematic than ever before. Kevin Smith's recent Sundance spiel about " indie film 2. Bypassing the traditional distribution method is sort of a per-project idea. That said, it is difficult oftentimes and frustrat- ing for independent films to be able to generate real revenue that can keep them afloat and continuing to produce independent films.
It's pretty much anyone's guess what film dis- tribution will be like in two years , much less My little cousins and relatives watch fea- tures and TV shows on their laptops all the time, and I never saw that coming. The digital delivery mechanisms will only get better, and their libraries and content will become more and more robust.
It's kind of depressing to think that the communal , social , and cultural aspects inher- ent in the act of going out to a theatre to see a movie may be on the way out. But yeah, that communal aspect of going to the movies is so important. Management at the local PBS affiliate declined to comment on the negotiations.
Radio-Television-Film Department Chair Paul Stekler said he is still waiting for details from UT administration but hoped shared space will mean real teaching opportunities and not just a few internships. Space in the communications complex is at a premium. Currently, the overstuffed college is scat- tered across campus, with some staff based down on Lake Austin Boulevard. However, if ESPN is still aiming to launch this coming September, the crush could get worse next fall.
Beyond the short-term issues, any lease would change that space equation permanently, espe- cially in regards to Studio 6B. Puzzled by the pair- ing? The boys are Bavaria- bound come late summer, when production is set to start. When fan-fiction began to appear, Lucas did not think twice before swatting the very hands that had dug into their wallets to lay down the cash that would eventually make Lucas the multibillionaire filmmaker he is today. But time and perhaps fatigue have changed things. The Clone Wars is now in its third season on Cartoon Network. While produced by Lucasfilm Animation, Lucas is not the driving force behind it - but you can bet the rent money he has final approval on anything that hits the screen.
But what if things had been different? Rewind, if you will, to What if a young George Lucas had access to the social media we have today and started a website encouraging users to help realize a story that takes place in a galaxy far, far away by provid- ing some ideas as to how and why the char- acters interact? What do they look like? What do they wear? What music do they like? How do they change and evolve? In short, what is their story? Austinite Moses Silbiger has. His idea was among the first fan-generated episodes to be accepted and produced on the new Current TV series.
It depends on fan input to drive and shape the story before it airs. But Bar Karma has two powerful anchors. The first is Albie Hecht, former president of Nickelodeon and onetime creator and president of Spike TV He has since launched the digital entertainment studio Worldwide Biggies to create interactive material for use across multiple platforms TV film, licensing. The other force is video game designer Will Wright. Bar Karma has been in active development online since late last year through its website www. Accessible at the Current TV web- site, the application takes users through the entire process of creat- ing an episode from pitch to story develop- ment to storyboarding.
As one online participant remarked, the whole thing can be bewildering. Helpfully, user forums including one specifically for newbies provide tips with a rah-rah spirit. Producers select the most promising of the community-developed stories and then ask the online community to vote on what goes into production for the next minute episode. In the pilot episode which pre- miered Feb.
As a personal leadership consultant, his Press Play To Grow! When he accepted the Bar Karma Facebook page invita- tion, he thought it looked like more grist for his research. I made a lot relationships there with some very interesting people. And this may be where conven- tional TV making and the gaming world come to, shall we say, an interesting juncture.
While conventional TV has struggled to fully realize the power of new media, it remains steeped in its Old World approach to creation with a top- down structure in which viewers are passive participants there to watch the show and, sig- nificantly, to be exposed to commercials. And all that excitement over interactive TV, wherein viewers could buy the same sweater they see a TV character wear- ing with a click of a button? They want an active experience beyond point, click, and buy.
Can gaming-design techniques make for better TY or at least offer a new approach? For his part, Silbiger says yes. ScreenBurn Arcade, panels, evening events, networking opportunities, new video game releases, geek culture, and more! Additional bonus material will be included, such as a deluxe insider's guidebook to Austin with maps, club listings, a calendar of major events and information on unusual places to hear live music throughout the city.
For more information visit www. They do everything from working stage crews assisting performers on and off stage to wrangling lines outside of the venues throughout downtown. A list of the winners will go online that same night, with printed results following in the SXSW wrap-up issue. On a similar note, OTR is tremendously pleased to announce initial confirmations for the release party for The Austin Chronicle Music Anthology, a year retrospective published by the University of Texas Press with a foreword by Daniel Johnston.
For more, see www. All serve as the soundtrack to his artwork, a collection of haunting, life-size wood cutouts that depict the various characters in highly stylized, indigenous garb. Such confirmations dominate headlines, of course, but the real story of SXSW continues to take place on an increas- ingly global stage. Each room has its own theme, with nearly every wall sporting toy action figures that range from the Beatles to Casper the Friendly Ghost. The minute walk-through provides a crash course in Kerr. The guest bedroom studio boasts two mas- sive library card catalogs filled with DAT recordings of sessions he produced for the likes of the Riverboat Gamblers and Fatal Flying Guillotines.
We are born students to a test in progress A test that which cannot be completed or failed Yet the test must be taken. Dozens of gallon paint canisters litter the concrete floor, coated in confetti streaks and splotches, while the back wall illustrates his two current focuses. The left side features a mural of the civil rights activists Claudette Colvin and Rosa Parks. You have to know where the changes are. Nobody knew what the hell it was. It was a completely open playing field.
