Grandfather’s Love Pie
Grandfathers Love Pie Illustrated Edition.
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Grandfather's Love Pie by Miriam Gaines on Apple Books
Continue shopping Checkout Continue shopping. Chi ama i libri sceglie Kobo e inMondadori. Grandfathers Love Pie by Miriam Gaines. Buy the eBook Price: In this first contribution in our new series, A Taste of the Past , a young mom remembers her beloved grandfather, and the sugary treats he often made just for her.
Oh, how sweet the memories The writer's first birthday, Oct. I believe I have my grandfather partly to thank blame? My grandfather and grandmother eloped to Colorado in In between the fighting, Pop did what he did best—he cooked.
He became the chef for his fellow officers and higher-ranked officials. And when he was finally home, he was head chef for his family. There was nothing that Papa loved more than watching us devour what he made on any given day.
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And he never, ever forgot dessert. I always felt Pop made dessert especially for me, his chubby, sweets-loving granddaughter.
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I would sometimes catch him beaming at me, all messy-faced and sticky-fingered. How his smile and hearty laugh would light up the entire room! It was always amazing: As I got older, the pies seemed to get even more delicious, prettier, and, ultimately, simply perfect. Pop passed away on December 16, , when I was a senior in college.
I was—I still am—devastated. I always will be.

And I baked all the time then—for my family, for my friends and boyfriends.