HORTUS DELICIARUM Le manuscrit retrouvé tome1 Herrade de Landsberg (French Edition)
Platonis Dialogi secundum Thrasylli tetralogias dispositi , ed. The Scholia Platonica by W. Clarke 39 , cf. Boethii De institutione arithmetica II, 2 "mundi anima": Leipzig Teubner Verlag , , p. XIV, English translation by B. In Aristotelis Categorias expositio per interrogationem et responsionem , Commentaria in Aristotelem Graeca: CAG , Berlin, vol. I, Chapter 6, p.

Volume 1 pages — ISBN: Volume 2, Chapter 19, p. Teeuwen Mariken , Harmony and the Music of the Spheres. Martianus Capella and the seven liberal arts — p.
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The manuscript tradition of the Anonymous commentary — p. The ars musica in the earliest commentaries on De nuptiis — p. Carolingian scholars produced a wealth of commentaries and glosses, which survived hidden in the margins of a remarkably large number of manuscripts. In the first part of the book, the manuscript tradition of the oldest commentary is taken under scrutiny, and the Carolingian reception of ancient knowledge on the subject of music is opened up and analyzed.
Its relevance for the formation of a new, medieval music theory is evaluated. In the second part, the relevant parts of the oldest commentary are edited on the basis of eight ninth-century manuscripts. It is well known that the Carolingian royal family inspired and promoted a cultural revival of great consequence. The courts of Charlemagne and his successors welcomed lively gatherings of scholars who avidly pursued knowledge and learning, while education became a booming business in the great monastic centres, which were under the protection of the royal family.
Scholarly emphasis was placed upon Latin language, religion, and liturgy, but the works of classical and late antique authors were collected, studied, and commented upon with similar zeal. Eduard Hiller, Theonis Smyrnaei expositio rerum mathematicarum ad legendum Platonem utilium , Leipzig Teubner Verlag , reprint, ; ed.
Jean Dupuis, French translation: Theonis Smyrnaei Liber de Astronomia , Paris, ; cf. Paris, BnF, Fonds grec , 16th c. On the Nature of the Universe and of the Soul ; vital statistics uncertain: The World Soul and Cosmic Space. One of the neglected aspects of this tradition was the development of Christian Neopythagoreanism in Late Antiquity and its rebirth in the twelfth century with the early scholastic Thierry of Chartres. Mathematical Theologies is a ground-breaking study in the history of Western theology and a major new interpretation of Cusanus. David Albertson is a member of Academia. Kneepkens Groningen , Steven J.
Johannes Andreae Mugello, Italia, [? What Is an Ancient Music Treatise? Constantino suo Gerbertus scolasticus S. At the heart of that vision is a developing trend in twelfth-century philosophy that places number and proportion at the heart of the physical cosmos. Irene Caiazzo is directeur de recherche at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique: Caiazzo is a member of Academia. Great Britain and the Republic of Ireland , M.
This collection of essays has been offered by colleagues who have enjoyed working with Glynnis Cropp on her various projects during her career. Like the gentleman offering his ruby heart to the seated lady, these essays are offered with homage, respect and affection.
La B.I.R.E. » Artes Liberales
The editors of this collection have been colleagues of Glynnis in medieval French studies in New Zealand. Supplications to the Pope from the University of Paris , 2 vols. Dillon Emma , The Sense of Sound: List of [64 Manuscript] Illustrations — p. Listening to the Past, Listening in the Past — p. Sound and the City — p. Madness and the Eloquence of Nonsense — p. Sound in Prayer — p. Sound in Prayer Books — p. Devotional Listening and the Montpellier Codex — p. The poly-textual motet is especially well-known to scholars of the Middle Ages for its tendency to conceal complex allegorical meaning in a texture that, in performance, made words less, rather than more, audible.
It is with such musical sound that this book is concerned. What did it mean to create a musical effect so potentially independent from the meaning of words? Is it possible such super-musical effects themselves had significance? The Sense of Sound offers a radical re-contextualization of French song in the heyday of the motet c.