You can find a common tune that everyone knows and then just sort of take off. The celebration is the same for all of this. Right Now Kerr never really fit neatly into any particu- lar scene. Even the Big Boys - Turner, Kerr, bassist Chris Gates, and a rotating cast of drum- mers - were an anomaly in hardcore history: In reality, the Big Boys never broke up. We just quit playing. Each act culled its own cult following. You can sense where his hands have been, the desire to confront the viewer. Moonshine terror and snotty punk blues, nominated this year for the Texas Music Hall of Fame.
The Beginning of the End The End of the Beginning! Our Schedule Is Change! A blend of old and new taking the direction of southern roots music back to its tra- ditions.
Susette Williams
Their self titled debut record is going to change everything. They are a force that can not and will not be stopped. We're ready for big things from Hudson Moore. Trevino has charted a total of fourteen singles on the Bill- board Hot Country Songs charts. The O's will always be about the song. They'll always be about the party. Their music hangs somewhere "between the two. This year, music fans can also purchase limited edition vinyl as well as download stickers, along with a mini Austin music guide with maps and club listings for the Warehouse District, Sixth Street, Red River, South Austin, Uni- versity of Texas campus, East Side and other venues within a short distance from downtown.
For those of you less schooled in scripture, that means they make music fit for the end of the world, whether it is an interior existence troubled by nightmares and doubt or an exterior re- ality continually plagued by environmental disaster, neocolonialism and unending Wars on Whatever. Recorded over three days in Austin TX with a seasoned band of cohorts from Texas and Nashville on-board the album is a live studio recording capturing the one-take essence of the writing and performance in their minutiae.
Vocals float over big hooks that would make Paul McCartney blush. The album begins and ends with songs of self-discovery ana in between moves through the personally conscious to the? Ruby Jane's genre-deyf- ing, velvet-voiced songs take you through her Texas spirit with intelli- gence and raw emotion. Equally influential was the music and autobiography of Sun Ra, solidifying the theoretical concepts that Kerr had long abided by, like the notion that all sound is valid and equally important, no mat- ter its origin or intention.
The youngest of three and a natural surfer, Kerr began his music education courtesy of AM radio on the outskirts of Galveston, predominately the British folk revival and early recordings of David Crosby and James Taylor. After winning a songwriting competi- tion, the budding guitarist performed at the Kerrville Folk Festival, playing original acoustic material in the vein of Bert Jansch and John Martyn.
He was invited back the following year but broke his arm skating in a pool in Bastrop. Around that same time, Kerr moved to town to attend the University of Texas. Though he prefers cardboard for its absorption, his work splays across wood panels, brick walls, maps, and even blackboards. Late last year, for example, he was commissioned to make portraits to fit in the advertising section of an Arlington, Va.
Everything at the spacious, eight-studio enclave appears art- fully rendered, from the old school bus parked out back to the stripped telephone booth near the fenced entrance. At its peak, there are 23 musicians crowded together, with a small orchestra of guitarists and no fewer than six fiddlers. Kerr sits off to the side, strumming his banjo and tapping his heel lightly to the old-time tunes. This is how tradition survives, why the colors come alive.
The Cameraman, The Nateona! This year, SXSW Film offers even more options for locals to see more great films, and more conveniently! Passes get you access to all SXSW films subject to capacity. Remember, since passes are admitted after Badgeholders, they are ideal for the films in the larger venues, like the Paramount and Vimeo the- aters, the SXSatellite venues, and possibly midrange venues like the State and the Rollins Theater at The Long Center.
Lamar and Alamo Ritz because they fill so quickly. If these Alamo screen- ings are on the top of your list, we encourage you to buy a Film Badge, which are still available at sxsw. These SXSatellite venues are open to badges, passes and single tickets, and offer local audiences a chance to sample some of the great films at SXSW without having to brave the crowds and traffic downtown! Ground zero for guitars, keyboards, amps, effects pedals, mics, mixing software, DJ equipment, music education and more! Flatstock 29 march All styles, colors and techniques of collectible posters are for sale by the artists who create them.
Bring your musical instruments to sell, trade, or have appraised. Buyers will find everything from new, used and vintage guitars to amps, banjos, mandolins, effects, memorabilia, parts, violins, books, accessories and more! Come celebrate this diversity at the third annual Blacks in Technology Meet Up. Open to all new media professionals attending SXSW Interactive as well as those individuals from the Austin community who are hoping to break into this industry. Great peo- ple, great networking opportunities with some of the world's most creative new media professionals - plus lots of FREE refreshments.
MAR 19th Line up includes! Brought to you by: The density of TV on the Radio pulses in the layers, while also hearkening an indigenously informed Microphones and more trance-inducing Shearwater. Instrumentalism, thy name is vir- tual reality. Whistling a spaghetti Western tune in service of early 20th century outlaws, Elm B-3, steel guitar, piano, drone and wingman Woody Jackson guitar, bass, Dobro, jaw harp, coffeemaker lead a lithe posse of rattling and rumbling atmospherics down a crimson path.
Its red, double-vinyl counterpart, with an exclusive 20th track, resequences the bloodshed. One of the counselors praised the recent public cries by Speaker of the House John Boehner and hoped that President Barack Obama who stopped just short of tears at the memorial service for victims of the recent Tucson, Ariz.
