Cupiditas: Evils Root
His novel Evil's Root was also a finalist in the same contest.
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Evil's Root is set in South America. Like the author's political thriller In Deep, it is full of twists and turns, romance and adventure, with dark underpinnings that show how powerful, ruthless political and corporate structures cast shadows over the lives of all of us.
In this exciting mystery, you'll meet fascinating characters you'll never forget: Drug lords, mass murderers, a courageous old grandfather, and two young Americans brave enough to confront the greatest power on earth. Published first published May 27th To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up.
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To ask other readers questions about Cupiditas , please sign up. Lists with This Book. This book is not yet featured on Listopia.
If you're old enough to have taken typing classes in high school, you might remember this sentence. It came to mind as I finished reading Michael Segedy's Cupiditas: This author, a teacher and poet, is trying to deliver a critical message via fiction: He uses a real false flag event taking place in South America as the basis to deliver his message--the real murder of the two Peruvian journalists.

As I read Cupiditas I regularly consulted online sources, finding matching reports, and all that I could do was shake my head. In a time when our own CIA clandestine service brags online that it serves its "customers" not its country , this only reinforces the message of a captivating book written by a teacher who is telling us to pull our heads from the sand, before it is too late. Now is the time for Misty marked it as to-read Jun 12, Joyce marked it as to-read May 24, Since entering practice I have become director of my division, obtained an MBA degree, and have a mature practice.
What should be clear to many is that our national spending on health care is not sustainable; it is a deliberate and short sighted, if not Ahab-esque, descent into collapse. Although drug companies and patents, end-of-life health care costs, and defensive medicine all contribute to this tremendous expenditure, physicians help out with their own little nut called out of network fees.
Radix malorum est cupiditas - Wikipedia
The scope of our specialty is constantly under the threat of erosion—orthopedists now perform the majority of hand surgery and many perform microsurgical extremity reconstruction; otolaryngologists now perform all the head and neck reconstruction in numerous medical centers; breast surgeons are increasingly interested in oncoplastic reconstruction; general surgeons and gynecologists do a large amount of body contour surgery; ophthalmologists, dermatologists, oral surgeons, and facial plastic surgeons perform the spectrum of facial aesthetic surgery; and everyone under the sun is doing injectables and fillers.
This is certainly not to imply that quality care cannot be rendered in these circumstances—in many cases it certainly may be.
But we have all seen complications from practitioners who perform procedures out of their scope of training; and treating complications from misadventures in medical tourism is on the rise. Our specialty is rooted in reconstruction.
the root of evil is desire
Although some of us are maniacally focused on maximizing surgical fees, dropping out of plans, and cherry picking patients, the rest of our specialty is eroding. The days of extravagant fees for complex reconstruction certainly will not last forever this has been said for a while, but can it? When whatever happens with our health care system works itself out with this president or the next and when the high reimbursements cease to exist, the specialty that is left will be far smaller than the 1 we entered.
Is that the legacy we want to leave?