In identifying new audible interlocutors to music, it opens our ears to a broad spectrum of sounds often left out of historical inquiry, from the hubbub of the medieval city; to the eloquent babble of madmen; to the violent clamour of charivari; to the charismatic chatter of prayer. Drawing on a rich array of artistic evidence music, manuscripts, poetry, and images and contemporary cultural theory, it locates musical production in this period within a larger cultural environment concerned with representing sound and its emotional, ethical, and social effects.
Teubner Verlag , , reprint Frankfurt am Main, Minerva , Severino Boetio translati [i. Galonnier Alain , Anecdoton Holderi ou ordo generis Cassiodorum. Galonnier Alain , ed. Monika Asztalos Stockholms universitet — Boethius on the Categories , p. Is he a reliable guide? Boezio, la Filosofia, la Sapienza, p. Boethius, Eriugena, Thierry of Chartres, p. Oberschelp, Brepols Turnhout , , p. Garrison Mary , Nelson Janet L. Catalog of 59 items, many photographed. Die Startseite besitzt momentan die URL http: I, Chapter 2, p. Humphrey Illo , ed. Humphrey Illo , Internet Publication: Humphrey Illo , Boethius.
Hagiographia , a Prologue, 12 chapters, an Epilogue, and 5 Appendices, namely: The 14 Descriptiones include two glossaries of 9th-century Boethian glosses in tironian notes , that is to say Latin stenography [p. To this end, it is equipped with an extensive and up-to-date bibliography on the works, glosses, commentaries, and translations of the Boethian corpus, on the prosopography and hagiography of Boethius, on Boethius and the Liberal Arts , and on Boethian related research.
It is also equipped with a complete Index-Glossary, namely: Scholar at the Carolingian Court , L. See Sections III, IV, and V, an exegesis on le treatise De modo et ordine docendi et discendi On the [good] manner and the [good] order of teaching and learning by Baptista Guarino , fils de Guarino da Verona, , treatise written in and published for the first time in , then in in Strasburg.
Universities in the Middle Ages , M. Wieland,Leiden Brill , , p.
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Masi Michael , Boethius and the Liberal Arts. Disciplines of the Voice in the First Millennium — p. Musici in the Margins: Music, Method, and Memory in the Glossa maior — p.
The Picture of Sound: Reading the Diagrams of De institutione musica — p. Compilation and Meaning in De institutione musica — p. Contents of London, B. Mostert Marco , The Library of Fleury. The Institutionalization of Disputation: Modeled on Socratic and Aristotelian methods of argumentation, this rhetorical style was refined in the monasteries of the early Middle Ages and rose to prominence during the twelfth-century Renaissance. Strict rules governed disputation, and it became the preferred method of teaching within the university curriculum and beyond.
Many examples of medieval disputation are rooted in religious discourse and monastic pedagogy: The polemical value of disputation was especially exploited in the context of competing Jewish and Christian interpretations of the Bible. Disputation became the hallmark of Christian intellectual attacks against Jews and Judaism, first as a literary genre and then in public debates such as the Talmud Trial of and the Barcelona Disputation of As disputation filtered into the public sphere, it also became a key element in iconography, liturgical drama, epistolary writing, debate poetry, musical counterpoint, and polemic.
Introduction to Arithmetic , traduction anglaise , with a study on the Greek philosophy of numbers by: Papahagi Adrian , Boethiana mediaevalia. Hic magis philosophice quam catholice loquitur: But how did the medieval West rediscover it? Where did the text resurface at the end of the eighth century?
How did ninth- and tenth-century scholars react to this complicated book, replete with Platonic lore yet devoid of explicit references to Christ? How did translators such as Alfred and Notker cope with the difficult philosophical vocabulary of the text they turned into Old Englih and Old High German? By examining afresh the manuscripts and available bibliography, he summarises the state of the question and clarifies a few vexed questions raised by previous scholars. Papahagi does not confine himself to a pars destruens: He has taught at several French universities, namely: Peiper Rudolf , ed.