Starr said his chair was the only way he could play at the beach with his kids. In December, JPMorgan Chase abruptly ended a program that had allowed military personnel to defer paying on Chase-owned student loans while on active duty. In February, Chase reinstated the student- loan deferments and apologized for ignoring the federal law. Three men visiting Philadelphia in December were charged with a several-store robbery spree, and perhaps luckily for them, they were quickly arrested.
The police report noted that one of the victims who had a gun waved in her face was Terri Staino, 38, the owner of John Anthony Hair Styling for Men and the wife of Anthony Staino - reput- ed to be the No. Alex Good, 15, practicing tee shots with his high school golf team on a rainy day underneath a golf course awning, had one of his drives hit the metal pole holding up the awning, causing the ball to ricochet into his eye, resulting in likely permanent damage.
Despite the fact that the pole was directly in front of the tee, inches away, Good nonethe- less charged the Pumpkin Ridge Golf Club in North Plains, Ore. More impor- tantly, if a spark does ignite, do not use the everyday home remedy for a small flame, i. He told ticket agents he badly needed to be on the flight to San Francisco even though he had forgotten to bring a photo ID. Frustrated, Hall stepped behind the coun- ter and crawled onto the luggage conveyor, where his next stop, minutes later, was the tarmac where bags were being loaded and where he was arrested.
Send your Weird News to: Similar meetings will be taking place across the city over the next few weeks. Go online for a com- plete schedule. Call in to this action-driven conference line to get in on the conversation.
Sarge Gets a Timeout (Humorous chapter books for children ages 9-12) (Sarge In Charge)
King Seabrook Chapel, Chicon. One fundraiser for EmanciPet. Penn Field , S. Taught by a home-birth midwife. MonkeyWrench Books, E. Donations go to progressive community center Manor. E-mail to RSVP for this event. Victory Grill, E. Glenn Maloney Room, W.
Show up early to register your regrettable skin tinc- ture in one of four categories: You may even go home with the grand prize: Red 7, E. You know, the one with the X in it. Brave New Books, B Guadalupe down- stairs , Join a powder-wigged Stanley Roy The Loft, above Silhouette Sushi , Congress. With exhibitors, there should be no shortage of rideable options.
Austin Convention Center, E. Neil Shubin talks about the 3. Activities and an exhibit start at 5: UT campus, Welch Hall , Rm. Visual Arts Center ; 23rd and Trinity. Just depends on the mood. This week features the sounds of Georgette. Admission money goes to the museum, so bring a tip for the band. Spider House Ballroom, Fruth, Most of you already have your Sunday routines carved out: Sprawling out across the Hill Country on your road rager?
Exploring some Eastside markets or trailers on your cruiser? Well, this weekend is soooo ghey. It is Oscar week! The Academy Awards are broadcast this Sunday, and two local nonprofits are throwing events in celebration. Our long-time pal Kitty Murray, she of lez social group Foodies fame that is how we met is being honored, along with Scott Landry. Shake it in the dance contest, or preen to perfection and vie for one of the costume awards. Otherwise, just enjoy this trip in the DeLorean. The Parish, E. Special guest gyrator Sass E.
Delure of Seattle brings some heat from the Northwest. Oh, and one more thing for your radar, if we might? Government Employees Insurance Co. These companies are subsidiaries of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. Words can't express how saddened I am. He was a great guy. May the good,memories of your beautiful marriage sustain you at this difficult time. Im hear if you need me. I'm sorry for your loss. To the Family of Susan M. Please know that so many people share your grief with you to help you through this difficult time of sorrow.
Please accept my deepest condolences as we await the time when Christ Jesus will awaken all of those who have fallen asleep in death; including your Beloved, Susan. Dave was a kind and brave man. Grace, your love for Dave was always so evident. You always referred to him as , "My Dave" God Bless you. Grace I am so sorry for your loss of Dave!!! Sending prayers and thoughts to you and your family!!!! Dear Joe, so sorry to hear about Lauras' passing. I'll always remember her as a lovely person, full of good humor and compassion.
I worked with Susan and we became very good friends. We shared a lot of good times and special memories. I know our good friend Karen will be waiting for you Susan. My heartt is completely broken that I did not get to see Charles Dave before he departed. When I got to work on last Sunday, he and Grace had just left after dropping off Anthony. Dave was truly a family man and a caring person. Though he was ill, he still found the time to visit with his son in Collegeville. Words are inadequate to express the vacuum left behind by Dave.
I pray that the Lord will receive Dave's soul along with all the faithful departed and console Grace as she goes through this period of grief and heart-touching loss. We at Horizon House are tuly grateful that Dave stopped by to say his final goodbye as if he knew. We will miss those Sunday visits and his kind words of hope and calm he always offered Anthony as I was told. Rest in Perfect peace Dave. Grace we are so sorry to hear about Dave. I trust he is at peace in God's loving presence. I cannot attend as I am watching my grandchildren in Cape May.
We will always remember the fun we had with him at our annual dinners and he and I talking recipes in the grocery store! A truly wonderful and kind man! My deepest sympathy to Frank's family. He truly was a gentle giant of a man and it was an absolute honor to work with him for 12 years. He will be truly missed by all his Chelten House family. It is with a heavy heart and deep regret about her illness and passing that I send my condolences to Linda's family.
