Medieval Naples An Architectural & Urban History 400–1400 (DOCUMENTARY HISTORY OF NAPLES)
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Italica Press
To ask other readers questions about Medieval Naples , please sign up. Lists with This Book. Jun 11, Melisende d'Outremer rated it liked it Shelves: Focuses on the buildings, civic and religious, thst dominated the Neopolitan landscape in medieval times. An analytical and scholarly account.
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Musto, Apocalypse in Rome: Cola di Rienzo and the Politics of the New Age.
Medieval Naples: A Documentary History, - Google Книги
Berkeley, Los Angeles, and London: University of California Press, Introduction by Ronald G. Boston and New York: Xiii, ; 4 Black-and-White Figures and 3 Maps.
Malkin A Small Greek World. Networks in the Ancient Mediterranean.

Oxford University Press, Amor, Late Medieval Ipswich: Memorie Epicuree PHerc e It deals hyperlinking to accomplish bibliographical info on WorldCat, to Italica Press photo galleries, to exterior net assets, together with electronic data and manuscript collections, on-line reference works and photographs, and to our personal on-line bibliographies and Interactive Map of Medieval Naples. Preface, advent, notes and bibliography; appendices, together with the Tavola Strozzi with key, Map of Medieval Naples with thumbnail key; index.
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