Phillips Philip Edward et Kaylor , Jr. Noel Harold , eds. Noel Harold Kaylor, Jr. Vernacular Translation of the Consolatio: Keith Atkinson, Glynnis M. Boethius in Art and Literary History: Boethius in Religion and Mythography: Romanus Cessario, Graham N. Reedition of The Boke of Coumfort of Bois: Prins Jacomien , Vanhaelen Maude , eds. French, English, Italian, Paperback, Retail price: Le langage des proportions est un langage de comparaison.
Mais comment aborder et comprendre, dans un dialogue transversal, sa dimension historique? Sierra Sergio Joseph , ed. Quaderns de Filosofia 54, , p. Two unknown Carolingian fragments of this classical text afford the opportunity to bring together the research strands on its very early production and reception in the sphere of the Carolingian courts of Charlemagne and Louis the Pious.
He is also the founder and editor-in-chief of the Journal of Transcultural Medieval Studies Berlin e. Tischler is a member of Academia. Troncarelli Fabio , Tradizioni perdute. Troncarelli Fabio , Boethiana aetas. Troncarelli Fabio , Cogitatio Mentis. Weijers Olga , ed. On Dissertations , Douwe D. Breimer, Jos Damen, Joseph S. Weijers Olga , Queritur utrum. French, English, Paperback Livre broche , Retail price: History and Influence 1 , Turnhout Brepols , Weijers Olga , http: Zavattero Irene , Rezensionen — Besprechungen — Comptes rendus, p.
Quadruvium [or Quadrivium ]: Early History of Gandersheim, p. The Nun Hrotsvith and her Writings, p. Hrotsvithae opera , 2nd ed. Leipzig Teubner , ; H. Opera Omnia , Munich Saur , ; P. Deeds of Otto Gesta Ottonis , p. Art Industries in the Nunnery, p. TEI Edition, March 3, Griffiths, The Garden of Delights: Reform and renaissance for women in the twelfth century , The Middle Ages series. Philadelphia University of Pennsylvania Press , , pages, 18 pages of Plates: Curshmann with contributions by T. Series latina , Vol.
Minnis Alastair , Voaden Rosalynn , eds. This is the first comprehensive survey of the major — but much neglected — contribution made by holy women to the religious culture of the later Middle Ages. This volume offers essays by prominent scholars in the field which extend the boundaries of our previous knowledge and understanding of medieval holy women. While some essays provide new perspectives on the familiar names of the unofficial canon of mulieres sanctae , many others bring into the spotlight women less familiar now, but influential in their own time and richly deserving of scholarly attention.
The five general essays establish a context for understanding the issues affecting female religious witness in the later Middle Ages. The geographical arrangement of the volume allows the reader to develop an awareness of the particular cultural and religious forces in seven different regions and to recognize how these influenced the writing and reception of the holy women of that area. Seventeen major figures have essays devoted exclusively to each of them; in addition, the survey chapters on each region introduce the reader to many more.
The Discernment of Spirits in the Writing of Late-Medieval Women Visionaries , and is the editor or co-editor of several volumes in the field. Canonis missae interpretatio , p. A — authenticus, 3. Galonnier, Louvain — Paris, , p. De disciplina scholarium XIII e s. Vander Linden, Bruxelles, , p.
Calligraphies, Les neuf chapitres. Gruber, Boethius …, p. Das Gesetz der Oktave, p. Keil, Berlin, , p. Wege der Forschung , Band , Darmstadt, Gorlach Marina , Taylor Jeffery H. March 19, Sold by: Enabled Amazon Best Sellers Rank: Share your thoughts with other customers. Write a customer review. Amazon Giveaway allows you to run promotional giveaways in order to create buzz, reward your audience, and attract new followers and customers. Learn more about Amazon Giveaway.
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