I have wonderful and fond memories of our childhood together. The family Christmases were particularly noteworthy, filled with fun, joy and love. The family and the world have certainly lost a vibrant and happy person. I have lost a wonderful cousin. Wishing much love and God's blessing, Judy Hudson Strzepek. Buscaglia and Gwen, words can only touch upon my sorrow in hearing of the loss of your beloved husband and father. Please know you're in my thoughts and prayers. May his memory of a life full of love bring comfort in the days ahead. God's blessings to your family. My heart aches for the loss of your precious Dave.
He was such a wonderful husband and father. I want you to know know that I am praying for God to provide you with continued strength and a sense of peace that there was nothing more you could have done. I can only imagine what you have been going through over the past months. Please know that I am here for you if there is anything I can do to provide you with support.
Our love, Sharon and John. He was a little guy at the time. I know Donna has always been a very loving, caring mother and I know her grief must be unbearable. Donna, these are the times that try men's soul. We all love you and pray for you and Alicia. I am so sorry to hear about your mom guys, my thoughts and prayers are with you all. I couldn't have asked for a better Grandmother. You were such a blessing in my life and I'm praying for your much deserved eternal peace and happiness.
I know you will always watching over us. Grace and family, i was so sorry to hear about dave. My prayer are with you and your family. My sincere condolences to the Cannon family on the loss of Dave, I remember him as always pleasant, always had a good word, always made an effort to make you smile while enduring his own pain; and always observed to be very loving and supportive towards his family. May G'd grant him the promised heaven, and ease the sense of loss to his wife, sons and members of his extended family.
Pat, Dana and Michael, I am so sorry for your loss.

Laura was a beautiful person and will dearly missed. I practically lived in the Pinketti house I was the only one mrs Pinketti trusted to be in the house alone I love them with all of my heart. I was the sixth Pinketti child and I wouldnt trade those days in for anything. Mr and Mrs Pinketti you will be missed. Jim was a great person, and bartender, Yes in his shorts he would greet everyone at the Moose Lodge in Phoenixville and always giving great advise and willing to help.
- Health Technology Assessment (Italian Edition).
- Would You Be Left? (Set Apart Book 1).
- WORDS OF PASSAGE: The Original;
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- Mechanobiology of Cell-Cell and Cell-Matrix Interactions;
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He now serving the Good Lord. God bless his wife and family. Very sorry for your loss. Prayers and condolences are with you and your entire family. Dana ,pat and Michael I'm very sorry for your loss your mom was a sweet lady and it's a shame that all the good ones die to young: Jim was a good man, knew something about everything and for many years was part of the heart and soul of the Institutes, keeping things going so we could do what we did. He could make you smile with a quick quip or joke — sometimes even at your own expense — and find a way to bring some laughter into your day.
Laura, I remember you today as nicest and kindest person with a loving smile. Always caring and wanting us to get together, I am sorry we didn't have more time together. You were my dear cousin and I will miss you. God Bless you and all you family. I will keep everyone in my prayers. Dianne, Gabriel, and I cannot express how fully we will feel the loss of our dear friend in our lives. There will never be another like Linda. We are so happy we found the time to visit you and Aunt Chetta last year and to give you the opportunity to hear Dennis sing.
We love you and Aunt Chetta and will see you again when the Good Lord takes us to Heaven to re-unite with you and the rest of our family members who went before us. You made Dennis so happy that day we came because you always called him a "Hood" but that night you told him how proud you were of him and how happy you were to be wrong. You'll be missed and Dennis says he'll see you soon. I wanted you to know that we were so proud to call you our uncle. You were such a handsome man and kind hearted. Dennis cried last night when he was thinking about the old days and how he will never forget how you and Aunt Chetta came to his house to bring his mother a dozen bags of groceries because you both knew how his mother was having such a hard time and you wanted to make sure there was food in the house to eat.
He said he will never forget that. It just goes to show that people don't forget the good things. We enjoy drinking coffee every morning to talk about sports She love her Eagles and Phillies. I will miss her. Linda watch my and kids grew up. Linda was always there for my family and thanks her for been there for us. There no word to express just to say thanks for getting to know you, Rest in peace my friend…… May all the sorrows of today fade away and God's peace and comfort fill your heart.
There no word to express just to say thanks for getting to know you, Rest in peace my friend…… May all the sorrows of today fade away and God's peace and comfort fill your heart. Dear Maria and Joe, I was so sad to hear of your mom's passing. I have wonderful memories of your mom, especially when she teamed up with my mother and Aunt Theresa. She always made me laugh. I know that she is in a better place with Uncle Joe and Michael. Know too that you and your families are in my thoughts and prayers After all the suffering , rest in peace. My prayers to Jimmy's family during this difficult time.
He was a great guy, very friendly, and he loved his shorts! Jimmy will be missed. Dear Maria and Joe, I am so sorry to hear of your mom's passing. It is never easy when a loved one passes. Find strength in knowing that she is in a better place and is reunited with your dad and brother Mike.
I'm sorry I could not be with you but know I am with you in spirit. Will keep your mom in prayer along with you, Joe and the family. Our deepest sympathy are with you all. Love Toni and family. Jimmy was one of a kind. He always made my day when I would see him strolling around campus in his shorts and flannel shirt..
You know it was cold outside when he traded his shorts for sweat pants! He was a good man, and will be missed. Dear Joe and Maria, My deepest sympathy to all of you for the loss of your Mom and my dear Aunt Mary who always had a smile and seemed happy all the time. I have fond memories of her and the family. To Rena and Joe, please accept my heartfelt condolences. Your mother was a wonderful woman and I have many fond memories of her and your family. Having just moved back to Aston and actually live behind Don, I wish I had stopped to say hello.
Hang in there Jimmy. The memories you have will last forever. Time will help, but it's goes slow. If I can help you, please let me know. He's probably hanging out with my Dad. We had very good times with him and Connie. He was always a gentleman. He was a sweet person and a lot of fun. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Love Catherine Mary and Gloria. Cherished her loyal friendship -- lots of great memories--will miss our frequent telephone calls Pat xo. Connie, Eileen, and Danielle, We are sending our deepest sympathy and prayers in your time of loss. Even though I only had the honor of somewhat knowing Nick over the last few years, I know he was a precious treasured gift to his family. Eileen and Danielle you have shared many stories about Nick and all the wonderful things he has done as a Dad and Grandfather. Even though he is no longer with you in body please know he is with you in spirit.
I truly believe the footprints remarkable people leave on our hearts shine through in our deeds and spirit in our own lives. May you find comfort in God, your memories, and each other. All our Love, Mary and Steven. I went to St. Donato's with Judy, and spent many lunch hour's at the Pinketti's house.
And had so much fun. Now that I'm grown and a mother of two grown children. I really admired and learned how to deal with a household full of crazy loving children. Mrs Pinketti was a mom to me to. My thoughts and prayers are with you Judy and all your brother's. You and your family are a huge part of my childhood memories.
And they are great memories. Thank you, Mrs Pinketti for being a great influence on my mothering skills. An easy smile, kind and loving. Uncle June was the strong silent type and always made everyone around him feel good I am thankful to have been blessed for knowing him Our family has so many great memories of your parents and feel like we have lost one of our own with Louisa ' s passing. We loved the visits, phone conversations and laughs over the years. Rest in peace and may the love you have for each other bring your through these difficult times.
Love from all of the O'Sheas. So sorry to hear about your mom! We loved when she would come visit Georgia and bring those yummy cannoli s. She will be missed. Praying for your family! Dear Pinketti Family, So sorry to hear about your mom. We always loved when both your parents came down to Geogia to visit Judy, Nicky and Dana. They were like part of our Springmonte family as well. I will always have fond memories of "Weezie" sitting at Judy's kitchen table chatting it up with all of us. They will both be missed. Lou and Louise were blessed to have such a caring family that loved them both.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Just an old friend who years ago came across an obituary and sadly learned of the Daughter's passing. One of the most heartbreaking things to come across while searching the internet. Now to find the same result. Deepest sympathies and condolences from the past to the future. I am so sorry to hear about your Mom. She was a wonderful person. I saw her last year. He was a man with a huge heart and giving spirit! His kindness and giving sprit will be truly missed! God always calls his angels home first, we do not know why but he does!
His training colleague, Sandra Carthan-Smith. I was so sorry to hear about Tom. He was a wonderful, kind, friendly, helpful neighbor! He lived next door to me and we spoke and greeted each other almost everyday. I will truly miss him. Sending prayers to the entire Rossi Family. May you all find comfort in the happy and treasured memories of Tom. So sorry for your loss have not seen Louisa Pinketti for a long time but my mom and dad made your dad and mom my god mother and father sorry I will send prayers for the family and for them to rip hope my mother and.
Father there all together again Diana. So sorry for your loss. Tom was a wonderful, kind neighbor and I was so sorry to hear of his passing. May the family find comfort in all your fond memories. My sincere condolences to you and your family Jim at this very sad time. In my thoughts and prayers in the days ahead. My thoughts and prayers are with you Jim, and your family at this tragic time. Our hearts goes to the all in Mr. I was so sad to hear of Tom's passing. Thoughts and Prayers to Mr. It was an honor and a pleasure to have known him. My prayers to you and and your family Judy!
I love you, and remember that your mom is resting with Jesus! Bud, I cannot imagine the loss of a child, or what you're going through. I only hope you find some sort of peace and know that Drew isn't struggling anymore. Our deepest condolences to you and Jimmy and your family. Jeni is the 1st Joyer grandchild to pass. Dear Michael and Joe, Please accept my sincere sympathy for the loss of your Mom. You are in my prayers. Mike, Anne, and Joe, I am so sorry for your loss.
My thoughts and prayers are with all of you. If there is anything I can do, please do not hesitate to let me know.
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You didn't deserve what happened to you. I wish you were still here with us. We had 49 Deli department on Lock!! No words can remove your sadness or the heavy heart you are feeling. A great man who tried so hard to make his life happy. My heart is broken at your passing. A great man who tried so hard to make it right. Paul you were awesome in my book.
I will think of you everyday in my prayers. Dear Debs, Chick, Lauren, Emily and the entire Ramagano family, May your hearts be light, your of your Mom be fond and funny, your tears be few but cleansing, your hearts be light and your faith be strong. Wishing you all Serenity and Love. You took wonderful care of your mother. She is finally at peace and home with your Dad and Johnny. Your Mom was a great lady and so funny; what made her funny was that she didn't even know how hysterical she was.
The first thing that came to my mind when I learn of your Mom's passing was that no matter where your parents went in the car, she always sat in the middle of the bench front seat right next to your Dad. It is strange the things we remember. I hope you all keep the good memories close to your hearts and in your minds. My deepest condolences for the family. So happy to have known Pop! He will forever in my heart.
Love you all, Karla. I love you, Grandma. You have a beautiful great granddaughter that I know you are watching down on. She is so sweet; you missed her by six months. We exchanged phone numbers and emails, and talked to each other, often in the middle of the night on FB, when neither of us was able to sleep. She started calling me her Big Sister, and she became my Little Sister. We discovered that we had so much in common, and she became my guide through my early Chemotherapy treatments. I loved Jeni as if she was my real Sister, and just couldn't believe that she would not beat her Cancer.
I have lost my main support person, as we could discuss things others would not get, and I will talk to her in my prayers every night, until we meet again in Heaven. Rest in Peace Jeni, and know that I will never, ever forget you! Much love goes out to Chip, Becky, Marge and Tony and family! You were an inspiration to us all!!!!
Jeni was a wonderful teacher and an amazing person who radiated positive energy. I had the pleasure of working in her classroom as a reading specialist. She touched many lives, both children and adults. Her strength and positivity during her battle with cancer should be a lesson to us of all.
She never gave up. She never lost her humor. She never lost herself or who she was. Prayers and love go out to her family. Rest in peace Jeni. I worked with Paul at genuardis I am so sorry for this tragic incident my prayers go out to all of his family I will miss you Paul rest easy. We'll little brother you are at peace now it was a very sad day but I no you are with mom and now she is taking care of you. Your memory will live on with me forever. It was that Louis laugh, never forget that laugh.
The world is a little more empty without that laugh. Fair winds and tides Louis. Miss you so much, Jeni Our only comfort is that you are with your Dad and all your Grandparents. Rest in peace my dear cousin. Thoughts and prayers are with all of you. Louis was a thoughtful, gracious host to me and my sisters during our recent visit to Philadelphia in April. He was warm and generous with his time and energy, serving as tour guide and liaison between the Backe and Heaney families. Even though our visit was short, I felt a strong connection with my cousin Louis and was looking forward to his planned visit to Minneapolis later this summer.
He will be deeply missed. My heartfelt condolences to my cousins and Aunt Bunny. I came to know Lou 2 years ago in Margate New Jersey while at the beach. What a character and presence he had. Lou, I will miss you coming to the back door of the Becket kitchen with Gretta, sitting down with us to grab a bite and tell a story.
Well Bart this is the saddest day for me. I will say my goodbye and lay you to rest with mommy who will take care of you now. You fought so hard and I am so proud of you for that. We didn't always agree but in the end you always found a way to make me laugh. Remember your favorite saying. Who loves you baby. I will never ever ever forget you. In loving memory of a beautiful person who made everyone in her presence feel special.
Her beautiful smile lit every room. I first meet Jen when she started teaching at Caln School. I was her Mentor. I really didn't have to do much, except helping her with some administrative items. She had a natural affinity for children, and knew instinctively how to reach the students. Jen was one of the few teachers who could be a friend to her students, but knew when they needed an adult, What I got out of this was a life-long friend.
I remember when I would walk into a room and Jen would yell, "hey, Mentor. Jen and I could both be called Super Fans when it came to our Eagles. We also enjoyed getting on Ronnie's case for being a Dallas fan. I regret that Jen never saw the Eagles win a Super Bowl. I love you Jen, and will miss you terribly,. You will be severely missed, Jeni! You were a truly inspirational person, teacher, and friend.
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I loved visiting your warm classroom, which was always neatly decorated with framed pictures of your former students. You were such a dedicated teacher! I feel lucky to be among the many in your fan club. We will continue to pray for your family. Lisa Marie Crane Friendship. I only got to know Louis in April, but I love him so much. He treated me as the long-lost family member that I was, and with much generosity, thoughtfulness, and kindness.
He was instrumental in reconciling our two families. I am heartbroken to just meet him, and then lose him so suddenly. I am grateful that I went to Philadelphia in April, just to have met his beautiful heart. It is still hard to believe you are not here with us. You fought so long so hard and so brave I thought you would live forever and you will in our hearts through pictures and stories.
You are with your mom now. I'm so glad that we go to reconnect after all of those years. May you know rest in peace and pain free. I will miss your amazing smile, those bright baby blues, but most of all your contagious laugh. We will see each other again my friend. I love ya kid!
She made Caln feel like home. Jeni was love and was loved by so many. Louis was one of my training contractors. He was always fun to be around and I enjoyed working with him. I am deeply sorry for his family for their loss. I was up the mountains with Bart and we were on his dirt bike when he took a hill at least 80 degrees,had to check my stats when we got back. Jen was a wonderful teacher and person.
She brought joy to everyone she met. My deepest sympathies to her family and close friends. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Atista family. Bart always made people laugh and he always had a smile on his face. He will be greatly missed so party hardy up there my friend you deserve it! One of the greatest guys that I have ever known. My condolences to the Backe family.
I met Jeni through one of her best friends, Marisa while we were all teaching together at Caln. Jeni was unique and could light up the room with just one of her silly looks or a joke. You couldn't have a truly bad day when Jeni was around. The write-up about her was perfect. Jeni loved people and tried to make the world a better and happier place. It didn't matter who you were and whether she knew you for a long time or just met you I have so many sweet memories of her while teaching and most especially the many inservices we sat through together.
One of the memories that makes me laugh is the day she gave me a ride back to Caln after an inservice at Rainbow. Let's just say it was more like a rip-roarin' rollercoaster ride along all the back roads! We had the radio cranked up and between singing and giggling, it was one of the best hair raisin' rides of my life!
I think back at all the lunches the "girls" had together and the many dinners with all our husbands. Three years ago when she faced a terrible mountain in her life with this cancer, she did it with grace, faith, determination, and humor. I will always remember the last lunch I had with her at the Olive Garden. Out of what seemed "nowhere" she stated that she loved God and she was NOT afraid to die if that was to be. It was hard to know what to say back because she was obviously thinking about that possibility, but it was way too hard for us to imagine a world here on earth without Jeni.
But now the fact that she shared that with us has helped me know where she is and eases the loss a little. I smile imagining that even heaven is a better place with her shaking things up. Jeni taught me to be a better person, to be more courageous and brave, and to smile and find humor and the positive in any situation.
Chip, Becky, Marge, and Tony I hope all the stories that you read and hear from the many people who loved "our Jeni" helps to make the temporary loss a little more bearable and brings you peace and most of all a few smiles. I too have many memories of Jeni from my time at Caln. Her smile and positive approach are a part of all of those memories. She was an amazing teacher and that didn't stop when she had to leave the classroom. She taught all of us as she battled through treatments and all that came with them. Perserverence, positive attitude in the face of incredible odds and the power of hope.
Heaven has truly gained an angel. Hugs to her family, who has given us a model of unconditional love, and her closest friends. May the support of the community that loved Jeni help to ease your pain and lift your spirits when times are dark. I have know Lou since he was young and learning to sail with my children. All from the OCYC will greatly miss him. My deepest condolences to the Backe family. I did not know Jeni personally but as a fellow NET survivor, know of her spirit and legacy from several support boards and she was so loved and appreciated!
I'm so very sorry for your loss Such a sad loss! While Mark was deployed for 18 months, Jeni was our daughters 5th grade teacher. Deployment is not easy, especially for the children. Jeni made sending our daughter to school so much easier because she was always there to support her. Jeni always made sure she was doing ok and when she was having a tough day, Jeni pulled her aside and made sure to make it a little better.
Thank you Jeni for making such a hard time in our lives a little easier! We will never forget what you did for us. After speaking with you just a few short months ago, you still remembered that time in our lives. You were an amazing teacher, always going above and beyond!
Becky - So sorry for you and your family's loss. You have my deepest sympathies and sincere condolences. A day will never pass by without thought of you in my heart and soul. You brought beauty to all of us who were blessed to have known you. See you again one day my friend. Say hey to my two sisters up there in Heaven with you right now. Much love always babe I have many memories of Jen. All of them good. I remember brainstorming solutions with her for how to reach tough kids.
I also remember working on various school committees with her always trying to improve and enhance what already existed at Caln. Lastly, I remember becoming good friends as a result of all of our other interactions. I loved Jen and will miss her unbelievably. She was genuine and real and in the end that means a lot. Goodbye my dear friend! Heaven has gained a beautiful angel May God be with all of the family during this time of need. God Bless Jeni and you all. We never failed to look for Tom at Saint Joseph's University social events, and we always enjoyed the time we spent with him--especially his smile, his good conversation and his warm heart.
We will miss him. So sad to see you go but treasurer our memories with you. Our condolences to your family. I will always remember your courage and strength. Rest easy now, the fight is over. I was so sorry to hear about Camille. She always had a smile on her face. May she rest in peace.
My memories of Louis will always be that of a man with a huge heart giving to everyone. I will miss him always! We have had many good times together, you were always happy and has a big smile on your face. You Mario and Tommy has a great time up the mountains a couple years ago when you shot a deer behind my house, it was a great time and that is how I will remember you.
I know you were suffering in pain and now your pain is gone but I wish you were still here. Prayers for the Antista Family! I didn't know you passed I'm so sad right now I know you were fighting hard and battling cancer now you can rest in peace my friend I will miss you I have very fond memories of you my first memory of you is this you were the first boy I test also have lots of memories in Johnny's place and you don't need street with my friend and I just can't believe you're gone but you're in heaven now rest in peace my friend so I see you in heaven.
A true gentleman and sportsman with a smile that would light up the room. My deepest sympathies to the Backe family for their loss. Marathon Al will be be there to welcome Louie at the pearly gates. To the Giannantonio Famliia, We were so sorry to hear of Tony's passing. Gary and Patty Spears St. I was very sorry to hear about Tom's passing. My time at St. Joe's overlapped with his by just a couple of years, but I got to know him at church as well.
He was extremely gracious and kind and wanted to make sure that younger faculty were treated well. I am sorry not to have had a chance to catch up with him more recently. My thought and prayers are with the family. I miss u jake its real lonley at home I wish you were here. I know your and angel and flying over me and watching over me love u. What' counts in the short journey of life is be aware those who remain when you leave, will remember you with affection and love for the very special person you, Uncle Berardino, have been!
Some of my earliest childhood memories are of Bart. His blond curly hair, his smile He was the first boy I ever kissed. We were about 5 years old. He truly made me feel special, no matter how I looked, or how I was feeling.. He always had a special place in my heart.
Please accept our deepest condolences for your loss ,we are praying for you and your family. Dante and Antonietta never forget the time spent together in Scerni. I am really sorry about Thomas. I visited him on Sunday morning when he was in Paoli Hospitital, I believe for the last time. I asked him about his career, and he told me the whole story, from beginning to end.
He clearly lived a full life, and he enjoyed what he did. We will all miss him. Aunt Mary, we hold you close to our hearts, and remember the good times you had when you were with us. Now you are with so many that have passed before you, and are again sharing with them your joy and laughter. To my loving uncle even thou we're weren't close I f2f o remember the good time I shared with your family when I was young.
I've known since I'm 12 years old At the age of 34 we got together I loved you very much, and due to unfortunate events we have been separated for almost 6 years. Prayers and hugs to all of your loved ones who are missing you right now. I watched you and your brothers grow. I was close to your Mom and I felt like you and your brothers were close to me. Even though I have not seen all of you in a while.
I will miss you very much. God will make you a part of his heaven and you will not suffer any more. Please watch over your family as they have watched over you. God Bless you and Rest in Peace. Rest in Peace Zio You will be missed, always remembered and Loved.. Love your Favorite Irish Irrrishh guy! For many years you have been a bright light with a smile on your face and a sweet something to say.
I will miss seeing you at the JCC so very much. Thank you for the gift of being you. Aunt Mary, Thank you for teaching us how to make all the special Italian goodies during the holidays. Every time I make them, I will remember you, a great, strong woman with the most contagious smile and kindest eyes. Rest in peace, for you are no longer in pain. Bennie you were a good friend, a man of conviction and strength. Your strong ideals and values have left footprints on all of us to follow. Your buddy Nick and Theresa will miss you. Berardino was the "Rock of Gibraltar" a great leader and example for us all to follow.
Berardino was "The Rock of Gibraltar" A great leader and example for all of us to follow!!! Caro zio ci mancherai tanto, spero solo che ora tu sia vicino ai tuoi cari. Aunt Mary your children have said it all ,You went to heaven on the same day our mom did and do believe she came to u and took u by your hand and took u to heaven I want to thank you for all your love ,kindness, for opening your home to all your extended family , the fun , food what can I say about that WOW, you are r a true ITALIAN woman thur and thur , I will always remember as a little boy going to granmom for Xmas Eve with all the uncles, aunts and cousins it was an AWESOME time those memories will last forever I know we all will hold those times in our hearts forever , now you are with your mom, dad and all your brothers,sisters and I can hear my mom say "WHAT A SURPRISE ' ,.
You were such a great friend I will miss you. I know I haven't seen you awhile but you were always with me and in my thoughts. Joe and Karen, Just saw this announcement 7 years later I wanted to say that I loved and admired "Aunt Louise very much.. She was strong and loving and quite memorable, as you know. I also enjoyed the times we spent together.
Wishing you love and happiness. Dear Lord, Take this man into your kingdom and keep him safe until he is reunited with his family. Rest in peace, Tony, your suffering is over. I will miss you. Very fortunate to have Camille as a friend and neighbor,I will always remember her kindness. Words can't express how grateful I am for caring for Lisa,etc.
There was a group of us that were inseparable, Me, Kathy, Trish, Judy, jessy, Darlene, n a few others. We weren't the greatest kids in school. But whenever we did get in trouble, Camille was waiting for us at the rectory. Our names would come over loud speaker, and we knew we had to report to the rectory. So Camille was the1st person we came in contact with, while we waited for father Carbo or Monsinor Busco or father Sharone.
To hand us down our punishment. Camille was like a second Mom to me. Her n Mr Stone kept their eye on me when my Mom had to work. You were the greatest!!!! Mom Mom, It was an honor to know you, thank you for being such a great Grandmother to Ryan and Austin they have learned so much from you, especially how to cook.
We had so many fun times together and I will always remember your laugh. You were a tuff lady and I know that you were in pain this past year but you never complained, We will all miss you but i know that you are in a better place and have no more pain. I am sure that there is one heck of a party going on up in heaven now that you are there, it's all home made pasta and great wine.
Again it was an honor to know you and the memories we had will live on with all of us. Mom, Thank you for all of the years of caring and guiding me. And always loving me through the good times and bad. The hardest thing for me was watching you pass from this world, but I know you are in a peaceful and happy place now. You're gone from us now, but you will always be with us in our hearts and souls forever. I could not have asked for a better Mom. Love You Forever, Dino. Giannantonio, Tricia and John my deepest sympathy at this most difficult time. A wonderful family that I was blessed to be a part if only for a few years.
Much love in this family. I hope all the great memories fill your hearts at this time and carry you through all the days to come. Extending deep and heartfelt sympathy to you and your family. May memories of Rose comfort you and may it help to know that caring thoughts are with you always. Dear Mom, My first memory of you is the first time I met you. My memories of you are many, especially the love you have for your family. They will remain in my heart forever. I will miss making you "your special treats" and hearing how much you enjoyed them as I enjoyed making them for you.
Be happy and peaceful now Mom as I know you are with Dad. Last, but not least I thank you for bringing Dino, "My Husband" into this world.